Première Catégorie
[May 9]
Tennis Club - Violette AC
[May 16]
C.A.S.G. lt Sporting Club
Gendarmérie 0-3 US Haitienne
[May 24]
Tennis Club - JSH
US Haitienne - C.A.S.G.
[Jun 11]
Tennis Club - Sporting Club
[Jun 21]
Tennis Club bt C.A.S.G.
Champions: Tennis Club
Deuxième Catégorie
[Jun 6]
Petit Club de Lalue - Vénus Club
RCH - Petite Jeunesse
Première Catégorie
Champions: Violette Athlétique Club (Port-au-Prince)
NB: Violette played 7 matches, winning 6 and drawing 1
Première Catégorie
[Jun 22]
Archaie - Aiglon [3rd match of the season]
[Jun 29]
RCA - Violette AC
Champions: Racing Club Haitien (RCH)
Deuxième Catégorie
[Jun 22]
Verdun - Red Star
1e Championnat Inter-régional 1932
[Apr 17]
Jérémie ppd Cayes
[Mar ?]
Gônaïves 3-5 Cap Haïtien
[date ?]
Port-au-Prince - Gônaïves
[Apr 25]
Jérémie - Cayes
Port-au-Prince Championship
Première Catégorie
Start: Dec 6
[Dec 6]
RCH bt Melbourne
[Dec ?]
Violette AC bt JSH
Ecole Militaire unk St. Georges
St. Georges lt RCH
[Dec 21]
RCH bt JSH [5th match of the season]
[Jan 17]
Violette AC drw St. Georges
[Jan 23]
Ecole Militaire 0-1 Melbourne
[Apr 10]
JSH 1-1 Melbourne
[Apr ?]
Violette AC bt Ecole Militaire
RCH 2-0 Ecole Militaire
[Apr 24]
Violette AC 3-1 Melbourne
[Apr 30]
St. Georges ppd JSH
[May 5]
RCH ppd Violette AC
[May 8?]
JSH awd Ecole Militaire [Ecole dns; awarded to JSH]
[May 14]
Melbourne 2-1 St. Georges
[May 22]
St. Georges 6-1 JSH
[May 26]
RCH abd Violette AC [abandoned; awarded to RCH]
Table (based on known results):
1.Racing Club Haitien 5 5 0 0 - 10 [RCH] Champions
2.Violette AC 5 3 1 1 - 7
3.Melbourne 5 2 1 2 - 5
4.St. Georges 4 1 1 2 - 3
5.Jeunesse Sportive Haitienne 5 1 1 3 - 3 [JSH]
6.Ecole Militaire 4 0 0 4 - 0
Deuxième Catégorie
Start: Dec 26
[Jan 23]
Amazone - St. Jacque
[Feb 13]
Equipe Universitaire 1-0 JSH
[Feb 27]
Quisquéya - St. Georges
[Mar 5]
Service Technique Club - Etoiles Haitiennes
[Mar 12]
Etoiles Haitiennes - Amazone
[Apr 23]
Etoile Haitiennes 2-0 St. Georges
[May 14]
RCH 1-1 Malgré
[May 21]
RCH 0-2 Etoiles Haitiennes
Troisième Catégorie
[Jan 2]
Etoiles Haitiennes - Etoile Polaire
[Jan 23]
Quisquéya - Etoile Polaire
Champions: Petit Racing Club Haitien
Première Catégorie
[Nov 22]
C.A.S.G. - Patria
[Nov 29]
Tennis Athlètique - US Haitienne
[Dec 6]
Velox SC - Sporting Club
[Dec 13]
Violette AC - JS Haitienne
[Dec 20]
C.A.S.G. - Gendarmerie
Deuxième Categorie
[Nov 21]
Velox SC - Petit Club Sportif Haitien
[Nov 28]
Racing Club Haitien - Vénus Club
[Dec 5]
Aiglon Sportif Haitien - Petit Club de Laluo (?)
[Dec 12]
Junior Athlétique Club - Petit Jeunesse Sportive Haitienne
Coupe Pradel
NB: final of Port-au-Prince championship
Final [Apr 22, 1943 ("jeudi saint"), Parc Leconte, Port-au-Prince]
Etoile Haďtienne 4-3 Racing Club Haďtien
[Massou 0-1, Moscova 0-2, 0-3 (48'), Roger Beauvoir 1-3,
Fritz Joseph 2-3 (53'), Frérot Rouzier 3-3, Gaetjens 4-3]
NB: since this match, Racing Club Haďtien refused to play
matches on the "jeudi saint", the day commemorating
Jesus' washing feet
Victory were affiliated to the FHF in 1947, entered the
second division and won it; their first match was against
Melbourne (Bel Air); Victory won 2-0
Coupe Vincent 1950
[Apr 2]
Excelsior 3-0 Stade
Semifinals [Apr 7]
Excelsior bt Bacardi
Racing - Violette
Winners: Excelsior
Coupe Pradel
Start: Oct 20 [all games played at Parc Leconte, Port-au-Prince]
[Oct 20]
RCH 4-1 Violette
[Nov 1]
Excelsior 2-1 Bacardi
[Nov 5]
Victory 1-1 Armée
[Nov 12]
RCH 2-2 Excelsior [also reported 1-1]
[Nov 19]
Violette 0-0 Bacardi
[Nov 26]
Victory 1-2 RCH
[Dec 3]
Armée 2-3 Violette
[Dec 10]
Excelsior 3-1 Victory
[Dec 17]
Bacardi bt Armée
[Jan 7]
Violette lt Excelsior
[Jan 14]
Bacardi lt RCH
[Jan 21]
Armée 1-3 Excelsior
[Jan 28]
Victory 1-3 Violette
[Feb 2]
RCH bt Armée
[Feb 11]
Victory - Bacardi
1.Excelsior 5 4 1 0 - 9
2.Racing Club Haitien 5 4 1 0 - 9
3.Violette AC 5 2 1 2 - 5
4.Bacardi 4 1 1 2 - 3
5.Victory 4 0 1 3 - 1
6.Armée 5 0 1 4 - 1
[Mar 1]
Violette - RCH
[Mar 11]
Bacardi - Excelsior
[Mar 18]
Armée - Victory
[Mar 22]
Excelsior 3-0 RCH
[Mar 25]
Bacardi - Violette
[Apr 1]
RCH - Victory
[Apr 15]
Violette - Armée
[Apr 22]
Victory - Excelsior
[Apr 29]
Armée - Bacardi
[May 1]
Excelsior 2-1 Violette
[May 3]
Bacardi - RCH
[May 6]
Excelsior - Armée
[May 13]
Violette - Victory
[May 20]
Armée - RCH
[May 27]
Bacardi - Victory
Champions: Excelsior
Ligue de Saint Marc (USSSM) 1950/51
NB: first official edition
Participants (6):
Étoile Saint Marcoise
First Match [Dec 12]
Vigie 3-2 Rayonnah
Coupe Vincent
Results Victory (preusumably in chronological order):
Victory 6-3 Petit-Goāve
Victory 3-2 Aigle Noir
Victory 3-1 Racing
Victory 2-1 Etoile haļtienne
Coupe Pradel
Start: Mar 9
[Mar 9]
Excelsior - Stade
[Mar 11]
RCH 1-2 Violette
[Mar 19]
Etoile ppd Victory [Etoile did not accept the unofficial referee]
[Mar 26]
Aigle Noir 3-0 RCH
Table (Apr 6):
1.Aigle Noir 17
2.Racing Club 15
3.Violette 15
4.Excelsior 9
5.Etoile 8
6.Bas Artibonite 8
7.Nord 8
8.Don Bosco 6
9.Victory 6
10.Bacardi 5
11.Petite-Goāve 4
12.Port-au-Prince 3
NB: presumably all clubs had played 9 matches except the 4 below who were on 8:
Round 9
[Apr 7]
Victory - Excelsior
[Apr 10]
Bacardi - Etoile
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1977
Coupe Pradel (interrupted after 2nd round)
[Feb ?]
Racing 2-1 Violette
winners: Racing CH
Coupe du 22 Septembre
Winners: Violette
NB: first 'national' championship.
Played in 2 groups of 8 (10?); top-2 of each to semifinals
Group Stage
[Apr 30, 1989]
Éclair 1-1 FICA
[May 7]
FICA 0-0 Tempête
[May 13]
FICA 3-0 Riviera (Cayes)
[May 21]
Valencia 1-1 FICA
[May 29]
Aigle Noir 1-2 FICA
[Jun 4]
FICA 1-1 Juvens (Jérémie)
[Jun 20]
Violette 1-0 FICA
[Jul 9]
FICA 0-0 Violette
[Jul 15]
FICA 1-1 Éclair
[Jul 30]
Riviera 0-0 FICA
[Aug 13]
FICA 0-0 Aigle Noir
[Aug 20]
Juvens 2-1 FICA
[Sep 2]
FICA 3-0 Valencia
[Oct 1]
Tempête 0-3 FICA
First Leg [Oct 8]
FICA 2-1 Capoise
Second Leg [Oct 15]
Capoise 0-0 FICA
NB: in the second semifinal, Violette beat Aigle Rouge
First Leg
[Oct 22]
FICA 1-0 Violette
[Robert Antoine]
Second Leg [Oct 28]
Violette 1-2 FICA [2-1?]
[?; Herne Joseph, ?]
Known results
[Jan 28, 1990]
FICA 2-1 Juvens (Jérémie)
[Feb 4]
Aigle Rouge 0-0 FICA
[Feb 10]
FICA 2-0 Valencia
[Feb 17]
Victory 2-0 FICA
[Mar 4]
FICA 2-0 Jaguar
[Mar 25]
Tempête 0-1 FICA
Champions not known (abandoned or continued as 1990/91 seasons?)
Cavaly 1-0 1-2 Tempête
(Cavaly progressed on away goal)
Champions: FICA
NB: possibly continuation of 1989/90 season
[Dec 5, 1992]
[Dec 13]
[Dec 20]
FICA 2-0 Baltimore
[Jan 10]
FICA 3-0 Bélier (Cap-Haïtien)
[Jan 24]
Capoise 0-0 FICA
[Feb 5]
FICA 1-0 Éclair
[Feb 14]
Tempête 0-0 FICA
[Feb 26]
Vertières 1-0 FICA
[Feb 28]
Racing G 1-1 FICA
[Apr 23]
[May 2]
[May 9]
Baltimore 2-0 FICA
[May 15]
Bélier 0-2 FICA
[May 23]
FICA 1-0 Racing G
[May 30]
FICA 0-0 Capoise
[Jun 5]
FICA 1-0 Vertières (Cap-Haïtien)
[Jun 13]
Éclair 1-2 FICA
[Jun 20]
FICA 1-2 Tempête
Round 1
First Leg [Jul 4]
Ajax (Cayes) 0-1 FICA
Second Leg [Jul 11]
FICA 4-0 Ajax (Cayes)
Quarterfinal Group Stage?
[Jul 17]
Racing CH 0-1 FICA
[Jul 25]
FICA 0-0 Capoise
[Jul 31]
Violette 0-0 FICA
[Aug 8]
FICA 0-2 Racing CH
[Aug 15]
Capoise 0-0 FICA
[Aug 22, 1993]
FICA awd Violette [awarded 0-2, forfait FICA]
NB: FICA finished 3rd in group
Championship Final
Tempête (St.-Marc) 0-0 2-1 Roulado FC
Super Coupe 1992 (presumably played late 1993)
Don Bosco 3-2 0-0 Tempête FC
Haiti 1993/94
Champions: FICA
Tempête FC 1-1 0-0 Don Bosco
NB: Don Bosco progressed on away goal
Baltimore 1-1 2-1 Tempête FC
AS Capoise 1-1 4-1 Don Bosco
Division 1
1.Violette AC (Port-au-Prince) 30 16 10 4 49-20 58 Champions
2.Carioca (Port-au-Prince) 30 15 9 6 42-23 54
3.Cavaly (Léogane) 30 15 8 7 24-17 53
4.FICA (Cap Haïtien) 30 14 10 6 45-21 52
5.AS Capoise (Cap Haïtien) 30 10 13 7 22-12 43
6.Don Bosco (Pétion-Ville) 30 11 8 11 39-25 41
7.Roulado (La Gônave) 30 10 11 9 29-27 41
8.Valencia (Léogâne) 30 10 11 9 24-26 41
9.Baltimore (St. Marc) 30 8 16 6 35-26 40
10.Racing (Gônaïves) 30 10 7 13 27-29 37
11.Aigle Noir (Port-au-Prince) 30 9 9 12 26-31 36
12.Tempête (St. Marc) 30 9 6 15 21-37 33
13.AS Grand-Goâve (Grand-Goâve) 30 8 9 13 20-41 33
14.Racing CH 30 7 12 11 27-29 33
15.Eclair (Gônaïves) 30 7 7 16 28-56 28 Relegated
16.Triomphe (Liancourt) 30 4 8 18 18-56 20 Relegated
Round 25 (partial)
Tempête 9-1 AS Grand-Goâve
Roulado 0-0 Cavaly
Valencia 1-0 Aigle Noir
[Aug 8]
Roulado 2-1 FICA
Violette 1-0 Carioca
Racing Club Haitien 1-3 Tempête
Aigle Noir 1-0 Eclair
AS Capoise 0-0 Don Bosco
Cavaly 0-0 AS Grand-Goâve
Racing Gonaives 3-0 Baltimore
Triomphe 1-2 Valencia
Round 28 [Aug 15]
Baltimore 0-2 FICA
AS Grand-Goâve - Violette
Racing Cap Hatien 3-0 Triomphe ?
Aigle Noir 1-0 Don Bosco ?
AS Capoise 1-1 Tempête ?
Cavaly 0-1 Carioca ?
Racing Gonaives 0-3 Roulado ?
Eclair 1-1 Valencia ?
Round 30 [Aug 29?]
Baltimore 2-1 AS Grand-Goâve
Roulado 1-1 Violette
Racing Club Haitien 3-0 Don Bosco
Aigle Noir 3-0 Triomphe
AS Capoise 1-0 Eclair
FICA 1-3 Carioca
Racing Gonaives 4-0 Cavaly
Tempête 0-3 Valencia
1.Violette AC (Port-au-Prince) 30 16 10 4 49-20 58 Champions
2.Carioca (Port-au-Prince) 30 15 9 6 42-23 54
3.Cavaly (Léogane) 30 15 8 7 24-17 53
4.FICA (Cap Haïtien) 30 14 10 6 45-21 52
5.AS Capoise (Cap Haïtien) 30 10 13 7 22-12 43
6.Don Bosco (Pétion-Ville) 30 11 8 11 39-25 41
7.Roulado (La Gônave) 30 10 11 9 29-27 41
8.Valencia (Léogâne) 30 10 11 9 24-26 41
9.Baltimore (St. Marc) 30 8 16 6 35-26 40
10.Racing (Gônaïves) 30 10 7 13 27-29 37
11.Aigle Noir (Port-au-Prince) 30 9 9 12 26-31 36
12.Tempête (St. Marc) 30 9 6 15 21-37 33
13.AS Grand-Goâve (Grand-Goâve) 30 8 9 13 20-41 33
14.Racing CH 30 7 12 11 27-29 33
15.Eclair (Gônaïves) 30 7 7 16 28-56 28 Relegated
16.Triomphe (Liancourt) 30 4 8 18 18-56 20 Relegated
[first tie-breaker probably number of wins]
NB: FICA = Football Inter Club Association
Promoted: Zénith Cap-Haitien and Topez FC (Port-au-Prince).
Topscorer: Pierre Golman (FICA) 19 goals
Division 1
Final Table:
1.Racing Club Haïtien (Pt-au-Pr) 30 18 6 6 55-29 60 Champions
2.Roulado FC (La Gônave) 30 15 10 5 48-21 55
3.Violette AC (Port-au-Prince) 30 15 7 8 44-21 52
4.Baltimore SC (St. Marc) 30 13 12 5 34-17 51
5.FICA (Cap Haïtien) 30 13 8 9 34-20 47
6.Carioca FC (Port-au-Prince) 30 12 10 8 46-26 46
7.Zénith AC (Cap-Haïtien) 30 10 12 8 33-24 42
8.AS Capoise (Cap Haïtien) 30 10 12 8 24-22 42
9.Cavaly AS (Léogane) 30 10 11 9 35-29 41
10.Valencia FC (Léogâne) 30 10 10 10 23-26 40
11.Don Bosco (Pétion-Ville) 30 10 8 12 26-30 38
12.Racing FC (Gônaïves) 30 8 9 13 29-40 33
13.Aigle Noir AC (Port-au-Prince) 30 9 6 15 28-49 33
14.Tempête FC (St. Marc) 30 7 10 13 25-47 31
15.AS Grand-Goâve (Grand-Goâve) 30 5 12 13 14-37 27 Relegated
16.Topez FC (Port-au-Prince) 30 1 5 24 6-66 8 Relegated
Round 1 [Jan 15-?]
Don Bosco 2-1 Carioca
Fica 0-0 Violette
Baltimore 0-0 AS Grand-Goâve
Valencia 2-0 Aigle Noir
Roulado 0-2 Cavaly
Zenith 0-0 AS Capoise
Topez 0-0 Tempête
Racing CH - Racing G
Round 2
Cavaly 1-2 Carioca
AS Capoise 0-0 Baltimore
Tempête 2-2 Racing CH
Racing G. 0-0 Topez
AS GG 0-0 Zenith
Violette 0-2 Valencia [played later]
Aigle Noir 1-0 Fica [played later]
Don Bosco ppd Roulado
Round 3 [Jan 29-?]
Topez 0-0 AS GG
Racing CH - AS Capoise
Carioca - Violette
Zenith - Racing G.
Valencia - Cavaly
Baltimore - Tempête
Fica - Don Bosco
Roulado - Aigle Noir
Round 4
Aigle Noir 1-0 Topez
Violette 1-1 Racing CH
Cavaly 1-1 Baltimore
Tempête 1-0 Valencia
Racing G 0-2 Fica
AS GG 0-0 Roulado
AS Capoise 0-0 Carioca
Don Bosco 1-0 Zenith
Round 5
Baltimore 2-0 Don Bosco
Zenith 1-0 Cavaly
Valencia 2-1 Racing G
Fica 4-0 Tempête
Aigle Noir 1-2 Racing CH
Topez 0-3 Violette
Roulado 0-0 AS Capoise
Carioca - AS GG
Round 6
Carioca 0-1 Topez
Racing CH 2-0 Baltimore
Zenith 2-0 Valencia
Fica 4-0 Roulado
Don Bosco 1-0 AS GG
Tempête 1-1 Aigle Noir
AS Capoise 1-0 Cavaly
Violette 1-0 Racing G
Round 7
Racing CH - Carioca
Racing G 2-0 Tempête
Topez 0-0 Zenith
Valencia - Roulado
Aigle Noir 0-1 Don Bosco
Cavaly 3-1 Violette
AS GG 1-1 AS Capoise
Baltimore 1-0 Fica
Round 8
AS Capoise 3-0 Don Bosco [forfait]
Roulado 2-1 Baltimore [played later]
Topez 1-2 Racing CH [played later]
Carioca 1-1 Zenith
Aigle Noir 0-3 Racing G
Fica 1-0 Valencia
AS GG 3-0 Cavaly [played later]
Tempête 0-2 Violette
Round 9
Carioca 2-0 Fica
Baltimore 2-1 Valencia
Don Bosco - Racing G
Cavaly 2-1 Tempête [1-1?]
Roulado 2-1 Topez
Zenith 0-0 Racing CH
AS Capoise ppd Aigle Noir
Violette 2-0 AS GG
Round 10
Valencia 2-1 Carioca
Topez 0-4 Baltimore
Tempête 1-1 Don Bosco
Racing G 3-1 Cavaly
Racing CH 1-0 Roulado
Fica 0-2 Zenith
AS GG 0-1 Aigle Noir
Violette 1-0 AS Capoise
Round 11
Valencia 2-1 Topez
Carioca - Baltimore
Don Bosco 0-0 Cavaly
Racing G 1-0 AS GG
Zenith 2-1 Roulado
Fica 1-0 Racing CH
Tempete 1-1 AS Capoise
Aigle Noir 1-0 Violette
Round 12
Baltimore 1-0 Zenith
Roulado 1-0 Carioca
AS GG 2-0 Tempête
AS Capoise 1-0 Racing G
Violette 4-1 Don Bosco [played later, inferred]
Topez 0-3 FICA
Racing CH - Valencia
Cavaly 5-1 Aigle Noir [played later]
Round 13
Cavaly 2-0 Topez
Aigle Noir 1-1 Baltimore
Violette 1-1 Zenith
Racing G 1-1 Carioca
Tempête 0-0 Roulado
AS Capoise 0-0 FICA
AS GG 2-2 Valencia
Don Bosco 1-2 Racing CH
Round 14
Baltimore 2-0 Racing G
Carioca 4-0 Aigle Noir
Racing CH 6-0 AS GG
Valencia 0-0 Don Bosco
Zenith 3-2 Tempête
Roulado 2-3 Violette
Topez 0-1 AS Capoise
FICA 0-0 Cavaly
Round 15
Racing G 1-1 Roulado
Violette 2-0 Baltimore
Tempête 0-4 Carioca
Aigle Noir 0-0 Zenith
Cavaly 2-1 Racing CH
AS Capoise 2-0 Valencia
Don Bosco 3-0 Topez
Round 16
AS GG 0-0 Baltimore
Racing G 0-1 Racing CH
Tempête 3-0 Topez
AS Capoise 0-0 Zenith
Cavaly 0-0 Roulado
Aigle Noir ppd Valencia
Don Bosco 0-0 Carioca
Violette 1-0 Fica
Round 17
Zenith 3-0 AS GG
Racing CH abd Tempête [abd at 1-0]
Baltimore 1-0 AS Capoise
Fica 3-0 Aigle Noir
Valencia 1-0 Violette
Topez ppd Racing G
Roulado 0-0 Don Bosco
Carioca 0-0 Cavaly
Round 18
AS Capoise 1-2 Racing CH
Baltimore 1-1 Tempête
Racing G 2-1 Zenith
AS GG 1-0 Topez
Cavaly 1-0 Valencia
Aigle Noir 0-2 Roulado
Violette 2-0 Carioca
Don Bosco 1-1 Fica [played later, inferred]
Round 19
Fica 1-0 Racing G
Zenith 0-0 Don Bosco
Valencia 1-0 Tempête
Baltimore 1-0 Cavaly
Carioca 6-0 AS Capoise
Topez 0-0 Aigle Noir
Racing CH 0-2 Violette
Roulado - AS GG
Round 20
Tempête 1-0 Fica
Cavaly 2-2 Zenith
AS GG 0-2 Carioca
Racing G 1-1 Valencia
Don Bosco - Baltimore
Racing CH - Aigle Noir
Violette - Topez
AS Capoise - Roulado
Round 21
Topez 0-1 Carioca
Baltimore 1-5 Racing CH
Valencia - Zenith
Roulado - Fica
AS GG 2-0 Don Bosco
Aigle Noir 3-0 Tempête
Cavaly - AS Capoise
Racing G 1-0 Violette
Round 22
Zenith 3-0 Topez
FICA 1-1 Baltimore
Tempête 2-1 Racing G
Aigle Noir 2-1 Don Bosco
Roulado 0-0 Valencia
AS Capoise 0-0 AS GG
Carioca 0-0 Racing CH
Violette 1-3 Cavaly
Round 23
Valencia 1-1 FICA
Racing G 2-2 Aigle Noir
Zenith 2-1 Carioca
Racing CH 5-1 Topez
Baltimore 1-1 Roulado
Don Bosco 0-1 AS Capoise
Violette 6-0 Tempête
Cavaly 2-0 AS GG
Round 24
AS GG 1-1 Violette
FICA 1-1 Carioca
Valencia 1-0 Baltimore
Aigle Noir 2-0 AS Capoise
Racing CH 4-2 Zenith
Racing G - Don Bosco
Tempête - Cavaly
Topez - Roulado
Round 25
Violette 0-0 AS Capoise
Don Bosco 1-0 Tempête
Valencia 1-1 Carioca
Aigle Noir 4-1 AS GG
Zenith 0-1 FICA
Cavaly 3-1 Racing G
Roulado 0-0 Racing CH
Baltimore awd Topez [awarded 3-0]
Round 26
Violette 2-0 Aigle Noir
Cavaly 2-1 Don Bosco
AS GG 2-0 Racing G
Roulado 2-0 Zenith
Topez 0-3 Valencia
Baltimore 2-2 Carioca
AS Capoise 2-1 Tempête
Racing CH 3-1 FICA [inferred]
Round 27
Zenith 0-0 Baltimore
Carioca 1-3 Roulado
Tempête 0-0 AS GG
Racing G 1-1 AS Capoise
Don Bosco 3-0 Violette
FICA 0-1 Topez
Aigle Noir 1-0 Racing CH
Valencia 0-3 Cavaly [inferred]
Round 28
Baltimore 1-0 Aigle Noir
Roulado 2-1 Tempête
Zenith 0-0 Violette
FICA 1-0 AS Capoise
Topez 0-3 Cavaly
Carioca 2-2 Racing G [inferred]
Valencia 0-0 AS GG [inferred]
Racing CH 0-3 Don Bosco [inferred]
Round 29
Racing G 0-0 Baltimore [inferred]
Aigle Noir 1-3 Carioca [inferred]
AS GG 1-3 Racing CH [inferred]
Don Bosco 0-1 Valencia [inferred]
Tempête 1-0 Zenith [inferred]
Violette 2-3 Roulado
AS Capoise 3-0 Topez [inferred]
Cavaly 1-1 FICA [inferred]
Round 30
Roulado 7-0 Racing G
Baltimore 2-0 Violette
Carioca 4-1 Tempête [corrected from 5-1]
Zenith 5-1 Aigle Noir
Racing CH 4-0 Cavaly
FICA 3-0 AS GG [corrected from 9-1]
Valencia 1-0 AS Capoise
Topez 0-3 Don Bosco [possibly awarded]
Final Table:
1.Racing Club Haïtien (Pt-au-Pr) 30 18 6 6 55-29 60 Champions
2.Roulado FC (La Gônave) 30 15 10 5 48-21 55
3.Violette AC (Port-au-Prince) 30 15 7 8 44-21 52
4.Baltimore SC (St. Marc) 30 13 12 5 34-17 51
5.FICA (Cap Haïtien) 30 13 8 9 34-20 47
6.Carioca FC (Port-au-Prince) 30 12 10 8 46-26 46
7.Zénith AC (Cap-Haïtien) 30 10 12 8 33-24 42
8.AS Capoise (Cap Haïtien) 30 10 12 8 24-22 42
9.Cavaly AS (Léogane) 30 10 11 9 35-29 41
10.Valencia FC (Léogâne) 30 10 10 10 23-26 40
11.Don Bosco (Pétion-Ville) 30 10 8 12 26-30 38
12.Racing FC (Gônaïves) 30 8 9 13 29-40 33
13.Aigle Noir AC (Port-au-Prince) 30 9 6 15 28-49 33
14.Tempête FC (St. Marc) 30 7 10 13 25-47 31
15.AS Grand-Goâve (Grand-Goâve) 30 5 12 13 14-37 27 Relegated
16.Topez FC (Port-au-Prince) 30 1 5 24 6-66 8 Relegated
Promoted: Dynamite, Amateur
Second Division 2000
Final Tables:
Groupe A
1.ASR 18 12 1 5 33-15 37 Qualified
2.Eclair 18 11 3 4 31-11 36 Qualified
3.JS Capoise (Cap-Haitien) 18 10 4 4 31-17 34 Qualified
4.Jupiter 18 9 6 3 32-13 33
5.AS St.-Louis du Nord 18 9 4 5 26-16 31
6.Napoli 18 6 7 5 23-21 25
7.Vertières 18 7 3 8 21-24 24
8.Technical (Desdunes) 18 5 4 9 20-32 19
9.ASE 18 4 2 12 13-27 14
10.AJSP 18 0 0 18 0-54 0
Groupe B
1.Dynamite 18 11 3 4 34-14 36 Qualified
2.Olympic 18 10 4 4 35-15 34 Qualified
3.Panthère Noire 18 10 4 4 24-11 34 Qualified
4.Triomphe 18 9 6 3 28-14 33
5.Velox 18 10 2 6 32-19 32
6.Club St Louis 18 9 3 6 35-30 30
7.Roulado (Source Matelas) 18 7 6 5 29-19 27
8.Mikado 18 4 5 9 21-35 17
9.Technical (Cx Bouquets) 18 2 2 14 8-44 8
10.Bolide 18 0 1 17 4-49 1
Groupe C
1.Amateur 18 14 1 3 31- 8 43 Qualified
2.US Frères 18 12 4 2 34-12 40 Qualified
3.CFTC Cayes 18 9 3 6 35-20 30
4.ASTIG 18 8 2 8 21-22 26
5.Excelsior 18 8 2 8 19-20 26
6.Vasco 18 6 4 8 30-27 22
7.Sophia 18 6 3 9 17-24 21
8.Etoile Haitienne 18 5 5 8 13-21 20
9.Victory 18 4 6 8 15-27 18
10.IHECE 18 2 2 14 7-41 8
Top-2 of each group and 2 best 3rd place teams qualified from quarterfinals
of promotion playoff. Promoted were Dynamite and Amateur.
Division 1
Final Table:
1.FICA (Cap Haïtien) 30 17 9 4 54-23 60 Champions
2.Violette AC (Port-au-Prince) 30 16 6 8 48-32 54
3.Baltimore (St. Marc) 30 13 12 5 37-22 51
4.Carioca (Port-au-Prince) 30 13 9 8 50-30 48
5.Roulado (La Gônave) 30 12 12 6 45-29 48
6.AS Capoise (Cap Haïtien) 30 14 6 10 33-34 48
7.Racing Club Haïtien (Port-au-Prince) 30 13 6 11 44-32 45
8.Don Bosco (Pétion-Ville) 30 11 8 11 41-37 41
9.Zénith (Cap-Haïtien) 30 12 3 15 31-29 39
10.Valencia (Léogâne) 30 10 9 11 32-33 39
11.Racing FC (Gônaïves) 30 9 12 9 33-39 39
12.Aigle Noir (Port-au-Prince) 30 10 8 12 31-44 38
13.Cavaly (Léogâne) 30 9 10 11 27-30 37
14.Tempête (St. Marc) 30 8 8 14 30-46 32
15.Amateur (Port-au-Prince) 30 4 7 19 31-65 19 Relegated
16.Dynamite (St. Marc) 30 5 3 22 25-67 18 Relegated
Round 1
[Jan 13]
Tempête 1-1 Valencia
[Jan 14]
Baltimore 0-0 Roulado
Zénith 2-0 Racing CH
Don Bosco 3-1 Violette
Racing G 1-1 AS Capoise
Cavaly 0-1 Aigle Noir
[Jan 16]
Amateur 3-2 Dynamite
[Mar 2]
Carioca 1-1 FICA
Round 2 [Jan 20-Mar 4]
AS Capoise 2-2 Baltimore
Roulado 1-1 Racing G
Aigle Noir 3-0 Zénith
Racing CH 2-0 Cavaly
Dynamite 4-1 Carioca
FICA 1-1 Amateur
Valencia 0-0 Don Bosco
Violette 1-0 Tempête
Round 3 [Jan 25-28]
Baltimore 0-1 Dynamite
Carioca 3-0 AS Capoise
Racing G 0-0 FICA
Amateur 1-1 Roulado
Zénith 2-0 Valencia
Don Bosco 2-1 Aigle Noir
Cavaly 0-0 Violette
Tempête 1-1 Racing CH
Round 4 [Feb 1-6]
Valencia 0-0 Baltimore
Dynamite 0-1 Zénith
Aigle Noir 1-1 Carioca
AS Capoise 1-1 Don Bosco
Violette 1-2 Racing G
FICA 3-0 Cavaly
Racing CH 1-0 Amateur
Roulado 2-2 Tempête
Round 5 [Feb 8-11]
Baltimore 0-0 Violette
Racing G 1-2 Valencia
Zénith 1-0 FICA
Cavaly 2-0 Dynamite
Racing CH 2-2 Carioca
Amateur 1-3 Aigle Noir
Don Bosco 1-1 Roulado
Tempête 1-0 AS Capoise
Round 6 [Feb 13-20]
AS Capoise 1-0 Valencia
Don Bosco 3-1 Amateur
Racing G 0-0 Zenith
Dynamite 1-0 Racing CH
Aigle Noir 2-2 FICA
Violette 1-1 Roulado
Cavaly 1-1 Tempête
Baltimore ppd Carioca
Moved Matches
Don Bosco 5-0 Racing G
Round 7 [Feb 22-24]
FICA 5-1 Dynamite
Violette 1-0 Aigle Noir
Baltimore 2-0 Cavaly
Zénith 1-0 Tempête
Racing CH 0-0 Violette
Roulado 1-1 AS Capoise
Amateur 1-1 Racing G
Carioca 1-0 Don Bosco
Round 8 [Mar 8-11]
Racing CH 0-1 FICA
Tempête 0-1 Baltimore
Roulado 2-1 Valencia
Cavaly 1-0 Zénith
Amateur 0-1 Carioca
AS Capoise 1-0 Violette
Dynamite 1-0 Aigle Noir
Don Bosco 2-1 Racing G
Round 9 [Mar 15-20]
Violette 3-2 FICA
Zénith 1-2 Baltimore
Dynamite 0-2 Valencia
Amateur 1-3 Tempête
Racing G 0-0 Carioca
Roulado 1-1 Aigle Noir
AS Capoise 2-1 Racing CH
Don Bosco ppd Cavaly
Round 10 [Mar 22-25]
Valencia 1-1 FICA
Zénith 1-0 Don Bosco
Dynamite 1-2 Violette
Carioca 3-0 Tempête
Cavaly 0-0 Racing G
Roulado 2-0 Racing CH
AS Capoise 0-2 Aigle Noir
Amateur ppd Baltimore
Round 11 [Mar 29-Apr 3]
Violette 1-0 Valencia
Zénith 2-0 Amateur
Racing CH 0-1 Aigle Noir
Racing G 2-0 Tempête
Cavaly 1-0 Carioca
FICA 2-1 Roulado
Dynamite 2-4 AS Capoise
Don Bosco 0-1 Baltimore
Round 12
[Apr 5]
Aigle Noir 0-3 Violette
[Apr 7]
Baltimore 2-2 Racing G
Carioca 1-0 Zénith
[Apr 8]
Tempête 0-0 Don Bosco
Roulado 3-1 Dynamite
AS Capoise 0-0 FICA
Amateur 2-3 Cavaly
Valencia 1-2 Racing CH
Round 13 [Apr 22]
Racing CH 1-1 Baltimore
Violette 1-1 Carioca
AS Capoise bt Cavaly
Valencia 0-0 Amateur
FICA 1-0 Don Bosco
Dynamite lt Tempête
Roulado 2-1 Zénith
Aigle Noir drw Racing G
Round 14 [Apr 29]
Carioca 3-1 Roulado
Tempête lt Aigle Noir
Don Bosco bt Racing CH
Baltimore lt FICA
Zénith lt Violette
Amateur 4-1 AS Capoise
Cavaly bt Valencia
Racing G bt Dynamite
Round 15 [May 6]
Valencia 0-0 Carioca
FICA 2-0 Tempête
Racing CH 4-0 Racing G
Aigle Noir 0-0 Baltimore
Dynamite 0-2 Don Bosco
Roulado 1-0 Cavaly
AS Capoise 1-1 Zénith
[Jun 12]
Violette 3-1 Amateur
[moved match]
Cavaly drw Valencia
Round 16 [Jun 14-?]
Roulado 1-0 Baltimore
Racing CH 1-0 Zénith
AS Capoise 1-0 Racing G
Cavaly 2-0 Aigle Noir
Dynamite 1-1 Amateur
Tempête 3-0 Valencia
Violette abd Don Bosco [abd at 2-1 in 85']
[Replay] 4-2
[Sep 5]
FICA 3-1 Carioca
Round 17
[Jun 30-Jul ?]
Cavaly 1-0 Racing CH
Aigle Noir 2-1 Zénith
Tempête 0-1 Violette
Baltimore 2-1 AS Capoise
Don Bosco 1-1 Valencia
Racing G 1-0 Roulado
Amateur 1-1 FICA
[Sep 26]
Carioca 1-0 Dynamite
Round 18
[Jul 5]
Racing CH - Tempête
[Jul 6]
Violette - Cavaly
[Jul 7]
Aigle Noir - Don Bosco
FICA - Racing G
[Jul 8]
AS Capoise - Carioca
Roulado - Amateur
Dynamite - Baltimore
Valencia 3-0 Zénith
Round 21
[Aug 4]
FICA 2-0 Aigle Noir
Don Bosco 2-1 Amateur
Racing CH 5-1 Dynamite
[Aug 5]
Racing G 1-0 Zénith
Tempête 2-2 Cavaly
Roulado 3-0 Violette
Valencia 2-0 AS Capoise
Baltimore 1-1 Carioca
Round 22
[Aug 9-14]
Dynamite 0-6 FICA
Cavaly 1-1 Baltimore
Tempête 2-0 Zénith
Violette 0-3 Racing CH [awarded after 0-0?]
AS Capoise 1-0 Roulado
Racing G 3-0 Amateur
Don Bosco 0-4 Carioca
[Sep 12]
Aigle Noir - Valencia
Round 24
[Sep 15]
FICA 1-0 Violette
Carioca 5-3 Racing G.
[Sep 16]
Zénith 0-1 Baltimore
Roulado 5-1 Aigle Noir
Amateur 0-2 Tempête
Cavaly 1-1 Don Bosco
Dynamite 2-3 Valencia
[Sep 18]
Racing CH 3-0 AS Capoise
Round 25
[Sep 23]
Violette 5-0 Dynamite
Baltimore 3-0 Amateur
Don Bosco 2-1 Zénith
Racing G 3-0 Cavaly [forfait]
Tempête 1-0 Carioca
Valencia 2-1 FICA
AS Capoise 2-1 Aigle Noir
[Sep 25?]
Roulado 1-1 Racing CH
Round 26 [Sep 30]
Carioca 1-0 Cavaly
Tempête 1-1 Racing G
Aigle Noir 0-0 Racing CH
Baltimore 2-1 Don Bosco
AS Capoise 2-0 Dynamite
Valencia 1-0 Violette
Zénith 2-1 Amateur
Roulado 3-0 FICA
Round 27
[Oct 3]
Don Bosco 4-0 Tempête
Cavaly 1-1 Amateur
Racing CH 3-2 Valencia
Zénith 2-0 Carioca
[Oct 4]
Violette 3-2 Aigle Noir
Racing G 1-1 Baltimore
Dynamite 1-1 Roulado
FICA 1-0 AS Capoise
Round 28
[Oct 6]
Tempête 2-0 Dynamite
[Oct 7]
Baltimore 1-2 Racing CH
Carioca 3-4 Violette
Racing G 4-1 Aigle Noir
Amateur 2-1 Valencia
Zénith 2-1 Roulado
Cavaly 2-1 AS Capoise
[Oct 9]
Don Bosco 1-1 FICA
Round 29
[Oct 13]
Aigle Noir 2-2 Tempête
AS Capoise 4-0 Amateur
[Oct 14]
FICA 1-0 Baltimore
Roulado 1-0 Carioca
Dynamite awd Racing G [awarded 3-0, forfait Racing G]
Valencia 0-0 Cavaly
[Oct 16]
Racing CH 1-2 Don Bosco
Violette ppd Zénith
Round 30 [Oct 21]
Carioca awd Valencia [awarded 3-0, forfait Valencia]
Don Bosco 3-2 Dynamite
Tempête 3-6 FICA
Racing G 1-2 Racing CH
Cavaly 1-1 Roulado
Zénith 0-1 AS Capoise [1-0?]
Amateur 2-3 Violette
Baltimore 3-1 Aigle Noir
FICA apparently had their last remaining match vs Racing CH awarded 3-0 to them
Final Table:
1.FICA (Cap Haïtien) 30 17 9 4 54-23 60 Champions
2.Violette AC (Port-au-Prince) 30 16 6 8 48-32 54
3.Baltimore (St. Marc) 30 13 12 5 37-22 51
4.Carioca (Port-au-Prince) 30 13 9 8 50-30 48
5.Roulado (La Gônave) 30 12 12 6 45-29 48
6.AS Capoise (Cap Haïtien) 30 14 6 10 33-34 48
7.Racing Club Haïtien (Port-au-Prince) 30 13 6 11 44-32 45
8.Don Bosco (Pétion-Ville) 30 11 8 11 41-37 41
9.Zénith (Cap-Haïtien) 30 12 3 15 31-29 39
10.Valencia (Léogâne) 30 10 9 11 32-33 39
11.Racing FC (Gônaïves) 30 9 12 9 33-39 39
12.Aigle Noir (Port-au-Prince) 30 10 8 12 31-44 38
13.Cavaly (Léogâne) 30 9 10 11 27-30 37
14.Tempête (St. Marc) 30 8 8 14 30-46 32
15.Amateur (Port-au-Prince) 30 4 7 19 31-65 19 Relegated
16.Dynamite (St. Marc) 30 5 3 22 25-67 18 Relegated
1.Golman Pierre (FICA) 24
2.Jean Rébert Ménélas (Roulado) 23
3.Pierre Roland St Jean (Baltimore) 18
4.Leandro Mancao (Violette) 14
Tournoi "Bloke Sida"
Semifinals [Nov ?]
Violette 2-2 Cavaly [4-3 pen]
Racing CH 2-0 Roulado
Final [Dec 1]
Violette 0-0 Racing CH [3-1 pen]
Cup 2001/02
1/16 Finals [Dec 4]
ASC Carrefour - Triomphe (Liancourt)
Baltimore (St.-Marc) - Don Bosco (Pétion-Ville)
AS Fort-Liberté - US Papaye (Hinche)
Dynamite (St.-Marc) - Aigle Noir (Port-au-Prince)
Etoile Haitien (P-a-P) - AS St.-Lous du Nord
Tempête (St.-Marc) - Racing Club Haitien (P-a-P)
New Star (Limonade) - Cavaly (Léogâne)
AS Mirebalais - FICA (Cap-Hatien)
AS Pédiff (Aquin) - Racing (Gonaives)
Carioca (P-a-P) - Olympic (Cabaret)
Amateur (P-a-P) - AJSP Port-de-Paix
Roulado (Gonâives) - AS Petit-Goâve
All Stars (Pétion-Ville) - AS Rive Artibonitienne
Rangers (Miragoâne) - Violette (P-a-P)
Zénith (Cap-Haitien) - Valencia (Léogâne)
Excelsior (P-a-P) - AS Capoise (Cap-Haitien)
Final [Jan 15, 2002]
Division 2
Groupe A
1.AS St.-Louis du Nord 5 4 1 0 6- 2 13
2.AS Fort-Liberté 5 3 0 2 4- 4 9
3.Jupiter (St.-Louis du Nord) 4 2 1 1 3- 1 7
4.AJS Port-de-Paix 4 2 1 1 4- 3 7
5.Aigle Rouge (Gonaïves) 5 2 1 2 6- 7 7
6.USC Trou du Nord 5 2 0 3 7- 9 6
7.JS Capoise (Cap-Haïtien) 6 1 2 3 7- 7 5
8.Vertières (Cap-Haïtien) 3 1 1 1 3- 2 4
9.Eclair (Gonaïves) 5 0 1 4 2- 7 1
Groupe B
1.Triomphe (Liancourt) 6 5 1 0 9- 3 16
2.Olympic (Cabaret) 6 3 2 2 6- 3 10
3.Vasco (Port-au-Prince) 6 2 4 0 5- 3 10
4.ASR 5 2 2 1 4- 5 8
5.Velox (Croix des Missions) 6 2 1 3 4- 5 7
6.Roulado (Source Matelas) 5 2 0 3 5- 6 6
7.AS L'Estère 4 0 1 3 1- 5 1
8.Panthère Noir (Liancourt) 4 0 0 4 1- 5 0
Groupe C
1.AS Mirebalais 3 3 0 0 7- 2 9
2.US Frères 4 2 2 0 6- 3 8
3.Mikado (Mayer) 5 2 2 1 4- 5 8
4.Hatüey Bacardi (Port-au-Prince) 5 2 0 3 5- 6 6
5.Etoile Haitienne (Port-au-Prince) 4 1 2 1 2- 2 5
6.Pirates (Pétion-Ville) 4 1 1 2 4- 5 4
7.Vision (Hinche) 5 1 1 3 4- 5 4
8.Club St.-Louis (Port-au-Prince) 3 1 0 2 3- 5 3
9.Excelsior (Port-au-Prince) 3 1 0 2 3- 5 3
NB: top final table: 1.AS Mirebalais, 2.Excelsior
Groupe D
1.AS Carrefour 6 2 4 0 9- 4 10
2.AS Jacmel 6 3 1 2 9- 6 10
3.AS Petit-Goâve 5 3 1 1 7- 4 10
4.Victory (Port-au-Prince) 5 3 1 1 6- 5 10
5.Rangers (Miragoâne) 3 1 2 0 4- 3 5
6.AS Grand-Goâve 4 1 1 2 3- 5 4
7.CFTC Cayes 5 1 0 4 3- 8 3
8.Sophia (Léogâne) 6 1 0 5 2- 8 3
NB: top final table: 1.Rangers, 2.AS Carrefour;
Victory declared forfait (for one match or for season?)
Promotion Playoffs
[Sep 22, Zone Nord]
Olympic (Cabaret) bt AJS Port-de-Paix
AS St.-Louis du Nord lt Triomphe (Liancourt)
[Oct 7, Zone Sud]
Excelsior 2-0 Rangers (Miragoâne)
AS Carrefour 0-0 AS Mirebalais
Excelsior (Port-au-Prince) 1-0 AS Mirebalais
Triomphe (Liancourt) 2-1 Olympic de Cabaret
Championship Final [Nov 4]
Excelsior (Port-au-Prince) 1-0 Triomphe (Liancourt)
[Rolgy Noël 39]
Excelsior and Triomphe promoted.
Promoted from Ligue Communale to second division:
All Stars de Pétion-Ville (champions) and US Papaye de Hinche
Division 1
Championnat d'Ouverture
Round 1
[Feb 22]
Don Bosco 3-1 Tempête
[Feb 23]
Violette 0-0 Zénith
[Feb 24]
Baltimore 3-0 Triomphe
Capoise 0-0 Excelsior
Roulado awd FICA [FICA dns, awarded 3-0]
Cavaly 2-4 Carioca
[Feb 26]
Racing CH 0-1 Aigle Noir
[Mar 20]
Racing G 2-1 Valencia
Round 2
[Mar 1]
Excelsior 0-1 Cavaly
[Mar 2]
Carioca 2-2 AS Capoise
Zénith 1-1 Don Bosco
[Mar 3]
FICA 0-0 Baltimore
Triomphe 0-1 Roulado
Tempête 1-2 Violette
Valencia 1-0 Racing CH
Aigle Noir 2-0 Racing G [also reported 1-0]
Round 3
[Mar 8]
Don Bosco 2-1 Triomphe
[Mar 9]
Violette 2-2 FICA
[Mar 10]
Baltimore 2-0 Tempête
Roulado 1-0 Zénith
AS Capoise 0-0 Valencia
Racing CH 1-0 Carioca
Cavaly 1-1 Aigle Noir
Racing G 1-0 Excelsior
Round 4
[Mar 15]
Carioca 2-0 Baltimore
[Mar 16]
Zénith 1-1 Racing G
Aigle Noir 0-0 Don Bosco
[Mar 17]
Excelsior 0-2 Roulado
Valencia 0-0 Violette
Triomphe 1-0 Cavaly
FICA 0-1 AS Capoise
Tempête 1-3 Racing CH
Round 5
[Apr 22]
Racing CH 8-2 Triomphe
[Apr 23]
Don Bosco 3-2 Carioca
[Mar 24]
Roulado 2-0 Valencia
Baltimore 2-1 Aigle Noir
ASC 1-0 Zénith
Excelsior 0-2 Violette
Cavaly 2-0 Tempête
Racing G 2-0 FICA
Round 6
[Mar 28]
Violette 1-0 Baltimore
[Mar 30]
Carioca 3-0 Zénith
[Mar 31]
FICA 1-0 Valencia
Roulado 0-0 ASC
Tempête 1-0 Excelsior
Aigle Noir 4-0 Triomphe
Cavaly 0-0 Racing G
[Apr 9]
Racing CH 1-1 Don Bosco
Round 7
[Apr 12]
Aigle Noir 2-1 Excelsior
[Apr 13]
Violette 1-0 Racing CH
ASC 2-1 Racing G
[Apr 14]
Zénith 2-0 Tempête
Triomphe 0-0 FICA
Valencia 0-0 Carioca
Baltimore 1-0 Cavaly
Don Bosco 0-1 Roulado
Round 8
[Apr 19]
Racing CH 0-0 Roulado
[Apr 20]
Excelsior 0-0 Zénith
[Apr 21]
Racing G 1-0 Baltimore
Triomphe 1-0 Valencia
Cavaly 1-0 ASC
Don Bosco 1-0 Violette
FICA 0-0 Aigle Noir
Tempête 3-1 Carioca
Round 9
[Apr 26]
Carioca 0-1 Triomphe
[Apr 27]
Aigle Noir 1-0 Zénith
Racing G 0-0 Don Bosco
[Apr 28]
Racing CH 2-0 Cavaly
Baltimore 0-0 AS Capoise
Valencia 2-0 Tempête
Roulado 1-0 Violette
FICA 1-0 Excelsior
Round 10
[Apr 30]
Don Bosco 0-0 Baltimore
[May 1]
Carioca 1-0 FICA
AS Capoise 0-0 Racing CH
Cavaly 0-0 Roulado
Triomphe 3-0 Excelsior
Tempête 0-3 Aigle Noir
[May 2]
Violette 0-1 Racing G
Zénith 0-0 Valencia
Round 11
[May 3]
Excelsior 1-4 Carioca
[May 4]
Racing CH 2-1 Baltimore
AS Capoise 0-0 Don Bosco
[May 5]
Roulado 2-1 Racing G
Cavaly 0-0 Violette
Zénith 3-1 Triomphe
Tempête 1-0 FICA
Aigle Noir 1-0 Valencia
Round 12
[May 10-12]
Baltimore 1-0 Roulado
Racing G 0-0 Racing CH
Triomphe 1-1 Tempête
FICA 0-2 Zénith
Carioca abd Aigle Noir [abandoned at 0-0 in 85']
Don Bosco 1-0 Cavaly
Violette 2-2 AS Capoise
Valencia 1-0 Excelsior
Carioca 1-1 Aigle Noir
Round 13
[May 16]
Aigle Noir 0-0 Violette
[May 17]
FICA 0-2 Cavaly
[May 19]
Valencia 0-0 Don Bosco
Triomphe 2-0 AS Capoise
Zénith 1-1 Racing CH
Tempête 0-0 Racing G
[May 20]
Excelsior 1-3 Baltimore
[May 21]
Carioca 1-3 Roulado
Round 14
[May 25]
Roulado 2-0 Tempête
Don Bosco 3-0 FICA
[May 26]
AS Capoise 2-1 Aigle Noir
Violette 3-0 Triomphe
Racing G 2-1 Carioca
Baltimore 2-0 Zénith
[May 27]
Racing CH 1-0 Excelsior
[Oct 27]
Cavaly 0-0 Valencia
Round 15
[Jun 1]
Carioca - Violette
Zénith - Cavaly
Excelsior - Don Bosco
[Jun 2]
Valencia - Baltimore
Tempête - AS Capoise
FICA - Racing CH
Aigle Noir - Roulado
Triomphe - Racing G
1.Roulado (La Gônave) 14 10 3 1 18- 3 33 Ouverture Champions
2.Aigle Noir (Port-au-Prince) 14 7 5 2 18- 7 26
3.Don Bosco (Pétion-Ville) 14 6 7 1 15- 7 25
4.Baltimore (St. Marc) 14 7 3 4 15- 8 24
5.Racing Club Haïtien (Port-au-Prince) 14 6 5 3 19- 9 23
6.Racing FC (Gônaïves) 14 6 5 3 12- 9 23
7.Violette AC (Port-au-Prince) 14 5 6 3 13- 8 21
8.AS Capoise (Cap Haïtien) 14 4 8 2 10- 9 20
9.Carioca (Port-au-Prince) 14 5 3 6 22-19 18
10.Cavaly (Léogâne) 14 4 5 5 9-10 17
11.Triomphe (Liancourt) 14 5 2 7 13-25 17
12.Zénith (Cap-Haïtien) 14 3 6 5 10-12 15
13.Valencia (Léogâne) 14 3 6 5 5- 7 15
14.Tempête (St. Marc) 14 3 2 9 9-23 11
15.FICA (Cap Haïtien) 14 2 4 8 4-17 10
16.Excelsior (Port-au-Prince) 14 0 2 12 3-22 2
Championnat de Clôture
Round 1
[Aug 2-4]
Aigle Noir 2-0 Racing CH
Excelsior 1-0 AS Capoise
Zénith 1-1 Violette
Triomphe 1-1 Baltimore
FICA 1-0 Roulado
Tempête 2-0 Don Bosco
Valencia 0-0 Racing G
Cavaly abd Carioca
[played later]
Cavaly 1-1 Carioca
Round 2
[Aug 9]
Violette 2-1 Tempête
[Aug 10]
Don Bosco 2-0 Zénith
[Aug 11]
Baltimore 3-0 FICA
Roulado 2-2 Triomphe
AS Capoise 1-1 Carioca
Cavaly 1-0 Excelsior
[played later]
Racing CH 2-0 Valencia
[Sep 4]
Racing G 1-0 Aigle Noir
Round 3
[Aug 17]
FICA 1-2 Violette
Carioca 1-3 Racing CH
[Aug 18]
Tempête 0-0 Baltimore
Zénith 1-0 Roulado
Triomphe abd Don Bosco [abandoned in 45']
Valencia 0-0 AS Capoise
Excelsior 0-1 Racing G
[Aug 20]
Aigle Noir 2-1 Cavaly
[Sep 4]
Triomphe 0-0 Don Bosco
Round 4
[Aug 23]
Violette 3-0 Valencia
[Aug 24]
Don Bosco 2-1 Aigle Noir
[Aug 25]
Baltimore 1-1 Carioca
Racing G 0-1 Zénith
Racing CH 6-0 Tempête
Roulado 2-0 Excelsior
Cavaly 4-0 Triomphe
AS Capoise 0-0 FICA
Round 5
[Aug 30]
Aigle Noir 1-0 Baltimore
[Aug 31]
Carioca 1-2 Don Bosco
FICA 2-2 Racing G
[Sep 1]
Excelsior 0-2 Violette
Zénith 0-0 AS Capoise
Valencia 0-2 Roulado
Tempête 2-1 Cavaly
Triomphe 1-1 Racing CH
Round 6
[Sep 7]
AS Capoise 1-0 Roulado
Excelsior 0-3 Tempête [possibly awarded]
[Sep 8]
Valencia 1-4 FICA
Baltimore 1-1 Violette
Zénith 1-0 Carioca
Triomphe 0-1 Aigle Noir
Racing G 2-1 Cavaly
[Sep 11]
Don Bosco 1-1 Racing CH
Round 7
[Sep 14]
Racing CH 1-1 Violette
[Sep 15]
Tempête 0-0 Zénith
Carioca 0-0 Valencia
Cavaly 2-2 Baltimore
Racing G 1-0 AS Capoise
FICA 1-0 Triomphe
Roulado 0-0 Don Bosco
[Sep 17]
Aigle Noir 3-0 Excelsior [possibly awarded]
Round 8
[Sep 20]
Carioca 1-0 Tempête
[Sep 21]
AS Capoise 2-0 Cavaly
Aigle Noir 1-0 FICA
[Sep 22]
Zénith 0-0 Excelsior
Baltimore 2-0 Racing G
Valencia 2-0 Triomphe
Violette 2-1 Don Bosco
Roulado 2-1 Racing CH
Round 9
[Sep 27]
Excelsior 0-4 FICA
[Sep 28]
Violette 0-2 Roulado
AS Capoise 0-1 Baltimore
[Sep 29]
Triomphe 1-1 Carioca
Don Bosco 1-1 Racing G
Zénith 1-0 Aigle Noir
Cavaly 0-0 Racing CH
Tempête 1-1 Valencia
Round 10
[Oct 4]
Excelsior awd Triomphe [awarded 0-3, forfait Excelsior]
[Oct 5]
Racing CH 2-0 AS Capoise
[Oct 6]
Roulado 1-0 Cavaly
Racing G 2-1 Violette
Aigle Noir 4-2 Tempête
Valencia 2-2 Zénith
FICA 3-0 Carioca
[Oct 22]
Baltimore 0-0 Don Bosco
Round 11
[Oct 9]
Baltimore awd Racing CH [awarded 0-3, forfait Baltimore]
Racing G awd Roulado [awarded 0-3, forfait Racing G]
Carioca 1-0 Excelsior
Triomphe 2-0 Zénith
FICA 1-1 Tempête
Valencia 1-2 Aigle Noir
[Oct 10]
Violette 3-1 Cavaly
[Oct 26]
Don Bosco 3-0 AS Capoise
Round 12
[Oct 12]
Racing CH 4-2 Racing G
Zénith 1-3 FICA
[Oct 13]
Roulado 2-3 Baltimore
Tempête 3-1 Triomphe
Aigle Noir 2-2 Carioca
Cavaly 0-0 Don Bosco
AS Capoise 2-0 Violette
Excelsior 0-1 Valencia
Round 13
[Oct 15]
Don Bosco 2-3 Valencia
[Oct 16]
Baltimore 2-0 Excelsior
Violette 1-1 Aigle Noir
Roulado 2-1 Carioca
AS Capoise 2-1 Triomphe
Cavaly 2-0 FICA
[Oct 17]
Racing CH 3-0 Zénith
[Oct 22]
Racing G 0-2 Tempête
Round 14
[Oct 20]
Excelsior 0-1 Racing CH
Aigle Noir 1-0 AS Capoise
Tempête 1-0 Roulado
Carioca 1-1 Racing G
FICA 1-1 Don Bosco
Valencia 1-1 Cavaly
[Oct 27]
Zénith 0-2 Baltimore
Triomphe 1-0 Violette
Round 15
[Oct 29]
Don Bosco 5-2 Excelsior
[Oct 30]
Violette 2-3 Carioca
[Oct 31]
AS Capoise 1-1 Tempête
Racing CH 1-0 FICA
Cavaly 2-1 Zénith
Racing G 1-0 Triomphe
Baltimore 0-1 Valencia
[Dec 21]
Roulado 1-0 Aigle Noir
Final Table:
1.Racing Club Haïtien (Port-au-Prince) 15 9 4 2 29-10 31 Clôture Champions
2.Aigle Noir (Port-au-Prince) 15 9 2 4 21-12 29
3.Roulado (La Gônave) 15 8 2 5 19-11 26
4.Baltimore (St. Marc) 15 6 6 3 18-12 24
5.Tempête (St. Marc) 15 6 5 4 19-18 23
6.FICA (Cap Haïtien) 15 6 4 5 21-15 22
7.Don Bosco (Pétion-Ville) 15 5 7 3 20-14 22
8.Violette AC (Port-au-Prince) 15 6 4 5 21-18 22
9.Racing FC (Gônaïves) 15 6 4 5 14-18 22
10.Valencia (Léogâne) 15 4 6 5 13-19 18
11.Cavaly (Léogâne) 15 4 5 6 17-17 17
12.AS Capoise (Cap Haïtien) 15 4 5 6 9-12 17
13.Zénith (Cap-Haïtien) 15 4 5 6 9-17 17
14.Carioca (Port-au-Prince) 15 3 7 5 15-20 16
15.Triomphe (Liancourt) 15 3 5 7 13-19 14
16.Excelsior (Port-au-Prince) 15 1 1 13 3-29 4
16 Jean Robert Menelas (Roulado)
13 Leandro Mencao (Violette)
12 Maxime Presendieu (Triomphe)
11 Clerçant Clerjuste (Racing G.)
10 Frantz Almonord (Don Bosco)
10 James Chaperon (Racing CH)
10 Pierre-Roland Saint-Jean (Baltimore)
10 Dieufène Télamour (Racing CH)
9 Golman Pierre (FICA)
Aggregate Table (w/o round 15 Ouverture!):
1.Roulado (La Gônave) 29 18 5 6 37-14 59 Ouverture Champions
2.Aigle Noir (Port-au-Prince) 29 16 7 6 39-19 55
3.Racing Club Haïtien (Port-au-Prince) 29 15 9 5 48-19 54 Clôture Champions
4.Baltimore (St. Marc) 29 13 9 7 33-20 48
5.Don Bosco (Pétion-Ville) 29 11 14 4 35-21 47
6.Racing FC (Gônaïves) 29 12 9 8 26-27 45
7.Violette AC (Port-au-Prince) 29 11 10 8 34-26 43
8.AS Capoise (Cap Haïtien) 29 8 13 8 19-21 37
9.Cavaly (Léogâne) 29 8 10 11 26-27 34
10.Carioca (Port-au-Prince) 29 8 10 11 37-39 34
11.Tempête (St. Marc) 29 9 7 13 28-41 34
12.Valencia (Léogâne) 29 7 12 10 18-26 33
13.FICA (Cap Haïtien) 29 8 8 13 25-32 32
14.Zénith (Cap-Haïtien) 29 7 11 11 19-29 32
15.Triomphe (Liancourt) 29 8 7 14 26-44 31
16.Excelsior (Port-au-Prince) 29 1 3 25 6-51 6
NB: Excelsior and Triomphe relegated.
Second Level 2002
Groupe Sud
Round 1
[Mar 3]
Victory 2-2 All Stars
Rangers 2-3 Etoile Haitienne
Roulado S.M. 1-1 Velox
Olympic 0-1 Pétit-Goâve
Jacmel 1-0 Bacardi
Frères 3-0 Grand-Goâve
[Mar 6]
Amateur 0-1 Carrefour
Round 2
[Mar 10]
Velox 2-1 Olympic
Petit-Goâve 2-0 Roulado S.M.
Bacardi 0-2 Frères
Grand-Goâve 1-0 Jacmel
Carrefour 1-0 Victory
Etoile H. 0-0 Amateur
[Mar 12]
All Stars 0-3 Rangers
Round 3
[Mar 17]
Victory 5-1 Etoile H.
Rangers 0-3 Carrefour
Olympic 4-1 Bacardi
Roulado S.M. 1-0 AS Grand Goâve
US Frères 0-3 Velox
AS Jacmel 2-2 AS Petit Goâve
[Mar 20]
Amateur 2-0 All Stars
Round 4 [Mar 24]
AS Carrefour 1-0 Roulado S.M.
AS Grand Goâve 0-0 Victory
All Stars 1-1 Olympic
AS Petit-Goâve 2-0 US Frères
Velox 2-0 Rangers
Etoile H. 1-2 AS Jacmel
Bacardi 0-2 Amateur CS
Round 5
[Mar 30]
Amateur 2-0 Velox
[Mar 31]
Etoile H. 0-0 AS Petit Goâve
All Stars 1-0 AS Grand Goâve
Bacardi 1-1 AS Carrefour
Olympic 1-0 Victory
AS Jacmel 4-0 Rangers
[date ?]
Roulado S.M. 1-2 US Frères
Round 6 [Apr 14]
Victory 2-0 AS Jacmel
Rangers 2-0 Roulado S.M.
US Frères 0-1 Amateur
AS Grand Goâve 3-0 Olympic
Velox 0-0 Etoile H.
AS Carrefour 0-0 All Stars
AS Petit Goâve 1-1 Bacardi
Round 7 [Apr 21]
Jacmel 3-1 Frères
Etoile H. 2-2 Roulado S.M.
Amateur 0-0 Victory
Olympic 1-0 Rangers
All Stars 0-1 Petit Goâve
Bacardi 2-1 Velox [2-0?]
Grand Goâve 0-0 Carrefour
Round 8 [Apr 28]
Roulado SM 3-2 All Stars
Petit Goâve 0-0 Grand Goâve
Victory 2-1 Bacardi
Olympic 0-2 Jacmel
Rangers 1-1 Amateur
Frères 2-1 Etoile H.
Carrefour 1-1 Velox
Round 9 [May 5]
Roulado SM 0-1 Olympic
Velox 1-1 Petit-Goâve
Rangers 6-0 Bacardi
Grand Goâve 0-0 Amateur
Frères 2-1 Victory
Jacmel 1-0 All Stars
Etoile H. 1-2 Carrefour
1.AS Jacmel 9 6 1 2 15- 7 19
2.ASC Carrefour 9 5 4 0 10- 3 19
3.AS Pétit-Goâve 9 4 5 0 10- 4 17
4.Amateur de Cité Soleil (Port-au-P.) 9 4 4 1 8- 2 16
5.US Frères 9 5 0 4 12-12 15
6.Velox (Croix-des-Missions) 9 3 4 2 11- 8 13
7.Olympic (Cabaret) 9 4 1 4 9-10 13
8.Victory (Port-au-Prince) 9 3 3 3 12- 8 12
9.Rangers (Miragoâne) 9 3 1 5 14-14 10
10.AS Grand-Goâve 9 2 4 3 4- 5 10
11.Roulado (Source-Matelas) 9 2 2 5 8-13 8
12.Etoile Haitienne (Port-au-Prince) 9 1 4 4 9-15 7
13.All Stars (Pétion-Ville) 9 1 3 5 6-13 6
14.Hatüey Bacardi Club (Port-au-P.) 9 1 2 6 6-20 5
Round 10 [May 12]
Amateur - Roulado S.M.
Olympic - Frères
Petit Goâve - Carrefour
Victory - Rangers
All Stars - Etoile H.
Jacmel - Velox
Bacardi - Grand Goâve
Round 11 [May 19]
Carrefour - Jacmel
Victory - Roulado S.M.
Etoile H. - Bacardi
Olympic - Amateur
All Stars - Frères
Grand Goâve - Velox
Petit Goâve - Rangers
Round 12 [May 26]
Velox - Victory
Amateur - Petit Goâve
Bacardi - All Stars
Roulado S.M. - Jacmel
Frères - Carrefour
Rangers - Grand Goâve
Etoile H. - Olympic
Round 13 [Jun 2]
Victory - Petit Goâve
Jacmel - Amateur
All Stars - Velox
Roulado S.M. - Bacardi
Carrefour - Olympic
Rangers - Frères
Grand Goâve - Etoile H.
Round 14 [Aug 4]
All Stars awd Victory [awarded 0-3, forfait All Stars]
Carrefour 1-1 Amateur
Etoile H. 2-1 Rangers
Velox 2-1 Roulado S.M.
Petit Gôave 3-0 Olympic
Bacardi ppd Jacmel
Grand Gôave 4-1 Frères
Round 15 [Aug 11]
Rangers awd All Stars [awarded 3-0, forfait All Stars]
Victory 0-0 Carrefour
Amateur 1-0 Etoile H.
Olympic 1-1 Velox
Roulado S.M. 1-0 Petit Goâve
Frères 3-0 Bacardi
Jacmel 0-3 Grand Goâve
Round 16 [Aug 18]
All Stars 0-1 Amateur
Etoile H. 1-1 Victory
Carrefour 6-0 Rangers
Bacardi 0-0 Olympic
Grand Goâve 0-0 Roulado S.M.
Velox 0-0 Frères
Petit Goâve 1-1 Jacmel
Round 17 [Aug 24,25]
AS Jacmel 0-0 Etoile Haïtienne
Roulado S.M. 2-1 Carrefour
Amateur 3-1 Bacardy
Victory 3-1 Grand-Goâve
Rangers 2-0 Velox
Frères 4-2 Petit-Goâve
Olympic awd All Stars [awarded 3-0, forfait All Stars]
Round 18
[Aug 31]
Carrefour 3-1 Bacardi
[Sep 1]
Petit-Goâve 1-0 Etoile H.
Velox 3-1 Amateur
Grand Goâve awd All Stars [awarded 3-0, forfait All Stars]
Victory 6-0 Olympic
Rangers 2-1 Jacmel
[Sep 11]
Frères bt Roulado S.M.
Round 19 [Sep 8]
Jacmel 0-1 Victory
Roulado S.M. 3-0 Rangers
Amateur ppd Frères
Olympic 0-0 Grand Goâve
Etoile H. 0-1 Velox
All Stars awd Carrefour [awarded 0-3, forfait All Stars]
Bacardi 1-0 Petit Goâve
Round 20
[Sep 14]
Victory 1-0 Amateur
[Sep 15]
Frères abd Jacmel
Roulado SM 1-1 Etoile H
Velox 1-1 Bacardi
Rangers 3-0 Olympic
Carrefour 1-0 Grand Goâve
Petit Goâve awd All Stars [awarded 3-0, forfait All Stars]
Round 21 [Sep 21,22]
Amateur 0-0 Rangers
Grand Goâve 2-3 Petit Goâve
Bacardi 1-5 Victory
AS Jacmel awd Olympic [awarded 3-0, forfait Olympic]
Etoile H 0-1 Frères
Velox 2-1 Carrefour
All Stars awd Roulado SM [awarded 0-3, forfait All Stars]
Round 22 [Sep 28]
Victory - US Frères
Amateur - Grand Goâve
Olympic - Roulado SM
Bacardi - Rangers
Carrefour - Etoile Haïtienne
Petit Goâve - Velox
All Stars - Jacmel
1.Victory (Port-au-Prince) 21 12 5 4 43-13 41
2.AS Carrefour 21 11 7 3 25-11 40
3.Amateur de Cité Soleil (Port-au-Prince) 20 9 8 3 24- 9 35
4.AS Pétit-Goâve 21 9 7 5 25-22 34
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
5.Velox (Croix-des-Missions) 21 8 9 4 24-17 33
6.US Frères 19 10 2 7 24-23 32 [*18]
7.Rangers (Miragoâne) 21 8 6 7 28-21 30
8.AS Grand-Goâve 21 7 8 6 22-15 29
9.Roulado (Source-Matelas) 21 8 4 9 27-27 28 [*18]
10.AS Jacmel 19 7 4 8 20-19 25
11.Olympic (Cabaret) 21 6 6 9 16-28 24
12.Etoile Haitienne (Port-au-Prince) 21 3 8 10 17-29 17
13.Hatüey Bacardi Club (Port-au-Prince) 20 4 3 13 19-46 15
14.All Stars (Pétion-Ville) 21 1 5 15 7-41 8
[*18] w/o goals rd 18
NB: All Stars apparently withdrew during the second half of the season and
have their remaining matches awarded 0-3 losses
Groupe Nord
Round 1
[Mar 2]
Panthère Noire 1-0 Port-de-Paix
[Mar 3]
AS St.-Louis 1-0 Mirebalais
Artibonite 2-0 Dynamite
Liberté 0-0 Jupiter
Papaye 2-0 JS Capoise
Eclair 1-0 Vision
Round 2
[Mar 9]
JS Capoise 1-1 Eclair
Dynamite 2-1 St.-Louis
[Mar 10]
Port-de-Paix 0-0 Artibonite
Mirebalais 2-1 Panthère Noir
Vision 1-1 Liberté
Jupiter 0-0 Papaye
Round 3
[Mar 17]
AS St.-Louis 2-1 Port-de-Paix
Artibonite 2-0 Vision
US Papaye 0-1 AS Mirebalais
Fort-Liberté 0-0 JS Capoise
Eclair 2-2 Jupiter
Panthère Noir 2-1 Dynamite
Round 4
[Mar 23]
Dynamite 1-1 Eclair
JS Capoise 0-1 AS St Louis
[Mar 24]
Jupiter 3-0 Artibonite
AS Mirebalais 1-1 AS Fort-Liberté
Port-de-Paix 1-1 US Papaye
Vision 0-0 Panthère Noir
Round 5
[Mar 30]
JS Capoise 0-0 AS Mirebalais
[Mar 31]
Fort-Liberté 2-1 Dynamite
AS St Louis 1-0 Jupiter
Port-de-Paix 2-1 Vision
AS Papaye 1-0 Panthère Noire
Artibonite 2-0 Eclair
Round 6
[Apr 13]
Panthère Noire ppd JS Capoise
[Apr 14]
Artibonite 0-0 AS Fort-Liberté
Eclair 1-2 AS St Louis
Vision 1-0 US Papaye
Jupiter 1-0 Dynamite
AS Mirebalais 2-0 Port-de-Paix
[played leater, inferred]
Panthère Noire 0-0 JS Capoise
Round 7
[Apr 20]
Dynamite 0-0 Vision
Eclair 2-3 Mirebalais
Capoise 2-2 Jupiter
[Apr 21]
Port-de-Paix 2-0 Fort-Liberté
St Louis 5-1 Panthère Noire
Papaye 1-0 Artibonite
Round 8 [Apr 28]
Fort-Liberté 2-1 Eclair
Mirebalais 0-1 Vision
Jupiter 2-0 Panthère Noire
Capoise 1-1 Port-de-Paix
Artibonite 1-0 St Louis
Papaye 1-0 Dynamite
Round 9 [May 5]
Mirebalais 1-1 Artibonite
Panthère Noire awd Fort Liberté [awarded 3-0, forfait Ft. Liberté]
Dynamite 3-0 Capoise
St Louis 3-0 Papaye
Port-de-Paix 1-0 Eclair
Vision 1-1 Jupiter
1.AS St.-Louis-du-Nord 9 7 0 2 16- 6 21
2.AS Mirebalais 9 4 3 2 10- 7 15
3.AS Pétite-Rivière de l'Artibonite 9 4 3 2 8- 5 15
4.Jupiter (St.-Louis-du-Nord) 9 3 5 1 11- 6 14
5.US Papaye (Hinche) 9 4 2 3 6- 6 14
6.AJS Port-de-Paix 9 3 3 3 8- 8 12
7.Panthère Noire (Liancourt) 9 3 2 4 8-11 11
8.AS Fort-Liberté 9 2 5 2 6- 9 11
9.Vision (Hinche) 9 2 4 3 5- 7 10
10.Dynamite (St.-Marc) 9 2 2 5 8-10 8
11.Eclair (Gonaives) 9 1 3 5 9-14 6
12.JS Capoise (Cap-Haitien) 9 0 6 3 4-10 6
Round 10 [inferred]
[May 11]
Dynamite 2-0 Mirebalais
[May 12]
Fort Liberté 1-1 Papaye
Jupiter 1-2 Port-de-Paix
Artibonite 0-0 Capoise
Vision 0-0 St Louis
Eclair 2-0 Panthère Noire
Round 11 [inferred]
[May 18]
Panthère Noire 0-0 Artibonite
[May 19]
St Louis 2-1 Fort Liberté
Papaye 4-2 Eclair
Mirebalais 3-0 Jupiter
Port-de-Paix 1-0 Dynamite
Capoise 1-0 Vision
NB: Fort-Liberté apparently withdrew at half-way stage and have their
remaining matches awarded 0-3 losses
Round 12 [Aug 2-4]
Port-de-Paix 2-0 Panthère Noire
Mirebalais 1-1 St. Louis
Dynamite 2-0 Artibonite
Capoise 2-0 Papaye
Vision 2-0 Eclair
Jupiter awd Fort Liberté [awarded 3-0, forfait Ft. Liberté]
Round 13
[Aug 11]
Panthère Noire 0-3 Mirebalais
St. Louis 0-0 Dynamite
Papaye 2-0 Jupiter
Fort Liberté awd Vision [awarded 0-3, forfait Ft. Liberté]
[Sep 11]
Artibonite bt Port-de-Paix
Eclair - Capoise
Round 14
[Aug 17,18]
Port-de-Paix 3-0 St. Louis
Vision awd Artibonite [abandoned, presumably awarded 0-3]
Mirebalais 1-0 Papaye
Jupiter 6-0 Eclair
Capoise awd Fort Liberté [awarded 3-0, forfait Ft. Liberté]
[Sep 11]
Dynamite bt Panthère Noire
Round 15 [Aug 24,25]
St Louis 2-0 JS Capoise
Artibonite 6-0 Jupiter
Eclair 1-0 Dynamite
Papaye 2-0 Port-de-Paix
Panthère Noire 0-3 Vision [inferred; awarded?]
Fort Liberté awd Mirebalais [awarded 0-3, forfait Ft. Liberté]
Round 16 [Sep 1]
Dynamite awd Fort Liberté [awarded 3-0, forfait Ft. Liberté]
Jupiter 0-2 St Louis
Vision 1-1 Port-de-Paix
Mirebalais 1-0 JS Capoise
Eclair 2-1 Artibonite
Panthère Noire 0-1 Papaye
Round 17
[Sep 6]
JS Capoise 0-0 Panthère Noire
[Sep 7]
Dynamite 4-2 Jupiter
[Sep 8]
St Louis 0-0 Eclair
Papaye - Vision
Port-de-Paix 3-0 Mirebalais
Fort-Liberté awd Artibonite [awarded 0-3, forfait Ft. Liberté]
Round 18
[Sep 14]
Panthère Noire 0-0 St Louis
[Sep 15]
Vision ppd Dynamite
Artibonite 1-0 Papaye
Mirebalais 4-0 Eclair
Jupiter 2-0 JS Capoise
Fort-Liberté awd Port-de-Paix [awarded 0-3, forfait Ft. Liberté]
Round 19 [Sep 20-22]
Dynamite 4-0 US Papaye
Vision 1-1 Mirebalais
St Louis 4-0 Artibonite
Port-de-Paix 2-0 JS Capoise
Panthère Noire ppd Jupiter
Eclair awd Fort Liberté [awarded 3-0, forfait Ft. Liberté]
Round 20
[Sep 27]
Js Capoise - Dynamite
[Sep 28]
Artibonite - Mirebalais
Papaye - St Louis
Eclair - Port-de-Paix
Jupiter - Vision
Fort Liberté - Panthère Noire
1.AS St.-Louis-de-Nord 19 11 5 3 27-11 38
2.AS Mirebalais 19 10 5 4 27-14 35
3.AJS Port-de-Paix 19 10 4 5 25-12 34 [*13]
4.AS Pétite-Rivière de l'Artibonite 19 9 5 5 22-13 32 [*13]
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
5.Dynamite (St.-Marc) 19 8 3 7 23-14 27 [*14]
6.US Papaye (Hinche) 18 8 3 7 16-17 27
7.Jupiter (St.-Louis-du-Nord) 18 6 5 7 25-25 23 [26-26?]
8.Vision (Hinche) 17 5 7 5 15-13 22
9.Eclair (Gonaives) 18 5 4 9 19-31 19
10.JS Capoise (Cap-Haitien) 18 3 8 7 10-17 17
11.Panthère Noire (Liancourt) 18 3 5 10 8-22 14 [*14]
12.AS Fort-Liberté 19 2 6 11 8-36 12
[*13] w/o goals rd 13
[*14] w/o goals rd 14
NB: Fort-Liberté apparently withdrew at half-way stage and have their
remaining matches awarded 0-3 losses
NB: Jupiter are given with a goal record of 24-26 which cannot be made to
match the known results (unless another goal record is erroneous by 1-1)
Promotion Playoff
Quarterfinals [Nov 10 and 17]
Amateur de Cité-Soleil 0-1 0-0 AS de St Louis du Nord
US Frères 0-1 1-2 AS Rive Artibonitienne
AS Mirebalais 0-0 1-4 AS de Carrefour [2nd leg Nov 16]
AJS de Port-de-Paix 1-0 0-2 Victory
Semifinals [Nov 26, stade Sylvio Cator]
Victory 1-0 AS Rive Artibonitienne
AS de Carrefour 3-0 AS de St Louis du Nord
Final [Nov 30, stade Sylvio Cator]
Victory 1-2 AS de Carrefour
Promoted: Victory and AS de Carrefour
Third Level 2002
Championnat de Division Régionale
Qualifying Matches
Catherine Flon de l'Arcahaie bt Remorqueur de PG
CFTC des Cayes lt ASP dif d'Aquin
Semifinals [Sep 5]
Blue Star de Limonade 2-1 Flora de l'Arcahaie
ASP dif d'Aquin 2-0 Catherine Flon de l'Arcahaie
Third Place Match [Sep 7]
Final [Sep 7]
ASP dif d'Aquin 1-0 Blue Star de Limonade
[Kajou Claudy]
ASP dif d'Aquin and Blue Star de Limonade promoted to 2nd division.
Schedule 2003:
Ouverture: Jan 31-Jun 15
Clôture: Aug 1-Nov 24
Second Level: Feb 8-Nov 30 (break Jun 13-Jul 31)
Coupe de l'Indépendance
2nd edition
Start on Oct 17; 44 participating teams (representing regional
leagues) of U-23 players.
Round 6
1/16 Finals (2nd Legs)
[Nov 22]
Massade 1-1 Thomassique
[Nov 24]
Hinche 0-1 Mirebalais
Saint Michel 0-0 Verettes
Jean Rabel 1-1 Port-de-Paix
Plaisance du Sud 0-3 Torbeck
Archaie 0-0 Anse-à-Galet [3-3 pen - shootout stopped]
Léogâne awd Pétion-Ville [awarded 3-0, forfait Pétion-Ville]
[Nov 30 (replay)]
Arcahaie - Anse-à-Galet
Round 7
1/8 Finals (1st legs)
[Dec 1]
Thomassique - Mirebalais
Port-de-Paix - Jean Rabel
Verettes - Saint Michel
[Dec 26]
Léogâne 2-2 Arcahaie [3-2 pen]
Jérémie 2-2 Plaisance du Sud [3-4 pen]
[Dec 27]
Limonade 3-1 Port-de-Paix
Verettes 2-0 Mirabalais
Semifinals [Dec 29]
Léogâne 2-1 Plaisance du Sud
Verettes 3-2 Limonade
Third Place Match [Jan 2, stade Sylvio Cator]
Plaisance du Sud - Limonade
Final [Jan 2, stade Sylvio Cator]
Verrettes 0-1 Léogâne
Division 1
Championnat d'Ouverture
Final Table:
1.Don Bosco (Pétion-Ville) 15 8 6 1 24- 9 30 Playoff
2.Cavaly (Léogâne) 15 9 3 3 13- 9 30 Playoff
3.AS Capoise (Cap Haïtien) 15 6 6 3 15- 9 24
4.Racing FC (Gônaïves) 15 6 6 3 14- 8 24
5.Aigle Noir (Port-au-Prince) 15 7 3 5 10- 8 24
6.Baltimore (St. Marc) 15 6 5 4 14-10 23
7.FICA (Cap Haïtien) 15 6 5 4 12-11 23
8.Violette AC (Port-au-Prince) 15 6 4 5 14-12 22
9.Tempête (St. Marc) 15 6 3 6 16-19 21
10.Valencia (Léogâne) 15 4 5 6 12-15 17
11.Carioca (Port-au-Prince) 15 4 5 6 10-13 17
12.AS de Carrefour 15 4 4 7 16-16 16
13.Roulado (La Gônave) 15 3 7 5 8-12 16
14.Racing Club Haïtien (Port-au-Prince) 15 4 3 8 14-19 15
15.Victory (Port-au-Prince) 15 2 5 8 6-16 11
16.Zénith (Cap-Haïtien) 15 3 2 10 9-21 11
NB: the three matches from rounds 5, 8 and 10 which were re-programmed for
May 17 and 20 but not played are counted with their original results.
Round 1
[Jan 31]
Violette 1-2 Racing CH
[Feb 2]
Tempête 1-0 Carrefour
Roulado 1-0 Zénith
Valencia 0-0 Carioca
Don Bosco 1-1 Baltimore
Racing G 0-0 Cavaly
[Feb 12]
Aigle Noir 0-0 Capoise
FICA 0-1 Victory
Round 2
[Feb 7]
Victory 0-0 Valencia
[Feb 8]
Zénith 1-1 Tempête
[Feb 9]
Carrefour 1-1 Roulado
Baltimore 1-0 Aigle Noir
Capoise 0-0 Don Bosco
Cavaly 1-0 Violette
Racing CH 0-1 Racing G
Carioca 3-1 FICA
Round 3
[Feb 14]
Don Bosco 3-1 Carrefour
[Feb 15]
Aigle Noir 1-0 Zénith
[Feb 16]
Tempête 1-0 Baltimore
Roulado 1-1 Capoise
FICA 1-0 Cavaly
Valencia 2-1 Racing CH
Racing G 1-1 Victory
[Feb 17]
Violette 1-0 Carioca [also reported 2-0]
Round 4
[Feb 21]
Carioca 3-2 Tempête
[Feb 22]
Capoise 0-2 Racing G
Racing CH 0-1 Don Bosco
[Feb 23]
Baltimore 1-1 Violette
Cavaly 1-0 Aigle Noir
Carrefour 1-2 Valencia
Zénith 1-3 FICA
[Feb 24]
Victory 0-0 Roulado
Round 5
[Feb 27]
Victory 0-0 Aigle Noir
Violette 1-1 Carrefour
[Mar 1]
Tempête 2-0 Racing CH
Roulado 0-2 Baltimore
Valencia ann Cavaly [annulled; originally 0-1 but Cavaly
Don Bosco 1-0 Carioca fielded ineligible players]
Racing G 2-0 Zénith
[Mar 3?]
FICA 0-2 Capoise
[May 17]
Valencia n/p Cavaly [eventually win for Cavaly, presumably
by 0-1]
Round 6
[Mar 7]
Violette 1-0 Don Bosco
[Mar 9]
Zénith 0-1 Cavaly
Roulado 0-1 FICA
Aigle Noir 2-0 Tempête
Baltimore 1-0 Victory
Carioca 0-1 Capoise
Racing CH 3-2 Carrefour
Valencia 0-0 Racing G
Round 7
[Mar 14]
Victory 0-1 Racing CH
[Mar 15]
FICA 0-0 Racing G
[Mar 16]
Capoise 3-0 Baltimore
Cavaly 1-0 Carioca
Tempête 2-1 Valencia
Carrefour 2-1 Zénith
Don Bosco 0-0 Roulado
Aigle Noir 0-2 Violette
Round 8
[Mar 21]
Don Bosco 2-1 Aigle Noir
[Mar 22]
Victory 0-0 Capoise
[Mar 23]
Racing G 2-0 Tempête
Carrefour 0-1 Cavaly
Zénith 1-0 Racing CH
Baltimore 2-0 Carioca
Violette ann Roulado [annulled; originally 1-2 but Roulado
[Mar 30] fielded suspended players with the
Valencia 0-1 FICA placet of the federation]
[May 20]
Violette n/p Roulado [eventually win for Roulado, presumably
by 1-2]
Round 9 - postponed
[Apr 1]
Violette 3-1 Valencia [inferred]
[Apr 2]
Tempête 2-2 FICA
Carioca 1-1 Carrefour
Racing G 2-2 Don Bosco
Cavaly 0-0 Baltimore [inferred]
Roulado 0-1 Aigle Noir [inferred]
Zénith 2-1 Victory
[Apr 3]
Racing CH 1-1 Capoise
Round 10 (inferred)
[Apr 4]
Don Bosco 3-0 Tempête
[Apr 5]
Capoise ann Cavaly [awarded 3-0 as Cavaly did not show,
Carioca 1-1 Zénith assuming they had been granted a
[Apr 6] postponement; Capoise did not know;
Valencia 0-0 Roulado award later annulled]
FICA 1-0 Violette
Carrefour 4-0 Victory
[Apr 30]
Aigle Noir 2-0 Racing G [inferred, also reported 1-0]
Baltimore 2-0 Racing CH
[May 20]
Capoise n/p Cavaly [eventually win for Capoise, presumably
by 3-0 award]
Round 11
[Apr 15?]
Violette 1-1 Tempête
Victory 0-1 Carioca
FICA 0-0 Don Bosco
Roulado 0-2 Racing G
Valencia 0-1 Aigle Noir
Capoise 1-0 Zénith
Baltimore 0-0 Carrefour
[Apr 16, inferred]
Racing CH 2-3 Cavaly
Round 12
Don Bosco 2-1 Valencia
Aigle Noir 1-0 FICA
Tempête 1-0 Roulado
Racing G 0-0 Violette
Carrefour 2-0 Capoise
Zénith 1-0 Baltimore
Carioca 1-0 Racing CH
Cavaly 1-0 Victory
Round 13
[Apr 25]
Victory 2-0 Tempête
[Apr 26]
Racing CH 2-0 Aigle Noir
Zénith 1-2 Valencia
[Apr 27]
Carioca 0-0 Roulado
Cavaly 1-1 Don Bosco
Carrefour 0-1 FICA
Capoise 2-0 Violette
Baltimore 2-0 Racing G
Round 14 [inferred]
[May 2]
Violette 1-0 Victory
[May 3]
Don Bosco 4-0 Zénith
[May 4]
Tempête 2-0 Capoise
Aigle Noir 1-0 Carrefour
FICA 0-0 Racing CH
Roulado 1-0 Cavaly
Racing G 2-0 Carioca
Valencia 2-1 Baltimore
Round 15
[May 30]
Carioca 0-0 Aigle Noir
[May 31]
Zénith 0-1 Violette
Racing CH 2-2 Roulado
[Jun 1]
Capoise 1-1 Valencia [inferred, also reported 0-0]
Victory 1-4 Don Bosco
Carrefour 1-0 Racing G
Cavaly 2-1 Tempête
Baltimore 1-1 FICA
Final Table:
1.Don Bosco (Pétion-Ville) 15 8 6 1 24- 9 30 Playoff
2.Cavaly (Léogâne) 15 9 3 3 13- 9 30 Playoff
3.AS Capoise (Cap Haïtien) 15 6 6 3 15- 9 24
4.Racing FC (Gônaïves) 15 6 6 3 14- 8 24
5.Aigle Noir (Port-au-Prince) 15 7 3 5 10- 8 24
6.Baltimore (St. Marc) 15 6 5 4 14-10 23
7.FICA (Cap Haïtien) 15 6 5 4 12-11 23
8.Violette AC (Port-au-Prince) 15 6 4 5 14-12 22
9.Tempête (St. Marc) 15 6 3 6 16-19 21
10.Valencia (Léogâne) 15 4 5 6 12-15 17
11.Carioca (Port-au-Prince) 15 4 5 6 10-13 17
12.AS de Carrefour 15 4 4 7 16-16 16
13.Roulado (La Gônave) 15 3 7 5 8-12 16
14.Racing Club Haïtien (Port-au-Prince) 15 4 3 8 14-19 15
15.Victory (Port-au-Prince) 15 2 5 8 6-16 11
16.Zénith (Cap-Haïtien) 15 3 2 10 9-21 11
NB: the three matches from rounds 5, 8 and 10 which were re-programmed for
May 17 and 20 but not played are counted with their original results.
Championship Playoff
First Leg [Jun 8]
Cavaly 0-2 Don Bosco
Second Leg [Jun 15]
Don Bosco 1-0 Cavaly
Don Bosco champions Ouverture 2003.
Fermeture 2003
1.Roulado (La Gônave) 15 8 3 4 18- 7 27 Clôture Champions
2.Victory FC (Port-au-Prince) 15 8 3 4 10- 9 27
3.Violette AC (Port-au-Prince) 15 7 5 3 20-11 26
4.Zénith (Cap-Haïtien) 15 7 3 5 15- 9 24
5.Cavaly (Léogâne) 15 7 3 5 15-13 24
6.Baltimore FC (St. Marc) 14 6 4 4 15- 9 22
7.Tempête (St. Marc) 15 7 1 7 14-13 22
8.FICA (Cap Haïtien) 14 6 3 5 13- 9 21
9.Racing Club Haïtien (Port-au-Prince) 15 6 3 6 14-13 21
10.AS de Carrefour 15 6 3 6 14-15 21
11.AS Capoise (Cap Haïtien) 15 5 4 6 11-14 19
12.Valencia (Léogâne) 15 5 3 7 11-16 18
13.Don Bosco (Pétion-Ville) 15 3 6 6 11-16 15
14.Racing FC (Gônaïves) 15 4 3 8 10-17 15
15.Carioca (Port-au-Prince) 15 3 5 7 9-17 14
16.Aigle Noir (Port-au-Prince) 15 3 4 8 12-24 13
Round 1
[Aug 23]
Victory 1-0 FICA
[Aug 24]
ASCAR 3-2 Tempête
Baltimore 1-1 Don Bosco
Capoise 3-3 Aigle Noir
Cavaly 3-0 Racing G
Racing CH 0-1 Violette
Carioca 1-3 Valencia
Zenith 2-1 Roulado
Round 2
[Aug 31]
FICA 0-0 Carioca
Valencia 0-0 Victory
Roulado 0-1 ASCAR
Racing G 2-0 Racing CH
[Sep 2]
Violette 1-1 Cavaly
[Sep 3]
Tempête 1-0 Zénith
[Sep 4]
Aigle Noir 0-0 Baltimore
[played later]
Don Bosco 2-0 Capoise
Round 3
[Sep 5]
Victory 1-0 Racing G
[Sep 6]
Capoise 0-0 Roulado
[Sep 7]
Baltimore 0-1 Tempête
Zénith 4-0 Aigle Noir
ASCAR 1-1 Don Bosco
Carioca 2-5 Violette
Racing CH 0-0 Valencia
Cavaly 2-1 FICA
Round 4
[Sep 12]
Aigle Noir 1-1 Cavaly
[Sep 13]
Don Bosco 2-1 Racing CH
[Sep 14]
Tempête 0-2 Carioca
Racing G 0-2 Capoise
Violette 1-1 Baltimore
Roulado 2-0 Victory
Valencia 0-2 Carrefour
FICA awd Zénith [FICA dns; Zénith refuse to replay;
awarded 3-0]
Round 5
[Sep 20]
Zenith 1-0 Racing G
Racing CH 2-1 Tempête
[Sep 21]
Baltimore 2-0 Roulado
Capoise 1-0 FICA
Carrefour 0-0 Violette
Cavaly 0-0 Valencia
Aigle-Noir 4-1 Victory
Carioca 1-1 Don Bosco
Round 6
[Sep 27]
Don Bosco 0-0 Violette
Capoise 2-0 Carioca
[Sep 28]
Cavaly 0-2 Zénith
FICA 1-0 Roulado
Tempête 4-1 Aigle Noir
Victory 1-0 Baltimore
Carrefour 1-4 Racing CH
[played later]
Racing G 2-0 Valencia
Round 7
[Oct 2]
Roulado 2-0 Don Bosco
[Oct 3]
Carioca 1-0 Cavaly
[Oct 4]
Violette 3-0 Aigle Noir
[Oct 5]
Racing CH 1-2 Victory
Valencia 1-2 Tempête
Zénith 0-0 Carrefour
[played later]
Baltimore 2-0 Capoise
Racing G 0-0 FICA
Round 8
[Oct 9]
Roulado 2-0 Violette
[Oct 12]
Capoise 0-0 Victory
Tempête 1-0 Racing G
Cavaly 1-0 Carrefour
FICA 2-0 Valencia
Don Bosco 1-0 Aigle Noir
Carioca 0-1 Baltimore
Zénith 0-0 Racing CH
Round 9
[Oct 18]
FICA 1-0 Tempête
Don Bosco 1-1 Racing G
Victory 1-0 Zénith
[Oct 19]
Carrefour 1-0 Carioca
Capoise 0-0 Racing CH
Valencia 2-1 Violette
Baltimore 2-0 Cavaly
Aigle Noir 1-1 Roulado
Round 10
[Oct 26]
Victory 1-0 Carrefour
Tempête 1-0 Don Bosco
Roulado awd Valencia [awarded 3-0 forfeit]
Racing G 1-0 Aigle Noir
Racing CH 1-0 Baltimore
Cavaly 3-0 Capoise
Zénith 0-0 Carioca
[Dec 7?]
Violette 2-1 FICA
Round 11
[Nov 1]
Don Bosco 2-2 FICA
[Nov 2]
Tempête 0-0 Violette
Racing G 0-1 Roulado
Aigle Noir 1-0 Valencia
Zénith 1-0 Capoise
Carrefour awd Baltimore [Baltimore dns; Carrefour refuse to
Cavaly 2-1 Racing CH replay; awarded 0-3]
[Nov 4]
Carioca 0-0 Victory
Round 12
[Nov 8]
Violette 3-0 Racing G
FICA 1-0 Aigle Noir
[Nov 9]
Roulado 1-0 Tempête
Capoise 0-1 Carrefour
Baltimore 0-2 Zénith
Racing CH 2-0 Carioca
Valencia 1-0 Don Bosco
Victory 1-0 Cavaly
Round 13
[Nov 29]
Don Bosco 0-1 Cavaly
[Nov 30]
Aigle Noir 0-1 Racing CH
Valencia 2-0 Zénith
Violette 1-2 Capoise
Tempête 1-0 Victory
FICA 1-0 Carrefour
Roulado 0-0 Carioca
Racing G 1-1 Baltimore
Round 14 [Dec 13,14]
Racing CH 1-0 FICA
Violette 1-0 Victory
Capoise 1-0 Tempête
Carioca 2-1 Racing G
Carrefour 3-0 Aigle Noir
Baltimore 2-1 Valencia
Cavaly awd Roulado [awarded 0-3; match was abandoned]
Zénith 3-0 Don Bosco
Round 15 [Dec 21]
Don Bosco 0-1 Victory
Violette 1-0 Zénith
Tempete 0-1 Cavaly
FICA ppd Baltimore
Aigle Noir 1-0 Carioca
Roulado 2-0 Racing CH
Valencia 1-0 Capoise
Racing G 2-1 Carrefour
1.Roulado (La Gônave) 15 8 3 4 18- 7 27 Clôture Champions
2.Victory FC (Port-au-Prince) 15 8 3 4 10- 9 27
3.Violette AC (Port-au-Prince) 15 7 5 3 20-11 26
4.Zénith (Cap-Haïtien) 15 7 3 5 15- 9 24
5.Cavaly (Léogâne) 15 7 3 5 15-13 24
6.Baltimore FC (St. Marc) 14 6 4 4 15- 9 22
7.Tempête (St. Marc) 15 7 1 7 14-13 22
8.FICA (Cap Haïtien) 14 6 3 5 13- 9 21
9.Racing Club Haïtien (Port-au-Prince) 15 6 3 6 14-13 21
10.AS de Carrefour 15 6 3 6 14-15 21
11.AS Capoise (Cap Haïtien) 15 5 4 6 11-14 19
12.Valencia (Léogâne) 15 5 3 7 11-16 18
13.Don Bosco (Pétion-Ville) 15 3 6 6 11-16 15
14.Racing FC (Gônaïves) 15 4 3 8 10-17 15
15.Carioca (Port-au-Prince) 15 3 5 7 9-17 14
16.Aigle Noir (Port-au-Prince) 15 3 4 8 12-24 13
Aggregate Table:
1.Cavaly (Léogâne) 30 16 6 8 28-22 54
2.Violette AC (Port-au-Prince) 30 13 9 8 34-23 48
3.Don Bosco (Pétion-Ville) 30 11 12 7 35-25 45
4.Baltimore (St. Marc) 29 12 9 8 29-19 45
5.FICA (Cap Haïtien) 29 12 8 9 25-20 44
6.Roulado (La Gônave) 30 11 10 9 26-19 43
7.AS Capoise (Cap Haïtien) 30 11 10 9 26-23 43
8.Tempête (St. Marc) 30 13 4 13 30-32 43
9.Racing FC (Gônaïves) 30 10 9 11 24-25 39
10.Victory FC (Port-au-Prince) 30 10 8 12 16-25 38
11.AS de Carrefour 30 10 7 13 30-31 37
12.Aigle Noir (Port-au-Prince) 30 10 7 13 22-32 37
13.Racing Club Haïtien (Port-au-Prince) 30 10 6 14 28-32 36
14.Zénith (Cap-Haïtien) 30 10 5 15 24-30 35
15.Valencia (Léogâne) 30 9 8 13 23-31 35 Relegated
16.Carioca (Port-au-Prince) 30 7 10 13 19-30 31 Relegated
Match des Champions 2003 [Oct 31, 2004]
Don Bosco 0-0 Roulado [4-5 pen]
NB: 2004 season to start Feb 27 but cancelled
Coupe Atlantic Windows
First edition, played Jun 14-Jul 5.
Group A
[Jun 14]
Violette 1-3 Baltimore
[Jun 19]
Baltimore 0-0 Aigle Noir
[Jun 22]
Violette 3-0 Aigle Noir
1.Baltimore (St. Marc) 2 1 1 0 3- 1 4 Qualified
2.Violette AC (Port-au-Prince) 2 1 0 1 4- 3 3 Qualified
3.Aigle Noir (Port-au-Prince) 2 0 1 1 0- 3 1
Group B
[Jun 18]
Racing CH 0-0 Don Bosco
[Jun 21]
Roulado 1-1 Don Bosco
[Jun 25]
Racing CH drw Roulado [at least 1-1; probably 2-2 or higher]
1.Roulado (La Gônave) 2 0 2 0 1- 1 2 [*] Qualified
2.Racing Club Haïtien (Port-au-Prince) 2 0 2 0 0- 0 2 [*] Qualified
3.Don Bosco (Pétion-Ville) 2 0 2 0 1- 1 2
[+] w/o goals Racing-Roulado
[Jun 28]
Baltimore 4-0 Racing CH
[Jun 29]
Roulado drw Violette [1-3 pen]
Third Place Match [Jul 4]
Roulado 2-0 Racing CH
Final [Jul 5]
Baltimore 1-0 Violette
Tournoi d'Anniversaire du Président
Semifinals [Jul 11]
Racing CH 2-1 Aigle Noir
Violette 2-1 Roulado
Final [Jul 17, stade Sylvio Cator]
Racing CH bt Violette
Division 2
Groupe Sud
Round 1 [Mar 30]
Excelsior 2-2 US Frères
AS Jacmel 0-0 Bacardi
Velox 0-0 ASPDIF
Rangers 1-2 ASPG
Olympic 0-0 Amateur
ASGG 3-1 Roulado SM
Arcahaie 3-0 Etoile
Round 2 [Apr 6]
US Frères - Velox
Bacardi - Excelsior
ASPDIF - AS Jacmel
ASPG - Olympic
Roulado SM - US Arcahaie
Amateur - Rangers
Etoile - ASGG
Round 3 missing
Round 4
ASPG 0-1 Velox
US Frères 1-4 Olympic
Bacardy 1-0 Rangers
Roulado SM 2-0 Jacmel
Etoile 1-1 Excelsior
Amateur 1-2 US Arcahaie
Round 5 [Apr 27]
ASPDIF - Amateur
AS Jacmel lt ASPG
US Frères - Etoile
Roulado SM lt Bacardi
Olympic drw Excelsior
ASGG bt Velox
Rangers drw US Arcahaie
Round 6 [May 2-4]
Bacardy 1-3 US Frères
Excelsior 0-0 ASGG
Velox 0-1 Rangers
Arcahaie 3-0 Jacmel
Etoile 1-3 Olympic
Amateur 1-2 Roulado SM
1.AS Grand Goâve 6 4 2 0 14
2.AS Petit Goâve 6 4 0 2 12
3.Olympic 6 3 2 1 11
4.US Arcahaie 6 3 2 1 11
5.Bacardi 6 3 1 2 10
6.US Frères 6 3 1 2 10
7.ASPDIF 6 2 3 1 9
8.Rangers 6 2 2 2 8
9.Velox 6 2 1 3 7
10.Excelsior 6 1 4 1 7
11.Roulado SM 6 2 1 3 7
12.AC Jacmel 6 1 1 4 4
13.Amateur 6 0 2 4 2
14.Étoile Haïtienne 6 0 2 4 2
Round 7 [May 11]
ASGG - US Arcahaie
ASPDIF - Rangers
AS Jacmel - Excelsior
Velox - Olympic
US Frères 1-2 Amateur
Roulado SM - ASPG
Etoile - Bacardi
Round 8 [May 18]
Rangers awd US Frères [awarded 3-0, forfait Frères]
Etoile 2-1 Amateur
Olympic 0-0 ASGG
Jacmel 2-0 Velox
ASPDIF 0-0 Arcahaie
Bacardi 1-1 ASPG
Excelsior ppd Roulado SM
Round 9 [May 25]
Rangers 1-1 Olympic
ASPG 1-0 Amateur
Velox 1-1 Roulado SM
Etoile 0-1 Jacmel
Arcahaie 0-0 Excelsior
ASGG 2-2 US Frères
Bacardi 2-0 ASPDIF
Round 10 missing
Round 11 [Jun 8]
Étoile 0-0 ASPG
Bacardy 2-1 ASGG
Rangers 0-0 Excelsior
ASPDIF 2-0 Roulado SM
Olympic 0-0 AS Jacmel
Arcahaie 1-0 US Frères
Amateur 3-1 Velox
Moved from Round 10? [Jun 12]
Frères 2-0 Velox
Round 12 [Jun 15]
Velox 2-0 Etoile
ASGG 2-1 Rangers
Arachaie 0-0 Arcahaie
ASPDIF 1-1 Olympic
Jacmel 1-0 Amateur
ASPG ppd Excelsior
Roulado SM 0-0 Frères
1.ASPG 23 points
8.Vélox and Cabaret 15 points
Round 13
[Jun 21]
Etoile - ASPDIF
[Jun 22]
Excelsior - Amateur
ASGG - AS Jacmel
US Frères - ASPG
Rangers - Roulado SM
Olympic - Bacardy
Velox - US Arcahaie
Round 14
Excelsior 2-2 US Frères
AS Jacmel 0-0 Bacardi
Velox 0-0 ASPDIF
Rangers 1-2 ASPG
Olympic 0-0 Amateur
ASGG 3-1 Roulado SM
Arcahaie 3-0 Etoile
Moved Match [Jun 29]
ASPG - Excelsior
Table (Jun 8):
1.AS Petit Goâve 23
2.Bacardi 20
3.AS Grand Goâve 19
4.US Arcahaie 19
5.AC Jacmel 17
7.Olympic 14
8.Rangers 14
9.Velox 12
10.Amateur 11
11.Excelsior 10
12.Étoile Haïtienne 9
13.Roulado SM 8
14.US Frères 8
Round 14
[Aug 23]
Etoile H - US Arcahaie
[Aug 24]
Bacardi - AS Jacmel
US Frères - Excelsior
ASPG - Rangers
Amateur - Olympic
Roulado SM - ASGG
ASPDIF - Velox
Groupe Nord
Round 1 [Mar 30]
Dynamite 2-0 Blue Stars
JSC 1-0 Jupiter
ASSL 1-0 Éclair
ASM 1-0 Triomphe
Vision 1-0 AJSP
ASR 1-1 US Papaye
Round 2 [Apr 6]
Blue Stars - AS Mirebalais
Eclair - Dynamite
Triomphe - ASSL
Jupiter - Vision de Hinche
US Papaye - JSC
Round 3 missing
Round 4
Eclair 2-0 JSC
Blue Star 2-0 Vision de Hinche
Triomphe 3-0 ASR
US Papaye 0-0 Dynamite
Jupiter 1-1 AS Mirebalais
Round 5
[Apr 25]
JSC drw Triomphe
[Apr 27]
ASSL - Jupiter
Blue Star bt US Papaye
AJSP lt Eclair
Vision lt Dynamite
Mirebalais bt ASR
Moved Match
Triomphe 1-0 ASSL
Round 6 [May 2-4]
Dynamite 1-1 AJSP
Eclair 0-0 Blue Star
Mirebalais 1-0 JSC
US Papaye 0-1 Vision de Hinche
Jupiter 0-0 Triomphe
1.AS Mirebalais 6 4 2 0 14
2.Dynamite 11
3.Eclair 10
4.Triomphe 10
5.JSC 8
6.AJSP 8
7.Blue Star 8
8.Jupiter 6
9.Vision de Hinche 6
10.ASSL 5
11.US Papaye 2
12.ASR 2
Round 7 [May 11]
Triomphe 4-0 US Papaye
Blue Star - JSC
ASSL - Dynamite
Vision 1-2 AS Mirebalais
ASR - Eclair
AJSP - Jupiter
Round 8
[May 18]
Eclair 1-0 Papaye
Vision 2-1 Triomphe
[Jun 18]
Excelsior 1-1 Roulado
other matches postponed
Round 9
[May 24]
Dynamite 1-1 JSC
[May 25]
Eclair 2-0 Mirebalais
Triomphe 1-1 AJSP
ASSL - Vision
Blue Star 0-0 ASR
Papaye 4-1 Jupiter
Round 10 missing
Round 11 [Jun 8]
Vision awd ASR [awarded 0-3, forfait Vision]
Éclair 2-1 Jupiter
Dynamite 2-0 Mirebalais
Blue Star 1-0 Triomphe
AJSP 2-0 Papaye
Moved Match [Jun 12,13?]
ASSL 2-0 Dynamite
[Jun 15]
Jupiter 2-1 Dynamite
Moved Matches
[Jun 19]
ASSL - Vision
[Jun 22]
ASR - Jupiter
ASSL - Blue Star
Round 12
Dynamite 2-0 Blue Stars
JSC 1-0 Jupiter
ASSL 1-0 Eclair
ASM 1-0 Triomphe
Vision 1-0 ASJP
ASR 1-1 US Papaye
1.AS Mirebalais 20
2.Eclair 19
3.Triomphe 18
4.Dynamite 15
5.Blue Star 15
6.AJSP 14
7.JSC 13
8.ASR 12
9.Jupiter 9
10.Vision de Hinche 9
11.US Papaye 8
12.ASSL 6
Round 12
[Aug 23]
Eclair - ASSL
Jupiter - JSC
[Aug 24]
Blue Star - Dynamite
Triomphe - AS Mirebalais
AJSP - Vision de Hinche
US Papaye - ASR
Round 13?
[Aug 31]
Mirebalais 7-1 Blue Star
ASSL 2-0 Triomphe
Championship Playoffs
First Legs
Groupe Sud
Arcahaie 1-0 ASPG
AS Jacmel 1-0 ASGG
Groupe Nord
Dynamite 2-1 AS Mirebalais
Triomphe 3-0 ASSL
Second Legs [Dec 21]
Groupe Sud
ASPG - US Arcahaie
ASGG - AS Jacmel
Groupe Nord
Mirebalais - Dynamite
ASSL - Triomphe
Promoted: AS Grand Goâve and AS Mirebalais.
Division 1
Was to start Feb 27, but not played during various catastrophies
1.Cavaly (Léogâne)
2.Violette AC (Port-au-Prince)
3.Don Bosco (Pétion-Ville)
4.Baltimore (St. Marc)
5.FICA (Cap Haïtien)
6.Roulado (La Gônave)
7.AS Capoise (Cap Haïtien)
8.Tempête (St. Marc)
9.Racing FC (Gônaïves)
10.Victory FC (Port-au-Prince)
11.AS de Carrefour
12.Aigle Noir (Port-au-Prince)
13.Racing Club Haïtien (Port-au-Prince)
14.Zénith (Cap-Haïtien)
15.AS Grand Goâve
16.AS Mirebalais
Match des Champions 2003 [Oct 31, 2004]
Don Bosco 0-0 Roulado [4-5 pen]
NB: Don Bosco were Ouverture champions 2003, Roulado Clôture Champions 2003
Tournoi de Solidarité avec Gonaïves 2004
Start Oct 1 at stade Sylvio Cator; held in aid of victims of the
inundations following hurricane Jeanne
10 participants (9 clubs from 1st or 2nd level and Haiti U-20);
structure not entirely clear
[Oct 1]
Cavaly 1-0 Haiti U-20
Victory FC 2-1 US Arcahaie
[Oct 2]
AS Carrefour 1-0 Don Bosco
Violette 1-0 Baltimore
[Oct 3]
Cavaly 0-3 US Arcahaie
Victory FC 2-1 Haiti U-20
[Oct 7]
AS Mirebalais 1-1 Violette
Tempête 2-2 Don Bosco
[Oct 8]
Haiti U-20 2-1 US Arcahaie
Cavaly 2-0 Victory FC
[Oct 9]
AS Mirebalais 0-1 Baltimore
AS Carrefour 1-0 Tempête
Groupe A
1.Violette AC (Port-au-Prince) 2 1 1 0 2- 1 4
2.Baltimore (St. Marc) 2 1 0 1 1- 1 3
3.AS Mirebalais 2 0 1 1 1- 2 1
Groupe B
1.AS de Carrefour 2 2 0 0 2- 0 6
2.Don Bosco (Pétion-Ville) 2 0 1 1 2- 3 1
3.Tempête (St. Marc) 2 0 1 1 2- 3 1
Groupe C
1.Victory FC (Port-au-Prince) 3 2 0 1 4- 4 6
2.Cavaly (Léogâne) 3 2 0 1 3- 3 6
3.US Arcahaie 3 1 0 2 5- 4 3
4.Haiti U-20 3 1 0 2 3- 4 3
Semifinals [ppd from Oct 9]
Violette AC 0-0 Victory [aet, 2-3 pen]
AS Carrefour 0-1 Cavaly
Third Place Match [Oct 16?]
Violette AC - AS Carrefour
Final [Oct 16]
Cavaly 3-1 Victory FC
Tournoi "La Toussaint", Parc Saint Louis, organised by AS Mirebalais
Baltimore 3-2 Violette
AS Mirebalais 0-0 Racing Gonaïves [3-4 pen]
Racing G 1-1 Baltimore [Racing on pen]
Pre-Season Tournament 2004
NB: Verrettes entered as replacement for the clubs from
Cap Haïtien which withdrew
First Round [Nov 12?]
Cavaly 3-1 AS Grand Goave
AS Carrefour 2-1 Victory
AS Mirebalais 1-0 Roulado
Don Bosco 2-1 Violette
Aigle Noir, Baltimore, Racing G and Verrettes bye
Quarterfinals [Nov 14?]
Baltimore 1-1 AS Mirebalais [5-4 pen]
Aigle Noir 1-1 Don Bosco [4-3 pen]
Racing G 3-0 Verrettes
Cavaly 1-1 AS Carrefour [4-3 pen]
Semifinals [Nov 16]
Baltimore - Racing Gonaïves
Aigle Noir - Cavaly
Final [Nov 18]
Division 1
Championnat d'Ouverture
Final Table:
1.AS Mirebalais 15 9 5 1 14- 6 32 Ouverture Champions
2.Racing Club Haïtien (Port-au-Prince) 15 9 4 2 24-13 31
3.Violette AC (Port-au-Prince) 15 7 5 3 17-14 26
4.Victory FC (Port-au-Prince) 15 7 4 4 18-13 25
5.Racing FC (Gônaïves) 15 7 3 5 13-10 24
6.Zénith (Cap-Haïtien) 15 6 4 5 15-13 22
7.Roulado (La Gônave) 15 4 6 5 14-12 18
8.AS Capoise (Cap Haïtien) 15 5 3 7 16-15 18
9.Cavaly (Léogâne) 15 3 8 4 12-12 17
10.Tempête (St. Marc) 15 3 8 4 13-19 17
11.Don Bosco (Pétion-Ville) 15 3 7 5 15-17 16
12.AS de Carrefour 15 2 9 4 8- 9 15
13.Aigle Noir (Port-au-Prince) 15 4 3 8 13-18 15
14.Baltimore (St. Marc) 15 2 8 5 5-10 14
15.FICA (Cap Haïtien) 15 2 8 5 6-13 14
16.AS Grand-Goâve 15 2 5 8 7-16 11
Round 1 [Nov 26]
Aigle-Noir 2-1 Don Bosco
Racing CH 4-0 Baltimore
Zénith 1-1 Violette
Racing G 0-0 FICA
AS Mirebalais 0-0 AS Carrefour
Roulado 2-0 AS Grand-Goâve
Tempête 2-2 Cavaly
Victory 3-2 AS Capoise
Round 2
[Dec 11]
Violette 1-1 AS Mirebalais
FICA 0-0 Tempête
[Dec 12]
Cavaly 0-1 Racing G
AS Carrefour 1-1 Zénith
Don Bosco 2-2 Roulado
Baltimore 1-0 Victory
AS Grand-Goâve 1-0 Aigle Noir
AS Capoise 4-1 Racing CH
Round 3
[Dec 18]
Victory 1-1 FICA
[Dec 19]
Tempête 0-0 Baltimore
Racing G 1-0 AS Capoise
Zénith 1-0 AS Grand-Goâve
Aigle Noir 2-1 AS Carrefour
AS Mirebalais 1-0 Don Bosco
Roulado 1-0 Violette
[Dec 21]
Racing CH 2-2 Cavaly
Round 4
[Dec 23]
Baltimore 3-1 Aigle Noir
Violette 2-1 Racing G
[Dec 24]
AS Carrefour 1-1 Tempête
Don Bosco 2-2 Racing CH
[Dec 25]
AS Capoise 2-1 Roulado
[Dec 26]
AS Grand-Goâve 1-1 Victory
Cavaly 0-0 AS Mirebalais
FICA 0-2 Zénith
Round 5
[Jan 14]
Violette 1-2 Victory
[Jan 15]
Racing G 1-1 Baltimore
[Jan 16]
Tempête awd Don Bosco [awarded 0-3, originally 2-2; referee
Zénith 1-1 AS Capoise beaten by fans and players Tempête
AS Mirebalais 3-1 AS Grand-Goâve after the match]
Aigle Noir 0-0 Cavaly
Roulado awd FICA [awarded 3-0, FICA failed to bring
[Jan 19] reserve colours in spite of known
Racing CH 1-0 AS Carrefour colour clash]
Round 6
[Jan 21]
Don Bosco 1-2 Cavaly
[Jan 22]
Aigle Noir 1-2 Racing CH
Racing G 1-0 Zénith
[Jan 23]
FICA 1-0 AS Grand-Goâve
Victory 3-0 Tempête
Baltimore 0-1 Violette
AS Carrefour 0-0 AS Capoise
AS Mirebalais 0-0 Roulado
Round 7
[Jan 28]
Victory 1-0 Aigle Noir [inferred; reported 0-0]
[Jan 29]
Zénith 1-0 Roulado
Violette 2-2 Don Bosco
[Jan 30]
AS Capoise 1-0 Baltimore
AS Grand-Goave 0-0 AS Carrefour
Tempête 1-2 AS Mirebalais
Cavaly 2-0 FICA
[Feb 9]
Racing CH 2-0 Racing G
Round 8
[Feb 3]
Aigle Noir 0-1 Racing G
[Feb 4]
Violette 2–1 AS Capoise
[Feb 5]
Cavaly 1-1 AS Grand-Goave
AS Mirebalais 1–0 Zénith
FICA 0–1 Don Bosco
Baltimore 0–0 AS Carrefour
Tempête 1-1 Roulado
[Feb 16]
Racing CH 1-0 Victory
Round 9
[Feb 12]
Don Bosco 1-3 AS Capoise
[Feb 13]
Tempête 2-1 Zénith [inferred; reported 1-1]
AS Carrefour 0-0 Cavaly
Aigle Noir 2-0 AS Mirebalais
AS Grand-Goâve 0-0 Baltimore
Racing G 0-0 Victory
FICA 1-1 Violette
[Mar 3]
Roulado 0-1 Racing CH
Round 10
[Feb 19]
Racing CH 2-0 Tempête
AS Capoise 1-0 AS Grand-Goâve
[Feb 20]
Zénith 2-0 Aigle Noir
AS Mirebalais 1-0 Racing G
Victory 1-3 Roulado
Cavaly 0-1 Violette
Baltimore 0-0 Don Bosco
AS Carrefour 0-0 FICA
Round 11
[Feb 25]
Don Bosco 0-2 AS Grand-Goâve
[Feb 26]
Aigle Noir 2-2 Tempête
Zénith 1-2 Racing CH
[Feb 27]
Racing G 1-0 Roulado
AS Mirebalais 2-1 Victory
Violette 0-2 AS Carrefour
AS Capoise 0-0 FICA
Baltimore 0-0 Cavaly
Round 12
[Mar 5]
Victory 3-1 Zénith
[Mar 6]
Tempête 1-0 Racing G
Roulado 1-1 Aigle Noir
Cavaly 2-1 AS Capoise
FICA 0-0 Baltimore
AS Carrefour 0-0 Don Bosco
Racing CH 0-0 AS Mirebalais
AS Grand-Goâve 0-1 Violette
Round 13
[Mar 12]
Violette 1-1 Tempête
FICA 0-1 AS Mirebalais
[Mar 13]
Don Bosco 0-0 Victory
AS Carrefour 1-3 Racing G
AS Grand-Goâve 0-2 Racing CH
Cavaly 1-2 Zénith
AS Capoise 0-1 Aigle Noir
Baltimore 0-0 Roulado
Round 14
[Mar 18]
Victory 1-0 Cavaly
[Mar 19]
Racing CH 2-2 FICA
[Mar 20]
Tempête 1-0 AS Capoise
Aigle Noir 1-2 Violette
Zénith 0-0 Don Bosco
Racing G 2-0 AS Grand-Goâve
Roulado 0-2 AS Carrefour
AS Mirebalais 1-0 Baltimore
Round 15
[Mar 26]
FICA 1-0 Aigle Noir
Don Bosco 2-1 Racing G
[Mar 27]
AS Grand-Goâve 1-1 Tempête
Baltimore 0-1 Zénith
AS Carrefour 0-1 Victory
AS Capoise 0-1 AS Mirebalais
Violette 1-0 Racing CH
Cavaly 0-0 Roulado
Final Table:
1.AS Mirebalais 15 9 5 1 14- 6 32 Ouverture Champions
2.Racing Club Haïtien (Port-au-Prince) 15 9 4 2 24-13 31
3.Violette AC (Port-au-Prince) 15 7 5 3 17-14 26
4.Victory FC (Port-au-Prince) 15 7 4 4 18-13 25
5.Racing FC (Gônaïves) 15 7 3 5 13-10 24
6.Zénith (Cap-Haïtien) 15 6 4 5 15-13 22
7.Roulado (La Gônave) 15 4 6 5 14-12 18
8.AS Capoise (Cap Haïtien) 15 5 3 7 16-15 18
9.Cavaly (Léogâne) 15 3 8 4 12-12 17
10.Tempête (St. Marc) 15 3 8 4 13-19 17
11.Don Bosco (Pétion-Ville) 15 3 7 5 15-17 16
12.AS de Carrefour 15 2 9 4 8- 9 15
13.Aigle Noir (Port-au-Prince) 15 4 3 8 13-18 15
14.Baltimore (St. Marc) 15 2 8 5 5-10 14
15.FICA (Cap Haïtien) 15 2 8 5 6-13 14
16.AS Grand-Goâve 15 2 5 8 7-16 11
Championnat de Fermeture
Final Table:
1.Baltimore (St. Marc) 15 8 7 0 25- 9 31 Fermeture Champions
2.Zénith (Cap-Haïtien) 15 8 2 5 22-14 26
3.Tempête (St. Marc) 15 6 4 5 17-14 22
4.Cavaly (Léogâne) 15 6 4 5 15-13 22
5.Violette AC (Port-au-Prince) 15 6 4 5 17-18 22
6.Racing FC (Gônaïves) 15 5 5 5 20-19 20
7.Racing Club Haïtien (Port-au-Prince) 15 4 8 3 14-14 20
8.Roulado (La Gônave) 15 6 2 7 14-14 20
9.Aigle Noir (Port-au-Prince) 15 6 2 7 17-18 20
10.FICA (Cap Haïtien) 15 4 6 5 13-16 18
11.AS de Carrefour 15 5 3 7 15-21 18
12.AS Grand-Goâve 15 5 3 7 12-18 18
13.Don Bosco (Pétion-Ville) 15 4 5 6 15-16 17
14.Victory FC (Port-au-Prince) 15 4 5 6 16-19 17
15.AS Capoise (Cap Haïtien) 15 4 5 6 10-14 17
16.AS Mirebalais 15 4 5 6 11-16 17
Round 1
[Apr 9]
Violette 2-0 Zénith
AS Capoise 3-0 Victory
[Apr 10]
Don Bosco 0-2 Aigle-Noir
Baltimore 3-1 Racing CH
FICA 0-0 Racing G
AS Carrefour 0-1 AS Mirebalais
AS Grand-Goâve 1-0 Roulado
Cavaly 1-0 Tempête
Round 2
[Apr 15]
Aigle Noir 2-0 AS Grand-Goâve
[Apr 17]
Tempête 2-2 FICA
Racing G 3-3 Cavaly
Zénith 4-1 AS Carrefour
AS Mirebalais 0-0 Violette
Victory 1-1 Baltimore
Roulado 1-0 Don Bosco
[date?; inferred]
Racing CH 0-0 AS Capoise
Round 3
[Apr 23]
FICA 0-1 Victory
Don Bosco 0-1 AS Mirebalais
[Apr 24]
Baltimore 1-1 Tempête
AS Capoise 1-1 Racing G
Cavaly 0-0 Racing CH
AS Grand-Goâve 1-0 Zénith
AS Carrefour 2-1 Aigle Noir
Violette 2-1 Roulado
Round 4
[Apr 29]
Victory 3-0 AS Grand-Goâve
[Apr 30]
Racing CH 2-0 Don Bosco
[May 1]
Tempête 3-1 AS Carrefour
Roulado 2-0 AS Capoise
Aigle Noir 0-2 Baltimore
Racing G 1-0 Violette
AS Mirebalais 2-1 Cavaly
Zénith 2-0 FICA
Round 5
[May 7]
Victory 3-2 Violette
FICA 2-1 Roulado
[May 8]
Don Bosco 2-0 Tempête
Baltimore 3-2 Racing G
AS Capoise 1-1 Zénith
AS Grand-Goâve 3-0 AS Mirebalais
AS Carrefour 1-1 Racing CH
Cavaly 1-0 Aigle Noir
Round 6
[May 14]
Racing CH 2-2 Aigle Noir
AS Capoise 1-0 AS Carrefour
[May 15]
AS Grand-Goâve 2-2 FICA
Zénith abd Racing G [abandoned due to rain]
Tempête 1-1 Victory
Violette 1-5 Baltimore
Cavaly 0-2 Don Bosco
Roulado 1-0 AS Mirebalais
[date?; inferred]
Zénith 4-1 Racing G
Round 7
[May 21]
Don Bosco 1-1 Violette
[May 22]
AS Carrefour 1-0 AS Grand-Goâve
Roulado 2-1 Zénith
FICA 0-0 Cavaly
Baltimore 4-0 AS Capoise
Aigle Noir 2-1 Victory
[date?; inferred]
Racing G 3-0 Racing CH
AS Mirebalais 0-1 Tempête
Round 8
[Jun 11]
Zénith 1-0 AS Mirebalais
Victory 1-1 Racing CH
[Jun 12]
AS Capoise 1-2 Violette
AS Grand-Goâve 0-0 Cavaly
Don Bosco 1-1 FICA
AS Carrefour 0-0 Baltimore
[Jul 20]
Tempête 2-0 Roulado
Racing G 1-2 Aigle Noir
Round 9
[Jun 17]
Victory 0-1 Racing G
[Jun 18]
Zénith 2-1 Tempête
Violette 1-0 FICA
[Jun 19]
Cavaly 4-0 AS Carrefour
Racing CH 0-0 Roulado
AS Mirebalais 1-2 Aigle Noir
Baltimore 1-0 AS Grand-Goâve
AS Capoise 0-0 Don Bosco
Round 10
[Jun 24]
Don Bosco 1-1 Baltimore
[Jun 25]
Aigle Noir 0-1 Zénith
[Jun 26]
Tempête 3-1 Racing CH
Racing G 1-2 AS Mirebalais
Roulado 0-0 Victory
Violette 0-3 Cavaly
AS Grand-Goâve 1-0 AS Capoise
FICA 1-0 AS Carrefour
Round 11
[Jul 2]
Racing CH 2-1 Zénith
[Jul 3]
Roulado 0-1 Racing G
Tempête 1-0 Aigle Noir
Victory 1-1 AS Mirebalais
AS Carrefour 1-1 Violette
FICA 0-1 AS Capoise
Cavaly 0-1 Baltimore
AS Grand-Goâve 2-0 Don Bosco
Round 12
[Jul 9]
Aigle Noir 2-4 Roulado
Zénith 1-0 Victory
[Jul 10]
Racing G 0-0 Tempête
AS Capoise 0-1 Cavaly
Baltimore 1-1 FICA
Don Bosco 2-1 AS Carrefour
AS Mirebalais abd Racing CH [abandoned due to rain]
[Jul 20]
Violette 3-0 AS Grand-Goâve
AS Mirebalais 0-0 Racing CH
Round 13
[Jul 15]
Racing CH 0-0 AS Grand-Goâve
[Jul 16]
Aigle Noir 1-0 AS Capoise
[Jul 17]
Tempête 0-1 Violette
Victory 3-2 Don Bosco
Racing G 0-2 AS Carrefour
Zénith 4-0 Cavaly
AS Mirebalais 1-3 FICA
Roulado 0-1 Baltimore
Round 14
[Jul 23]
AS Capoise 1-0 Tempête
Violette 1-1 Aigle Noir
[Jul 24]
Cavaly 1-0 Victory
Don Bosco 3-0 Zénith
AS Grand-Goâve 1-4 Racing G
AS Carrefour 2-1 Roulado
FICA awd Racing CH [awarded 0-3; abandoned at 0-0 in 79'
Baltimore 1-1 AS Mirebalais due to incidents]
Round 15
[Jul 30]
Racing CH 1-0 Violette
[Jul 31]
Tempête 2-1 AS Grand-Goâve
Zénith 0-0 Baltimore
Victory 1-3 AS Carrefour
Aigle Noir 0-1 FICA
Racing G 1-1 Don Bosco
AS Mirebalais 1-1 AS Capoise
Roulado 1-0 Cavaly
Final Table:
1.Baltimore (St. Marc) 15 8 7 0 25- 9 31 Fermeture Champions
2.Zénith (Cap-Haïtien) 15 8 2 5 22-14 26
3.Tempête (St. Marc) 15 6 4 5 17-14 22
4.Cavaly (Léogâne) 15 6 4 5 15-13 22
5.Violette AC (Port-au-Prince) 15 6 4 5 17-18 22
6.Racing FC (Gônaïves) 15 5 5 5 20-19 20
7.Racing Club Haïtien (Port-au-Prince) 15 4 8 3 14-14 20
8.Roulado (La Gônave) 15 6 2 7 14-14 20
9.Aigle Noir (Port-au-Prince) 15 6 2 7 17-18 20
10.FICA (Cap Haïtien) 15 4 6 5 13-16 18
11.AS de Carrefour 15 5 3 7 15-21 18
12.AS Grand-Goâve 15 5 3 7 12-18 18
13.Don Bosco (Pétion-Ville) 15 4 5 6 15-16 17
14.Victory FC (Port-au-Prince) 15 4 5 6 16-19 17
15.AS Capoise (Cap Haïtien) 15 4 5 6 10-14 17
16.AS Mirebalais 15 4 5 6 11-16 17
Aggregate Table:
1.Racing Club Haïtien (Port-au-Prince) 30 13 12 5 38-27 51
2.AS Mirebalais 30 13 10 7 25-22 49
3.Zénith (Cap-Haïtien) 30 14 6 10 37-27 48
4.Violette AC (Port-au-Prince) 30 13 9 8 34-32 48
5.Baltimore (St. Marc) 30 10 15 5 30-19 45
6.Racing FC (Gônaïves) 30 12 8 10 33-29 44
7.Victory FC (Port-au-Prince) 30 11 9 10 34-32 42
8.Cavaly (Léogâne) 30 9 12 9 27-25 39
9.Tempête (St. Marc) 30 9 12 9 30-33 39
10.Roulado (La Gônave) 30 10 8 12 28-26 38
11.AS Capoise (Cap Haïtien) 30 9 8 13 26-29 35
12.Aigle Noir (Port-au-Prince) 30 10 5 15 30-36 35
13.Don Bosco (Pétion-Ville) 30 7 12 11 30-33 33
14.AS de Carrefour 30 7 12 11 23-30 33
15.FICA (Cap Haïtien) 30 6 14 10 19-29 32 Relegated
16.AS Grand-Goâve 30 7 8 15 19-34 29 Relegated
Second Level
Tables (Jul 12):
Groupe Nord
1.Triomphe de Liancourt 17 9 4 4 30-14 31
2.US Arcahaie 18 8 7 3 20-10 31
3.AS Saint-Louis du Nord 17 9 3 5 17- 8 30
4.AS Verrêtes 17 7 5 5 16-14 26
5.Jeunesse Sportive Capoise 17 7 4 6 14-12 25
6.Dynamite AC de Saint-Marc 15 6 6 3 9- 8 24
7.Éclair des Gonaïves 17 7 2 8 20-19 23
8.AS Rive-Artibonitienne 16 6 3 7 13-15 21
9.US Papaye 18 5 5 8 17-27 20
10.Vision de Hinche 17 3 10 4 12-13 19
11.Blue Star de Limonade 18 4 5 9 12-25 17
12.AS Pont-Sondé 17 2 4 11 10-25 10
Groupe Sud
1.Velox Croix-des-Missions 21 10 11 0 21- 6 41 [*]
2.Bacardi (Port-au-Prince) 19 10 6 3 37-19 36
3.US Frères 19 10 4 5 25-11 34
4.Valencia de Léogâne 21 8 9 4 24-19 33
5.AS Petit-Goâve 20 9 5 6 28-17 32
6.Roulado (Source Matelas) 21 7 11 3 22-12 32
7.Rangers de Miragoane 19 7 6 6 21-18 27
8.ASPDIF d'Aquin 19 6 7 6 14-15 25
9.AS Vieux-Bourg d'Aquin 19 6 5 8 23-18 23
10.Excelsior (Port-au-Prince) 20 5 8 7 18-27 23
11.AS Jacmel 18 3 8 7 7-17 17
12.Olympic Cabaret 19 4 4 11 18-35 16
13.Carioca SC 17 3 3 11 14-30 12
14.Réal de Sibert 20 1 7 12 17-45 10
[*] also listed as Velox Croix-Bouquets
Round 1 [Jan 29,30]
Dynamite 2-0 Vision
Eclair 0-1 Arcahaie
Triomphe 3-2 Pont-Sondé
Verrêtes 2-1 Blue Star
St.-Louis 1-0 Rive-Artib.
Papaye 1-0 JS Capoise
Round 2 [Feb 5,6; inferred]
Triomphe 4-1 Verrêtes
Eclair 3-2 Pont-Sondé
Vision 0-1 St.-Louis
Rive-Artib. ppd Papaye
JS Capoise 0-0 Dynamite
Blue Star 0-0 Arcahaie
Round 3 [Feb 12,13]
Verrêtes 2-1 Eclair
Arcahaie 0-0 Triomphe
Pont-Sondé 1-1 Vision
Papaye 3-1 Blue Star
St.-Louis 1-0 JS Capoise
Dynamite 0-0 Rive-Artib.
Exelsior 1-0 Jacmel
Frères 3-0 Carioca
Réal 2-2 Roulado
Petit-Goave 0-0 ASPDIF
Rangers 0-1 Bacardi
Valencia 1-3 Vieux Bourg
Olympic 0-1 Velox
Round 4 missing
Round 5 [Feb 25-27]
JS Capoise - Blue Star
Eclair 2-0 Vision
St.-Louis - Triomphe
Verrêtes - Rive-Artib.
Pont-Sondé 0-1 Dynamite
Papaye drw Arcahaie
Carioca - Bacardi
Excelsior drw Velox
Jacmel 0-0 Vieux-Bourg
Petit-Goâve 1-0 Frères
ASPDIF lt Roulado
Rangers bt Réal [6-0 or 7-1]
Valencia ppd Olympic
Round 6
Nord [Mar 6]
Archahaie - JS Capoise
Pont-Sondé - St.-Louis
Dynamite - Verrêtes
Vision - Papaye
Rive-Artib. - Triomphe
Blue Star - Eclair
Sud [Mar 27?]
Frères - Rangers
Réal - Valencia
Olympic - Petit-Goâve
Velox - Carioca
Roulado - Jacmel
Bacardi - ASPDIF
Vieux-Bourg ppd? Excelsior
Tables (Jul 12):
Groupe Nord
1.Triomphe de Liancourt 17 9 4 4 30-14 31
2.US Arcahaie 18 8 7 3 20-10 31
3.AS Saint-Louis du Nord 17 9 3 5 17- 8 30
4.AS Verrêtes 17 7 5 5 16-14 26
5.Jeunesse Sportive Capoise 17 7 4 6 14-12 25
6.Dynamite AC de Saint-Marc 15 6 6 3 9- 8 24
7.Éclair des Gonaïves 17 7 2 8 20-19 23
8.AS Rive-Artibonitienne 16 6 3 7 13-15 21
9.US Papaye 18 5 5 8 17-27 20
10.Vision de Hinche 17 3 10 4 12-13 19
11.Blue Star de Limonade 18 4 5 9 12-25 17
12.AS Pont-Sondé 17 2 4 11 10-25 10
Groupe Sud
1.Velox Croix-des-Missions 21 10 11 0 21- 6 41 [*]
2.Bacardi (Port-au-Prince) 19 10 6 3 37-19 36
3.US Frères 19 10 4 5 25-11 34
4.Valencia de Léogâne 21 8 9 4 24-19 33
5.AS Petit-Goâve 20 9 5 6 28-17 32
6.Roulado (Source Matelas) 21 7 11 3 22-12 32
7.Rangers de Miragoane 19 7 6 6 21-18 27
8.ASPDIF d'Aquin 19 6 7 6 14-15 25
9.AS Vieux-Bourg d'Aquin 19 6 5 8 23-18 23
10.Excelsior (Port-au-Prince) 20 5 8 7 18-27 23
11.AS Jacmel 18 3 8 7 7-17 17
12.Olympic Cabaret 19 4 4 11 18-35 16
13.Carioca SC 17 3 3 11 14-30 12
14.Réal de Sibert 20 1 7 12 17-45 10
[*] also listed as Velox Croix-Bouquets
Nord Final [Sep 14]
Dynamite 1-0 US Arcahaie
Sud Final [Sep 16]
US Frères 3-1 Hatuey Baccardi
Promoted: Dynamite (Saint-Marc) and US Frères (Pétion-Ville)
Championship Final [Sep 18]
Dynamite - US Frères
Division 1
Championnat d'Ouverture (First Phase)
Final Table:
1.Baltimore (St. Marc) 15 9 5 1 15- 3 32 Ouverture Champions
2.Racing FC (Gônaïves) 15 9 4 2 17- 6 31
3.Racing Club Haïtien (Port-au-Prince) 15 6 8 1 14- 7 26
4.Don Bosco (Pétion-Ville) 15 7 4 4 15-11 25
5.Zénith (Cap-Haïtien) 15 6 5 4 11- 8 23
6.Aigle Noir (Port-au-Prince) 15 5 4 6 17-12 19
7.Tempête (St. Marc) 15 5 4 6 9-12 19
8.Violette AC (Port-au-Prince) 15 5 4 6 13-18 19
9.Cavaly (Léogâne) 15 4 6 5 11-10 18
10.Victory FC (Port-au-Prince) 15 4 5 6 13-13 17
11.Dynamite (Saint-Marc) 15 4 5 6 13-20 17
12.US Frères (Pétion-Ville) 15 3 7 5 12-13 16
13.AS Capoise (Cap Haïtien) 15 3 7 5 11-14 16
14.AS Mirebalais 15 4 3 8 9-15 15
15.Roulado (La Gônave) 15 3 5 7 14-25 14
16.AS de Carrefour 15 3 4 8 10-17 13
Round 1
[Nov 4]
Violette 0-2 Aigle Noir
[Nov 5]
Racing CH 1-0 Dynamite
[Nov 6]
Zénith 1-0 Mirebalais
Baltimore 0-1 Don Bosco
Cavaly 2-0 Tempête
Carrefour 0-0 Frères
Victory 1-0 Capoise
Racing G 3-1 Roulado
Round 2
[Nov 12]
Don Bosco 2-0 Carrefour
Dynamite 1-0 Victory
[Nov 13]
Tempête 0-0 Zénith
Mirebalais 3-0 Cavaly
Frères 0-0 Baltimore
Capoise 0-0 Racing CH
Roulado 2-0 Violette
Aigle Noir 0-1 Racing G
Round 3
[Nov 18]
Racing CH 2-1 Tempête
[Nov 19]
Victory 2-0 Mirebalais
[Nov 20]
Zénith 0-1 Capoise
Cavaly 1-0 Dynamite
Baltimore 2-0 Roulado
Violette 2-0 Frères
Carrefour 1-0 Aigle Noir
Racing G 2-1 Don Bosco
Round 4
[Nov 26]
Dynamite 1-1 Racing G
Aigle Noir 0-2 Victory
[Nov 27]
Tempête 0-1 Baltimore
Frères 0-0 Zénith
Capoise 1-1 Violette
Don Bosco 0-0 Cavaly
Roulado 1-1 Racing CH
Mirebalais 2-0 Carrefour
Round 5
[Dec 2]
Don Bosco 0-0 Racing CH
[Dec 3]
Violette 0-1 Mirebalais
[Dec 4]
Racing G 1-0 Tempête
Cavaly 4-0 Capoise
Baltimore 1-0 Dynamite
Zénith 0-0 Aigle Noir
Carrefour 2-1 Roulado
Victory 1-1 Frères
Round 6
[Dec 9]
Aigle Noir 1-2 Mirebalais
[Dec 10]
Racing CH 2-0 Zénith
[Dec 11]
Tempête 1-1 Roulado
Violette 2-1 Victory
Cavaly 0-0 Baltimore
Capoise 0-1 Don Bosco
Frères 1-2 Dynamite
Carrefour 0-2 Racing G
Round 7
[Dec 17]
Dynamite 1-1 Capoise
Victory 1-1 Cavaly
[Dec 18]
Roulado 1-4 Frères
Zénith 1-0 Carrefour
Baltimore 1-0 Racing G
Don Bosco 0-0 Aigle Noir
Mirebalais 0-1 Tempête
Racing CH 1-1 Violette
Round 8
[Dec 21]
Don Bosco 1-3 Dynamite
[Dec 23]
Racing G 1-0 Zénith
Mirebalais 1-1 Roulado
Carrefour 0-0 Baltimore
Capoise 0-0 Frères
Violette 1-0 Cavaly
[Dec 24]
Victory 0-0 Racing CH
[Jan 25]
Tempête 1-0 Aigle Noir
Round 9
[Dec 29]
Zénith 0-1 Baltimore
Frères 3-0 Mirebalais
Racing G 3-1 Victory
[Jackson Jean 47, Antonio Despinasse 68, Clercant Clerjuste 74;
Jean Louis Robenson 85]
Violette 0-2 Carrefour
Roulado 2-1 Capoise
Cavaly 0-0 Racing CH
Tempête 1-0 Don Bosco
[Jan 11]
Aigle Noir 6-1 Dynamite
Round 10
[Jan 14]
Victory 0-0 Zénith
Dynamite 1-1 Roulado
[Jan 15]
Baltimore 5-1 Violette
Carrefour 0-1 Cavaly
Racing CH 0-0 Racing G
Mirebalais 0-1 Don Bosco
Capoise 1-1 Aigle Noir
Frères 1-0 Tempête
Round 11
[Jan 21]
Violette 1-2 Zénith
Dynamite 1-1 Tempête
[Jan 22]
Cavaly 0-1 Racing G
Carrefour 0-1 Racing CH
Baltimore 1-0 Victory
Don Bosco 1-0 Frères
Capoise 3-0 Mirebalais
Aigle Noir 3-0 Roulado
Round 12
[Jan 28]
Racing CH 1-2 Baltimore
[Jan 29]
Zénith 1-0 Cavaly
Racing G 0-0 Violette
Mirebalais 0-0 Dynamite
Tempête 1-0 Capoise
Frères 0-2 Aigle Noir
Victory 1-1 Carrefour
Roulado 0-3 Don Bosco
Round 13
[Feb 3]
Don Bosco 1-1 Zénith
Roulado 1-0 Victory
Dynamite 0-1 Violette
[Feb 4]
Aigle Noir 1-3 Racing CH
Mirebalais 0-1 Baltimore
Tempête 2-1 Carrefour
Capoise 1-0 Racing G
Frères 1-1 Cavaly
Round 14
[Feb 10]
Victory 2-0 Tempête
[Feb 11]
Violette 3-1 Don Bosco
[Feb 12]
Racing CH 1-0 Mirebalais
Baltimore 0-0 Aigle Noir
Cavaly 1-1 Roulado
Racing G 2-0 Frères
Carrefour 2-2 Capoise
Zénith 3-0 Dynamite
Round 15
[Feb 18]
Dynamite 2-1 Carrefour
[Eder Sauverain 35, Bouston Pierre 70; Oldens François 7]
Don Bosco 2-1 Victory
[Philbert Dorcéus 35, Michelet Joinéus 54; Robenson Gérôme 76]
[Feb 19]
Roulado 1-2 Zénith
[Kimberly François 10; Winther Augustin 39, René Floréus 88]
Capoise 0-0 Baltimore
Frères 1-1 Racing CH
[Junior Baptiste 75; Carl Henry Joseph 87]
Tempête 0-0 Violette
Aigle Noir 1-0 Cavaly
[Guilliano Philippe 41]
Mirebalais 0-0 Racing G
Final Table:
1.Baltimore (St. Marc) 15 9 5 1 15- 3 32 Ouverture Champions
2.Racing FC (Gônaïves) 15 9 4 2 17- 6 31
3.Racing Club Haïtien (Port-au-Prince) 15 6 8 1 14- 7 26
4.Don Bosco (Pétion-Ville) 15 7 4 4 15-11 25
5.Zénith (Cap-Haïtien) 15 6 5 4 11- 8 23
6.Aigle Noir (Port-au-Prince) 15 5 4 6 17-12 19
7.Tempête (St. Marc) 15 5 4 6 9-12 19
8.Violette AC (Port-au-Prince) 15 5 4 6 13-18 19
9.Cavaly (Léogâne) 15 4 6 5 11-10 18
10.Victory FC (Port-au-Prince) 15 4 5 6 13-13 17
11.Dynamite (Saint-Marc) 15 4 5 6 13-20 17
12.US Frères (Pétion-Ville) 15 3 7 5 12-13 16
13.AS Capoise (Cap Haïtien) 15 3 7 5 11-14 16
14.AS Mirebalais 15 4 3 8 9-15 15
15.Roulado (La Gônave) 15 3 5 7 14-25 14
16.AS de Carrefour 15 3 4 8 10-17 13
Topscorers (Jan 16):
6 Clersant Clerjuste (Racing)
5 Pierre Roland Saint-Jean (Baltimore)
4 Antonio Despinasse (Racing Gonaives)
Hollswood Vil (Frères)
Championnat de Fermeture (Second Phase)
Final Table:
1.Aigle Noir (Port-au-Prince) 15 9 3 3 29-17 30 [*] Champions
2.Don Bosco (Pétion-Ville) 15 9 3 3 25-13 30 [*]
3.AS Mirebalais 15 8 5 2 18- 5 29 [*]
4.Cavaly (Léogâne) 15 7 5 3 15- 9 26
5.Victory FC (Port-au-Prince) 15 7 4 4 20-15 25
6.Tempête (St. Marc) 15 7 3 5 17-12 24 [*]
7.Zénith (Cap-Haïtien) 15 6 6 3 16-11 24 [*]
8.Baltimore (St. Marc) 15 6 4 5 13-13 22
9.Roulado (La Gônave) 15 5 5 5 15-17 20 [*]
10.Racing Club Haïtien (Port-au-Prince) 15 5 4 6 12-10 19
11.Violette AC (Port-au-Prince) 15 4 5 6 13-11 17 [*]
12.Racing FC (Gônaïves) 15 3 6 6 9-13 15
13.AS de Carrefour 15 3 4 8 10-16 13 [*]
14.AS Capoise (Cap Haïtien) 15 3 2 10 18-29 11
15.Dynamite (Saint-Marc) 15 2 5 8 3-25 11 [*]
16.US Frères (Pétion-Ville) 15 2 4 9 8-25 10
NB: Dynamite had 8 matches awarded 0-3 against them, but with the proviso
that the awarded goals would be discarded in case of decisions on the
championship or relegation (which eventually was irrelevant)
Round 1
[Mar 11]
Dynamite 0-0 Racing CH
Tempête 1-0 Cavaly
[Jean Jorel Nelson 9]
Aigle Noir 2-2 Violette
[Fritzon Jean Baptiste 17, Eliphène Cadet 52; Jean Junior Innocent 30,
Marcus Dorcé 32]
[Mar 12]
Mirebalais 0-0 Zénith
Roulado 1-1 Racing G
[Eder Lormaud 30; Jackson Jean 45]
Frères 1-1 Carrefour
[Yvener Normil 64; Bernadin Charlin 20]
Capoise 0-1 Victory
[Wilfrid Brunache 8]
Don Bosco 3-0 Baltimore
[Michelet Joinéus 55, Yveson Etienne 65, Philbert Dercéus 69]
Round 2
[Mar 17]
Victory 1-1 Dynamite
[Mar 18]
Racing CH 2-0 Capoise
[Mar 19]
Zénith 1-0 Tempête
Cavaly 2-0 Mirebalais
Baltimore 2-0 Frères
Carrefour 0-0 Don Bosco
Violette 3-0 Roulado
Racing G 0-1 Aigle Noir
Round 3
[Mar 25]
Don Bosco 2-1 Racing G
[Yveson Etienne 35, 64; Saul Kendy 13]
Dynamite 0-0 Cavaly
Tempête 1-0 Racing CH
[Jacques Steeve Hyacinthe 2]
Roulado 1-0 Baltimore
[Jean Rebert Menelas 12]
Mirebalais 2-0 Victory
[Marc-André Jean Baptiste 73, Oscaldo Jérémie 78]
[Mar 26]
Frères 1-0 Violette
[Paulson St-Vil 74]
Aigle Noir 1-0 Carrefour
[Eliphène Cadet]
Capoise 1-2 Zénith
[Renel Mompremier 40; René Floreus 16, Berthony Pierre 79]
Round 4
[Mar 28]
Racing CH 0-0 Roulado
[Mar 29]
Zénith 2-1 Frères
Violette 1-0 Capoise
Racing G 0-1 Dynamite
Cavaly 1-0 Don Bosco
Carrefour 0-0 Mirebalais
Baltimore 1-0 Tempête
[Mar 30]
Victory 2-1 Aigle Noir
Round 5
[Apr 1]
Racing CH 3-1 Don Bosco
[Monès Chéry 3, 88, Maxime Présendieu 78; Walson Augustin 2]
Tempête 2-0 Racing G
[Jean Jorel Nelson 49, Charles Hérold Junior 68]
[Apr 2]
Aigle Noir 2-2 Zénith
[Eliphène Cadet 5, 20; Antoine Sardouin 24, Bernard Jean 47]
Capoise 1-2 Cavaly
[Louis Germain 87; Amy André 9, Chaudelet Cadet 55]
Dynamite 0-0 Baltimore
Roulado 2-0 Carrefour
[Kimberly François 21, 78]
Frères 2-3 Victory
[Sainvil Paulson 43, Hubermann Jean Charles 87; Mackendy Duverger 17,
Yves Jean Pierre 78, Ricardo Charles 82]
Mirebalais 1-1 Violette
[Désiré Frantz 78; Fabien Vorbe 47]
Round 6
[Apr 8]
Victory 0-0 Violette
Dynamite 1-0 Frères
[Frantz Clermont 45]
[Apr 9]
Roulado 1-1 Tempête
[Jean Rebert Menalas 27; Myrthil Allens 90]
Baltimore 0-0 Cavaly
Zénith 0-0 Racing CH
Don Bosco 4-1 Capoise
[Bruny Pierre Richard 13, Jean Ademar Alliance 47, Walson Augustin 60,
Joineus Michelet 80; Cabrince Joseph 90]
Mirebalais 2-0 Aigle Noir
[Saintilus Robers 3, Gilles Dacuis 5]
Racing G 1-0 Carrefour
[Clerçant Clerjuste 47]
Round 7
[Apr 13]
Tempête 0-0 Mirebalais
[Apr 15]
Violette 0-1 Racing CH
[Jean Astrel Aladin 45og]
Racing G 0-0 Baltimore
[Apr 16]
Carrefour 1-0 Zénith
[Junior Claisainvil 5]
Cavaly 2-1 Victory
[Cadet Changler 56, Amy André 69; Robenson Jean Louis 10]
Capoise 0-0 Dynamite
Frères 0-0 Roulado
Aigle Noir 2-2 Don Bosco
[Eliphène Cadet 46, Sony Alcenat 90; Olrich Saurel 68,
Philbert Derceus 74]
NB: Dynamite did not play after round 7 due to a road accident
in which two players and the trainer of the club died. All
their remaining matches were awarded 0-3 against them, but
without goals being attributed.
Round 8
[Apr 19]
Roulado 2-0 Mirebalais
Baltimore 2-1 Carrefour
Aigle Noir 3-1 Tempête
Frères 0-0 Capoise
Cavaly 1-0 Violette
[Apr 20]
Zénith 1-0 Racing G
Racing CH 1-1 Victory
Dynamite awd Don Bosco [awarded 0-3]
Round 9
[Apr 22]
Don Bosco 1-1 Tempête
[Apr 23]
Baltimore 1-1 Zénith
Mirebalais 3-0 US Frères
Carrefour 2-0 Violette
Capoise 3-1 Roulado
Racing CH 2-0 Cavaly
[Apr 24]
Victory 2-1 Racing G
Dynamite awd Aigle Noir [awarded 0-3]
Round 10
[Apr 28]
Don Bosco 0-2 Mirebalais
[Apr 29]
Tempête 4-0 Frères
Aigle Noir 5-3 Capoise
[Apr 30]
Zénith 1-1 Victory
Racing G 1-0 Racing CH
Cavaly 0-0 Carrefour
Violette 0-1 Baltimore
Roulado awd Dynamite [awarded 3-0]
Round 11
[May 2]
Frères 0-1 Don Bosco
Roulado 2-0 Aigle Noir
[May 3]
Zénith 0-0 Violette
Racing G 1-1 Cavaly
Mirebalais 3-0 Capoise
Tempête awd Dynamite [awarded 3-0]
Victory 1-0 Baltimore
[May 4]
Racing CH 2-1 Carrefour
Round 12 [May 7]
Cavaly 1-0 Zénith
Violette 1-1 Racing G
Dynamite awd Mirebalais [awarded 0-3]
Capoise 2-0 Tempête
Aigle Noir 2-1 Frères
Carrefour 0-2 Victory
Baltimore 1-0 Racing CH
Don Bosco 3-1 Roulado
Round 13
[May 12]
Victory 4-0 Roulado
[May 13]
Racing CH 0-1 Aigle Noir
[May 14]
Zénith 1-2 Don Bosco
Cavaly 5-0 US Frères
Baltimore 0-1 Mirebalais
Violette awd Dynamite [awarded 3-0]
Carrefour 0-1 Tempête
Racing G 2-1 Capoise
Round 14
[May 20]
Dynamite awd Zénith [awarded 0-3]
Aigle Noir 3-0 Baltimore
[May 21]
Don Bosco 1-0 Violette
Mirebalais 1-0 Racing CH
Roulado 0-0 Cavaly
Frères 0-0 Racing G
Tempête 2-1 Victory
Capoise 4-1 Carrefour
Round 15
[May 27]
Violette 2-0 Tempête
[May 28]
Victory 0-1 Don Bosco [also reported 0-2]
Zénith 2-1 Roulado
Baltimore 5-2 Capoise
Racing CH 1-2 Frères
Cavaly awd Aigle Noir [awarded 0-3, Cavaly dns]
Carrefour awd Dynamite [awarded 3-0]
Racing G 0-0 Mirebalais
Final Table:
1.Aigle Noir (Port-au-Prince) 15 9 3 3 29-17 30 [*] Champions
2.Don Bosco (Pétion-Ville) 15 9 3 3 24-13 30 [*]
3.AS Mirebalais 15 8 5 2 18- 5 29 [*]
4.Cavaly (Léogâne) 15 7 5 3 15- 9 26
5.Victory FC (Port-au-Prince) 15 7 4 4 20-14 25
6.Tempête (St. Marc) 15 7 3 5 17-12 24 [*]
7.Zénith (Cap-Haïtien) 15 6 6 3 16-11 24 [*]
8.Baltimore (St. Marc) 15 6 4 5 13-13 22
9.Roulado (La Gônave) 15 5 5 5 15-17 20 [*]
10.Racing Club Haïtien (Port-au-Prince) 15 5 4 6 12-10 19
11.Violette AC (Port-au-Prince) 15 4 5 6 13-11 17 [*]
12.Racing FC (Gônaïves) 15 3 6 6 9-13 15
13.AS de Carrefour 15 3 4 8 10-16 13 [*]
14.AS Capoise (Cap Haïtien) 15 3 2 10 18-29 11
15.Dynamite (Saint-Marc) 15 2 5 8 3-25 11 [*]
16.US Frères (Pétion-Ville) 15 2 4 9 8-25 10
NB: Dynamite had 8 matches awarded 0-3 against them, but with the proviso
that the awarded goals would be discarded in case of decisions on the
championship or relegation
"Deuxième Phase" (Third Phase)
NB: two seasons are compressed into one season of three phases for time
reasons; this third round robin is to run from Aug 18 to Nov 26; the
2007 championship to start in January
Final Table:
1.Aigle Noir (Port-au-Prince) 15 9 2 4 16-10 29
2.AS Capoise (Cap Haïtien) 15 8 4 3 19-13 28
3.Cavaly (Léogâne) 15 6 7 2 21-15 25
4.Violette AC (Port-au-Prince) 15 6 6 3 19-11 24
5.Don Bosco (Pétion-Ville) 15 6 5 4 17- 7 23
6.Roulado (La Gônave) 15 5 7 3 14-14 22
7.Victory FC (Port-au-Prince) 15 6 3 6 14-12 21
8.Racing Club Haïtien (Port-au-Prince) 15 5 6 4 10- 8 21
9.AS Mirebalais 15 5 5 5 16-12 20
10.Baltimore (St. Marc) 15 4 6 5 12-12 18
11.AS de Carrefour 15 5 3 7 16-20 18
12.Zénith (Cap-Haïtien) 15 3 8 4 13-15 17
13.Tempête (St. Marc) 15 4 5 6 9-15 17
14.Racing FC (Gônaïves) 15 3 5 7 17-19 14
15.Dynamite (Saint-Marc) 15 1 9 5 12-23 12
16.US Frères (Pétion-Ville) 15 2 3 10 7-26 9
Round 1
[Aug 18]
Victory abd Capoise [abandoned at 0-0 due to rain]
[Aug 19]
Violette 0-0 Aigle Noir
[Aug 20]
Cavaly 3-2 Tempête
Baltimore 0-1 Don Bosco
Carrefour 2-1 Frères
Racing G 0-1 Roulado
Zénith 0-0 Mirebalais
Racing CH 0-0 Dynamite
Victory 1-2 Capoise
Round 2
[Aug 26]
Tempête 1-2 Zénith
Aigle Noir 0-2 Racing G
[Aug 27]
Dynamite 0-1 Victory
[Aug 27?]
Frères 2-2 Baltimore
Mirebalais 2-0 Cavaly
Don Bosco 1-0 Carrefour
[Sep 6]
Capoise 1-0 Racing CH
[Sep 7]
Roulado 2-1 Violette
Round 3
[Sep 1]
Racing CH 0-0 Tempête
[Sep 2]
Victory 2-1 Mirebalais
[Sep 3]
Baltimore 0-0 Roulado
Carrefour 1-1 Aigle Noir
Cavaly 1-1 Dynamite
Racing G 0-0 Don Bosco
Zénith 2-2 Capoise
Violette 2-0 Frères
Round 4
[Sep 9]
Tempête 1-0 Baltimore
Capoise 1-0 Violette
Aigle Noir 1-0 Victory
[Sep 10]
Roulado 0-0 Racing CH
Frères 0-0 Zénith
Mirebalais 1-0 Carrefour
Dynamite 4-4 Racing G
Don Bosco 0-2 Cavaly
Round 5
[Sep 13]
Victory 0-1 Frères
[Sep 19]
Don Bosco 0-0 Racing CH
Zénith 3-0 Aigle Noir
[Sep 20]
Racing G 0-0 Tempête
Cavaly 1-1 Capoise
Carrefour 2-0 Roulado
Baltimore 0-0 Dynamite
Violette 3-2 Mirebalais
Round 6
[Sep 22]
Racing CH 1-0 Zénith
[Sep 23]
Violette 2-1 Victory
[Sep 24]
Tempête 1-0 Roulado
Frères 0-0 Dynamite
Capoise 0-2 Don Bosco
Carrefour 2-1 Racing G
Aigle Noir 1-0 Mirebalais
[Sep 26]
Cavaly 1-1 Baltimore
Round 7
[Sep 29]
Victory 1-1 Cavaly
[Sep 30]
Dynamite 2-4 Capoise
Don Bosco 0-1 Aigle Noir
[Oct 1]
Baltimore 3-1 Racing G
Roulado 1-0 Frères
Zénith 2-1 Carrefour
Mirebalais 0-0 Tempête
Racing CH 0-0 Violette
Ropund 8
[Oct 6]
Don Bosco 5-0 Dynamite
[Oct 7]
Victory 0-0 Racing CH
[Oct 8]
Racing G 2-0 Zénith
Mirebalais 1-1 Roulado
Carrefour 0-1 Baltimore
Capoise 2-1 Frères
Tempête 1-0 Aigle Noir
Violette 1-1 Cavaly
Round 9
[Oct 14]
Violette 2-1 Carrefour
[Oct 15]
Zénith 0-0 Baltimore
Frères 1-0 Mirebalais
Tempête 0-3 Don Bosco
Racing G 0-1 Victory
Roulado 2-1 Capoise
Cavaly 1-0 Racing CH
Aigle Noir 1-0 Dynamite
Round 10
[Oct 21]
Dynamite 1-1 Roulado
Victory 0-0 Zénith
[Oct 22]
Mirebalais 1-0 Don Bosco
Carrefour 1-2 Cavaly
Frères 1-2 Tempête
Capoise 2-0 Aigle Noir
Baltimore 1-0 Violette
Racing CH 1-0 Racing G
Round 11
[Oct 27]
Aigle Noir 3-0 Roulado
[Oct 28]
Baltimore 2-1 Victory
[Oct 29]
Carrefour 2-1 Racing CH
Dynamite 1-0 Tempête
Capoise 0-0 Mirebalais
Cavaly 1-1 Racing G
Violette 3-0 Zénith
[Oct 30]
Don Bosco 3-0 Frères
Round 12
[Nov 1]
Victory 4-0 Carrefour
[Nov 2]
Zénith 2-3 Cavaly
Racing G 1-1 Violette
Tempête 1-1 Capoise
Frères abd Aigle Noir [abandoned at 1-0]
Roulado 1-1 Don Bosco
Mirebalais 3-0 Dynamite
Racing CH 2-1 Baltimore
[Nov 22]
Frères 0-3 Aigle Noir [replay]
Round 13 [Nov 15]
Roulado 2-0 Victory
Aigle Noir 3-1 Racing CH
Mirebalais 1-1 Baltimore
Frères awd Cavaly [awarded 0-3, not played]
Capoise 1-0 Racing G
Tempête 0-0 Carrefour
Don Bosco 0-0 Zénith
Dynamite 0-0 Violette
Round 14
[Nov 17]
Racing CH 1-0 Mirebalais
[Nov 18]
Victory 1-0 Tempête
[Nov 19]
Violette 1-1 Don Bosco
Baltimore 0-1 Aigle Noir
Zénith 0-0 Dynamite
Carrefour 1-0 Capoise
Cavaly 1-1 Roulado
Racing G awd Frères [apparently awarded 3-0; reported 2-1]
Round 15
[Nov 25]
Dynamite 3-3 Carrefour
Don Bosco 0-1 Victory
[Nov 26]
Roulado 2-2 Zénith
Capoise 1-0 Baltimore
Frères awd Racing CH [apparently awarded 0-3]
Mirebalais 4-2 Racing G
Tempête 0-3 Violette
Aigle Noir 1-0 Cavaly
Final Table:
1.Aigle Noir (Port-au-Prince) 15 9 2 4 16-10 29
2.AS Capoise (Cap Haïtien) 15 8 4 3 19-13 28
3.Cavaly (Léogâne) 15 6 7 2 21-15 25
4.Violette AC (Port-au-Prince) 15 6 6 3 19-11 24
5.Don Bosco (Pétion-Ville) 15 6 5 4 17- 7 23
6.Roulado (La Gônave) 15 5 7 3 14-14 22
7.Victory FC (Port-au-Prince) 15 6 3 6 14-12 21
8.Racing Club Haïtien (Port-au-Prince) 15 5 6 4 10- 8 21
9.AS Mirebalais 15 5 5 5 16-12 20
10.Baltimore (St. Marc) 15 4 6 5 12-12 18
11.AS de Carrefour 15 5 3 7 16-20 18
12.Zénith (Cap-Haïtien) 15 3 8 4 13-15 17
13.Tempête (St. Marc) 15 4 5 6 9-15 17
14.Racing FC (Gônaïves) 15 3 5 7 17-19 14
15.Dynamite (Saint-Marc) 15 1 9 5 12-23 12
16.US Frères (Pétion-Ville) 15 2 3 10 7-26 9
10 Roscaldo Jérémie (Mirebalais)
9 Angelet Joinvilmar (Dynamite)
Aggregate Table:
1.Don Bosco (Pétion-Ville) 45 22 12 11 56-31 78 [*]
2.Aigle Noir (Port-au-Prince) 45 23 9 13 62-39 78 [*]
3.Baltimore (St. Marc) 45 19 15 11 40-28 72
4.Cavaly (Léogâne) 45 17 18 10 47-34 69
5.Racing Club Haïtien (Port-au-Prince) 45 16 18 11 36-25 66
6.AS Mirebalais 45 17 13 15 43-32 64 [*]
7.Zénith (Cap-Haïtien) 45 15 19 11 40-34 64 [*]
8.Victory FC (Port-au-Prince) 45 17 12 16 47-39 63
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
9.Racing FC (Gônaïves) 45 15 15 15 45-40 60
10.Violette AC (Port-au-Prince) 45 15 15 15 45-40 60 [*]
11.Tempête (St. Marc) 45 16 12 17 35-39 60 [*]
12.Roulado (La Gônave) 45 13 17 15 43-56 56 [*]
13.AS Capoise (Cap Haïtien) 45 14 13 18 48-56 55
14.AS de Carrefour 45 11 11 23 36-53 44 [*]
15.Dynamite (Saint-Marc) 45 7 19 19 28-68 40 [*] Relegated
16.US Frères (Pétion-Ville) 45 7 14 24 27-64 35 Relegated
NB: Dynamite had 8 matches awarded 0-3 against them, but with the proviso
that the awarded goals would be discarded in case of decisions on the
championship or relegation
NB: top-8 qualified for Super Huit (aka Coupe Digicel), starting in Dec 2006
Super Huit
First Legs
Don Bosco 0-1 Victory
Aigle Noir 1-2 Zénith
Baltimore 1-2 Mirebalais
Racing CH 0-1 Cavaly
Second Legs
Victory 1-1 Don Bosco
Zénith 1-0 Aigle Noir
Mirebalais 0-2 Baltimore
Cavaly 0-2 Racing CH
First Legs [Dec 18]
Zénith 1-3 Baltimore
Racing CH 1-0 Victory
Second Legs [Dec 20]
Baltimore 1-1 Zénith
Victory 1-0 Racing CH [1-4 pen]
Final [Dec 23]
Baltimore 1-1 Racing CH [5-4 pen; no etra time]
[Dumel Décius 12; Caldéus Mickemberg 60]
Super Coupe d'Haïti 2005
NB: played for the Trophée de la Primature 2005; first (official)
cup tournament for 43 years
1/16 Finals
First Legs
[Oct 13]
US Arcahaie unk Roulado
AS Grand Gôave 2-1 Rangers de Miragoane
[dates? (postponed from Oct 12)]
Hatüey Bacardi 0-3 Violette AC
US Frères unk Aigle Noir du Bel-Air
Victory 3-1 AS Petit Gôave
AS Carrefour unk Don Bosco
[Oct 14]
Tempête FC 3-0 Flora de Arcahaie
[Oct 15]
Triomphe de Liancourt 1-2 Dynamite de St-Marc
Second Legs
[prior to Oct 17]
Roulado unk US Arcahaie [Roulado qualified]
Aigle Noir du Bel-Air unk US Frères [Aigle Noir qualified]
Don Bosco unk AS Carrefour [Don Bosco qualified]
[Oct 17]
Dynamite de St-Marc 1-0 Triomphe de Liancourt
[Oct 18]
AS Petit Gôave o/w Victory [ASPG dns]
[Oct 19]
Flora de Arcahaie 0-1 Tempête FC
Violette AC unk Hatüey Bacardi [Violette qualified]
Rangers de Miragoane 1-3 AS Grand Gôave
Ties played over one leg at neutral venues
[Oct 19]
Racing Gonaïves w/o AS St Louis du Nord [ASSL dns]
Racine de Gros Morne 3-1 AS Capoise
Cavaly de Leogane 3-0 Fond des Nègres
[Oct 20]
FICA bt Accolade de Gros Morne
AS Mirebalais bye
Baltimore de St-Marc bye
Racing Club Haïtien bye
Zénith du Cap Haïtien bye
1/8 Finals
First Legs
[Oct 21]
Aigle Noir 0-2 Racing Club Haïtien
Victory 0-1 Violette
[Oct 22]
Don Bosco 1-1 AS Mirebalais
Dynamite 1-1 Tempête
Roulado 0-0 Baltimore
Racine de Gros Morne unk Racing Gonaïves
FICA 0-0 Zénith
AS Grand Gôave 2-1 Cavaly
Second Legs
[Oct 24]
Cavaly 1-0 AS Grand Gôave
Violette 0-2 Victory
AS Mirebalais 1-0 Don Bosco
Racing Club Haïtien w/o Aigle Noir [Aigle Noir dns]
Baltimore 3-1 Roulado
Tempête 1-1 Dynamite [3-2 pen]
Zénith 2-2 FICA
[Oct 25]
Racing Gonaïves unk Racine de Gros Morne [Racing qualified]
[Oct 26]
AS Mirebalais 2-1 Cavaly
Racing Club Haïtien 0-2 Victory
[Oct 27]
Tempête 2-1 Racing Gonaïves
Baltimore 0-0 FICA [2-4 pen]
[Oct 28]
AS Mirebalais 2-0 Victory
[Oct 29]
FICA 0-1 Tempête
Third Place Match
FICA 1-0 Victory
Final [Nov 1]
AS Mirebalais 1-2 Tempête
Coupe de la Digicel 2006
Round 1
[Mar 11]
Dynamite - Racing CH
Tempête - Cavaly
Aigle Noir - Violette
[Mar 12]
Roulado - Racing G
Frères - Carrefour
Mirebalais - Zénith
Capoise - Victory
Don Bosco - Baltimore
Tournoi « Retour au parc Levelt » 2006
[Aug 6]
Tempête FC 2-4 Dynamite AC
[Aug 9]
Dynamite AC 0-1 Baltimore SC
[Aug 13]
Baltimore SC 0-0 Tempête FC
1.Baltimore SC 2 1 1 0 1- 0 4
2.Dynamite AC 2 1 0 1 4- 3 3
3.Tempête FC 2 0 1 1 2- 4 1
Second Level
Division 2
Groupe Nord (= Groupe A)
Round 1
[Dec 10]
FICA 1-0 Flora
[Dec 11]
US Arcahaie 0-0 Triomphe
ASSL 1-0 AS Verettes
Vision 1-0 Eclair
Racines 0-0 US Papaye
Round 2
[Dec 17]
[Dec 18]
Triomphe 1-1 ASR
AS Verrettes 0-0 US Arcahaie
Flora 3-0 Vision
US Papaye 0-0 FICA
Eclair 1-0 Racines
Round 3
[Dec 22]
FICA 1-0 Eclair
[Dec 23]
US Arcahaie 0-0 JSC
ASR n/p AS Verettes
ASSL 0-0 US Papaye
Vision 1-1 Triomphe
Racine 1-1 Flora
ASR 1-0 AS Verettes
Round 4
[Dec 28]
JSC 1-0 Vision [also reported 0-0]
Eclair 2-2 US Arcahaie
[Dec 29]
AS Verettes 3-0 Racine
Triomphe 0-0 FICA
US Papaye 1-0 ASR
Flora 2-2 ASSL [inferred]
Round 5
[Jan 14]
JSC 1-1 US Papaye
[Jan 15]
Verettes 0-1 FICA
US Arcahaie 0-0 Flora
Eclair 2-1 Triomphe
Vision 0-0 ASR
ASSL 2-0 Racine
Round 6
[Jan 21]
[Jan 22]
ASR 0-0 Eclair
Racine 2-1 US Arcahaie
US Papaye 0-1 Vision
Flora 2-1 Verettes
Triomphe 1-1 JSC
Round 7
[Jan 28]
Eclair 1-0 Flora
[Jan 29]
Verettes 1-0 US Papaye
US Arcahaie 1-0 ASR
Vision 0-1 ASSL
Racine 0-0 Triomphe
Round 8
[Feb 4]
FICA 2-0 Racine
[Feb 5]
Triomphe 2-1 US Papaye
Flora 0-0 ASR
Vision 1-0 Verettes
ASSL 3-0 US Arcahaie [awarded?]
Eclair 0-0 JSC
Round 9 [Feb 12]
Triomphe 0-1 ASSL
Verettes 0-0 Eclair
US Arcahaie 2-0 Vision
US Papaye 1-0 Flora
JSC 1-0 Racine
Round 10
[Feb 18]
FICA 3-0 Vision
[Smith Louis Arty 33, Rosard Getrhro 51, 67]
[Feb 19]
Flora 0-0 JSC
ASSL 3-0 Eclair
[Kelley Rivert 12, André Occima 20, 90]
US Papaye 1-0 US Arcahaye
[Cardinal Casimir 17]
Racine 1-0 ASR
Verettes 0-0 Triomphe
Round 11
[Feb 25]
JSC 0-0 Verettes
[Feb 26]
US Arcahaye 0-0 FICA
Vision 3-0 Racine
Eclair 1-0 US Papaye
Triomphe 2-0 Flora
Round 12
[Mar 11]
[Mar 12]
Triomphe 2-1 US Arcahaie
Verettes 1-1 ASSL
Flora 1-1 FICA
Eclair 1-0 Vision
US Papaye 3-2 Racine
Round 13
[Mar 18]
FICA 2-0 US Papaye
[Mar 19]
ASR 3-1 Triomphe
US Arcahaie 1-0 Verettes
Vision 2-1 Flora
Racine 0-0 Eclair
Ropnd 14
[Mar 25]
JSC 0-0 US Arcahaie
[Mr 26]
Verettes 1-3 ASR
[Michaël Dornevil 18pen; Saintecy Guellot 31, Marc-Aldo Delva 60,
Kems Archelus 89]
US Papaye 1-0 ASSL
[Weepson Laurent 72]
Triomphe 1-0 Vision
[Suplice Dorsainvil 2]
Eclair 1-0 FICA
[Wilson Abellard 85]
Flora 3-1 Racine
[Wilemson Jean François 22, Edouard Luc Jean Joseph 60,
Ralph Charles 78; Patrick Petit-Homme 53]
Round 15 [Apr 1,2]
ASR 2-0 US Papaye
[Kenny Arisma 37, ?]
FICA 0-0 Triomphe
Vision 2-1 JSC
[Denis Estimable 48, Etelhomme Jérémie 56; James Antenor 90]
Racine 0-1 Verettes
[Guten Jean Baptiste 40]
US Arcahaie 1-0 Eclair
[Esdras Philippe 20]
ASSL 2-0 Flora
[Carmelle E.J.J. Moïse 49, Kelly Rivert 73]
Round 16
[Apr 8]
FICA 1-0 Verettes
[Pierre Maurice Fils 42]
[Apr 9]
US Papaye 1-0 JSC
[Nord Yves Marie 85]
Triomphe 2-1 Eclair
[Edner Dieujuste 16, Valdimir Exantus 17; Edrice Philippe 70]
ASR 2-1 Vision
[Junior Louis 12, Ralfaud Georges 25; Ralfaud Georges 73]
Flora 0-0 US Arcahaie
Racine 0-0 ASSL
Round 17
[Apr 13]
Eclair 2-0 ASR
[Apr 15]
JSC 4-0 Triomphe
[Apr 16]
Vision 2-0 US Papaye
Verettes 0-1 Flora
US Arcahaie 1-0 Racine
Round 18
[Apr 22]
[Apr 23]
US Papaye awd Verettes [awarded 3-0, forfait Verettes]
ASR 3-0 US Arcahaie
ASSL 4-0 Vision
Triomphe 6-0 Racine
Flora awd Eclair [awarded 0-3, forfait Flora]
Round 19 [Apr 30]
US Arcahaie 3-0 ASSL
AS Verettes 2-0 Vision
ASR 3-0 Flora
JSC 1-0 Eclair
US Papaye 1-2 Triomphe
FICA 1-1 Racine
Round 20
[May 6]
[May 7]
ASSL 1-1 Triomphe
Eclair 3-0 AS Verettes
Vision 0-0 US Arcahaie
Racine 1-0 JSC
Flora 0-0 US Papaye
1.FICA (Cap-Haïtien) 20 10 6 4 18- 7 36
2.AS Rive Artibonitienne 20 10 5 5 23-11 35
3.Eclair (Gônaïves) 20 9 5 6 18-12 32
4.AS Saint Louis 20 9 7 4 24-13 31 [-3]
5.Triomphe (Liancourt) 20 7 9 4 23-18 30
6.US Arcahaie 20 6 9 5 13-13 27
7.US Papaye 20 7 5 8 14-16 26
8.JS Capoise 20 5 10 5 13-11 25
9.Vision (Hinche) 20 7 3 10 14-23 24
10.Flora (Arcahaie) 20 4 8 8 14-21 20
11.AS Verettes 20 4 5 11 10-19 17
12.Racines (Gros Morne) 20 3 6 11 9-29 15
Promoted: AS Rive Artibonitienne
Groupe Sud (= Groupe B)
Round 1
[Dec 10]
Valencia 2-2 ASPDIF
[Dec 11]
Velox 1-0 ASPG
Roulado SM 5-0 Bacardi [also reported 5-1]
AS Jacmel 5-0 Rangers
ASGG 2-1 Olympic
ASVA 2-0 Excelsior
Round 2
[Dec 18]
ASPG 1-1 AS Jacmel
Rangers 0-1 Roulado SM
Olympic 1-0 ASVA
[Dec 19]
Bacardi 4-0 Velox
Excelsior 0-1 Valencia
Round 3
[Dec 23]
Roulado SM 0-1 ASPG
Velox 2-1 Rangers
AS Jacmel 1-0 ASPDIF
ASVA 2-1 Bacardi
ASGG 3-1 Excelsior
Valencia 0-0 Olympic
Round 4 [Dec 29]
Rangers 2-1 Valencia
Bacardi 2-1 ASGG
Excelsior 0-1 Roulado SM
ASPDIF 1-0 Velox
Olympic 2-1 AS Jacmel
Round 5 [Jan 15]
Rangers 0-0 ASGG
Roulado SM 0-1 Olympic
Excelsior 1-2 Bacardi
ASVA 3-0 Velox
AS Jacmel 1-0 Valencia
Round 6 [Jan 22]
Velox 2-1 Excelsior
ASGG 2-0 AS Jacmel
Valencia 2-2 Roulado SM
Olympic 1-0 Rangers
Bacardi 3-1 ASPG
Round 7 [Jan 29]
Rangers 0-0 ASPDIF
Roulado SM 0-1 Velox
ASVA 1-0 AS Jacmel
Valencia 1-1 Bacardi
Excelsior 1-3 Olympic
Round 8 [Feb 5]
ASGG 2-1 Valencia
Bacardi 0-1 ASPDIF
Olympic 2-0 Velox
Excelsior 0-0 ASPG
AS Jacmel 2-1 Roulado SM
ASVA 1-0 Rangers
Round 9
[Feb 12]
Velox 0-0 ASGG
Rangers 0-0 Excelsior
Roulado SM 1-0 ASVA
ASPG 2-0 Valencia
ASPDIF 2-1 Olympic
[Apr 5]
Bacardi 5-0 AS Jacmel
Round 10 [Feb 19]
Olympic 2-1 ASPG
[Ferdinand Sidner 52, Frandy Pierre 62; Nelson Markendy 44]
AS Jacmel 2-0 Excelsior
[Charles Erson 26, Charles Erby 35]
ASPDIF 0-1 Roulado SM
[Aristide Eder 48]
Valencia 1-1 Velox
[Volmar Jean Edva 90; Valentin Equil 36]
Rangers 2-1 Bacardi
[Revolcin Julio 19, Valentin Equil 49; Henry Kenold 4]
Round 11 [Feb 26]
Roulado SM 1-0 ASGG
ASVA 3-1 Valencia
Bacardi 2-1 Olympic
Velox 3-1 AS Jacmel
ASPG 1-0 Rangers
Excelsior 1-0 ASPDIF
Round 12
[Mar 12]
ASPG 1-0 Velox
Rangers 2-0 AS Jacmel
Olympic 1-1 ASGG
Excelsior 0-1 ASVA
ASPDIF 5-0 Valencia
[Mar 14]
Bacardi 4-0 Roulado SM
Round 13 [Mar 19]
AS Jacmel 1-1 ASPG
Velox 0-0 Bacardi
Roulado SM 0-0 Rangers
ASVA 3-0 Olympic
Valencia 2-0 Excelsior
Round 14
[Mar 24]
Bacardi 1-1 ASVA
[Johnsly Pierre-Louis 9; ?]
[Mar 26]
ASPG 1-0 Roulado SM
[Yves Figaro 49og]
Rangers 1-0 Velox
[Jean-Baptiste Gaspard 88]
Excelsior 0-3 ASGG
[Robenson Joseph 64, 85, Patrick Altidor 68]
Olympic 0-0 Valencia
ASPDIF - AS Jacmel
Round 15
[Apr 2]
ASGG 3-1 Bacardi
Roulado SM 1-1 Excelsior
Velox 2-2 ASPDIF
AS Jacmel 3-1 Olympic
[dates?; inferred]
Valencia 1-1 Rangers
Round 16
[Apr 9]
ASGG 2-1 Rangers [also reported 2-0]
[Valdo Normil 13, Robenson Joseph 82; Goldy Souffrant 36]
Velox 1-0 ASVA
[Kesnel Louijuste 25]
[Woosvald Joseph 39, 56; Monès St-Cyr 55]
Olympic 0-1 Roulado SM
[Jacques Montilas 63]
Bacardi 2-2 Excelsior
[Henry Kenol 59, Mario Michaud 75; Pierre Kenol 8, Lahens Ernsot 26]
Valencia - AS Jacmel
Round 17
[Apr 16]
AS Jacmel 1-0 ASGG
Roualdo SM 0-0 Valencia
Rangers 5-1 Olympic
ASPG 0-0 Bacardi
Excelsior - Velox
Round 18 [Apr 23]
ASPDIF 2-0 Rangers
Velox awd Roulado SM [awarded 3-0 (4-0?), forfait Roulado]
AS Jacmel 1-1 ASVA
Bacardi 0-0 Valencia [1-1?]
Olympic 2-1 Excelsior
Round 19
[Apr 30]
Velox 0-0 Olympic
Valencia 0-2 ASGG
[dates?; inferred]
ASPDIF 0-0 Bacardi
ASPG 1-0 Excelsior
Rangers 0-3 ASVA
Roulado SM - AS Jacmel
Round 20
[May 7]
AS Jacmel 2-4 Bacardi
ASGG 3-1 Velox
Excelsior 2-0 Rangers
ASVA 1-0 Roulado SM
Olympic 3-0 ASPDIF
Valencia - ASPG
1.AS Grand Goâve 20 11 4 5 30-15 37
2.AS Vieux Bourg d'Aquin 20 10 4 6 25-14 34
3.AS Petit Goâve 19 10 4 5 19-12 34
4.Bacardi (Port-au Prince) 20 8 7 5 33-23 31 [34-24?]
5.Olympic (Cabaret) 20 9 4 7 23-23 31
6.ASPDIF (Aquin) 19 8 5 6 23-21 29
7.Velox (Croix des Missions) 19 7 5 7 17-21 26 [18-21?]
8.Roulado (Source Matelas) 19 7 4 8 15-17 25 [15-18?]
9.AS Jacmel 17 7 3 7 22-24 24
10.Rangers (Miragoane) 20 5 5 10 15-24 20
11.Valencia (Léogâne) 18 2 9 7 13-24 12 [-3] [14-25?]
12.Excelsior (Port-au-Prince) 19 2 4 13 11-28 10
Promoted: AS Grand Goâve
Third Level
Division Regional I (DRI)
Round 7 [Mar 18,19]
AS Truitier 1-1 Le Croix FC
Racing CH 0-2 Mikado
Bastia FC 0-2 AS Estère
Santos FC 1-2 Valencia
Tempête FC 0-0 Panthère Noire
AS Pont Sondé 0-0 US Montrouis
Essentiel FC 2-2 Réal de Sibert
Cayes Jacmel 1-1 Barcelone Jr.
Jaguar FC 0-0 Montpellier FC
Grand Anse AS 1-1 USD
Deschapelle FC 0-0 AS Borel
AJSB 0-3 Valencia AC
Ecofoot 0-0 IHECE
Technical 3-2 Accolade FC
Round 8
[Mar 25]
Montpellier FC - Cavaly AS
Le Croix FC - AS Cayes Jacmel
Accolade FC - Missionnaire de Préval
Essentiel - Monaco
[Mar 26]
Jaguar FC - AST
AS Fontamara - Grand Anse All Stars
AS Estère - Santos FC
Bastia FC - Technical
AJSB - Mikado FC
IHECE - Racing Club Haïtien
Valencia AC - ANAC
USD - Barcelone Jr.
Moved Matches [Mar 29]
Montpellier FC - AS Cayes Jacmel
AS Fontamara - Lecroix
Accolade - Valencia
Round 10
[Apr 7]
Dynamite AC - Tempête FC
[Apr 8]
Barcelone Jr. - Le Croix FC
Montpellier FC - USD
Baltimore SC - US Montrouis
Deschapelles - Panthère Noire
Missionnaire - Valencia AC
POFAC - AS Colline d'Aquin
[Apr 9]
Jaguar FC - AS Fontamara
Cavaly AS - AS Cayes Jacmel
Real de Sibert - Mirage AC
UFCD - Monaco FC
AJSB - Ecofoot
Valencia FC - Racing Club Haïtien
Technical - Santos FC
Accolade FC - AS Estère
Éclair de PG - Cavaillon FC
AS Borel - AS Pont-Sondé
Division 1
Final Table:
1.Baltimore (St. Marc) 15 9 5 1 19- 7 32 Ouverture Winners
2.Cavaly (Léogâne) 15 6 8 1 14- 5 26
3.AS Mirebalais 15 6 6 3 12- 7 24
4.Zénith (Cap-Haïtien) 15 6 5 4 16-15 23
5.Violette AC (Port-au-Prince) 15 5 7 3 13- 7 22
6.Tempête (St. Marc) 15 5 7 3 14-13 22
7.AS Capoise (Cap Haïtien) 15 5 7 3 12-12 22
8.AS de Carrefour 15 5 6 4 15-14 21
9.Don Bosco (Pétion-Ville) 15 6 3 6 14-14 21
10.Racing FC (Gônaïves) 15 5 6 4 11-13 21
11.Victory FC (Port-au-Prince) 15 5 5 5 15-11 20
12.Aigle Noir (Port-au-Prince) 15 5 4 6 13-11 19
13.Racing Club Haïtien (Port-au-Prince) 15 4 5 6 11-14 17
14.AS Rive Artibonitienne 15 3 3 9 9-19 12
15.Roulado (La Gônave) 15 2 4 9 13-21 10
16.AS Grand Goâve 15 0 5 10 5-23 5
Round 1
[Feb 24]
Racing CH 1-1 Violette
[Feb 25]
Tempête 1-0 Aigle Noir
Mirebalais 1-0 Capoise
Zénith 2-0 Roulado
Don Bosco 1-0 ASR
ASGG 0-1 Baltimore
Carrefour 0-2 Cavaly
Victory 0-0 Racing G
Round 2
[Feb 28]
ASR 1-3 Mirebalais
Violette 1-1 Victory
[Mar 1]
Baltimore 3-1 Zénith
Roulado 0-0 ASGG
Cavaly 1-1 Tempête
Capoise 1-1 Don Bosco
Racing G 2-1 Racing CH
Aigle Noir 3-1 Carrefour
Round 4
[Mar 3]
Violette 0-0 Mirebalais
[Mar 4]
Baltimore 1-1 Tempête
ASR 2-1 Victory
Cavaly 0-0 Zénith
Capoise 0-0 Racing CH
Racing G 2-1 Don Bosco
Roulado 0-1 Carrefour
Aigle Noir 2-0 ASGG
Round 5
[Mar 10]
Aigle Noir 0-1 Don Bosco
[Mar 11]
Racing CH 2-1 Roulado
Victory 0-1 Baltimore
Zénith 2-0 Violette
ASGG 0-0 Capoise
Tempête 0-0 ASR
Carrefour 2-0 Racing G
Mirebalais abd Cavaly [abandoned due to rain]
[Mar 22]
Mirebalais 0-0 Cavaly
Round 6
[Mar 14]
Violette 3-1 Roulado
Baltimore awd Racing G [awarded 3-0; abandoned at 1-1 in 82'
Capoise 2-1 Aigle Noir as Racing protested against a penalty
Cavaly 1-0 ASR award]
Carrefour 1-1 Victory
[Mar 15]
ASGG 2-2 Tempête
Don Bosco 1-0 Zénith
Racing CH 0-1 Mirebalais
Round 7
[Mar 18]
Mirebalais 3-0 ASGG
Tempête 1-1 Victory
ASR 0-1 Capoise
Roulado 1-1 Baltimore
Zénith 1-1 Carrefour
Racing G 1-1 Cavaly
Don Bosco 0-1 Racing CH
[May 1]
Aigle Noir 0-0 Violette
Round 3
[Mar 25]
Mirebalais 1-0 Roulado
Zénith 1-1 Capoise
Tempête 1-0 Racing G
[Apr 4]
Carrefour 0-0 Violette
[Apr 11]
Don Bosco 0-1 Baltimore
[Apr 19]
Racing CH 2-2 Cavaly
[May 15]
Aigle Noir 0-2 Victory
Round 8
[Mar 31]
Racing CH 0-0 ASGG
[Apr 1]
Mirebalais 0-0 Don Bosco
Baltimore 1-0 Violette
Carrefour 1-2 Tempête
Victory 4-0 Zénith
Capoise 1-0 Cavaly
Roulado 0-1 Racing G
Aigle Noir 2-0 ASR
Round 9
[Apr 5]
Baltimore 1-0 Aigle Noir
[Apr 7]
Racing CH 0-2 Carrefour
Victory 0-1 Mirebalais
ASGG 1-2 Don Bosco
Violette 0-1 ASR
[Apr 8]
Zénith 2-0 Tempête
Cavaly 1-0 Roulado
Racing G 0-0 Capoise
Round 10
[Apr 14]
Don Bosco 2-1 Victory
Roulado 1-1 Aigle Noir
Capoise 0-2 Violette
Tempête 1-0 Racing CH
Cavaly 0-0 Baltimore
[Apr 15]
Mirebalais 1-1 Zénith
ASR 1-1 Racing G
Carrefour 0-0 ASGG
Round 11
[Apr 21]
Violette 2-0 Racing G
[Apr 22]
Racing CH 1-2 Zénith
ASGG 0-1 Victory
Carrefour 2-1 Don Bosco
Tempête 0-0 Mirebalais
ASR 0-0 Baltimore
Capoise 2-1 Roulado
[Apr 24]
Aigle Noir 0-1 Cavaly
Round 12
[Apr 28]
Victory 1-0 Racing CH
Cavaly 0-0 Violette
Racing G 1-1 Aigle Noir
[Apr 29]
Mirebalais 1-1 Carrefour
Zénith 2-1 ASGG
Roulado 3-1 ASR
Don Bosco 1-2 Tempête
Baltimore 2-2 Capoise
Round 13
[May 5]
Violette 0-0 Don Bosco
[May 6]
Racing G 1-0 Mirebalais
Roulado 2-2 Tempête
Baltimore 1-0 Carrefour
Aigle Noir 2-0 Zénith
Cavaly 3-0 ASGG
ASR 0-1 Racing CH
Capoise 0-2 Victory
Round 14
[May 9]
Mirebalais 0-2 Baltimore
Racing CH 0-0 Aigle Noir
Zénith 2-0 ASR
Tempête 0-1 Violette
Victory 0-0 Cavaly
ASGG 0-2 Racing G
Carrefour 1-1 Capoise
[May 10]
Don Bosco 3-1 Roulado
Round 15
[May 12]
Violette 3-0 ASGG
Roulado 2-0 Victory
[May 13]
Baltimore 1-2 Racing CH
Racing G 0-0 Zénith
Capoise 1-0 Tempête
Cavaly 2-0 Don Bosco
ASR 1-2 Carrefour
Aigle Noir 1-0 Mirebalais
Final Table:
1.Baltimore (St. Marc) 15 9 5 1 19- 7 32 Ouverture Winners
2.Cavaly (Léogâne) 15 6 8 1 14- 5 26
3.AS Mirebalais 15 6 6 3 12- 7 24
4.Zénith (Cap-Haïtien) 15 6 5 4 16-15 23
5.Violette AC (Port-au-Prince) 15 5 7 3 13- 7 22
6.Tempête (St. Marc) 15 5 7 3 14-13 22
7.AS Capoise (Cap Haïtien) 15 5 7 3 12-12 22
8.AS de Carrefour 15 5 6 4 15-14 21
9.Don Bosco (Pétion-Ville) 15 6 3 6 14-14 21
10.Racing FC (Gônaïves) 15 5 6 4 11-13 21
11.Victory FC (Port-au-Prince) 15 5 5 5 15-11 20
12.Aigle Noir (Port-au-Prince) 15 5 4 6 13-11 19
13.Racing Club Haïtien (Port-au-Prince) 15 4 5 6 11-14 17
14.AS Rive Artibonitienne 15 3 3 9 9-19 12
15.Roulado (La Gônave) 15 2 4 9 13-21 10
16.AS Grand Goâve 15 0 5 10 5-23 5
Final Table:
1.Cavaly (Léogâne) 15 8 5 2 15- 9 29 Clôture Winners
2.AS Capoise (Cap Haïtien) 15 6 6 3 23- 7 24
3.AS de Carrefour 15 5 9 1 14- 6 24
4.Victory FC (Port-au-Prince) 15 6 6 3 18-12 24
5.Baltimore (St. Marc) 15 6 5 4 20- 7 23
6.Don Bosco (Pétion-Ville) 15 5 8 2 12- 7 23
7.Zénith (Cap-Haïtien) 15 6 4 5 21-18 22
8.Tempête (St. Marc) 15 5 7 3 9- 7 22
9.Aigle Noir (Port-au-Prince) 15 6 3 6 15-12 21
10.Violette AC (Port-au-Prince) 15 6 3 6 13-10 21
11.Racing Club Haïtien (Port-au-Prince) 15 5 6 4 11- 8 21
12.Racing FC (Gônaïves) 15 5 4 6 7-12 19
13.AS Mirebalais 15 3 8 4 11-11 17
14.Roulado (La Gônave) 15 3 2 10 12-23 11
15.AS Rive Artibonitienne 15 2 3 10 6-29 9
16.AS Grand Goâve 15 2 3 10 8-37 9
Round 2
[Aug 22]
Victory 1-1 Violette
[Ricardo Charles; Lucson Coriolan]
Racing CH 2-0 Racing G
[Mickemberg Cadéus 17, Monès Chéri 25pen]
[Aug 23]
Zénith 2-1 Baltimore
Tempête 2-1 Cavaly
Mirebalais 0-0 ASR
ASGG 3-2 Roulado
Carrefour 1-0 Aigle Noir
[Junior Clairsainvil (pen)]
Don Bosco 0-0 Capoise
Round 3
[Aug 25]
Aigle Noir 0-1 Victory
[Ricardo Charles 25]
[Aug 26]
Cavaly 1-0 Racing CH
[Amy André]
Roulado 1-0 Mirebalais
[Jean Rebert Ménélas]
Capoise 3-0 Zénith
[Jackson Jean, Dieuphène Telamour, Sony Labranche]
[Kerns Archélus, Jean Jaurel Nelson]
Racing G 0-0 Tempête
Baltimore 0-0 Don Bosco
Violette 0-1 Carrefour
[Simon Frédéric 78]
Round 4
[Aug 31]
Victory 5-0 ASR
[Ricardo Charles 27, 64, 71, Joël Dénose 41, Yves Jean-Pierre 51]
[Sep 1]
Don Bosco 3-0 Racing G
[Sep 2]
ASGG awd Aigle Noir [awarded 0-3; abandoned as ASGG
[Fritzson Jean-Baptiste] protested against a goal scored
Mirebalais 2-0 Violette by Aigle Noir]
[Ultéguens Saint-Victor 6, Oscaldo Jérémie 50]
Zénith 0-1 Cavaly
[Chandler Cadet 73]
Racing CH 1-0 Capoise
[Monès Chéri 45+pen]
Carrefour 3-0 Roulado
Tempête 0-2 Baltimore
[Luxène Elestin 27, Gabriel Michel 87]
Round 5
[Sep 16]
Baltimore 0-0 Victory
Cavaly 2-1 Mirebalais
[Harold Milord 10, Chadelson Charlemagne 56;
Ultéguens Saint-Victor 2-1]
Roulado 2-0 Racing CH
[Alex Milien, Eder Lormeau]
Capoise 5-0 ASGG
[Jimmy Sara, Daniel Amboise, Jackson Jean (2), Antoine Siméon]
Racing G 1-0 Carrefour
[Pascal Soifaite 85]
ASR 0-0 Tempête
[Sep 17]
Don Bosco 0-0 Aigle Noir
[Oct 18]
Violette 2-0 Zénith
Round 6
[Sep 19]
Victory 1-1 Carrefour
[Robens Vernet; Kerby Saint-Jean]
Roulado 1-0 Violette
[Wilson Couachi]
[Sep 20]
Tempête 1-0 ASGG
[Eliphène Cadet]
ASR 0-1 Cavaly
[Chadelson Charlemagne 90+]
Racing G 0-0 Baltimore
Zénith 2-0 Don Bosco
Aigle Noir 0-0 Capoise
Mirebalais 0-0 Racing CH
Round 7
[Sep 22]
Violette 0-1 Aigle Noir
[Giuliano Philippe]
[Sep 23]
Capoise 7-0 ASR
[Dieuphène Telamour "Bayotan" (3), Jackson Jean (2),
Renel Monpremier (2)]
Baltimore 1-0 Roulado
[Luxène Elestin 80]
Carrefour 1-1 Zénith
[Simon Frédéric 90; Lionel Saint-Preux 33]
Cavaly 1-0 Racing G
[Chadelson Charlemagne 2]
Racing CH 0-0 Don Bosco
[Sep 24]
ASGG 1-1 Mirebalais
Victory 0-0 Tempête
Round 8
[Sep 26]
Violette 1-0 Baltimore
[Lucson Coriolan]
ASGG 0-0 Racing CH
Racing G 1-0 Roulado
[Clersant Clerjuste]
ASR 1-2 Aigle Noir
[Archélus Kerns; Fritzson Jean-Baptiste (2)]
[Sep 27]
Don Bosco 1-1 Mirebalais
[Bruny Pierre Richard; Philippe Bainet]
Tempête 0-0 Carrefour
Zénith 2-2 Victory
[Chedelin Francœur, Frantzy Mésidor; Ricardo Charles,
Emmanuel Jean]
[Sep 28]
Cavaly 0-0 Capoise
Round 9
[Sep 29]
Aigle Noir 1-2 Baltimore
[Guiliano Philippe (pen); Cinna Papouche, Luxène Elestin]
[Sep 30]
Carrefour 0-0 Racing CH
Don Bosco 0-0 ASGG
Tempête 0-1 Zénith
[Canès Jean]
Capoise 2-0 Racing G
[Jackson Jean 30, Wilfrid Joseph 36]
[Oct 1]
Roulado 1-1 Cavaly
[Jean Rebert Ménélas; ?]
[Oct 3]
ASR 0-2 Violette
[Oct 17]
Mirebalais 0-1 Victory
[Ricardo Charles 80]
Round 10
[Oct 3]
Victory 0-2 Don Bosco
[Yveson Etienne, Philbert Dercéus]
[Oct 4]
Racing CH 0-0 Tempête
ASGG 0-3 Carrefour
[Stanley Casséus (2), Valdano Paul]
[Oct 6]
Violette 1-2 Capoise
[Jeandy Georges (og); Jackson Jean, Dieuphène Telamour]
[Oct 7]
Zénith 3-1 Mirebalais
Racing G 2-0 ASR
[Jackson Pierre, Rocson Génélus]
[Oct 17]
Aigle Noir 2-0 Roulado
[Fritzson Jean-Baptiste (2)]
Baltimore 0-0 Cavaly
Round 11
[Oct 20]
Don Bosco 0-0 Carrefour
[Oct 21]
Racing G 1-0 Violette
[Clersant Clerjuste]
Zénith 1-2 Racing CH
[Frantzy Mésidor; Sénat Gillot, Jimmy St Lot 87]
Mirebalais 0-0 Tempête
Baltimore 1-0 ASR
Roulado 1-2 Capoise
Cavaly 1-0 Aigle Noir
[Henry Gregory]
[Oct 22]
Victory 3-2 ASGG
Round 12
[Oct 26]
Aigle Noir 2-0 Racing G
[Brunel Fucien (2)]
[Oct 27]
Racing CH 1-0 Victory
[Reginald Herthelou]
[Oct 28]
Violette 1-1 Cavaly
[Marcus Dorcé 5; ? 90+]
Carrefour 1-1 Mirebalais
[Junior Clairsainvil; Philippe Bainet]
ASGG 1-0 Zénith
ASR 2-0 Roulado
[Macado Delva, Frantz Badio]
Tempête 1-1 Don Bosco
[? 76; Philbert Merceus 20]
Capoise 0-0 Baltimore
Round 13
[Nov 4]
Don Bosco 0-1 Violette
Mirebalais 0-0 Racing G
Tempête 3-1 Roulado
Zénith 3-3 Aigle Noir
ASGG 1-2 Cavaly
Racing CH 4-0 ASR
[Nov 5]
Victory 1-0 Capoise
[Nov 16?]
Carrefour 1-0 Baltimore
Round 1 [postponed from Aug 18-19 due to hurricane Dean]
[Nov 7]
Aigle Noir 0-1 Tempête
[Nov 8]
Violette 0-0 Racing CH
Capoise 1-1 Mirebalais
Roulado 1-1 Zénith
ASR 1-2 Don Bosco
Cavaly 1-1 Carrefour
[Jackson Jean 73; Peterson Desrivières 25]
Racing G 0-0 Victory
[Nov 18?]
Baltimore 10-0 ASGG
Round 14
[Nov 20]
Violette 1-0 Tempête
[Nov 21]
Cavaly 1-0 Victory
[Amy André 68]
Capoise 1-1 Carrefour
Baltimore 0-1 Mirebalais
ASR 0-3 Zénith
Racing G 2-0 ASGG
Roulado 0-1 Don Bosco
[Nov 22]
Aigle Noir 1-0 Racing CH
[Paulin Jean 3]
Round 15
[Nov 24]
Victory 3-2 Roulado
[Robenson Jean-Louis, Ricardo Laroche, Panel Guerrier;
Samuel Desroches, Jean Rebert Ménélas]
[Nov 25]
Tempête 1-0 Capoise
[Eliphène Cadet]
Don Bosco 2-1 Cavaly
[Monuma Constant jr. 57, Walson Augustin 90+; Amy André 45]
Carrefour 0-0 ASR
[Nov 28]
ASGG 0-3 Violette
[Alexandre Boucicaut, Saul Kendy Junior, Lucson Coriolan]
Racing CH 1-3 Baltimore
[Monès Chéry (pen); Guemsly Junior Joseph, Peter Germain (2)]
Zénith 2-0 Racing G
[Berthony Pierre, Jaquinto Jean]
Mirebalais 2-0 Aigle Noir
[Max André Jean-Baptiste 28, Roscaldo Jérémie 77]
Final Table:
1.Cavaly (Léogâne) 15 8 5 2 15- 9 29 Clôture Winners
2.AS Capoise (Cap Haïtien) 15 6 6 3 23- 7 24
3.AS de Carrefour 15 5 9 1 14- 6 24
4.Victory FC (Port-au-Prince) 15 6 6 3 18-12 24
5.Baltimore (St. Marc) 15 6 5 4 20- 7 23
6.Don Bosco (Pétion-Ville) 15 5 8 2 12- 7 23
7.Zénith (Cap-Haïtien) 15 6 4 5 21-18 22
8.Tempête (St. Marc) 15 5 7 3 9- 7 22
9.Aigle Noir (Port-au-Prince) 15 6 3 6 15-12 21
10.Violette AC (Port-au-Prince) 15 6 3 6 13-10 21
11.Racing Club Haïtien (Port-au-Prince) 15 5 6 4 11- 8 21
12.Racing FC (Gônaïves) 15 5 4 6 7-12 19
13.AS Mirebalais 15 3 8 4 11-11 17
14.Roulado (La Gônave) 15 3 2 10 12-23 11
15.AS Rive Artibonitienne 15 2 3 10 6-29 9
16.AS Grand Goâve 15 2 3 10 8-37 9
Topscorer Clôture
11 Luxène Elestin "Caïman" (Baltimore)
Match des Champions [Dec 2, parc Levelt de Saint-Marc]
Baltimore 1-0 Cavaly
[Luxène Elestin "Caïman"]
Aggregate Table:
1.Baltimore (St. Marc) 30 15 10 5 39-14 55 Super 8
2.Cavaly (Léogâne) 30 14 13 3 29-14 55 Super 8
3.AS Capoise (Cap Haïtien) 30 11 13 6 35-19 46 Super 8
4.AS de Carrefour 30 10 15 5 29-20 45 Super 8
5.Tempête (St. Marc) 30 10 14 6 23-20 44 Super 8
6.Don Bosco (Pétion-Ville) 30 11 11 8 26-21 44 Super 8
7.Victory FC (Port-au-Prince) 30 11 11 8 33-23 44 Super 8
8.Zénith (Cap-Haïtien) 30 12 9 9 37-33 42 [-3] Super 8
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
9.AS Mirebalais 30 9 14 7 23-18 41
10.Violette AC (Port-au-Prince) 30 11 10 9 26-17 40 [-3]
11.Aigle Noir (Port-au-Prince) 30 11 7 12 28-23 40
12.Racing FC (Gônaïves) 30 10 10 10 18-25 40
13.Racing Club Haïtien (Port-au-Prince) 30 9 11 10 22-22 38 Relegated
14.Roulado (La Gônave) 30 5 6 19 25-44 21 Relegated
15.AS Rive Artibonitienne 30 5 6 19 15-48 21 Relegated
16.AS Grand Goâve 30 2 8 20 13-60 14 Relegated
NB: Zénith and Violette apparently had 3 points deducted
NB: bottom-4 of aggregate table to be relegated;
top-8 qualified for Super 8
Super 8 (Dec 7-22)
Quarterfinals (2 legs)
First Legs
[Dec 8]
Zénith 3-1 Baltimore
[Alain Gustave 51, 87, Léonel Saint-Preux; Luxène Elestin 1pen]
[Dec 9]
Don Bosco 2-0 Capoise
[Jacquelin Nestor, Walson Augustin (pen)]
Tempête 1-0 Carrefour
[Eliphène Cadet 15]
[Dec 11]
Victory 0-1 Cavaly
[Denis Victor]
Second Legs
[Dec 12]
Baltimore 2-1 Zénith
[Ednerson Raymond 50, Teddy Saget 90; Alain Gustave 1-1]
Carrefour 0-0 Tempête
[Dec 13]
Cavaly 1-1 Victory
[Chadelson Charlemagne 1-0; Robenson Jean 1-1]
[Dec 14]
Capoise 3-2 Don Bosco
First Legs [Dec 16]
Tempête 4-0 Cavaly
[Eliphène Cadet 5, Thompson Amius (3)]
Zénith 3-0 Don Bosco
[Frantzy Mésidor 7, Alain Gustave, Chedelin Francoeur]
Second Legs [Dec 19]
Cavaly 0-2 Tempête
[Eliphène Cadet (2)]
Don Bosco 1-0 Zénith
[Teddy Valcin]
Final [Dec 23, parc Levelt, Saint-Marc]
Tempête 3-0 Zénith
[Eliphène Cadet 6, 85, Thompson Amius 87]
Second Level 2007
Division 2
Round 1 [Mar 18?]
FICA 6-0 AS Verettes
Round 2 [Mar 25]
FICA 3-0 Racine de Gros Morne
Round 3
FICA 3-0 US Payape
Round 4
Olympic 0-1 FICA
Round 5
Roulado SM 1-4 FICA
Round 6
FICA 2-0 Flora
Round 7
Round 8
FICA 2-0 Triomphe
Round 9
Dynamite 0-0 FICA
Round 10
FICA 1-0 Eclair
Round 11
Round 18 [Oct 20]
NB: FICA = Football Inter Club Association
JSC = JS Capoise
Final Phase (all matches at parc Saint-Victor du Cap-Haïtien)
Groupe Sud
[Dec 5]
Frères 3-1 ASPDIF
[Dec 7]
Valencia 2-1 ASPG
Groupe Nord
[Dec 6]
Eclair 2-2 Dynamite [5-4 pen]
[Dec 8]
FICA 0-0 JSC [0-3 pen]
Groupe Sud [Dec 10]
Valencia 2-1 Frères
Groupe Nord [Dec 11]
JSC 2-0 Eclair
Grand Finale [Dec 13]
Valencia 3-1 JSC
[Géraldy Joseph, Ernst Elius, Roudy Joseph; ?]
NB: both finalists promoted
Relegated: Barcelone de Carrefour
Third Level 2007
Division 3
[Dec 17]
Panthère Noire de Liancourt bt Accolade de Gros-Morne
Vision de Hinche bt Parvencia de Gonaïves
[Dec 18]
Adonaï de Jacmel 4-0 Éclair de Petit-Goâve
Juvens de Jérémie 0-4 Intrépide de la Croix-des-Bouquets
[Dec 20?]
Adonaï de Jacmel lt Intrépide de la Croix-des-Bouquets
[Dec 21?]
Panthère Noire de Liancourt bt Vision de Hinche
Third Place Match [Dec 23]
Adonaï de Jacmel 3-1 Vision de Hinche
Final [Dec 23]
Panthère Noire de Liancourt 4-0 Intrépide de la Croix-des-Bouquets
[Edner Dieujuste (2), Herbens Joseph, Dakenson Hyppolite]
NB: both finalists promoted to Division 2
Division 1
Final Table:
1.Tempête FC (St. Marc) 13 7 6 0 13- 3 27 Ouverture Champions
2.AS Mirebalais 13 7 2 4 11-11 23
3.Baltimore SC (St. Marc) 13 6 4 3 14- 5 22
4.Don Bosco FC (Pétion-Ville) 13 6 3 4 13-11 21
5.Violette AC (Port-au-Prince) 13 6 2 5 14-11 20
6.Cavaly (Léogâne) 13 4 6 3 10- 4 18
7.Valencia (Léogâne) 13 5 3 5 7- 8 18
8.Racing FC (Gônaïves) 13 4 5 4 10-12 17
9.Victory SC (Port-au-Prince) 13 3 7 3 7- 6 16
10.Aigle Noir (Port-au-Prince) 13 4 3 6 11-17 16
11.AS Capoise (Cap Haïtien) 13 3 5 5 9- 9 14
12.JS Capoise (Cap Haïtien) 13 3 4 6 5-10 13
13.Zénith AC (Cap-Haïtien) 13 3 3 7 9-17 12
14.AS de Carrefour 13 1 5 7 4-13 8
Round 1
[Feb 16]
Don Bosco 0-0 Tempête
[Feb 17]
JS Capoise 0-1 Racing G
[Antonio Despinasse]
Valencia 0-0 Aigle Noir
Carrefour 0-0 Cavaly
Baltimore 4-0 Zénith
[Teddy Saget 25, Peter Germain 60, 73, 90]
Violette 1-2 Mirebalais
[Alexandre Boucicaut 1-0; Ansy Lafaite, Roscaldo Jérémie]
[Feb 21]
Victory 1-0 AS Capoise
[Ricardo Charles ~60]
Round 2
[Feb 23]
Zénith 2-1 Don Bosco
[Berthony Pierre 1-1, Jean Baptiste (og) 2-1;
Monuma Constant Junior 24]
[Feb 24]
Cavaly 0-0 Violette
Aigle Noir 2-0 Carrefour
[Fritzson Jean-Baptiste (2, 1 pen)]
Mirebalais 1-0 Valencia
[Roscaldo Jérémie 61]
Racing G 0-0 Victory
Tempête 1-0 JS Capoise
[Eliphène Cadet 90]
AS Capoise 0-0 Baltimore
Round 3
[Mar 2]
Mirebalais 0-0 Carrefour
Valencia 0-0 Cavaly
Baltimore 0-0 Racing G
JS Capoise 1-0 Zénith
[Berthony Pierre 43og]
Victory 0-0 Tempête
[Mar 19]
Don Bosco 1-1 AS Capoise
[Dany Darius; Marc Antoine Simon]
[Apr 27]
Violette 0-1 Aigle Noir
[Guilliano Philipe 85pen]
Round 4
[Mar 8]
AS Capoise 2-0 Valencia
[Occima André, Marc Antoine Simon]
Racing G 1-2 Don Bosco
[ntonio Despinasse; Monuma Constant Junior, Noël Sylvestre]
[Mar 9]
Cavaly 2-0 JS Capoise
[André Amy (2)]
Carrefour 1-2 Violette
[Simon Frédéric; Mésidor Dorcé (2)]
Zénith 0-1 Victory
[Ricardo Charles]
[Mar 20]
Aigle Noir 0-2 Mirebalais
[Harold Fédé (2)]
[Apr 27]
Tempête 0-0 Baltimore
Round 5
[Mar 15]
Violette 3-0 Racing G
[Marcus Dorcé 11, Alexandre Boucicaut 31, Watson Coriolan 39]
[Mar 16]
Victory 0-0 Carrefour
Valencia 1-0 Zénith
[Ernst Olius 10]
Don Bosco 1-0 Cavaly
[Monuma Constant Junior]
JS Capoise 1-0 AS Capoise
[Angelet Joinvilmar]
[May 1]
Baltimore 4-0 Mirebalais
[Ednerson Raymond 10, Pierre Roland Saint-Jean 59, 83,
Luxène Elestin 61]
[May 14]
Aigle Noir 1-1 Tempête
[Evens Prophète 55; Thompson Amius 72]
Round 6
[Mar 20]
Tempête 1-0 Valencia
[Patrick Therméus]
[Mar 22]
JS Capoise 0-1 Baltimore
[Jean-Richard Morency]
[Mar 23]
Don Bosco 2-3 Violette
[Walson Augustin 11, 45; Watson Coriolan 49,
Alexandre Jean Michel Boursicaut 66pen, Mésidor Dorcé 78]
Carrefour 0-0 AS Capoise
Cavaly 0-0 Victory
Mirebalais 0-2 Racing G
[Clersant Clerjuste 10, 37]
Zénith 1-3 Aigle Noir
[Alain Gustave; Wedson Anselme (2), Evens Prophète]
Round 7
[Mar 29]
Violette 0-0 Zénith
[Mar 30]
AS Capoise 3-1 Aigle Noir
[Wilfrid Joseph, Reynaldo Gustave, Wilfix Christolin;
Fritzson Jean-Baptiste]
Baltimore 1-0 Carrefour
[Luxène Elestin]
Racing G abd Tempête [abandoned in 3' due to rain]
Valencia 2-0 JS Capoise
[Emerson Michel 30, 50]
Mirebalais abd Cavaly [abandoned after 1st half due to rain]
Victory 0-1 Don Bosco
[Walson Augustin]
[Mar 31]
Mirebalais 1-0 Cavaly [replay]
[Marc-André Jean-Baptiste]
[May 1]
Racing G 1-1 Tempête [replay]
[Clersant Clerjuste 25; Jean Junior Brénus 1-1]
Round 8
[Apr 5]
Violette 1-0 Baltimore
[Lucson Coriolan 38]
[Apr 6]
Zénith 2-1 Mirebalais
[Alain Gustave, Frantzy Mésidor; Roscaldo Jérémie 0-1]
Aigle Noir 0-1 Don Bosco
[Walson Augustin]
Tempête 2-0 AS Capoise
[Eliphène Cadet (2)]
Cavaly 3-0 Racing G
[Fritz Gérald Alliance, Chadelson Charlemagne, Alex Milien]
Carrefour 0-0 JS Capoise
Victory 1-1 Valencia
[Ricardo Charles 1-0; Géraldy Joseph 1-1]
Round 9
[Apr 19]
AS Capoise 1-1 Cavaly
[Jackson Jean; Chadelson Charlemagne]
Zénith 0-0 Tempête
Don Bosco 0-1 Mirebalais
[Roscaldo Jérémie]
[Apr 20]
Baltimore 1-0 Victory
[Pierre Roland Saint-Jean (pen)]
Valencia 1-0 Carrefour
[Jonel Joseph (og)]
Racing G 2-0 Aigle Noir
[Clerçant Clerjuste, Carnès Jean-Charles]
JS Capoise 1-0 Violette
[James Anténor]
Round 10
[May 3]
Aigle Noir 1-1 JS Capoise
[Fritzson Jean-Baptiste; Angelet Joinvilmar]
[May 4]
Valencia 1-0 Baltimore
[Roody Joseph]
Tempête 1-0 Cavaly
[Gregory Grand Pierre]
Mirebalais 1-0 AS Capoise
[Hultéguens Saint-Victor 65]
Carrefour 1-2 Don Bosco
[? 1-0; Noël Sylvestre (2)]
Zénith 2-2 Racing G
[Brisly Renaud 1-0, Rodney Dupuis 2-1; Antonio Lespinasse (pen) 1-1,
Markens Sévère 90+]
Victory 0-1 Violette
[Lucson Coriolan]
Round 11
[May 7]
JS Capoise 1-1 Victory
[Charles Florestal 1-0; Ricardo Charles 1-1]
Violette 2-0 Valencia
[Alexandre Boucicaut, Fabien Vorbe]
[May 8]
Don Bosco 1-2 Baltimore
[Philbert Mercéus 1-2; Miguel Charles 15,
Pierre Roland Saint-Jean 0-2]
Tempête 1-0 Mirebalais
[Patrick Therméus (pen)]
AS Capoise 0-1 Zénith
[Pierre Berthony 40]
Racing G 1-0 Carrefour
[Alcin Colcinus]
Cavaly awd Aigle Noir [awarded 3-0; abandoned at 1-1 in 86']
[Frantz Gille 1-0; ? 86]
Round 12 [May 11]
Carrefour 2-1 Zénith
[Valdano Paul (2); Jaquinto Jean]
Baltimore 0-0 Cavaly
Valencia 0-1 Don Bosco
[Wadson Augustin]
Mirebalais 1-0 JS Capoise
[Rosacaldo Jérémie]
Victory 2-0 Aigle Noir
[Ricardo Charles, Robenson Jean-Louis]
Violette 1-2 Tempête
[Marcus Dorcé 19; Wilno Saint-Juste 1-1, Thompson Armius 1-2]
AS Capoise 0-0 Racing G
Round 13
[May 15]
Zénith 0-1 Cavaly
[Fritz Gerald Alliance]
[May 16]
JS Capoise 0-0 Don Bosco
[May 17]
AS Capoise 2-0 Violette
[May 18]
Tempête 3-0 Carrefour
[Eliphène Cadet 34pen, 48, 90]
Victory 1-1 Mirebalais
[Ricardo Charles 1-0; Philippe Bénet 1-1]
Aigle Noir 2-1 Baltimore
[Fritzson Jean-Baptiste 5, 53; Fritzner Louis]
Valencia 1-0 Racing G
[Widly Siméon 86]
Final Table:
1.Tempête FC (St. Marc) 13 7 6 0 13- 3 27 Ouverture Champions
2.AS Mirebalais 13 7 2 4 11-11 23
3.Baltimore SC (St. Marc) 13 6 4 3 14- 5 22
4.Don Bosco FC (Pétion-Ville) 13 6 3 4 13-11 21
5.Violette AC (Port-au-Prince) 13 6 2 5 14-11 20
6.Cavaly (Léogâne) 13 4 6 3 10- 4 18
7.Valencia (Léogâne) 13 5 3 5 7- 8 18
8.Racing FC (Gônaïves) 13 4 5 4 10-12 17
9.Victory SC (Port-au-Prince) 13 3 7 3 7- 6 16
10.Aigle Noir (Port-au-Prince) 13 4 3 6 11-17 16
11.AS Capoise (Cap Haïtien) 13 3 5 5 9- 9 14
12.JS Capoise (Cap Haïtien) 13 3 4 6 5-10 13
13.Zénith AC (Cap-Haïtien) 13 3 3 7 9-17 12
14.AS de Carrefour 13 1 5 7 4-13 8
Final Table:
1.Racing FC (Gônaïves) 13 9 2 2 16- 8 29 Fermeture Champions
2.Baltimore SC (St. Marc) 13 7 5 1 13- 5 26
3.Violette AC (Port-au-Prince) 13 5 6 2 15-10 21
4.Aigle Noir (Port-au-Prince) 13 6 3 4 12-11 21
5.AS de Carrefour 13 6 3 4 16-16 21
6.Cavaly (Léogâne) 13 4 5 4 15- 8 17
7.Don Bosco FC (Pétion-Ville) 13 4 5 4 11- 9 17
8.Victory SC (Port-au-Prince) 13 4 5 4 10-10 17
9.AS Capoise (Cap Haïtien) 13 3 7 3 9- 9 16
10.AS Mirebalais 13 3 5 5 11- 9 14
11.JS Capoise (Cap Haïtien) 13 3 5 5 15-19 14
12.Tempête FC (St. Marc) 13 2 6 5 14-19 12
13.Valencia (Léogâne) 13 1 5 7 6-17 8
14.Zénith AC (Cap-Haïtien) 13 1 4 8 6-19 7
Round 1
[Aug 24]
Tempête 1-1 Don Bosco
[Jean Junior Brennus ~90; Philbert Mercéus 55]
Racing G 2-0 JS Capoise
[Antonio Despinasse 10, Clersant Clerjuste 49pen]
Aigle Noir 0-0 Valencia
Cavaly 2-0 Carrefour
[Gregory Henry 2, Amy André 2-0]
Zénith 0-0 Baltimore
Mirebalais 0-0 Violette
[Nov 5]
AS Capoise 1-1 Victory
[Occima André 1-0; Ricardo Charles 1-1]
Round 2
[Aug 30]
Don Bosco 2-0 Zénith
[Walson Augustin, Noël Sylvestre]
[Aug 31]
Violette 2-2 Cavaly
[Yvener Guerrier 18, 75; Amy André 70, own goal 88]
Carrefour 1-1 Aigle Noir
Valencia 1-1 Mirebalais
[Géraldy Joseph (pen); Jeff Louis]
Victory 0-1 Racing G
[Clersant Clerjuste]
JS Capoise 2-2 Tempête
[Benji Macajoux 1-1, Eddy Tertulien 2-1;
Kervens Fils Telfort 0-1, Junior Louis 85]
Baltimore 1-0 AS Capoise
[Luxène Elestin]
Round 3 [postponed from Sep 14 due to damage caused by cyclone Hanna]
[Oct 18]
AS Capoise 0-0 Don Bosco
[Oct 19]
Carrefour 1-0 Mirebalais
[Jean Charles Tessy Fabio 89]
Cavaly 3-0 Valencia
[Amy André 60, Harold Milord 65, Réginald Hertelou 0-3]
Racing G 0-3 Baltimore
[Peter Germain (3)]
Zénith 0-0 JS Capoise
Tempête 1-2 Victory
[Éliphène Cadet 53; Ricardo Charles (2)]
Aigle Noir 1-2 Violette
[Wedson Anselme 53; Mésidor Dorcé 1-1, Yvener Guerrier 1-2]
Round 4
[Oct 25]
Don Bosco 0-1 Racing G
[Maxène Sévère 17]
[Oct 26]
Violette 2-1 Carrefour
[Yvener Guerrier, Alexandre Boucicaut (pen); Santley Ridoré]
Mirebalais 1-2 Aigle Noir
[Roscaldo Jérémie; Wilson Anselme, Jackson Jean]
Valencia 0-0 AS Capoise
JS Capoise awd Cavaly [awarded 0-3; abandoned at 0-1 after
[Changler Cadet] attack on referee]
Victory 0-0 Zénith
Baltimore 2-1 Tempête
[Pierre Roland Saint-Jean 13pen, Ednerson Raymond 70; Kervens Telfort Fils 50]
Round 5
[Nov 1]
Zénith 2-3 Valencia
[Nov 2]
Racing G 1-1 Violette
[Alcin Colcinus 28; Alexandre Boucicaut (pen) 1-1]
Carrefour 1-3 Victory
[Paul Valdano (pen) 1-3; Ricardo Charles 53, 81, Michel Chéry]
Cavaly 0-0 Don Bosco
AS Capoise 1-1 JS Capoise
[Occima André 35; Jean Eddy Tertullien 0-1]
Mirebalais 0-0 Baltimore
[Nov 5]
Tempête 1-0 Aigle Noir
[Kervens Telfort Fils 16]
Round 6
[Nov 8]
Violette 1-0 Don Bosco
[Mésidor Dorcé]
[Nov 9]
Valencia 0-0 Tempête
Baltimore 1-0 JS Capoise
AS Capoise 1-1 Carrefour
[Occima André 20; Simon Frédéric 1-1]
Victory 1-0 Cavaly
[Ricardo Charles]
Racing G 1-0 Mirebalais
[Pascal Soifaite]
Aigle Noir 0-3 Zénith
[Laguerre Jean 8, Mésidor Frantzy 85, Léonel Saint-Preux 89]
Round 7
[Nov 15]
Aigle Noir 1-0 AS Capoise
[Evens Prophète 14]
Carrefour 1-1 Baltimore
[Fabio Testy 1-1; Guemsly Joseph Junior 38]
Tempête 2-1 Racing G
[Eliphène Cadet 36, 74; Pascal Soifaite 60]
JS Capoise 2-1 Valencia
[Eddy Tertullien 8, Frantz Pierre 19; ? 30]
[Nov 16]
Zénith 0-3 Violette
[Dorcé Mésidor 70, Dorcé Marcus 72, ?]
Cavaly 0-1 Mirebalais
[Féder Phédé 74]
Don Bosco 2-0 Victory
[Walson Augustin (2)]
Round 8
[Nov 23]
Baltimore 1-0 Violette
[Luxène Elestin 9]
Mirebalais 4-0 Zénith
[Oscaldo Jérémie (2), René Floréus (og), Jeff Louis]
Don Bosco 0-2 Aigle Noir
[Wedson Anselme 75, Delsa Jean Jourdain 90]
Racing G 1-0 Cavaly
[Clersant Clerjuste]
JS Capoise 2-3 Carrefour
[Jovenel Laguerre (2); Simon Frédéric, Fabio Testy, Alexis Balnet]
Valencia 0-0 Victory
[Dec 4]
AS Capoise 2-1 Tempête
Round 9
[Nov 29]
Violette 1-1 JS Capoise
[Marcus Dorcé; Benjy Macajoux]
[Nov 30]
Mirebalais 0-0 Don Bosco
Carrefour 2-1 Valencia
[Junior Clersainvil 1-1, Simon Frédéric 2-1; Jackson Pierre 0-1]
Cavaly 0-0 AS Capoise
Aigle Noir 1-1 Racing G
[Evens Prophète 1-1; Pascal Soifaite 11]
Tempête 1-1 Zénith
[Thompson Amius 53; Jacquinto Jean 12]
[Dec 11]
Victory 0-0 Baltimore
Round 10
[Dec 6]
JS Capoise 1-2 Aigle Noir
Violette 1-2 Victory
[Dec 7]
Cavaly 1-1 Tempête
[Cadet Changler 7; Thompson Amius 44]
AS Capoise 2-1 Mirebalais
[Occima André 1-1, Jackson Jean 2-1; Simson Exumé 0-1]
Don Bosco 0-1 Carrefour
[Junior Clersainvil 21pen]
Racing G 1-0 Zénith
[Alcin Colcinus 87]
[Dec 14]
Baltimore 1-0 Valencia
Round 11 [Dec 17]
Mirebalais 3-0 Tempête
[Oscaldo Jérémie 1, 54, Jeff Louis 8]
Baltimore 1-2 Don Bosco
Valencia 0-1 Violette
[Mésidor Dorcé 13]
Victory 1-2 JS Capoise
[Robenson Jean-Louis 1-2; Mohamed Joseph (og) 0-1,
Marc Wesly Philippe 0-2]
Aigle Noir 1-0 Cavaly
[Evens Prophè 41]
Zénith 0-1 AS Capoise
[Sony Labranche]
Carrefour 0-1 Racing G
[Antonio Despinasse 17]
Round 12
[Dec 20]
Zénith 0-1 Carrefour
[Paul Valdano]
Don Bosco 2-0 Valencia
[Walson Augustin,Noël Sylvestre]
[Dec 21]
Cavaly 1-1 Baltimore
[Chadelson Charlemagne 90; Pierre Roland Saint-Jean 15]
JS Capoise 2-0 Mirebalais
[Robenson Dorvil, Eddy Tertullien]
Aigle Noir 1-0 Victory
[Robenson Eugène]
Tempête 1-1 Violette
[Eliphène Cadet 3; Yvener Guerrier 1-1]
Racing G 2-1 AS Capoise
[Clersant Clerjuste 1-0, Edson Milcar 2-1; Occima André 1-1]
Round 13 [Dec 24]
Don Bosco 2-2 JS Capoise
[Noël Sylvestre 1-0, Monuma Constant Junior 2-0;
Eddy Tertullien 2-1, 2-2]
Violette 0-0 AS Capoise
Carrefour 3-2 Tempête
[Junior Clersainvil (pen) 1-1, Paul Valdano 2-1, 3-1;
Eliphène Cadet 0-1, Jonas Siméon (pen) 3-2]
Mirebalais 0-0 Victory
Baltimore 1-0 Aigle Noir
[Luxène Elestin 49]
Racing G 3-0 Valencia
[Edson Milcar, Jean Charles Canès, Florvil Dimanche]
Cavaly awd Zénith [awarded 3-0, Zénith dns]
Final Table:
1.Racing FC (Gônaïves) 13 9 2 2 16- 8 29 Fermeture Champions
2.Baltimore SC (St. Marc) 13 7 5 1 13- 5 26
3.Violette AC (Port-au-Prince) 13 5 6 2 15-10 21
4.Aigle Noir (Port-au-Prince) 13 6 3 4 12-11 21
5.AS de Carrefour 13 6 3 4 16-16 21
6.Cavaly (Léogâne) 13 4 5 4 15- 8 17
7.Don Bosco FC (Pétion-Ville) 13 4 5 4 11- 9 17
8.Victory SC (Port-au-Prince) 13 4 5 4 10-10 17
9.AS Capoise (Cap Haïtien) 13 3 7 3 9- 9 16
10.AS Mirebalais 13 3 5 5 11- 9 14
11.JS Capoise (Cap Haïtien) 13 3 5 5 15-19 14
12.Tempête FC (St. Marc) 13 2 6 5 14-19 12
13.Valencia (Léogâne) 13 1 5 7 6-17 8
14.Zénith AC (Cap-Haïtien) 13 1 4 8 6-19 7
Aggregate Table:
1.Baltimore SC (St. Marc) 26 13 9 4 27-10 48
2.Racing FC (Gônaïves) 26 13 7 6 26-20 46 Fermeture Champions
3.Violette AC (Port-au-Prince) 26 11 8 7 29-21 41
4.Tempête FC (St. Marc) 26 9 12 5 27-22 39 Ouverture Champions
5.Don Bosco FC (Pétion-Ville) 26 10 8 8 24-20 38
6.AS Mirebalais 26 10 7 9 22-20 37
7.Aigle Noir (Port-au-Prince) 26 10 6 10 23-28 36
8.Cavaly (Léogâne) 26 8 11 7 25-12 35
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
9.Victory SC (Port-au-Prince) 26 7 12 7 17-16 33
10.AS Capoise (Cap Haïtien) 26 6 12 8 18-18 30
11.AS de Carrefour 26 7 8 11 20-29 29
12.JS Capoise (Cap Haïtien) 26 6 9 11 20-29 27
13.Valencia (Léogâne) 26 6 8 12 13-25 26 Relegated
14.Zénith AC (Cap-Haïtien) 26 4 7 15 15-36 19 Relegated
NB: top-8 qualify for Super Huit; bottom-2 relegated
Topscorers (Ouverture and Fermeture):
12 Ricardo Charles (Victory)
10 Roscaldo Jérémie (Mirebalais)
9 Walson Augustin (Don Bosco)
Clerçant Clerjuste (Racing des Gonaïves)
Peter Germain (Baltimore)
Player of the Year 2008
1.Peter Germain (Baltimore)
2.Clerçant Clerjuste (Racing des Gonaïves)
3.Walson Augustin (Don Bosco)
NB: other reports listed Clerjuste as player of the year
Coach of the Year: Max Lauvaud (Racing des Gonaïves)
Champion des Champions [Dec 28, parc Levelt, Saint-Marc]
Tempête 3-1 Racing G
[Eliphène Cadet 33, Thompson Amius 45, Kervens Fils Belfort 78;
Wilbrichard Compère 60]
Super-Huit 2009
First Legs
[Jan 17]
Aigle Noir 1-1 Racing G
[Evens Prophète 1-0; Antonio Despinasse 1-1]
[Jan 18]
Mirebalais 1-0 Violette
[Marc André Jean-Baptiste 85]
Cavaly 0-1 Baltimore
[Roosevelt Junior Morin]
Don Bosco 2-1 Tempête
[Monuma Constant Junior 1-1, Walson Augustin 2-1; Pierre Marc Vanbosteev 0-1]
Second Legs
[Jan 21]
Tempête 2-3 Don Bosco
[Jan 22]
Racing G 1-0 Aigle Noir
Violette 0-0 Mirebalais
Baltimore 2-0 Cavaly
[Miguel Charles, Serge Louis]
First Legs [Jan 25]
Mirebalais awd Racing G [awarded 3-0; abandoned in 55' as referee
Don Bosco 0-1 Baltimore was hit by Racing player after awarding
[Teddy Saget] a penalty to Mirebalais]
Second Legs [Jan 28]
Racing G awd Mirebalais [awarded 3-0; Mirebalais refused to play in
Baltimore 3-0 Don Bosco Gônaïves]
[Meshack Jérôme 26, Serge Louis 69, Guemsly Junior Joseph 82]
Playoff [Feb 17, Parc Levelt, Saint-Marc]
Mirebalais awd Racing G [awarded 3-0, Racing dns]
Final [Feb 21, Parc Levelt de Saint-Marc]
Baltimore 1-1 Mirebalais [3-4 pen]
[Meschak Jérôme 45; Wislet Saint-Louis 27]
Second Level 2008
Division 2 (named Championnat national Emmanuel Sanon in honour
of the former Haitian international player, scorer
of the country's World Cup goal against Italy in 1974,
who died February 21, 2008)
Groupe A (Nord)
Round 1
[Mar 15]
FICA 2-0 Triomphe
Éclair 0-0 Vision de Hinche
[Mar 16]
Panthère Noire 3-1 Racine de Gros-Morne
AS Rive-Artibonitienne 2-0 AS Verrettes
ASSL 0-0 Roulado de la Gonâve
US Papaye 1-1 Dynamite
Round 2 [Mar 22]
Dynamite 0-1 FICA
Triomphe 1-1 Éclair
Roulado de la Gonâve 2-1 Panthère Noire
Racine de Gros-Morne 3-0 AS Rive-Artibonitienne
Vision de Hinche 1-0 US Papaye
AS Verrettes 1-0 ASSL
Round 3 [Mar 29]
FICA 0-1 Vision de Hinche
AS Rive-Artibonitienne 2-1 Dynamite
Éclair 0-0 Roulado de la Gonâve
Panthère Noire 2-0 AS Verrettes
ASSL 1-0 Racine de Gros-Morne
US Papaye 2-1 Triomphe
Round 4 [Apr 6]
Roulado de la Gonâve 1-0 FICA
Dynamite 0-0 Panthère Noire
Vision de Hinche 0-0 ASSL
Triomphe 1-0 AS Rive-Artibonitienne
AS Verrettes 0-0 US Papaye
Racine de Gros-Morne 2-1 Éclair
Round 5
[Apr 17]
FICA 1-0 AS Verrettes
[Apr 19]
Éclair 3-1 Panthère Noire
Triomphe 0-1 ASSL
AS Rive-Artibonitienne 2-0 US Papaye
Racine de Gros Morne 1-1 Dynamite
Vision de Hinche 1-0 Roulado de la Gonâve
Round 6
[Apr 25]
Dynamite 1-0 Éclair
[Apr 27]
Roulado de la Gonâve 0-0 Triomphe
US Papaye 1-0 Racine de Gros-Morne
Panthère Noire 0-0 AS Rive-Artibonitienne
AS Verrettes 1-0 Vision de Hinche
Round 7 [May 1]
Éclair 0-0 ASSL
Triomphe 2-2 Panthère Noire
Racine de Gros-Morne 2-0 AS Verrettes
Roulado de la Gonâve 1-2 Dynamite
AS Rive-Artibonitienne 1-0 Vision de Hinche
FICA 3-0 US Papaye
Round 8 [May 4]
Vision de Hinche 1-0 Triomphe
Éclair 1-1 AS Rive-Artibonitienne
Panthère Noire 4-0 US Papaye
Racine de Gros-Morne 1-1 FICA
AS Verrettes 0-1 Roulado de la Gonâve
ASSL 0-0 Dynamite
Round 9 [May 11?]
Roulado de la Gonâve 1-0 AS Rive-Artibonitienne
Triomphe 4-0 Racine de Gros-Morne
US Papaye 1-0 ASSL
Dynamite 3-0 AS Verrettes
Vision de Hinche 1-0 Panthère Noire
FICA 0-0 Éclair
Round 10 [May 18?]
Dynamite 1-0 Triomphe
Panthère Noire 1-0 FICA
US Papaye 2-1 Roulado de la Gonâve
AS Verrettes 0-1 Éclair
Racine de Gros-Morne 3-0 Vision de Hinche
AS Rive-Artibonitienne 1-0 ASSL
Round 11 [May 25?]
Triomphe 2-0 AS Verrettes
Vision de Hinche 0-0 Dynamite
FICA 3-0 AS Rive-Artibonitienne
Roulado de la Gonâve 0-0 Racine de Gros-Morne
ASSL 3-0 Panthère Noire
Éclair 0-0 US Papaye
1.Vision de Hinche 11 5 3 3 5- 5 18
2.Roulado de la Gonâve 11 4 5 2 8- 6 17
3.FICA 11 5 2 4 11- 6 17
4.AS Rive-Artibonitienne 11 5 1 5 9-11 16
5.ASSL 11 4 4 3 7- 3 16
6.Dynamite 11 3 6 2 10- 7 15
7.Eclair des Gonaïves 11 3 6 2 8- 6 15
8.Panthère Noire 11 4 3 4 14-12 15
9.Racine de Gros-Morne 11 4 3 4 13-12 15
10.US Papaye 11 4 3 4 7-13 15
11.Triomphe de Liancourt 11 3 3 5 11-10 12
12.AS Verrettes 11 2 1 8 2-14 7
NB: Éclair aka Éclaireur des Gonaïves
Round 18 [Nov 29]
Dynamite 4-0 Roulado de la Gonâve
Rpund 19 [Dec 13,14]
FICA 4-0 Racine de Gros-Morne
Dynamite 2-0 ASSL
Round 20 [Dec 18]
Éclair 0-0 FICA
Racine de Gros-Morne 1-1 Triomphe
ASSL 2-0 US Papaye
AS Verrettes 1-0 Dynamite
Panthère Noire 1-0 Vision de Hinche
AS Rive-Artibonitienne 0-2 Roulado de la Gonâve
Round 21
Éclair 3-0 AS Verrettes
FICA 1-0 Panthère Noire
Vision de Hinche 6-1 Racine de Gros-Morne
ASSL 4-0 AS Rive-Artibonitienne
Triomphe 2-1 Dynamite
Roulado de la Gonâve 3-0 US Papaye
Round 22
Dynamite 1-1 Vision de Hinche
Panthère Noire 1-0 ASSL
US Papaye 1-0 Éclair
AS Rive-Artibonitienne - FICA
Racine de Gros-Morne 4-0 Roulado de la Gonâve
AS Verrettes - Triomphe
NB: top-4 qualified for promotion playoff:
Dynamite (St-Marc), FICA (Cap), Vision (Hinche), ASSL (St-Louis)
Groupe B (Sud)
Round 1
[Mar 16]
Adonaï de Jacmel 0-1 Racing Club Haïtien
Intrépide 1-2 US Frères
Valencia 4-1 Inter GG
ASVA 0-2 Excelsior
[Mar 18]
Hatüey Bacardi 1-0 ASPG
Round 2 [Mar 22]
Racing Club Haïtien 1-0 Hatüey Bacardi
US Frères 1-0 Adonaï de Jacmel
Inter GG 0-0 ASGG
Ecelsior 1-1 Valencia
ASPG 2-1 Intrépide
Round 3
[Mar 29]
ASVA 1-0 Inter GG
Adonaï de Jacmel 1-0 Excelsior
Hatüey Bacardi 3-0 US Frères
Valencia CS 0-1 ASPDIF
[Mar 30]
Intrépide 0-2 Racing Club Haïtien
Round 4
[dates?; ppd from Apr 6]
ASPG 0-0 Valencia
US Frères 0-1 ASGG
ASPDIF 0-0 Hatüey Bacardi
Inter GG 0-0 Adonaï de Jacmel
[Apr 20]
ASPDIF 2-2 US Frères
[Apr 23]
Racing Club Haïtien 5-0 ASVA
Round 5
[Apr 18]
Racing Club Haïtien 4-0 Excelsior
[Apr ?]
US Frères 2-2 ASVA
Intrépide 2-2 ASPDIF
Adonaï de Jacmel 4-0 Valencia
ASGG 1-1 Hatüey Bacardi
Inter GG 1-1 ASPG
Round 6
[Apr 26]
Hatüey Bacardi 2-0 Inter GG
ASVA 3-0 Intrépide
[Apr 27]
ASPDIF 1-3 Racing Club Haïtien
ASPG 0-1 Adonaï de Jacmel
Excelsior 2-2 US Frères
Valencia 1-3 ASGG
Round 7 [May 1]
Adonaï de Jacmel 2-1 ASVA
US Frères 2-1 Valencia
Inter GG 2-0 ASPDIF
Excelsior 0-3 ASPG
ASGG 0-0 Racing Club Haïtien
Intrépide 1-0 Hatüey Bacardi
Round 8
[May 3]
[May 4]
Adonaï de Jacmel 1-0 ASGG
Inter GG 0-1 Intrépide
Valencia 1-0 Hatüey Bacardi
ASPDIF 2-0 Excelsior
Racing Club Haïtien abd US Frères [abandoned at 1-2 due to rain]
[May 5]
Racing Club Haïtien 1-0 US Frères [replay]
Round 9 [May 11]
Excelsior 0-2 ASGG
US Frères 0-0 Inter GG
Hatüey Bacardi 1-0 ASVA
Racing Club Haïtien 2-0 Valencia
Intrépide 0-0 Adonaï de Jacmel
Round 10 [May 18]
ASPG 0-0 US Frères
Valencia 1-3 Intrépide
ASPDIF 3-0 Adonaï de Jacmel
Hatüey Bacardi 1-0 Excelsior
Inter GG 0-0 Racing Club Haïtien
Round 11 [May 25]
US Frères 1-0 ASPDIF
Adonaï de Jacmel 1-0 Hatüey Bacardi
Racing Club Haïtien 4-0 ASPG
Intrépide 0-1 ASGG
Excelsior 0-3 Inter GG
ASVA 0-0 Valencia
1.Racing Club Haïtien 11 9 2 0 23- 1 29
2.Adonaï de Jacmel 11 6 2 3 10- 6 20
3.ASGG 11 5 4 2 11- 4 19
4.Hatüey Bacardi 11 5 2 4 9- 5 17
5.US Frères 11 4 4 3 10-11 16
6.ASVA 11 4 3 4 10-13 15
7.Intrépide 11 4 2 5 10-14 14
8.ASPG 11 3 4 4 7- 9 13
9.ASPDIF 11 3 3 5 10-12 12
10.Inter de GG 11 2 5 4 7- 9 11
11.Valencia Cité Soleil 11 2 3 6 9-17 9
12.Excelsior 11 1 2 8 5-20 5
Round 14
[Nov 1]
US Frères - Hatüey Bacardi
Racing Club Haïtien - Intrépide
[Nov 2]
Inter GG - ASVA
ASPDIF - Valencia
[Nov 4]
Excelsior - Adonaï de Jacmel
Round 18 [Nov 29,30]
Racing Club Haïtien 0-0 ASGG
Rpund 19 [Dec 13,14]
US Frères 0-1 Racing Club Haïtien
Round 20
[Dec 18]
Hatüey Bacardi 2-0 ASVA
Inter GG 1-0 US Frères
Adonaï de Jacmel 6-0 Intrépide
[Dec 19]
ASGG - Excelsior
Valencia - Racing Club Haïtien
Round 21
US Frères 2-2 ASPG
Intrépide 1-3 Valencia
Adonaï de Jacmel 1-0 ASPDIF
Excelsior 0-3 Hatüey Bacardi
[Dec 23]
Racing Club Haïtien - Inter GG
Round 22
Intrépide 0-1 ASGG
Racing Club Haïtien 1-0 ASPG
Adonaï de Jacmel 2-4 Hatüey Bacardi
ASPDIF n/p US Frères
Inter GG n/p Excelsior
Valencia n/p ASVA
NB: top-4 qualified for promotion playoff:
Racing Club Haïtien (Port-au-Prince), Adonaï de Jacmel, ASGG, ASPDIF
Promotion Playoff (2009)
Groupe A (Sud)
Round 1
[Jan 17]
Adonaï de Jacmel 2-1 Racing Club Haïtien
[Jan 18]
Round 2 [Jan 21]
Racing Club Haïtien 3-2 ASPDIF
ASGG 2-0 Adonaï de Jacmel
Round 3
[Jan 24]
Adonaï de Jacmel n/p ASPDIF [ASPDIF showed late]
[Jan 25]
ASGG 0-1 Racing Club Haïtien
[Jan 29]
Adonaï de Jacmel 2-0 ASPDIF
Round 4
[Jan 31]
Racing Club Haïtien 3-2 ASGG
[Feb 1]
ASPDIF 3-0 Adonaï de Jacmel
Round 5
[Feb 4]
Adonaï de Jacmel abd ASGG [abandoned at 1-0, ASGG
ASPDIF 0-0 Racing Club Haïtien walked off]
[Feb 16, replay in Port-au-Prince]
Adonaï de Jacmel awd ASGG [awarded 0-3, Adonaï dns]
Round 6
[Feb 7]
Racing Club Haïtien 4-1 Adonaï de Jacmel
[Feb 18]
Final Table:
1.Racing Club Haïtien 6 4 1 1 12- 7 13 Promoted
2.ASPDIF 6 2 2 2 7- 5 8 Promoted
3.ASGG 6 2 1 3 7- 6 7
4.Adonaï de Jacmel 6 2 0 4 5-13 6
NB: Adonaï relegated to third level for their refusal to play ASGG
at neutral venue on Feb 16
Groupe B (Nord)
Round 1 [Jan 18]
ASSL 1-0 Dynamite
Vision de Hinche 0-0 FICA
Round 2
[Jan 21]
[Jan 29]
Dynamite bt Vision de Hinche
Round 3 [Jan 25]
FICA 1-1 Dynamite
ASSL 1-0 Vision de Hinche
Round 4 [Feb 1]
Dynamite 1-1 FICA
Vision de Hinche 0-2 ASSL
Round 5 [Feb 4]
Vision de Hinche 0-1 Dynamite
Round 6 [Feb 7]
Dynamite 1-0 ASSL
FICA 2-0 Vision de Hinche [also reported 5-0]
Final Table:
1.ASSL 6 4 0 2 6- 2 12 Promoted
2.Dynamite 6 3 2 1 4- 3 11 [*] Promoted
3.FICA 6 2 3 1 5- 4 9
4.Vision de Hinche 6 0 1 5 0- 6 1 [*]
[*] missing goals Jan 29
NB: top-2 of both groups promoted
Championship Final [Feb 20]
Racing Club Haïtien 4-3 ASSL
Promoted: Racing Club Haïtien, ASSL, Dynamite and ASPDIF
NB: neither ASSL nor ASPDIF (founded 1969) ever played at the
first level before
Final Table:
1.Tempęte FC (Saint-Marc) 15 8 4 3 21- 8 28 Champions
2.Racing Club Haītien (Port-au-Prince) 15 8 2 5 20-16 26
3.AS de Carrefour 15 7 4 4 15- 7 25
4.AS Capoise (Cap Haītien) 15 6 6 3 14- 9 24
5.AS Mirebalais 15 6 5 4 13-10 23
6.Dynamite AC (Saint-Marc) 15 5 8 2 9- 6 23
7.Cavaly (Léogâne) 15 5 6 4 11- 9 21
8.Aigle Noir AC (Port-au-Prince) 15 6 2 7 16-13 20
9.Violette AC (Port-au-Prince) 15 5 5 5 13-14 20
10.Victory SC (Port-au-Prince) 15 5 5 5 9-18 20
11.Baltimore SC (Saint-Marc) 15 4 7 4 10-11 19
12.Don Bosco FC (Pétion-Ville) 15 5 3 7 11-10 18
13.AS Saint-Louis du Nord 15 3 9 3 10- 9 18
14.ASPDIF (Aquin) 15 4 3 8 9-24 15
15.Racing FC (Gônaīves) 15 3 3 9 11-19 12
16.JS Capoise (Cap Haītien) 15 1 6 8 12-21 9
NB: ASPDIF = Association Sportive pour le Développement Irréversible
du Football
Round 1
[Apr 9]
Victory SC awd Violette AC [awarded 0-3; field not
[Apr 10] available]
Aigle Noir awd AS Capoise [awarded 3-0; ASC dns; home
[Apr 12] match ASC in Fermeture to
AS Carrefour 1-1 Racing des Gônaīves be played at Aigle Noir]
[Angelot Dieujuste 5; Abdias Dahout 20]
AS Saint Louis 1-0 Tempęte FC
[Serge Petit-Frčre]
Baltimore SC 0-1 Racing Club Haītien
[Kesnel Innocent]
Don Bosco FC 0-0 Dynamite AC
AS Mirebalais awd ASPDIF [awarded 3-0; ASPDIF dns
[May 6] due to travel problems]
JS Capoise 1-1 Cavaly
Round 2
[Apr 16]
Tempęte FC 3-0 JS Capoise
[Samuel Desroches, Gregory Grand-Pierre, Charles Hérold Junior]
Violette AC 2-0 AS Mirebalais
[Watson Coriolan 5, Mesidor Dorcé 72]
[Apr 17]
Cavaly 1-1 ASSL
[Cadet Changler; Antęnor Edouard]
Racing Club Haītien 1-0 AS Carrefour
[James Chaperon 86]
ASPDIF 0-1 Victory SC
[Junior Etienne 9]
Racing des Gônaīves 0-1 Baltimore
[Peter Germain]
AS Capoise 1-0 Don Bosco
[Jean Emmanuel]
Dynamite AC 0-0 Aigle Noir
Round 3
[Apr 22]
Victory SC 2-1 Racing des Gônaīves
[Sondy Jules 1-1, Roberto Jean Louis 2-1; Antonio Lespinasse (pen) 0-1]
[Apr 23]
JS Capoise 1-1 AS Capoise
[Jovenel Laguerre 1-1; Wilfrid Joseph 0-1]
AS Mirebalais 2-1 Racing Club Haitien
[Marc André Jean-Baptiste (2); Dieuphčne Thélamour]
AS Carrefour 1-0 Violette AC
[Angelot Dieujuste]
ASSL 0-0 Dynamite AC
Baltimore 2-0 ASPDIF
[Peter Germain, Ednelson]
[May 6]
Don Bosco 1-2 Tempęte
[Philbert Mercéus 1-0; Belfort Kervens Fils 1-1, Vaniel Sirin (pen) 1-2]
[May 13]
Aigle Noir abd Cavaly [abandoned at 0-0 due to
[Jun 2] rain at half-time]
Aigle Noir 0-1 Cavaly [replay]
[Cadet Changlet]
Round 4
[Apr 25]
Violette AC 3-1 Aigle Noir
[Exilien Gaspard, Lesly Joseph, Alexandre Boursiquot;
Delsa Jean Judain ]
[Apr 26]
Tempęte FC 0-0 Baltimore SC
ASPDIF 1-0 Don Bosco
[Louis Mercidieu]
Racing des Gônaīves 1-0 JS Capoise
[Clerįant Clerjuste]
Racing Club Haītien 0-0 ASSL
Cavaly 1-0 AS Carrefour
[Cadet Changler]
AS Capoise 0-0 Victory SC
[May 6]
Dynamite AC 1-0 AS Mirebalais
[Arnouald Eliacin 5]
Round 5
[Apr 28]
Don Bosco 0-1 Racing Club Haītien
[Dieuphčne Thélamour]
[Apr 29]
Aigle Noir 2-0 Racing des Gônaīves
[Olčs Bélizaire, Delsa Jean Jourdain]
ASSL 0-0 AS Capoise
Baltimore SC 0-0 Dynamite AC
AS Carrefour 4-0 ASPDIF
[Fabio Testy (3), Angelot Dieujuste]
[Apr 30]
JS Capoise awd Violette AC [awarded 3-0; Violette showed
Victory SC 0-2 Cavaly without their reserve uniforms]
[Jun 4]
AS Mirebalais 0-0 Tempęte FC
Round 6
[May 2]
Don Bosco 1-0 JS Capoise
[Richardson Ulcénat 75]
[May 3]
AS Carrefour 1-0 AS Mirebalais
[Angelot Dieujuste 78]
Tempęte FC 3-0 ASPDIF
[Eliphčne Cadet (2), Belfort Kervens Fils]
ASSL 1-1 Baltimore
[Madsen Sévčre 15; Teddy Saget ~75]
AS Capoise 2-0 Racing Club Haītien
[Occima André 35, Sandro Doréus]
Racing des Gônaīves 2-1 Dynamite AC
[Alcin Colcinus 10, Clersant Clerjuste 38pen; Johnny Jean 61]
Violette AC 1-1 Cavaly
[Lesly Joseph 9; Jean Alex Milien 4]
[May 5]
Victory SC 1-0 Aigle Noir
Round 7
[May 8]
Aigle Noir 2-0 ASSL
[Oles Bélizaire, Wedson Anselme]
[May 9]
Baltimore SC 0-1 AS Mirebalais
[Oscaldo Jérémie]
Racing Club Haītien 1-1 Violette AC
[James Chaperon; Marcus Dorcé]
[May 10]
Cavaly 1-1 Tempęte FC
[Géraldy Joseph (pen) 1-1; Thompson Amius 30]
Don Bosco 5-1 Victory SC
[Walson Augustin 14, Olrich Sorel 19pen, Noël Sylvestre 64,
Monuma Constant Junior 82, Steven Marcel 90; Robenson Jean-Louis 89]
ASPDIF 1-0 Racing des Gônaīves
[Wilguens Louis 35]
JS Capoise 0-0 AS Carrefour
Dynamite AC 1-0 AS Capoise
[Arnouald Eliacin]
Round 8
[May 15]
Racing Club Haītien 2-1 Dynamite AC
[James Dorcélus 1-0, Marcel Joinvilmar 2-1; Johnny Jean 1-1]
[May 16]
Aigle Noir 1-0 Don Bosco
[Wedson Anselme]
[May 17]
AS Mirebalais 2-1 JS Capoise
[Marc-André Jean-Baptiste 1-0, 2-0; Ricardo Germain 2-1]
Cavaly 0-1 ASPDIF
[Wilguens Louis 39]
AS Carrefour 1-1 Baltimore SC
[Fabio Testy 1-1; Tonio Pierre 0-1]
AS Capoise 2-1 Racing des Gônaīves
[Jacqueson Jean 1-0, Occima André 2-1; Enock Fils-Aimé 1-1]
Victory SC 1-1 ASSL
[Jun 2]
Tempęte FC 2-0 Violette AC
[Eliphčne Cadet (2)]
Round 9
[May 20]
Victory SC 0-2 AS Carrefour
[Angelot Dieujuste (2)]
[May 21]
AS Mirebalais 1-0 Aigle Noir
[Oscaldo Jérémie]
ASSL 1-0 Don Bosco
[Cédrick Laurent]
ASPDIF 0-1 AS Capoise
JS Capoise 1-1 Baltimore SC
[Jovenel Laguerre 1-1; Gabriel Michel 0-1]
Tempęte FC 2-1 Racing Club Haītien
[Samuel Desroches 1, Eliphčne Cadet 27; Christiano Franįois 19]
Violette AC 0-0 Dynamite AC
[Jun 4]
Racing des Gônaīves 1-0 Cavaly
[Antonio Despinasse]
Round 10
[May 23]
Dynamite AC 1-1 ASPDIF
[Ariel Blais 1-1; Louis Mercidieux 0-1]
Aigle Noir abd JS Capoise [abandoned at 1-0]
[Jackson Jean]
[May 24]
Aigle Noir 3-0 JS Capoise [remaining time]
[Jackson Jean, Évens Prophčte 80, 85]
AS Capoise 3-0 Violette AC
[own goal, Frantz Pierre, Jaqueson Jean (pen)]
Baltimore SC 0-1 Victory SC
Cavaly 1-0 Racing Club Haītien
[Alex Millien 42]
Don Bosco FC 0-0 AS Mirebalais
[May 25]
AS Carrefour 1-0 AS Saint Louis
[Jun 8]
Racing des Gônaīves 0-1 Tempęte FC
Round 11
[May 27]
Violette AC 1-1 ASPDIF
[Yvener Guerrier 1-0; Luxon Matéus 1-1]
Baltimore SC 1-0 Aigle Noir
[Meshack Jérôme 30]
Victory SC 0-0 JS Capoise
[May 28]
AS Capoise 0-0 Cavaly
AS Carrefour 0-1 Don Bosco FC
[Simon Frédéric]
AS Saint Louis 0-0 AS Mirebalais
Dynamite AC 1-1 Tempęte FC
[Johnny Jean 1-0; Vaniel Sirin 1-1]
Racing Club Haītien 3-1 Racing des Gônaīves
[Dieuphčne Telamour 15, 21, Marcel Joinvilmar 3-1;
Abdias D'Août 2-1]
Round 12
[May 30]
Don Bosco FC 0-1 Baltimore SC
[Fritznel Louis]
[May 31]
Aigle Noir 0-2 AS Carrefour
[Angélot Dieujuste, Simon]
AS Mirebalais 1-1 Victory SC
[Marc André Jean-Baptiste 1-1; Junior Clairsainvil 0-1]
ASPDIF 1-3 Racing Club Haītien
[? 1-3; Dieuphčne Thélamour 30, James Chaperon 0-2, Kesnel Innocent 0-3]
Cavaly 0-1 Dynamite AC
[Johnny Jean]
JS Capoise 2-2 AS Saint Louis
Racing des Gônaīves 0-1 Violette AC
[Jeff Narcisse 89]
Tempęte FC 2-0 AS Capoise
[Mackenzy Duverger 1-0, Belfort Kervens Fils (pen) 2-0]
Round 13
[Jun 6]
Racing Club Haītien 3-2 JS Capoise
[Kesnel Innocent (2), James Chaperon; Wedner Jean, Ricardo Germain]
[Jun 7]
AS Capoise 0-0 AS Mirebalais
ASPDIF 1-1 Aigle Noir
[Wilgens Louis (pen); Ricardo Valcy]
Cavaly 1-1 Baltimore SC
[Réginald Herthelou; Job Jean (og)]
Dynamite AC 0-0 Victory SC
Violette AC 0-1 Don Bosco FC
[Simon Frédéric]
[Jun 11]
Racing des Gônaīves 0-0 AS Saint Louis
Tempęte FC 1-2 AS Carrefour
[Eliphčne Cadet 5; Steven Melisca Jean-Baptiste 44,
Angelot Dieujuste 46]
Round 14
[Jun 12]
Don Bosco FC 1-0 Cavaly
[Forest Sontonax (og)]
[Jun 13]
Victory SC 1-0 Racing Club Haītien
[Wilfrid Brunache]
[Jun 14]
Aigle Noir 1-0 Tempęte FC
[Evens Prophčte]
AS Carrefour 0-0 AS Capoise
AS Mirebalais 3-2 Racing des Gônaīves
[Jeff Louis, Oscaldo Jérémie (2); Antonio Despinasse (2)]
AS Saint Louis awd ASPDIF [awarded 3-0; abandoned at 1-0,
Baltimore SC 0-0 Violette AC ASPDIF walked off]
JS Capoise 0-1 Dynamite AC
[Angelet Joinvilmar]
Round 15
[Jun 17]
Dynamite AC 1-0 AS Carrefour
[Johnny Jean]
AS Capoise 4-1 Baltimore SC
[Jackson Jean (2), Occima André (2); Pierre Roland Saint-Jean]
ASPDIF 2-1 JS Capoise
[Dodley Apollon, Roosevelt Joseph; Kesnel Florestal]
Cavaly 1-0 AS Mirebalais
[Louisinho Garįon]
Racing des Gônaīves 1-1 Don Bosco FC
[Abdias D’Août 1-1; Monuna Constant Junior 0-1]
Racing Club Haītien 3-2 Aigle Noir
[James Chaperon (2), Kesnel Innocent; Wedson Anselme (2)]
[Jun 18]
Violette AC 1-0 AS Saint Louis
[lexandre Boucicaut (pen)]
Tempęte FC awd Victory SC [awarded 3-0; abandoned at 1-0 in 60';
[Eliphčne Cadet 39] Victory walked off]
Final Table:
1.Tempęte FC (Saint-Marc) 15 8 4 3 21- 8 28 Champions
2.Racing Club Haītien (Port-au-Prince) 15 8 2 5 20-16 26
3.AS de Carrefour 15 7 4 4 15- 7 25
4.AS Capoise (Cap Haītien) 15 6 6 3 14- 9 24
5.AS Mirebalais 15 6 5 4 13-10 23
6.Dynamite AC (Saint-Marc) 15 5 8 2 9- 6 23
7.Cavaly (Léogâne) 15 5 6 4 11- 9 21
8.Aigle Noir AC (Port-au-Prince) 15 6 2 7 16-13 20
9.Violette AC (Port-au-Prince) 15 5 5 5 13-14 20
10.Victory SC (Port-au-Prince) 15 5 5 5 9-18 20
11.Baltimore SC (Saint-Marc) 15 4 7 4 10-11 19
12.Don Bosco FC (Pétion-Ville) 15 5 3 7 11-10 18
13.AS Saint-Louis du Nord 15 3 9 3 10- 9 18
14.ASPDIF (Aquin) 15 4 3 8 9-24 15
15.Racing FC (Gônaīves) 15 3 3 9 11-19 12
16.JS Capoise (Cap Haītien) 15 1 6 8 12-21 9
NB: ASPDIF = Association Sportive pour le Développement Irréversible
du Football
Final Table:
1.Racing Club Haītien (Port-au-Prince) 15 8 4 3 19- 9 28 [1 1 0 0 2-1 3] Champions
2.Cavaly (Léogâne) 15 8 4 3 16- 7 28 [1 0 0 1 1-2 0]
3.Violette AC (Port-au-Prince) 15 8 2 5 18-10 26
4.Baltimore SC (Saint-Marc) 15 5 9 1 13- 4 24 [3 1 2 0 1-0 5]
5.Don Bosco FC (Pétion-Ville) 15 5 9 1 15- 5 24 [3 1 1 1 2-1 4]
6.AS Mirebalais 15 7 3 5 16- 7 24 [3 0 3 0 0-0 3]
7.AS Saint-Louis du Nord 15 6 6 3 15- 8 24 [3 0 2 1 0-2 2]
8.Racing FC (Gônaīves) 15 6 3 6 11-16 21
9.AS de Carrefour 15 5 5 5 9-12 20 [1 1 0 0 1-0 3]
10.Tempęte FC (Saint-Marc) 15 5 5 5 14-10 20 [1 0 0 1 0-1 0]
11.AS Capoise (Cap Haītien) 15 4 6 5 15-11 18 [1 0 1 0 1-1 1]
12.Victory SC (Port-au-Prince) 15 5 3 7 11-13 18 [1 0 1 0 1-1 1]
13.Aigle Noir AC (Port-au-Prince) 15 4 4 7 10-15 16 [1 1 0 0 2-0 3]
14.Dynamite AC (Saint-Marc) 15 3 7 5 10-14 16 [1 0 0 1 0-2 0]
15.JS Capoise (Cap Haītien) 15 4 0 11 9-32 12
16.ASPDIF (Aquin) 15 0 4 11 4-32 4
NB: ASPDIF = Association Sportive pour le Développement Irréversible
du Football
Round 1
[Aug 29]
Dynamite AC 2-2 Don Bosco FC
[Angelet Joinvilmar 15, Anouald Eliacin 2-2; Teddy Saget 1-1, 1-2]
Racing Club Haītien 1-2 Baltimore SC
[Luciano Franįois 1-0; Walson Augustin 1-1, Fritznel Louis 75]
[Aug 30]
Violette AC 0-1 Victory SC
[Ricardo Charles]
Racing des Gônaīves 1-0 AS Carrefour
Tempęte FC 1-1 AS Saint Louis
[Gregory Grand Pierre 1-0; Edouard Anthony 1-1]
Cavaly 3-1 JS Capoise
[Amy André (2), Louisino Garįon; ?]
ASPDIF awd AS Mirebalais [awarded 0-3, ASPDIF dns]
[Sep 2]
AS Capoise 0-0 Aigle Noir [at Aigle Noir]
Round 2
[Sep 4]
Don Bosco 0-0 AS Capoise
[Sep 5]
Aigle Noir 2-0 Dynamite AC
[Évens Prophčte, Dorney Salglade]
[Sep 6]
Baltimore SC 1-1 Racing des Gonaīves [at Gonaīves]
[Fritznel Louis; Clerįant Clerjuste]
JS Capoise 0-5 Tempęte FC
[Paul Valdano (2), Kervens Belfort Fils, Vaniel Sirin,
Thompson Armius]
AS Saint Louis 3-1 Cavaly
[Wilguens Alexandre (2), Sylvestre Noël; Kemberly Franįois]
AS Carrefour 0-0 Racing Club Haītien
AS Mirebalais 3-0 Violette AC
[Roscaldo Jérémie 22, 30, 46]
Victory SC 2-1 ASPDIF
[Juan Leandro Vocliotti, Robenson Jean-Louis; Wegins Louis]
Round 3
[Sep 12]
Violette AC 1-0 AS Carrefour
Tempęte 0-0 Don Bosco
[Sep 13]
Racing des Gônaīves 1-0 Victory SC
[Clersan Clerjuste (pen)]
AS Capoise 1-0 JS Capoise
[Jackson Jean]
Racing Club Haitien 1-0 AS Mirebalais
[Jeff Theodore]
Dynamite AC 0-2 ASSL
[Noël Sylvestre, Wiskens Alexandre]
ASPDIF 0-0 Baltimore
Cavaly 1-0 Aigle Noir
[Kimberly Franįois]
Round 4
[Sep 18]
Don Bosco 0-0 ASPDIF
[Sep 19]
Aigle Noir 0-4 Violette AC
[Sep 20]
Baltimore SC 0-1 Tempęte FC
[Eliphčne Cadet 90+]
JS Capoise 1-0 Racing des Gônaīves
ASSL 0-0 Racing Club Haītien
AS Carrefour 0-0 Cavaly
AS Mirebalais abd Dynamite AC [abandoned at 2-0 due to
Victory SC 1-1 AS Capoise waterlogged pitch]
[Sep 24]
AS Mirebalais 0-1 Dynamite AC [replay]
Round 5
[Sep 26]
Racing Club Haītien 0-0 Don Bosco
Tempęte FC 2-0 AS Mirebalais
[Belfort Kervens Fils 14, 21]
[Sep 27]
Racing des Gônaīves 1-0 Aigle Noir
[Reginald Herthelou]
AS Capoise 0-0 ASSL
Dynamite AC 0-0 Baltimore SC
ASPDIF 0-2 AS Carrefour
[Monuma Constant Junior, Marc Arthur Jeudi]
Violette AC 2-0 JS Capoise
[Chadelson Charlemagne (2)]
Cavaly 2-0 Victory SC
[Cadet Changlet, Fritz Gerald Alliance]
Round 6
[Sep 30]
Aigle Noir 1-0 Victory SC
[Tilmé Wilson]
ASPDIF 1-1 Tempęte FC
[Wigens Louis 4; Belfort Kervens Fils 2]
Cavaly 0-0 Violette AC
AS Mirebalais 3-0 AS Carrefour
[Ulterguens Saint-Victor, Léonel Régis, Roscaldo Jérémi]
Baltimore SC 0-0 ASSL
[Oct 1]
JS Capoise 1-5 Don Bosco FC
Dynamite AC 1-1 Racing des Gonaīves
Racing Club Haītien 1-2 AS Capoise
Round 7
[Oct 3]
Victory SC 1-2 Don Bosco
[Robenson Jean-Louis; Olrich Saurel, Jacquinto Jean]
[Oct 4]
ASSL 0-0 Aigle Noir
AS Mirebalais 0-0 Baltimore SC
Violette AC 0-1 Racing Club Haītien
[Cristiano Franįois 42]
Tempęte FC 0-1 Cavaly
[Cadet Changler]
Racing des Gônaīves 2-0 ASPDIF
[Clerįant Clerjuste, ?]
AS Carrefour 1-0 JS Capoise
[Angelot Dieujuste]
AS Capoise 1-1 Dynamite AC
[Jacqueson Jean 1-1; Anouald Eliacin 0-1]
Round 8
[Oct 10]
Dynamite AC 1-1 Racing Club Haītien
[Chadley Germain; Christiano Franįois]
Don Bosco 0-0 Aigle Noir
[Oct 11]
JS Capoise 0-2 AS Mirebalais
[Jeff Louis, Hulgergens Saint-Victor]
ASPDIF abd Cavaly [abandoned at 0-1 due
[Kimberly Franįois] to rain]
Baltimore SC 1-1 AS Carrefour
[Johnny Jean 1-0; Wilchy Petithomme 1-1]
Violette AC 1-0 Tempęte FC
[Yvener Guerrier 57]
Racing des Gônaīves 1-0 AS Capoise
[Florvil Dimanche 37]
ASSL 0-1 Victory SC
[Ricardo Charles 14]
[Oct 14]
ASPDIF 0-3 Cavaly [replay]
[Kimberly Franįois 0-1, 0-3, André Amy 0-2]
Round 9
[Oct 17]
Aigle Noir 1-3 AS Mirebalais
[Guiliano Philippe (pen); Oscaldo Jérémie (2), Exumé Simpson]
Dynamite AC 0-2 Violette AC
[Noël Pierre André 40, Yvener Guerrier 70]
[Oct 18]
Baltimore SC 5-0 JS Capoise
[Peter Germain 21pen, Serge Louis 36, Walson Augustin 51, 77, 84]
AS Carrefour 2-1 Victory SC
[Fritz Junior, Fabio Testy; Kerby Charles]
AS Capoise 7-1 ASPDIF
[Jackson Jean (3), Jean Emmanuel (2), Jean Pierre Mésidor,
Sandro Joseph; Roosevelt Joseph]
Racing Club Haītien 1-0 Tempęte FC
[Darlin Thoby]
Cavaly 2-0 Racing des Gônaīves
[Fritz Gerald Alliance 2, Alex Millien 10]
[Oct 19]
Don Bosco 2-0 ASSL
Round 10
[Oct 24]
Violette AC 2-1 AS Capoise
[Yvener Guerrier, Donald Guerrier; Jean Pierre Mondesir]
[Oct 25]
Tempęte FC 2-1 Racing des Gonaīves
[Thompson Amius 8, Paul Valdano 25;Charly Eliazar 88]
ASSL 2-0 AS Carrefour
[Wiskens Alexandre, Kelly Rivers]
AS Mirebalais 0-0 Don Bosco
JS Capoise 0-1 Aigle Noir
[Guiliano Philippe]
ASPDIF 0-0 Dynamite AC
Racing Club Haītien 2-1 Cavaly
[Ronald Eveillard 5, Christiano Franįois 25; Adhémar Alliance 48]
[Oct 26]
Victory SC 0-0 Baltimore SC [also reported 1-1]
Round 11
[Oct 28]
ASPDIF awd Violette AC [awarded 0-3; in Petit-Goâve;
Cavaly 1-0 AS Capoise ASPDIF dns]
[Kimberly Franįois]
Don Bosco FC 2-0 AS Carrefour
[Teddy Saget, Rothniel Rossard]
AS Mirebalais 0-0 AS Saint Louis
Tempęte FC 1-0 Dynamite AC
[Thompson Armius]
Racing des Gônaīves awd Racing Club Haītien [awarded 0-3; abandoned at 3-3
[Oct 29] in 90' due to pitch invasion]
Aigle Noir 0-1 Baltimore SC
JS Capoise 2-1 Victory SC
Round 12
[Oct 30]
Violette AC 3-0 Racing des Gônaīves
[Alexandre Boucicaut, Yvener Guerrier, Donald Guerrier]
[Oct 31]
Dynamite AC 1-0 Cavaly
[Robenson Fénélus 51]
Racing Club Haītien awd ASPDIF [awarded 3-0; ASPDIF dns]
[Nov 1]
Baltimore SC 1-0 Don Bosco FC
[Meshack Jérôme]
AS Carrefour 2-1 Aigle Noir
[Angelot Dieujuste (2); ?]
AS Saint Louis 0-1 JS Capoise
AS Capoise 2-0 Tempęte FC
[Jean Pierre Mondésir, Antoine Sardouin]
[Nov 2]
Victory SC 0-1 AS Mirebalais
['Oscaldo Jérémie]
Round 13
[Nov 7]
Aigle Noir 2-0 ASPDIF
[Nov 8]
JS Capoise 1-3 Racing Club Haītien
[Rubens Dorvil 1-0; Carl-Henry Joseph 1-1,
Marcel Joinvilmar 1-2, Darlin Thoby 1-3]
AS Mirebalais 1-0 AS Capoise
[Marc André Jean Baptiste]
Baltimore SC 0-0 Cavaly
Don Bosco FC 2-0 Violette AC
[Michel-Ange Paul, Cančs Jean-Charles]
AS Saint Louis 3-1 Racing des Gônaīves
AS Carrefour 1-0 Tempęte FC
[Angélot Dieujuste]
[Nov 9]
Victory SC 2-0 Dynamite AC
[Ricardo Charles (2)]
Round 14
[Nov 14]
Racing Club Haītien 0-1 Victory SC
[Robensson Jean Louis 63pen]
Dynamite AC awd JS Capoise [awarded 3-0; JSC showed 35
[Nov 15] minutes late]
Cavaly 0-0 Don Bosco FC
Tempęte FC 1-1 Aigle Noir
[Thompson Amius 1-1; Delsa Jean Jourdain 0-1]
AS Capoise 0-0 AS Carrefour
Racing des Gônaīves 1-0 AS Mirebalais [behind closed doors]
[Clerįant Clerjuste]
ASPDIF 1-2 AS Saint Louis
[Wilguens Louis 1-1; Noël Sylvestre 0-1, Kerby Saint-Jean 1-2]
Violette AC 0-0 Baltimore SC
Round 15 [Nov 22]
AS Carrefour 0-0 Dynamite AC
Baltimore SC 2-0 AS Capoise
JS Capoise 2-0 ASPDIF
AS Mirebalais 0-1 Cavaly
[Kimberly Franįois]
Don Bosco FC 0-0 Racing des Gônaīves
Aigle Noir 1-2 Racing Club Haītien
[Fritzson Jean-Baptiste 44; Darlin Thoby 18, ? 1-2]
AS Saint Louis 2-0 Violette AC
[Noel Sylvestre, ?]
Victory SC 0-0 Tempęte FC
Final Table:
1.Racing Club Haītien (Port-au-Prince) 15 8 4 3 19- 9 28 [1 1 0 0 2-1 3] Champions
2.Cavaly (Léogâne) 15 8 4 3 16- 7 28 [1 0 0 1 1-2 0]
3.Violette AC (Port-au-Prince) 15 8 2 5 18-10 26
4.Baltimore SC (Saint-Marc) 15 5 9 1 13- 4 24 [3 1 2 0 1-0 5]
5.Don Bosco FC (Pétion-Ville) 15 5 9 1 15- 5 24 [3 1 1 1 2-1 4]
6.AS Mirebalais 15 7 3 5 16- 7 24 [3 0 3 0 0-0 3]
7.AS Saint-Louis du Nord 15 6 6 3 15- 8 24 [3 0 2 1 0-2 2]
8.Racing FC (Gônaīves) 15 6 3 6 11-16 21
9.AS de Carrefour 15 5 5 5 9-12 20 [1 1 0 0 1-0 3]
10.Tempęte FC (Saint-Marc) 15 5 5 5 14-10 20 [1 0 0 1 0-1 0]
11.AS Capoise (Cap Haītien) 15 4 6 5 15-11 18 [1 0 1 0 1-1 1]
12.Victory SC (Port-au-Prince) 15 5 3 7 11-13 18 [1 0 1 0 1-1 1]
13.Aigle Noir AC (Port-au-Prince) 15 4 4 7 10-15 16 [1 1 0 0 2-0 3]
14.Dynamite AC (Saint-Marc) 15 3 7 5 10-14 16 [1 0 0 1 0-2 0]
15.JS Capoise (Cap Haītien) 15 4 0 11 9-32 12
16.ASPDIF (Aquin) 15 0 4 11 4-32 4
NB: ASPDIF = Association Sportive pour le Développement Irréversible
du Football
Aggregate Table:
1.Racing Club Haītien (Port-au-Prince) 30 16 6 8 39-25 54
2.Cavaly (Léogâne) 30 13 10 7 27-16 49
3.Tempęte FC (Saint-Marc) 30 13 9 8 35-18 48
4.AS Mirebalais 30 13 8 9 29-17 47
5.Violette AC (Port-au-Prince) 30 13 7 10 31-24 46
6.AS de Carrefour 30 12 9 9 24-19 45
7.Baltimore SC (Saint-Marc) 30 9 16 5 23-15 43
8.AS Capoise (Cap Haītien) 30 10 12 8 29-20 42 [4 1 3 0 1-0 6]
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - -
9.AS Saint-Louis du Nord 30 9 15 6 25-17 42 [4 1 2 1 1-2 5]
10.Don Bosco FC (Pétion-Ville) 30 10 12 8 26-15 42 [4 1 1 2 2-2 4]
11.Dynamite AC (Saint-Marc) 30 8 15 7 19-20 39
12.Victory SC (Port-au-Prince) 30 10 8 12 20-31 38
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - -
13.Aigle Noir AC (Port-au-Prince) 30 10 6 14 26-28 36 Relegation Playoff
14.Racing FC (Gônaīves) 30 9 6 15 22-35 33 Relegation Playoff
15.JS Capoise (Cap Haītien) 30 5 6 19 21-53 21 Relegated
16.ASPDIF (Aquin) 30 4 7 19 13-56 19 Relegated
NB: top-8 qualify for Super Huit tournament
NB: ASPDIF = Association Sportive pour le Développement Irréversible
du Football
Promotion/Relegation Playoffs
First Legs [Nov 29]
FICA 1-1 Racing des Gônaīves
Inter Grand-Goâve 0-0 Aigle Noir
Second Legs
[Dec 5]
Aigle Noir 2-1 Inter de Grand-Goâve
[Dec 6]
Racing des Gônaīves 0-0 FICA
NB: Aigle Noir and Racing des Gônaīves remain at 1st level,
FICA and Inter de Grand-Goâve remain at 2nd level
Trophée des Champions 2009
NB: between winners Ouverture and Fermeture
Final [Nov 29]
Tempęte 3-1 Racing Club Haītien
Super Huit 2009
NB: tournament aka Coupe Digicel
First Legs [Dec 2]
AS Capoise 0-0 Racing Club Haītien
Baltimore SC 2-0 Cavaly
[Anderson Raymond 15, Walson Augustin (or Yves Louissaint?)]
AS Carrefour 1-0 Tempęte FC
[Angelo Dieujuste]
Violette AC 1-0 AS Mirebalais
[Estama Benchy 25]
Second Legs [Dec 6]
Racing Club Haītien 0-2 AS Capoise
[Antoine Sardouin 29, Jacqueson Jean 90+2]
Cavaly 2-2 Baltimore SC
[Frantz Gilles 3, Kimberly Franįois 88; Walson Augustin 1-1, 53]
Tempęte FC 1-0 AS Carrefour [Carrefour on pen]
[Thomson Amius]
AS Mirebalais 0-1 Violette AC
[Donald Guerrier]
First Legs [Dec 9]
AS Capoise 1-0 Violette AC
[Jackson Jean]
Baltimore SC 2-0 AS Carrefour
[Walson Augustin 23, Peter Germain 72]
Second Legs [Dec 13]
Violette AC 0-0 AS Capoise
AS Carrefour 1-2 Baltimore SC
[Meschak Jérôme (og) 1-1; Luxčne Elestin 0-1, Guemsly Junior Joseph 1-2]
[Dec 20, Parc Saint-Victor, Cap Haītien]
AS Capoise 1-1 Baltimore SC [penalty shoot-out not held
[Sony Labranche 1-1; Serge Louis 3] due to darkness]
[Dec 21, Parc Saint-Victor, Cap Haītien]
AS Capoise awd Baltimore SC [only penalty shoot-out;
Baltimore dns, trophy
awarded to ASC]
Groupe A | Groupe B | Promotion Playoff
Groupe A (Zône Nord)
Round 5 [Aug 22,23]
FICA 0-0 Everlasting (Cap Haītien)
Eclair de Gonaīves 0-0 Vision de Hinche
Roulado 2-0 Panthčre Noire
Triomphe 0-1 US Papaye
Zénith 3-0 US Desdunes
ASR 2-0 Racine GM
Top of (Aggregate) Table:
1.FICA (Cap Haītien) 32
2.Vision de Hinche 27
3.Eclair de Gonaīves 26
4.Roulado de la Gonâve 25
Round 15 [Aug 16?]
ASR 1-0 Everlasting
Vision de Hinche 0-0 FICA
US Desdunes 1-1 Racine GM
Zénith AC 1-3 Eclair de Gonaīves
Panthčre Noire - Triomphe
Roulado 2-1 US Papaye
Round 10 (21) [Sep]
ASR 4-1 US Desdunes
Vision de Hinche 1-0 Roulado
Eclair des Gonaīves 0-1 Panthčre Noire
Racine GM 3-0 US Papaye
Everlasting - Triomphe
FICA - Zénith AC
Top of Table (Sep 30):
1.FICA (Cap Haītien) 44 Qualified
2.Vision de Hinche 35 Qualified
3.AS Rive artibonitienne 34 Qualified
4.Eclair des Gonaīves 32 Qualified
Relegated: US Desdunes, US Papaye, Everlasting du Cap-Haītien
Groupe B (Zône Sud)
Participating teams:
Intrépide de la Croix-des-Bouquets
Valencia de Cité Soleil
Valencia Léogâne
Adonaī de Jacmel
Inter Grand-Goâve
América des Cayes
AS Grand-Goâve
ASVA (Association sportive Vieux-Bourg d'Aquin)
AS Petit-Goâve
Rivoli de la Croix-des-Missions
US Frčres
Round 5 [Aug 22,23]
Valencia de Léogâne 5-1 Valencia de Cité Soleil
América des Cayes 0-1 US Frčres
ASGG 0-1 Rivoli
AS Petit-Goâve 3-0 Adonaī de Jacmel
ASVA awd Intrépide [awarded 3-0, Intrépide dns]
Bacardi - Inter Grand-Goâve
Top of (Aggregate) Table:
1.Valencia de Léogâne 35
2.América des Cayes 34
3.AS Grand-Goâve 33
Round 15 [Aug 16?]
Inter Grand-Goâve 3-0 Adonaī de Jacmel
Bacardi 1-1 Valencia (L or CS?)
Intrépide 0-3 ASGG
AS Petit-Goâve 0-1 América des Cayes
Valencia (CS or L?) 1-0 US Frčres
ASVA 1-2 Rivoli
Round 10 (21) [Sep]
AS Petit-Goâve 2-1 Inter Grand-Goâve
Bacardi 0-0 US Frčres
Top of (Fermeture) Table (Sep 30):
1.América des Cayes 28 Qualified
2.Valencia de Léogâne 26 Qualified
3.Association Sportive de Grand-Goâve 25 Qualified
4.Inter de Grand-Goâve 25 Qualified
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
5.Bacardi 19
6.Association Sportive de Petit-Goâve 19
7.Union Sportive de Frčres 18
Relegated: AS Vieux Bourg d'Aquin (ASVA), Rivoli de la Croix-des-Missions,
US Frčres, Adonaī de Jacmel and Intrépide de Croix-des-Bouquets;
apart from Frčres, all were relegated because of multiple forfeits
Promotion Playoff
Groupe Nord
Round 1
[Oct 18]
Vision de Hinche 0-1 Eclair de Gonaīves
ASR abd FICA [abandoned at 0-2 at
[Oct 19] half-time due to rain]
ASR 1-0 FICA [replay]
Round 2 [Oct 24]
Eclair de Gonaīves 0-1 Vision de Hinche
Round 3 [Nov 1]
ASR 0-1 Eclair de Gonaīves
Vision de Hinche 0-1 FICA
Round 4 [Nov 7,8]
Eclair de Gonaīves 2-0 ASR
FICA 0-0 Vision de Hinche
Round 5 [Nov 14,15]
Eclair de Gonaīves 1-0 FICA
ASR 2-0 Vision de Hinche
Round 6 [Nov 21,22]
FICA 3-0 Eclair de Gonaīves
Vision de Hinche 3-1 ASR
Final Table:
1.Eclair des Gonaīves 6 4 0 2 5- 4 12 Promoted
2.FICA (Cap Haītien) 6 3 1 2 7- 2 10 Promotion Playoff
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
3.Vision de Hinche 6 2 1 3 4- 5 7
4.AS Rive artibonitienne 6 2 0 4 4- 9 6
Groupe Sud
Round 1
[Oct 17]
Valencia de Léogâne 0-0 América des Cayes
[Oct 18]
Inter Grand-Goâve 1-0 AS Grand-Goâve
Round 2 [Oct 25]
América des Cayes 1-0 Valencia de Léogâne
AS Grand-Goâve 0-1 Inter Grand-Goâve
Round 3 [Nov 1]
Valencia de Léogâne 2-0 AS Grand Goâve
Inter Grand Goâve 0-0 América des Cayes
Round 4 [Nov 7,8]
AS Grand Goâve 0-3 Valencia de Léogâne
América des Cayes 2-1 Inter Grand Goâve
Round 5 [Nov 14,15]
AS Grand-Goâve 2-0 América des Cayes
Valencia de Léogâne 1-1 Inter Grand Goâve
Round 6
[Nov 21,22]
América des Cayes 1-0 AS Grand-Goâve
[Nov 24]
Inter Grand Goâve 0-0 Valencia de Léogâne
Final Table:
1.América des Cayes 6 3 2 1 4- 3 11 Promoted
2.Inter de Grand-Goâve 6 2 3 1 4- 3 9 [2 0 2 0 1-1 2; 1 ag] Promotion Playoff
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
3.Valencia de Léogâne 6 2 3 1 6- 2 9 [2 0 2 0 1-1 2; 0 ag]
4.Association Sportive de Grand-Goâve 6 1 0 5 2- 8 3
Championship Final
First Leg [Nov 28,29]
América des Cayes 1-0 Eclair de Gonaīves
Second Leg [Dec 5,6]
Eclair de Gonaīves 2-2 América des Cayes
NB: América des Cayes second level champions
[Nov 13]
AS Limonade 1-1 Accolade Gros-Morne [4-2 pen]
Relčve de Jérémie 1-1 Roulado Src. Matelas [7-6 pen]
[Nov 17]
US Dufort bt Amateur de Cité Soleil
AS Verrettes bt AFPG
NB: all quarterfinal winners promoted; in addition, Amateur de
Cité Soleil and Roulado Src. Matelas were promoted
AS Limonade drw Relčve de Jérémie [Limonade on pen]
US Dufort bt AS Verrettes
Final [Nov 21]
AS Limonade 1-0 US Dufort
[Jacques Maxius ~50]
NB: AFPG = Association des footballeurs de la Plaine des Gonaīves
Championnat Ouverture | Championnat Fermeture | Aggregate Table
Championnat Ouverture
Final Table:
1.Tempête FC (Saint-Marc) 15 10 5 0 23- 7 35 Ouverture Champions
2.América des Cayes 15 8 3 4 13-11 27
3.Aigle Noir AC (Port-au-Prince) 15 7 5 3 15-12 26
4.Baltimore SC (Saint-Marc) 15 7 4 4 18-12 25
5.Victory SC (Port-au-Prince) 15 6 6 3 15-11 24
6.AS Capoise (Cap Haïtien) 15 5 8 2 8- 5 23 [1 1 0 0 2-1 3]
7.AS de Carrefour 15 5 8 2 16-10 23 [1 0 0 1 1-2 0]
8.Racing Club Haïtien (Port-au-Prince) 15 6 4 5 11-10 22
9.AS Mirebalais 15 4 8 3 11- 9 20
10.AS Saint-Louis du Nord 15 3 7 5 11-12 16
11.Racing FC (Gonaïves) 15 4 3 8 8-15 15
12.Eclair (Gonaïves) 15 3 5 7 8-14 14 [1 1 0 0 1-0 3]
13.Cavaly (Léogâne) 15 3 5 7 8-13 14 [1 0 0 1 0-1 0]
14.Violette AC (Port-au-Prince) 15 2 5 8 10-16 11 [2 1 1 0 3-2 4]
15.Don Bosco FC (Pétion-Ville) 15 2 5 8 9-20 11 [2 0 2 0 3-3 2]
16.Dynamite AC (Saint-Marc) 15 2 5 8 9-16 11 [2 0 1 1 3-4 1]
Round 1
[Jul 31]
Don Bosco 1-1 Victory
[Jackinto Jean; Ricardo Charles]
[Aug 1]
América 1-0 Eclair
[Jonhson Jeanbon]
Racing G 0-0 Cavaly
Mirebalais 0-0 AS Capoise
St-Louis 1-1 Violette
[Kelly Rivière; Alexandre Boursicot]
Aigle Noir 0-0 Dynamite
Baltimore 1-1 Carrefour
[Luxène Elistin; Monuma Constant Jr]
[Aug 19]
Tempête 1-0 Racing CH
[Changlet Cadet]
Round 2
[Aug 4]
Victory 0-0 Mirebalais
Carrefour 4-1 América
[Angelot Dieujuste (2), Fritz Junior, Fabio Testi;
Kens Germain]
Violette 1-2 Tempête
[Yvener Guerrier; Charles Hérold Jr, Changler Cadet]
Dynamite 2-0 Racing G
[Aviol Eliassaint (2)]
[Aug 5]
Cavaly 0-2 Aigle Noir
[Anson Cadet, Wedson Anselme]
Eclair 3-2 Baltimore
[Albert Elisée (3); Luxène Elistin, Peter Germain]
AS Capoise 0-0 Don Bosco
Racing CH 1-0 St-Louis
[Crisiano François]
Round 3
[Aug 7]
Carrefour 1-1 Violette
[Angelot Dieujuste; Eve Junior]
[Aug 8]
Cavaly 0-1 Eclair
[Bertrand Kensley (Bertrand Demsley?)]
St-Louis 0-0 Tempête
AS Capoise 2-0 Dynamite
[Reynaldo Gustave, Wilfrid Joseph]
Racing G 0-1 Mirebalais
[Marc André Jean-Baptiste (Samuel Desroches?)]
Victory abd Racing CH [abandoned at 2-0 due to rain]
América awd Baltimore [awarded 0-3, América refused to
[Aug 9] play after delay caused by
Don Bosco 1-2 Aigle Noir Baltimore changing kits]
[Teddy Saget; Wedson Anselme, Peterson Clénord]
Victory 1-0 Racing CH [replay]
[Léonel Saint-Preux]
Round 4
[Aug 13]
Victory 3-1 Racing G
[Gaspard Jean-Baptiste 2, Anderson Tcha Beauvais 24,
Ricardo Charles 90; Ben Cius 4]
[Aug 14]
Baltimore 1-1 Racing CH
[Fritznel Louis 82; Cristiano François 88]
Aigle Noir 0-1 AS Capoise
[Jackson Jean]
[Aug 15]
Mirebalais 1-1 Dynamite
Eclair 1-1 St-Louis
Tempête 2-1 Carrefour
[Vaniel, Belfort; ?]
Don Bosco 0-3 Cavaly
[Kimberly François (3)]
América 1-0 Violette
[Jean Gary Lubin]
Round 5
[Aug 21]
Baltimore 1-0 AS Capoise
[Peter Germain 55]
[Aug 22]
Racing G 1-0 Violette
[Jacqueson Jean 24]
St-Louis 1-1 Carrefour
[Kervens François 89; Monumat Constant Junior 54]
Tempête 1-1 Dynamite
[Jean Ernst Ernest 90+4; St-Jean Arnold 78]
Mirebalais 1-0 Cavaly
[Jean Baptiste Mc André 2]
América 1-0 Victory
[Rubin Jn Garry 54]
[Sep 1]
Don Bosco 0-2 Eclair
[Wilson Abellard 7, 41]
[Sep 2]
Racing CH 1-1 Aigle Noir
[Darlin Thoby 1-0; Johnny Joseph 1-1]
Round 6
[Aug 25]
Violette 0–2 Victory
Dynamite 0–1 Carrefour
Mirebalais 2-1 Baltimore
Eclair 0–1 Racing CH
AS Capoise 0–0 Cavaly
América 0–1 Don Bosco
[Aug 26]
Aigle Noir 1-0 St-Louis
Tempête 1-0 Racing G
Round 7
[Aug 28]
Don Bosco 1-1 Violette
[Jean Jackinto 74pen; Noël Pierre André 29pen]
[Aug 29]
AS Capoise 0-0 Tempête
Cavaly 0-1 América
Eclair 0-1 Racing G
[Jean Julien Fresnel]
Racing CH 1-0 Mirebalais
[Darlin Thoby]
Baltimore 1-0 Dynamite
[Peter Germain (pen)]
[Aug 30]
Carrefour 0-0 Aigle Noir
Victory 0-0 St-Louis
Round 8
[Sep 3]
Violette 0-1 AS Capoise
[Jacqueson Jean (pen)]
[Sep 4]
Tempête 1-0 Don Bosco
[Thompson Amius]
[Sep 5]
América 1-0 Racing G
[Cassandy Saint-Sauveur]
Dynamite 1-0 Eclair
Cavaly 0-1 Victory
[Ricardo Charles]
Aigle Noir 1-0 Baltimore
[Johnny Joseph]
St-Louis 1-0 Mirebalais
[Kelly Rivert]
[Sep 6]
Racing CH 0-0 Carrefour
Round 9
[Sep 10]
Don Bosco 0-1 Baltimore
[Serge Louis]
[Sep 11]
Eclair 0-0 AS Capoise
Dynamite 0-2 Cavaly
[Kimberly Francois, Harold Milor]
[Sep 12]
Tempête 3-2 Aigle Noir
[Kervens Fils Belfort, Thompson Amius, Vaniel Sirin;
Delsa Jean Jourdain, Johnny Joseph]
Mirebalais 0-0 América
Racing CH 1-0 Violette
[Darlin Thoby]
Racing G 1-0 St-Louis
[Jackson Pierre]
Carrefour 2-1 Victory
[Angelo Dieujuste, Monuma Constant Junior; ?]
Round 10
[Sep 15]
Mirebalais 1–3 Tempête
[Fébert Fédé; Chedlain Francoeur, Thompson Amius (2)]
Eclair 0–2 Violette
Cavaly 0–0 Carrefour
St-Louis 2–1 Don Bosco
[Noël Sylvestre (pen), Fertyl Mackenson; Jean Jackinto]
AS Capoise 1–0 Racing CH
Baltimore 1–1 Racing G
[Junior Alexandre; Olsen]
Victory 2–1 Dynamite
[Sep 16]
Aigle Noir 2-1 América
[Wedson Anselme, Fritzson Jean-Baptiste; ?]
Round 11
[Sep 18]
Cavaly 1–0 Violette
Victory 2–0 AS Capoise
[Sep 19]
América 1-1 Tempête
Carrefour 1-1 Eclair
St-Louis 0-1 Baltimore
Don Bosco 0-2 Racing G
Dynamite 0-1 Racing CH
[Sep 20]
Aigle Noir 0-3 Mirebalais
Round 12
[Sep 25]
Racing CH 0-0 Cavaly
Eclair 0-0 Victory
[Sep 26]
AS Capoise 2-1 Carrefour
[Michael Jean, Emmanuel Jean; Angelot Dieujuste]
Mirebalais 1-1 Don Bosco
[Roberts Sainttilus 75pen; Jean Jackinto 45]
Violette 2-1 Dynamite
Racing G 0-1 Aigle Noir
[Wedson Anselme]
Baltimore 0-2 Tempête
[Mackendy Duvergé 41, 45]
América 1-0 St-Louis
[Kens Germain 37]
Round 13
[Sep 28]
Racing CH 0–1 Don Bosco
[Jimmy Sara 83]
[Sep 29]
Carrefour 1–0 Racing G
[Wilky Petit-Homme 21]
AS Capoise 1–1 St-Louis
[Jackson Jean; Réginald David]
Cavaly 0–3 Baltimore
[Peter Germain (2), Fritznel Louis]
Eclair 0–1 Aigle Noir
[Fritzson Jean-Baptiste]
Dynamite 0–1 América
[Marcelin Dominique]
Violette 1–1 Mirebalais
[?; Fédé Fébert]
[Sep 30]
Victory 0–3 Tempête
[Mackendy Duverger 16, Hérold Junior Charles 81,
Changler Cadet 83]
Round 14
[Oct 2]
Baltimore 1-0 Violette
Don Bosco 2-2 Dynamite
[Oct 3]
Aigle Noir 1-1 Victory
Tempête 3-0 Eclair
Mirebalais 0-0 Carrefour
Racing G 0-0 AS Capoise
St-Louis 4-2 Cavaly
[Oct 4]
América awd Racing CH [awarded 3-0, match postponed by one
day due to torrential rain; Racing CH
Round 15 did not show]
[Oct 6]
Racing CH 4-1 Racing G
Eclair 0-0 Mirebalais
Dynamite 0-0 St-Louis
Carrefour 2-0 Don Bosco
Cavaly 0-0 Tempête
[Oct 7]
Victory 1-1 Baltimore
AS Capoise 0-0 América
[Oct 8]
Violette 1-1 Aigle Noir
Final Table:
1.Tempête FC (Saint-Marc) 15 10 5 0 23- 7 35 Ouverture Champions
2.América des Cayes 15 8 3 4 13-11 27
3.Aigle Noir AC (Port-au-Prince) 15 7 5 3 15-12 26
4.Baltimore SC (Saint-Marc) 15 7 4 4 18-12 25
5.Victory SC (Port-au-Prince) 15 6 6 3 15-11 24
6.AS Capoise (Cap Haïtien) 15 5 8 2 8- 5 23 [1 1 0 0 2-1 3]
7.AS de Carrefour 15 5 8 2 16-10 23 [1 0 0 1 1-2 0]
8.Racing Club Haïtien (Port-au-Prince) 15 6 4 5 11-10 22
9.AS Mirebalais 15 4 8 3 11- 9 20
10.AS Saint-Louis du Nord 15 3 7 5 11-12 16
11.Racing FC (Gonaïves) 15 4 3 8 8-15 15
12.Eclair (Gonaïves) 15 3 5 7 8-14 14 [1 1 0 0 1-0 3]
13.Cavaly (Léogâne) 15 3 5 7 8-13 14 [1 0 0 1 0-1 0]
14.Violette AC (Port-au-Prince) 15 2 5 8 10-16 11 [2 1 1 0 3-2 4]
15.Don Bosco FC (Pétion-Ville) 15 2 5 8 9-20 11 [2 0 2 0 3-3 2]
16.Dynamite AC (Saint-Marc) 15 2 5 8 9-16 11 [2 0 1 1 3-4 1]
Championnat Fermeture 2010/11
Final Table:
1.Victory SC (Port-au-Prince) 15 8 3 4 22-13 27 [1 1 0 0 3-1 3] Fermeture Champions
2.América des Cayes 15 8 3 4 22-10 27 [1 0 0 1 1-3 0]
3.AS de Carrefour 15 6 7 2 17-12 25
4.Baltimore SC (Saint-Marc) 15 6 6 3 14- 9 24
5.AS Saint-Louis du Nord 15 6 5 4 14-13 23
6.Cavaly (Léogâne) 15 5 7 3 11- 5 22 [1 0 1 0 1-1 1]
7.Tempête FC (Saint-Marc) 15 5 7 3 16-13 22 [1 0 1 0 1-1 1]
8.AS Mirebalais 15 5 6 4 13-11 21
9.AS Capoise (Cap Haïtien) 15 5 5 5 13-17 20 [2 2 0 0 4-1 6]
10.Don Bosco FC (Pétion-Ville) 15 4 8 3 17-10 20 [2 0 1 1 1-2 1]
11.Racing FC (Gonaïves) 15 5 5 5 12-15 20 [2 0 1 1 0-2 1]
12.Violette AC (Port-au-Prince) 15 5 3 7 17-19 18
13.Aigle Noir AC (Port-au-Prince) 15 4 4 7 7-17 16 [1 1 0 0 1-0 3]
14.Eclair (Gonaïves) 15 4 4 7 12-18 16 [1 0 0 1 0-1 0]
15.Racing Club Haïtien (Port-au-Prince) 15 4 3 8 15-19 15
16.Dynamite AC (Saint-Marc) 15 1 2 12 9-30 5
Round 1
[Oct 22]
Violette 1–3 St-Louis
[Luxene Elestin (pen); Alexandre Wiskens (2), Fertyl Markenson]
[Oct 23]
Victory 2-2 Don Bosco [abandoned at 2-2 due to
[Beauvais Anderson Cha, power cut; result stood]
Milien Fritz; Samuel Desroches, Ednerson Raymond]
[Oct 24]
Cavaly 2–0 Racing G
Eclair 0–1 América
Dynamite 4–0 Aigle Noir
Carrefour 1–1 Baltimore
AS Capoise 2–1 Mirebalais
Racing CH 0–0 Tempête
Round 2
[Oct 30]
Tempête 1-0 Violette
Aigle Noir 0-2 Cavaly
[Oct 31]
Mirebalais 3-0 Victory
América 4-0 Carrefour
Racing G 1-0 Dynamite
Baltimore 3-1 Eclair
Don Bosco 1-2 AS Capoise
St-Louis 1-0 Racing CH
Round 3
[Nov 9]
Aigle Noir 0–0 Don Bosco
Dynamite 1–1 AS Capoise
[Hervé Bénèche 1-0; Alain Gustave 1-1]
[Nov 10]
Baltimore 0–0 América
Violette 2-2 Carrefour
[Luxène Elestin, Mondésir; Wilcky Petit-homme (2)]
Eclair 0–0 Cavaly
[Nov 11]
Tempête 1–0 St-Louis
Mirebalais 1–1 Racing G
Racing CH 0–3 Victory
Round 4
[Nov 13]
Violette 0-2 América
[Marvens Dominique, Kens Germain]
Cavaly 0-0 Don Bosco
[Nov 14]
St-Louis 0-0 Eclair
Carrefour 2-1 Tempête
[Jean-Charles Testi Fabio 1-0, Angelo Dieujuste 2-1;
Grégory J. Grand-Pierre 1-1]
Dynamite 0-1 Mirebalais
[Ultherguens Saint-Victor]
Racing CH 2-1 Baltimore
[Jeff Théodore, Dor Frantzdy; Peter Germain (pen)]
AS Capoise 2-1 Aigle Noir
[Antoine Sardouin, Alain Gustave; Fritzson Jean-Baptiste]
Racing G 0-1 Victory
[Bony Pierre]
Round 5
[Nov 19]
Violette 2-0 Racing G
[Yvener Guerrier (2, 1 pen)]
[Nov 20]
Aigle Noir abd Racing CH [abandoned at 1-0]
Cavaly 0-0 Mirebalais
[Nov 21]
Aigle Noir 1-0 Racing CH [remaining time]
Eclair 0-2 Don Bosco
[Jimmy Sara, Ednerson Raymond]
Carrefour 3-1 St-Louis
Dynamite 1-1 Tempête
AS Capoise 1-0 Baltimore
[Sandro Doréus]
Victory 3-1 América
Round 6
[Nov 24]
Racing CH 1-2 Eclair
[Nov 25]
Don Bosco 0-1 América
[Wolf Dumé]
Cavaly 2-0 AS Capoise
[Nov 26]
Victory 1-0 Violette
[Bony Pierre]
St-Louis 0-0 Aigle Noir
Baltimore 0-0 Mirebalais
Carrefour 4-0 Dynamite
Racing G 1-0 Tempête
[Jackson Pierre]
Round 7
[Dec 4]
Violette 1–0 Don Bosco
[Luxène Elestin 82]
Tempête 1–0 AS Capoise
[Thompson Amius 78]
[Dec 5]
Eclair 1-1 Racing G
St-Louis 1-0 Victory
Mirebalais 3-1 Racing CH
Aigle Noir 0-0 Carrefour
Dynamite 1-2 Baltimore
[Germain Densley; Frantz Charles, Fritznel Louis]
América 0-0 Cavaly
Round 8
[Dec 15]
AS Capoise 1-1 Violette
Racing G 1-0 América
[Olsen Chéry 23]
Don Bosco 2-2 Tempête
[Amy André (2); Charles Hérold Junior (2)]
Baltimore 2-0 Aigle Noir
[Dec 16]
Eclair 4-0 Dynamite
[Djoulès Valcourt (2), Wilson Abélard, Maxi Bennet]
Mirebalais 0-0 St-Louis
Carrefour 1-0 Racing CH
Victory 1-0 Cavaly
[Ricardo Charles]
Round 9
[Dec 18]
Aigle Noir 0-0 Tempête
[Dec 19]
Cavaly 2-1 Dynamite
[Fritz Gérald Alliance, Grégory Henry; Chadley Germain]
AS Capoise 1-1 Eclair
[Léonel Saint-Preux; Wilson Abélard]
América 1-0 Mirebalais
[Wilguens Louis]
St-Louis 2-2 Racing G
[Réginald David (pen), James Telfort; Jackson Pierre (2)]
Violette 2-1 Racing CH
[Loubens Eugène (og), Alexandre Boucicaut; Darlin Thoby (pen)]
Baltimore 0-0 Don Bosco
[Dec 20]
Victory 0-0 Carrefour
Round 10
[Dec 10]
Don Bosco 4-0 St-Louis
[A.Amy, E.Yveson, A.Walson, N.Sylvestre]
[Dec 23]
Racing CH 4-1 AS Capoise
[D.Frantzy 1-0, Emma Jean 9og, Darlin Thoby 3-1,
Robenson Jean Louis 4-1; Léonel Saint-Preux 2-1]
Racing G 1-1 Baltimore
[Jackson Pierre 1-0; Meshack Jérôme 1-1]
Dynamite 0-3 Victory
[Gaspard Jean-Baptiste, Bony Pierre, Ricardo Charles]
[Dec 24]
Tempête 1-0 Mirebalais
Carrefour 0-0 Cavaly
América awd Aigle Noir [awarded 3-0; abandoned at 1-0 in 89',
Violette 2-0 Eclair Aigle Noir walked off]
[Boucicaut (pen), Bertrand Séïde]
Round 11
[Dec 29]
Racing CH 1-0 Dynamite
Racing G 0-0 Don Bosco
Baltimore 1-0 St-Louis
[Dec 30]
Eclair 1-0 Carrefour
[Wilson Abellard]
Mirebalais 1-0 Aigle Noir
[Desamours Schneïder]
AS Capoise 0-0 Victory
Violette 0-2 Cavaly
[Jean Pascal Milien, Laneus Lems]
Tempête 2-2 América
[Kervens Fils Belfort (2); Donald Pierre Charles (2)]
Round 12
[Jan 8]
Dynamite 1-3 Violette
[Anoual Eliassaint; Luxène Elestin 6, 11, 30]
[Jan 9]
St-Louis 2-1 América
Cavaly 0-0 Racing CH
Carrefour 1-0 AS Capoise
Tempête 0-0 Baltimore
[Jan 11]
Aigle Noir abd Racing G [abandoned at 0-0 due to power cut]
[Jan 13]
Victory 4-0 Eclair
[Ricardo Charles 37, 70, Wilfrid Brunache 84,
Jean-Francois Kismy 90+3]
[Jan 20]
Aigle Noir 0-1 Racing G [remaining time]
[Jackson Pierre]
[Jan 21]
Don Bosco 3–0 Mirebalais
[Stanley Guirand 29, Walson Augustin 44, Amy André 71]
Round 13
[Jan 15]
Baltimore 1-0 Cavaly
[Junior Alexandre 88]
[Jan 16]
Racing G 0-1 Carrefour
[Monuma Constant Junior]
Parc Saint-Louis
Mirebalais 1-1 Violette
[Woodrish Gauthier 84; Luxène Elestin 30]
América awd Dynamite [awarded 3-0, Dynamite dns]
St-Louis 0-0 AS Capoise
Tempête 4-2 Victory
[Belfort (2), Valdano, ?; Bony Pierre,
Jean Fritz Saint-Germain (pen)]
[Jan 17]
Aigle Noir 1-0 Eclair
[Fritzson Jean-Baptiste]
[Jan 18]
Don Bosco 1-1 Racing CH
[Amy André 1-1; Jeff Théodore 0-1]
Round 14
[Jan 22]
Racing CH 2-0 América
[Darlin Thoby (2)]
[Jan 23]
Eclair 2-1 Tempête
[Wilson Abellard (2); Kervens Fils Belfort (pen)]
Cavaly 0-1 St-Louis
AS Capoise 2-0 Racing G
Carrefour 1-1 Mirebalais
[Monuma C. Junior; Ultherguens Saint-Victor]
Violette 1-2 Baltimore
[Lucson Coriolan; Meshack Jérôme (2)]
Dynamite 0-1 Don Bosco
[Guemsly Junior Joseph 23]
[Jan 24]
Victory 1-2 Aigle Noir
[Bony Pierre; Edson Anselme (2)]
Round 15 [Jan 30]
Don Bosco 1-1 Carrefour
[Amy André; Angelot Dieujuste]
Tempête 1-1 Cavaly
Baltimore 0-1 Victory
[Bauvais Anderson Cha]
Aigle Noir 2-1 Violette
América 3-0 AS Capoise
St-Louis 3-0 Dynamite
Racing G 3-2 Racing CH
[Jackson Pierre (3); ?, ?]
Mirebalais 1-0 Eclair
Final Table:
1.Victory SC (Port-au-Prince) 15 8 3 4 22-13 27 [1 1 0 0 3-1 3] Fermeture Champions
2.América des Cayes 15 8 3 4 22-10 27 [1 0 0 1 1-3 0]
3.AS de Carrefour 15 6 7 2 17-12 25
4.Baltimore SC (Saint-Marc) 15 6 6 3 14- 9 24
5.AS Saint-Louis du Nord 15 6 5 4 14-13 23
6.Cavaly (Léogâne) 15 5 7 3 11- 5 22 [1 0 1 0 1-1 1]
7.Tempête FC (Saint-Marc) 15 5 7 3 16-13 22 [1 0 1 0 1-1 1]
8.AS Mirebalais 15 5 6 4 13-11 21
9.AS Capoise (Cap Haïtien) 15 5 5 5 13-17 20 [2 2 0 0 4-1 6]
10.Don Bosco FC (Pétion-Ville) 15 4 8 3 17-10 20 [2 0 1 1 1-2 1]
11.Racing FC (Gonaïves) 15 5 5 5 12-15 20 [2 0 1 1 0-2 1]
12.Violette AC (Port-au-Prince) 15 5 3 7 17-19 18
13.Aigle Noir AC (Port-au-Prince) 15 4 4 7 7-17 16 [1 1 0 0 1-0 3]
14.Eclair (Gonaïves) 15 4 4 7 12-18 16 [1 0 0 1 0-1 0]
15.Racing Club Haïtien (Port-au-Prince) 15 4 3 8 15-19 15
16.Dynamite AC (Saint-Marc) 15 1 2 12 9-30 5
Aggregate Table
1.Tempête FC (Saint-Marc) 30 15 12 3 39-20 57 Super Huit
2.América des Cayes 30 16 6 8 35-21 54 Super Huit
3.Victory SC (Port-au-Prince) 30 14 9 7 37-24 51 Super Huit
4.Baltimore SC (Saint-Marc) 30 13 10 7 32-21 49 Super Huit
5.AS de Carrefour 30 11 15 4 33-22 48 Super Huit
6.AS Capoise (Cap Haïtien) 30 10 13 7 21-22 43 Super Huit
7.Aigle Noir AC (Port-au-Prince) 30 11 9 10 22-29 42 Super Huit
8.AS Mirebalais 30 9 14 7 24-20 41 Super Huit
- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
9.AS Saint-Louis du Nord 30 9 12 9 25-25 39
10.Racing Club Haïtien (Port-au-Prince) 30 10 7 13 26-29 37
11.Cavaly (Léogâne) 30 8 12 10 19-18 36
12.Racing FC (Gonaïves) 30 9 8 13 20-30 35
13.Don Bosco FC (Pétion-Ville) 30 6 13 11 26-30 31 Relegated
14.Eclair (Gonaïves) 30 7 9 14 20-32 30 Relegated
15.Violette AC (Port-au-Prince) 30 7 8 15 27-35 29 Relegated
16.Dynamite AC (Saint-Marc) 30 3 7 20 18-46 16 Relegated
NB: between winners Ouverture and Fermeture
[Feb 5, Parc Levelt, Saint-Marc]
Tempête 2-0 Victory
[Paul Valdano 16, Sony Labranche 78]
NB: in case of draws after 90 minutes, no extra time is played
but a penalty shoot-out of 5 penalties each is held; if clubs
are still drawn after that, another series of 5 penalties each
follows; if teams are still drawn after 10 penalties each, the
decision is taken by draw
[Feb 12]
Aigle Noir 1-1 América [9-9 pen, Aigle Noir on lots]
Baltimore 1-0 Carrefour
[Feb 13]
AS Capoise 2-1 Victory
Tempête 0-0 Mirebalais [7-8 pen]
[Feb 16]
Mirebalais 0-0 Baltimore [4-2 pen]
[Feb 17]
Aigle Noir 2-2 AS Capoise [5-5 pen, Aigle Noir on lots]
Final [Feb 20, parc Levelt de Saint-Marc]
Aigle Noir 2-0 Mirebalais
[Eliphène Cadet 8, Fritzson Jean-Baptiste 12]
Groupe A
AS Capoise (Cap Haïtien)
FICA (Cap Haïtien)
JS Capoise (Cap Haïtien)
Zénith AC (Cap-Haïtien)
Groupe B
AS Saint-Louis du Nord
Racing FC (Gônaïves)
Racine de Gros-Morne
AS Limonade
Groupe C
AS Mirebalais
Baltimore SC (Saint-Marc)
AS Rive-Artibonitienne
Vision de Hinche
Groupe D
Tempête FC (Saint-Marc)
Eclair de Gonaïves
Triomphe (Liancourt)
Roulado de la Gonâve
Groupe E
Racing Club Haïtien (Port-au-Prince)
Aigle Noir AC (Port-au-Prince)
Dynamite AC (Saint-Marc)
Hatüey Bacardi
Groupe F
AS de Carrefour
Victory SC (Port-au-Prince)
Inter Grand-Goâve
US Dufort
Groupe G
Violette AC (Port-au-Prince)
Don Bosco FC (Pétion-Ville)
Valencia (Léogâne)
AS Grand-Goâve
Groupe H
Cavaly (Léogâne)
América des Cayes
ASPDIF (Aquin)
AS Petit-Goâve
Round 1
[Apr 24]
Zénith 0-2 ASC
Inter 1-1 Victory
Dufort 1-0 ASCAR
Don Bosco 1-0 ASGG
[Apr 25]
Racine GM 3-0 AS Limonade
Racing FC 0-2 ASSL
ASR 1-2 Baltimore
Vision 1-2 AS Mirebalais
Roulado 1-1 Tempête
Triomphe 1-0 Eclair
Dynamite 1-0 Racing CH
Bacardi 0-0 Aigle Noir
Valencia 1-0 Violette
ASPG 1-1 Cavaly
ASPDIF 0-3 América
Round 2
[Apr 28]
Baltimore 1-1 ASR
Victory 1-1 Inter
ASCAR 1-1 Dufort
Violette 2-0 Valencia
ASC 2-2 Zénith SC
[Apr 29]
ASSL 2-0 Racing FC
AS Limonade 2-0 Racine GM
AS Mirebalais abd Vision [abandoned at 2-0]
Tempête 0-0 Roulado
Eclair 2-3 Triomphe
Racing CH 1-2 Dynamite
ASGG 0-1 Don Bosco
Cavaly 0-0 ASPG
América 1-1 ASPDIF
[Apr 30]
Aigle Noir - Bacardi
Round 3
[May 1]
Zénith SC 1-1 FICA
Dufort 1-6 Victory
ASGG 2-3 Violette
[May 2]
AS Limonade 1-1 ASSL
ASR 1-0 AS Mirebalais
Vision 0-0 Baltimore
Racine GM 1-0 Racing FC
Triomphe 0-0 Tempête
Roulado 1-0 Eclair
Dynamite 2-1 Aigle Noir
Bacardi abd Racing CH [abandoned due to rain]
Inter 1-0 ASCAR
Valencia 0-2 Don Bosco
ASPDIF 1-1 Cavaly
ASPG 0-0 América
Round 4
[May 5]
FICA 2-0 Zénith
Racing FC 0-0 Racine GM
Tempête 1-0 Triomphe
Aigle Noir 1-2 Dynamite
Victory 1-0 Dufort
ASCAR 1-0 Inter
[May 6]
AS Limonade 0-0 ASSL
AS Mirebalais 0-0 ASR
Baltimore 5-0 Vision
Eclair 2-0 Roulado
Racing CH 3-0 Bacardi
Cavaly 1-1 ASPDIF
América 1-0 ASPG
[May 7]
Violette - ASGG
Don Bosco - Valencia
Round 5
[May 8]
Aigle Noir 1-1 Racing CH
Victory 0-0 ASCAR
[May 9]
FICA awd ASC [awarded to FICA; ASC dns]
ASSL 3-1 Racine GM
AS Limonade 1-0 Racing FC
AS Mirebalais 1-1 Baltimore
Vision abd ASR [abandoned at 2-1]
Eclair 1-0 Tempête
Triomphe 1-0 Roulado
Dynamite 4-0 Bacardi
Dufort 1-2 Inter
Don Bosco 0-0 Violette
ASGG 0-1 Valencia
América 0-1 Cavaly
[May 12]
Zénith 1-1 JSC
NB: ASC were disqualified on May 10 because of their no-show
against FICA
Round 6
[May 12]
Racine GM 0-0 ASSL
Racing FC 2-1 AS Limonade
Baltimore 0-0 AS Mirebalais
ASR 2-1 Vision
Bacardi 1-1 Dynamite
Racing CH 2-3 Aigle Noir
Inter 1-0 Dufort
ASCAR 1-1 Victory
[May 13]
Tempête 1-1 Eclair
Roulado 2-1 Triomphe
Violette 1-0 Don Bosco
Valencia 3-0 ASGG
[May 14]
JSC - Zénith
Cavaly - América
1/8 Finals
First Legs
[May 15,16]
Victory 1-0 Dynamite
Racing CH 0-0 Inter GG
AS Mirebalais 1-0 Triomphe
Racine GM 1-0 FICA
ASPDIF 0-0 Violette
Zénith 2-0 ASSL
Roulado 1-0 Baltimore
[May 17]
Valencia 1-0 Cavaly
Second Legs
[May 19]
Dynamite 1–0 Victory [4-5 pen]
Inter 3–0 Racing CH
Triomphe 3–0 AS Mirebalais
FICA 4–0 Racine GM
Violette 0–0 ASPDIF [11-12 pen]
ASSL 2–0 Zénith [5-4 pen]
[May 20]
Baltimore 1–0 Roulado [2-1 pen]
Cavaly 3-2 Valencia
First Legs [May 23?]
ASPDIF d'Aquin 0-1 Victory SC
FICA 1-0 Baltimore
Valencia 0-0 Inter GG
Triomphe 0-0 AS Saint-Louis
Second Legs [May 27]
Victory SC 4-1 ASPDIF d'Aquin
Baltimore 1-0 FICA [7-6 pen]
Inter GG 1-0 Valencia
AS Saint-Louis 1-0 Triomphe
First Legs [May 30?]
Inter GG 0-1 Victory
AS Saint-Louis 0-0 Baltimore
Second Legs [Jun 2]
Victory 2-0 Inter GG
Baltimore 0-1 AS Saint-Louis
Final [Jun 6]
Victory 1-0 AS Saint-Louis
[Wilfrid Brunache]
[Mar 13]
Port-de-Paix 1-0 Jean-Rabel
[Mar 19]
Aigle Noir - Port-au-Prince
Deray FC - Orlando
Homestead - Jacmel
[Mar 20]
St-Louis Nord - Violette
Cap Haitien - Athletic Junior
Week 3
[Mar 26]
Léogâne 2-3 Amical
Jean-Rabel 2-1 Port-au-Prince
Saint-Marc 3-0 Gonaives
[Mar 27]
Jacmel 0-2 Orlando
Port-de-Paix 4-1 Aigle Noir
Week 4
[Apr 2]
Athletico - Violette
Homestead - Delray
OKAP - Saint-Louis
[Apr 3]
Saint-Marc - Amical
Gonaives - Léogâne
Groupe Nord | Groupe Sud | Final
Groupe Nord
Round 1 [Aug 29]
Zénith 0-0 Vision
JSC 1–2 Triomphe
Limonade 1–0 Accolade
Racine GM 2–0 ASR
Roulado 1–3 Verrettes
Panthère Noire 0–0 FICA
Round 2
[Sep 5]
Accolade 0-0 Triomphe
Vision 0-0 Racine GM
FICA 3-1 Zénith
Limonade 2-0 Roulado
Verrettes drw Panthère Noire
Round 3
[Sep 11]
Zénith 0–0 Accolade
[Sep 12]
Panthère Noire 0–0 Limonade
JSC 0–0 Racine GM
Triomphe 3–1 ASR
Roulado 0–0 FICA
Vision 1–0 Verrettes
Round 4
[Sep 15]
Accolade 2–2 JSC
ASR 1–0 Zénith
Limonade 0–0 Verrettes
Panthère Noire 1–0 Roulado
[Sep 16]
FICA 3–0 Vision
Racine GM 0–1 Triomphe
Round 5
[Sep 18]
Zénith 0–2 Limonade
[Sep 19]
Racine GM 1–1 Panthère Noire
Verrettes 1–0 ASR
Vision 1–1 Triomphe
Roulado drw Accolade
Round 6
[Sep 25]
FICA 1–0 Accolade
Triomphe 2–0 Zénith
[Sep 26]
Panthère Noire 2–0 ASR
Limonade 1–0 Racine GM
Vision 0–0 Roulado
[Sep 27]
Verrettes 2–1 JSC
Round 7
[Oct 2]
JSC 0–0 Vision
[Oct 3]
Triomphe 1–0 FICA
Zénith 1–0 Panthère Noire
Accolade 1–0 Verrettes
ASR 0–0 Limonade
[Oct 6]
Racine GM bt Roulado
Round 8 [Oct 10]
Vision 1–0 Accolade
Limonade 0–0 Triomphe
Roulado 0–0 Zénith
Panthère Noire 1–0 JSC
Verrettes 1–1 Racine GM
Round 9
[Oct 13]
Panthère Noire 0-0 Vision
JSC 2-1 Limonade
Roulado 1-1 Triomphe
Racine GM awd FICA [awarded 0-3; abandoned at 1-1
[Oct 14] due to crowd trouble]
Verrettes 1-0 Zénith
Accolade 0-0 ASR
Round 10
[Oct 16]
JSC 0-0 Zénith
[Oct 17]
Triomphe 1-2 Panthère Noire
FICA 1-0 Verrettes
ASR 4-2 Roulado
[Oct 27]
Racine GM 1-0 Accolade
[Oct 31]
Vision 0-0 Limonade
Round 11
[Oct 23,24]
Limonade 0–0 FICA
Vision 1-0 ASR
JSC 1-1 Roulado
Verrettes 1–0 Triomphe
Accolade 0-0 Panthère Noire
[Oct 31]
Zénith 2-2 Racine GM
1.FICA (Cap-Haïtien) 11 6 4 1 15- 3 22
2.Triomphe (Liancourt) 11 5 4 2 12- 7 19
3.AS Limonade 11 4 6 1 7- 2 18
4.Panthère Noire (Liancourt) 11 4 6 1 7- 3 18 [*2]
5.AS Verrettes 11 5 3 3 9- 6 18 [*2]
6.Vision (Hinche) 11 3 7 1 4- 4 16
7.Racine (Gros-Morne) 11 3 5 3 7- 9 14 [*7]
8.JSC (Cap-Haïtien) 11 1 7 3 8-10 10
9.AS Rive-Artibonitienne 11 2 3 6 6-14 9
10.Accolade (Gros-Morne) 11 1 6 4 3- 6 9 [*5]
11.Zénith (Cap-Haïtien) 11 1 5 5 4-11 8
12.Roulado (La Gonâve) 11 0 6 5 5-12 6 [*5,*7]
[*i] missing goals round i
NB: FICA = Football Inter Club Association
Round 12
[Nov 13]
FICA 2–0 Panthère Noire
[Nov 14]
Accolade 0–1 Limonade
Vision n/p Zénith [Zénith dns]
ASR 2–0 Racine GM
Verrettes 0–0 Roulado
Triomphe 3-0 JSC
Round 13
[Nov 19]
[Nov 20]
Triomphe 1-0 Accolade
Racine GM 3-0 Vision
Zénith 0-0 FICA
[Nov 21]
Roulado 2-1 Limonade
Panthère 2-1 Verrettes
Round 14
[Nov 24]
Accolade 3-1 Zénith
[Nov 25]
Racine GM 0-0 JSC
FICA 2-0 Roulado
Limonade 2-1 Panthere Noire
Verrettes 2–0 Vision
ASR 0-0 Triomphe [awarded of 0-3 revoked]
Round 15
[Dec 4]
Zénith 1-1 ASR
[Dec 5]
Vision 1-1 FICA
JSC 2-0 Accolade
Verrettes 1–0 Limonade
Roulado 1-0 Panthère Noire
Triomphe 4-1 Racine GM
Round 16
[Dec 15]
ASR 1-1 Verrettes
Panthère Noire n/p Racine GM
Accolade ppd Roulado
[Dec 16]
Limonade 0–0 Zénith
Triomphe abd Vision [abandoned at 1-0]
Round 18
FICA 1-0 Triomphe
Vision - JSC
Panthère Noire - Zénith
Verrettes - Accolade
Limonade - ASR
Roulado - Racine GM
Round 19
[Dec 24]
Racine GM 2-1 Verrettes
[Dec 25]
Accolade 2–0 Vision
[Dec 26]
Triomphe 2-1 Limonade
JSC 1–1 Panthère Noire
[Dec 27]
Zénith 2-3 Roulado
Round 17
[Dec 29]
JSC 0-0 Verrettes
Racine GM 1-0 Limonade
[Dec 30]
ASR 0-0 Panthère Noire
Accolade 1-0 FICA
Roulado 3-0 Vision
[Dec 31]
Zénith 0-2 Triomphe
Round 20
[Jan 8]
Zénith 0-11 Verrettes
[Jan 9]
Vision 1–1 Panthère Noire
Limonade 2–1 JSC
ASR 1–1 Accolade
Triomphe 2–0 Roulado
FICA 1–0 Racine GM
Round 21 [Jan 15,16]
JSC awd Zénith [awarded 3-0, Zénith dns]
Verrettes 0–0 FICA
Roulado 2-1 ASR
Accolade 0-2 Racine GM
Limonade 4–1 Vision
Panthère Noire 0-0 Triomphe
Round 22 [Jan 30]
Racine GM awd Zénith [awarded 3-0, Zénith excluded]
Panthère Noire 1-1 Accolade
Triomphe 2-0 Verrettes
Roulado 3-2 JSC
ASR 5-0 Vision
FICA 1-0 Limonade
Reported Final Table:
1.Triomphe (Liancourt) 22 13 6 3 29-12 45 Promoted
2.FICA (Cap-Haïtien) 22 12 7 3 27- 5 43
3.AS Verrettes 22 9 7 6 27-14 34 [2 1 1 0 1-0 4]
4.AS Limonade 22 9 7 6 18-12 34 [2 0 1 1 0-1 1]
5.Panthère Noire (Liancourt) 22 7 11 4 19-14 32
6.Racine (Gros-Morne) - 1 30
7.Roulado (La Gonâve) 0 28
8.Vision (Hinche) -15 24
9.AS Rive-Artibonitienne - 2 23 [2 0 2 0 1-1 2]
10.Accolade (Gros-Morne) - 4 23 [2 0 2 0 1-1 2]
11.JSC (Cap-Haïtien) - 2 22 Relegated
12.Zénith (Cap-Haïtien) -24 11 Relegated
NB: total goal difference +15
NB: FICA = Football Inter Club Association
JSC = Jeunesse Sportive Capoise
NB: Accolade de Gros-Morne were later demoted for fraude with player
Groupe Sud
Round 1
[Aug 29]
Roulado SM 0–1 AS Grand-Goâve
Juventus 2–0 La Relève
AS Petit-Goâve 1–0 US Dufort
Catherine Flon 2–0 Amateur
[Aug 30]
Inter GG 1–1 ASPDIF
[Aug 31]
Hatüey Bacardi 1–1 Valencia
Round 2 [Sep 5]
ASPDIF 0-1 Juventus [also reported 1-2]
AS Grand-Goâve 0-0 Inter GG
La Relève 1-0 Roulado SM
Valencia 0-0 AS Petit-Goâve
Amateur 1-0 Hatüey Bacardi
US Dufort 1-1 Catherine Flon
Round 3
[Sep 10]
Catherine Flon 0–1 Valencia
[Sep 11]
Inter GG 2–1 La Relève
[Sep 12]
Juventus 2–0 Amateur
Roulado SM 0–0 ASPDIF
AS Petit-Goâve 1–0 AS Grand-Goâve
[Sep 13]
Hatüey Bacardi 0–2 US Dufort
Round 4
[Sep 15]
ASPDIF 1–0 AS Petit-Goâve
La Relève 0–0 Catherine Flon
Amateur 0–1 Inter GG
[Sep 16]
AS Grand-Goâve 1–1 Hatüey Bacardi
US Dufort 0–1 Roulado SM
Valencia 3–0 Juventus
Round 5 [Sep 19]
US Dufort 2–1 AS Grand-Goâve
Roulado SM 1–0 Valencia
AS Petit-Goâve 1–0 Inter GG
La Relève 2–0 Hatüey Bacardi
ASPDIF 0–0 Amateur
Juventus 2–0 Catherine Flon
Round 6
[Sep 25]
AS Grand-Goâve 1–0 ASPDIF
[Sep 26]
US Dufort 0–0 Inter GG
Catherine Flon 1–0 Roulado SM
Amateur 2–1 AS Petit-Goâve
Valencia 1–0 La Relève
[Sep 27]
Hatüey Bacardi 0–0 Juventus
Round 7
[Oct 2]
Inter GG 1–0 Roulado SM
Juventus 1–0 AS Petit-Goâve
[Oct 3]
Catherine Flon 0–0 AS Grand-Goâve
La Relève 3–1 Amateur
ASPDIF 1–1 Hatüey Bacardi
US Dufort 0–0 Valencia
Round 8
[Oct 9]
Hatüey Bacardi 2–2 Catherine Flon
[Oct 10]
AS Petit-Goâve 1–0 La Relève
Roulado SM 2–1 Juventus
AS Grand-Goâve 1–0 Amateur
Valencia bt Inter GG [by 2 goals?]
[Oct 28]
US Dufort n/p ASPDIF
Round 9 [Oct 13]
Juventus 0-1 AS Grand-Goâve
La Relève 3-0 US Dufort
ASPDIF 1-0 Catherine Flon
Amateur 1-1 Valencia
Roulado SM 2-0 AS Petit-Goâve
Inter GG 2-0 Hatüey Bacardi
Round 10
[Oct 17]
Hatüey Bacardi 1-1 AS Petit-Goâve
Catherine Flon 3-0 Inter GG
AS Grand-Goâve 1–0 La Relève
Amateur 0-0 Roulado SM
Valencia 2-1 ASPDIF
[Oct 31]
US Dufort n/p Juventus
Round 11
[Oct 23,24]
Roulado SM 4-1 Hatüey Bacardi
AS Grand-Goâve 0–4 Valencia
AS Petit-Goâve 1–0 Catherine Flon
Inter GG 5-1 Juventus
US Dufort n/p Amateur
[Nov 25]
ASPDIF 0-1 La Relève
Table (based on known result):
1.Valencia (Léogâne) 11 6 4 1 13- 4 22 [*8]
2.Inter (Grand-Goâve) 11 5 3 3 12- 7 18 [*8]
3.AS Grand-Goâve 11 5 3 3 7- 8 18
4.Roulado (Source Matelas) 11 5 2 4 10- 6 17
5.AS Petit-Goâve 11 5 2 4 7- 7 17
6.La Relève (Jérémie) 11 5 1 5 11- 8 16
7.Juventus (Les Cayes) 10 5 1 4 10-11 16
8.Catherine Flon (L'Arcahaie) 11 3 4 4 9- 8 13
9.ASPDIF (Aquin) 10 2 4 4 5- 7 10
10.US Dufort 8 2 3 3 5- 7 9
11.Amateur (Cité Soleil) 10 2 3 5 5-11 9
12.Hatüey Bacardi (Port-au-Prince) 11 0 6 5 7-17 6
[*i] missing goals round i
Round 12
[Nov 14]
ASPDIF 0-1 Inter GG
La Relève 3-1 Juventus
US Dufort 0–1 AS Petit-Goâve
Amateur 1-2 Catherine Flon
[Nov 17]
Valencia 2-0 Hatüey Bacardi
[Nov 18]
AS Grand-Goâve ppd Roulado SM
Round 13
[Nov 20]
Inter GG 1-0 AS Grand-Goâve
[Nov 21]
Juventus awd ASPDIF [awarded 3-0]
Roulado SM 2-0 La Relève
AS Petit-Goâve 0–1 Valencia
Catherine Flon 4-0 US Dufort
[Nov 22]
Hatüey Bacardi – Amateur
Round 14
[Nov 24]
AS Grand-Goâve 0–1 AS Petit-Goâve
[Nov 25]
Amateur 1-0 Juventus
Valencia 1-1 Catherine Flon
[Nov 26]
US Dufort 2-0 Hatüey Bacardi
[Dec 1]
ASPDIF – Roulado SM
La Relève – Inter GG
Round 15
[Dec 3]
Hatüey Bacardi 2-1 AS Grand-Goâve
[Dec 4]
Inter GG abd Amateur [abandoned at 1-0 in 90'; result
Juventus 1-1 Valencia apparently stood]
[Dec 5]
AS Petit-Goâve 2–1 ASPDIF
Catherine Flon 4-0 La Relève
Roulado SM 0-0 US Dufort
Round 16
[Dec 15]
Valencia 1-0 Roulado SM
Catherine Flon 1-1 Juventus
[Dec 16]
Hatüey Bacardi n/p La Relève
Inter GG 0-0 AS Petit-Goâve
AS Grand-Goâve - US Dufort
[Jan 19]
Amateur – ASPDIF
Round 18
Roulado SM - Inter GG
AS Petit-Goâve - Juventus
AS Grand-Goâve - Catherine Flon
Amateur - La Relève
Hatüey Bacardi - ASPDIF
Valencia - US Dufort
Round 19
[Dec 25]
Catherine Flon 3-1 Hatüey Bacardi
[Dec 26]
Inter GG awd Valencia [awarded 3-0; abandoned at 0-0]
Amateur 0-0 AS Grand-Goâve
La Relève 1-1 AS Petit-Goâve
Juventus 2-0 Roulado SM
ASPDIF 2-1 US Dufort
Round 17 [Dec 30]
US Dufort 1-0 Inter GG
Juventus 3-1 Hatüey Bacardi
Roulado SM 2-2 Catherine Flon
AS Petit-Goave awd Amateur [awarded 0-3, abandoned at 1-1]
La Relève 0-2 Valencia
ASPDIF 1-1 AS Grand-Goave
Round 20
[Jan 7]
AS Grand-Goâve 2–1 Juventus
[Jan 8]
US Dufort 2–0 La Relève
[Jan 9]
Catherine Flon 2–0 ASPDIF
Valencia 2–0 Amateur
AS Petit-Goâve awd Roulado SM [awarded 0-3, abandoned at 0-1]
[Jan 11]
Hatüey Bacardi - Inter GG
Round 21 [Jan 15,16]
Juventus 0-0 US Dufort
AS Petit-Goâve 0–3 Hatüey Bacardi
ASPDIF 2-0 Valencia
Roulado SM 0-0 Amateur
Inter GG 0-1 Catherine Flon
La Relève awd AS Grand-Goâve [awarded 3-0]
Round 22
[Jan 29]
Juventus 4-1 Inter GG
Hatüey Bacardi 2-1 Roulado
[Jan 30]
Catherine Flon 0-0 AS Petit-Goâve
Amateur 0-0 US Dufort
AS Grand-Goâve 3-1 Valencia
La Relève 0-0 ASPDIF
Reported Table (missing some matches):
1.Valencia (Léogâne) 22 12 6 4 26-14 42 Promoted
2.Catherine Flon (L'Arcahaie) 22 9 9 4 29-14 36
3.AS Petit-Goâve 22 9 5 8 13-19 32
4.Juventus (Les Cayes) 22 10 3 9 29-24 33
5.Roulado (Source Matelas) 0 30
6.Inter (Grand-Goâve) 20 9 4 7 20-18 28
7.US Dufort - 4 28
8.Amateur (Cité Soleil) + 3 27
9.AS Grand-Goâve - 8 25
10.La Relève (Jérémie) - 3 24
11.ASPDIF (Aquin) - 4 23
12.Hatüey Bacardi (Port-au-Prince) - 7 23
NB: total goal difference +5
First Leg [Feb 5]
Triomphe - Valencia
Second Leg
Valencia - Triomphe
Regional Phase
Region Sud
Round 5 [Oct 24]
ASSO 0-1 Ajax
AS Port-Salut 2-4 Benfica FC
Nottingham FC 0–0 YMCA FC
Paloma AC 1–0 Galaxie FC
Round 6 [Oct 31]
Benfica FC 3–0 Nottingham FC
Ajax 0–0 Paloma AC
Round 7 [Nov 14]
Nottingham FC ppd Ajax
Galaxie FC 1–0 Benfica FC
Paloma AC 0-1 ASSO
YMCA FC n/p AS Port-Salut
Region Nippes
NB: ASA = Association Sportive d'Anse-à-Veau
MBR = Missionnaire du Ballon Rond
Round 2 [Oct 24]
MBR 0–2 Association Sportive d'Anse-à-Veau (ASA)
Rangers 0–1 Akolad
Feeling 2–3 Eclair
Round 3 [Oct 31]
Rangers 3–0 MBR
Éclair 3–0 ASA
Akolad 4-0 Feeling
Moved Matches Round 4 [Nov 14]
MBR 2-1 Akolad
ASA 3-1 Feeling
Region Ouest-Sud
[Oct 24]
AS Mariani 1–2 Jaguar de Gressier
[Oct 31]
Barcelone 1–1 Source de la Grace
AS Trutier 0–1 FC Lyon de Faucher
Ligue de Football de Delmas
Round 1
[Nov 13]
Pirates – Diplomates (Arcahaie)
[Nov 14]
Ecofoot - Professionnel FC
AS Belladère - FC Port-au-Prince
1/32 Finals
[Jan 29]
Ajax des Cayes 2-0 Association Sportive d'Anse-à-Veau (ASA)
Pepsi de Saint-Louis du Nord - 2eme groupe A du Bas-Artibonite
AS Estere 5-0 Malfety (Zone Nord-Est)
[Jan 30]
Ferrier FC 0-1 AS Grande-Rivière du Nord
AS Trou du Nord 3-1 AS Plaine du Nord
3eme groupe A du Bas-artibonite - Olympic de Port-de-Paix
3eme du groupe B du Bas-artibonite - AS Maissade
4eme du groupe A du Bas-artibonite - US Cerca la Source
AS Belladere 1-0 Galaxie de Thomonde
Diplomates de l'Arcahaie 1-1 Jeunesse Sportive de Cité Soleil
Pirates de Delmas 1-2 AS Thomazeau
AS Mariani 0-0 Akolad de Fond des Nègres
YMCA de Camp Perrin 2-2 Barcelone de Carrefour
FC Lyon de Faucher 0-0 Eclair de Petit-Goave
Juvens de Jérémie 0-0 Galaxie des Cayes
1/16 Finals
First Legs [Feb 2?]
AS Lachapelle 1-1 AS Maïssade
Flora (Arcahaie) 4-0 Gaguar (Gressier
Professionnel (Bon Repos) 0-1 US Frères
AS Cornillon 1-0 Diplomate (Arcahaie)
Barcelone (Carrefour) 0-1 Rangers (Miragoâne)
Paloma (Cayes) 1-0 Eclair FC (Petit-Goâve)
Accolade (Fonds des Nègres) 1-0 Juvens (Jérémie)
Pepsi (Saint-Louis du Nord) 1-0 ASPG (Gonaïves)
Olympic (Port-de-Paix) 3-1 AS Dessalines
AS Belladère 4-0 Cerca La Source
FC Villa 2-0 Bastia (Limbé)
FC Plaine du Nord 1-0 JSR (Petite-Rivière Art)
FC Tomaseaux 3-1 FC Tomassique
AS l'Estère 0-0 AS Latortue
NB: Grande Rivère du Nord disqaulified for refusing to play a match
Second Legs [Feb 9]
1/8 Finals
First Legs [Feb 12,13]
Inter (Miriani) 0–1 Eclair SC (Petit-Goâve)
Olympic (Port-de-Paix) 1-0 AFPG (Gonaïves)
JSR (Petite-Rivière Art) 2–1 Bastia (Limbé)
US Frères abd AS Belladère [abandoned at 1-0]
Juvens (Jérémie) 0–0 Rangers (Miragoâve)
AS Thomassique 0–0 AS Maïssade
AS Terrier Rouge 0–1 AS l'Estère
AS Cornillon abd Flora (Arcahaie) [abandoned at 0-0]
Second Legs [Feb 16]
[Feb 25]
AS Maissade 3-0 Flora d'Arcahaie
JSR Petite-Rivière-de-l'Artibonite 0-2 Eclair de Petit-Goâve
[Feb 26]
AFP Gonaives 0-1 AS L'Estère
Rangers (Mirogoâne) 2-3 US Frères
Semifinals [Mar 1]
AS Maissade bt US Frères
Eclair de Petit-Goâve lt AS L'Estère
Third Place Match [Mar 5]
US Frères 2-0 Eclair de Petit-Goâve
Final [Mar 5]
AS L'Estère 2-0 AS Maissade
Championnat Ouverture | Championnat Fermeture | Aggregate Table
Championnat Ouverture
Final Table:
1.Baltimore SC (Saint-Marc) 14 8 6 0 14- 2 30 Champions
2.Victory SC (Port-au-Prince) 14 8 3 3 16- 6 27
3.AS Capoise (Cap Haïtien) 14 8 1 5 13-11 25
4.América des Cayes 14 6 4 4 18-12 22
5.Aigle Noir AC (Port-au-Prince) 14 5 4 5 10-11 19
6.AS Mirebalais 14 5 3 6 8-10 18
7.AS Saint-Louis du Nord 14 5 3 6 9-10 18
8.Tempête FC (Saint-Marc) 14 4 6 4 18-12 18
9.Cavaly (Léogâne) 14 3 8 3 9- 7 17
10.Valencia (Léogâne) 14 4 5 5 11-12 17
11.FICA (Cap-Haïtien) 14 4 5 5 10-10 17
12.Racing FC (Gonaïves) 14 4 5 5 9-18 17
13.AS de Carrefour 14 3 6 5 11-10 15
14.Racing Club Haïtien (Port-au-Prince) 14 3 4 7 6-12 13
15.Triomphe (Liancourt) 14 3 1 10 4-23 10
Championnat Fermeture
Final Table:
1.Tempête FC (Saint-Marc) 14 9 4 1 20- 7 31 Champions
2.Victory SC (Port-au-Prince) 14 6 6 2 15- 6 24
3.Baltimore SC (Saint-Marc) 14 6 4 4 12- 9 22
4.Cavaly (Léogâne) 14 6 4 4 9- 9 22
5.Racing Club Haïtien (Port-au-Prince) 14 5 6 3 20-13 21
6.Valencia (Léogâne) 14 5 5 4 11- 6 20
7.FICA (Cap-Haïtien) 14 5 5 4 10- 6 20
8.Aigle Noir AC (Port-au-Prince) 14 6 2 6 7- 9 20
9.AS Capoise (Cap Haïtien) 14 3 8 3 8- 6 17
10.AS Mirebalais 14 4 5 5 9- 9 17
11.AS de Carrefour 14 4 5 5 12-13 17
12.AS Saint-Louis du Nord 14 5 2 7 8-13 17
13.América des Cayes 14 4 4 6 16-11 16
14.Triomphe (Liancourt) 14 4 2 8 7-22 14
15.Racing FC (Gonaïves) 14 1 2 11 8-33 6
Aggregate Table
1.Baltimore SC (Saint-Marc) 28 14 10 4 26-11 52 Super Huit
2.Victory SC (Port-au-Prince) 28 14 9 5 31-12 51 Super Huit
3.Tempête FC (Saint-Marc) 28 13 10 5 38-19 49 Super Huit
4.AS Capoise (Cap Haïtien) 28 11 9 8 21-17 42 Super Huit
5.Cavaly (Léogâne) 28 9 12 7 18-16 39 Super Huit
6.Aigle Noir AC (Port-au-Prince) 28 11 6 11 17-20 39 Super Huit
7.América des Cayes 28 10 8 10 34-23 38 Super Huit
8.Valencia (Léogâne) 28 9 10 9 22-18 37 Super Huit
- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
9.FICA (Cap-Haïtien) 28 9 10 9 20-16 37
10.AS Mirebalais 28 9 8 11 17-19 35
11.AS Saint-Louis du Nord 28 10 5 13 17-23 35 Relegated
12.Racing Club Haïtien (Port-au-Prince) 28 8 10 10 26-25 34 Relegated
13.AS de Carrefour 28 7 11 10 23-23 32 Relegated
14.Triomphe (Liancourt) 28 7 3 18 11-45 24 Relegated
15.Racing FC (Gonaïves) 28 5 7 16 17-51 22 Relegated
Promoted: Don Bosco FC (Pétion-Ville) and Violette AC (Port-au-Prince)
NB: between winners Ouverture and Fermeture
[Dec 18, Parc Levelt, Saint-Marc]
Tempête 0-0 Baltimore [8-9 pen]
First Legs
[Dec 18]
Cavaly 0-1 AS Capoise
América 0-1 Victory
[Dec 20]
Aigle Noir 0-1 Tempête
Valencia 0-0 Baltimore
Second Legs
[Dec 21]
AS Capoise 3-0 Cavaly
[Dec 22]
Victory 2-0 América
Tempête 3-1 Aigle Noir
[Dec 23]
Baltimore 1-0 Valencia
First Legs
[Dec 24]
Tempête 2-0 Victory
[Dec 25]
AS Capoise 0-0 Baltimore
Second Legs [Dec 28]
Victory 2-1 Tempête
Baltimore 1-1 AS Capoise
Final [Dec 31, Stade Sylvio Cator, Port-au-Prince]
Tempête 0-0 AS Capoise [4-5 pen]
Regular Phase | Championship Playoff | Relegation Playoff
Regular Phase
Final Table:
1.Valencia (Léogâne) 22 11 8 3 22- 6 41 Championship Playoff
2.América des Cayes 22 10 7 5 22-20 37 Championship Playoff
3.FICA (Cap-Haïtien) 22 10 5 7 21-18 35 Championship Playoff
4.Baltimore SC (Saint-Marc) 22 7 11 4 17-11 32 Championship Playoff
5.Tempête FC (Saint-Marc) 22 8 7 7 17-14 31 Championship Playoff
6.Aigle Noir AC (Port-au-Prince) 22 8 7 7 21-20 31 Championship Playoff
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
7.Cavaly (Léogâne) 22 7 7 8 16-21 28 Relegation Playoff
8.Victory SC (Port-au-Prince) 22 5 10 7 16-17 25 Relegation Playoff
9.Violette AC (Port-au-Prince) 22 7 4 11 19-22 25 Relegation Playoff
10.Don Bosco FC (Pétion-Ville) 22 4 10 8 12-17 22 Relegation Playoff
11.AS Mirebalais 22 4 9 9 9-15 21 Relegation Playoff
12.AS Capoise (Cap Haïtien) 22 4 9 9 12-23 21 Relegation Playoff
Championship Playoff
Final Table:
1.Valencia (Léogâne) 31 18 10 3 33- 8 64 Champions
2.FICA (Cap-Haïtien) 32 14 8 10 31-30 50
3.Baltimore SC (Saint-Marc) 32 12 13 7 26-16 49
4.Tempête FC (Saint-Marc) 31 13 7 11 29-23 46
4.América des Cayes 32 11 10 11 24-32 43
6.Aigle Noir AC (Port-au-Prince) 32 9 9 14 26-29 36
NB: the match on Nov 10 in the final round between Valencia and Tempête was abandoned at 0-1
due to light failure and not continued; it may have been awarded 0-3 to Tempête (as visitors)
but this is not certain; in any case the final positions of either club (Valencia first and
Tempête 4th) were not affected
Relegation Playoff
Final Table:
7.Victory SC (Port-au-Prince) 32 8 16 8 29-25 40
8.Cavaly (Léogâne) 32 10 10 12 22-28 40
9.Don Bosco FC (Pétion-Ville) 32 9 12 11 23-23 39
10.AS Mirebalais 32 9 11 12 20-22 38
11.Violette AC (Port-au-Prince) 32 10 5 17 26-34 35 Relegated
12.AS Capoise (Cap Haïtien) 32 7 11 14 18-37 32 Relegated
Promoted: Racing Club Haïtien and AS Petit-Goâve
First Legs
[Nov 23]
Aigle Noir 0-1 Baltimore
[Nov 24]
Victory 0-0 FICA
[Nov 25]
América 1-0 Tempête
Cavaly 0-0 Valencia
Second Legs
[Dec 1]
Tempête w/o América [América dns]
[Dec 2]
Baltimore 0-2 Aigle Noir
FICA 5-1 Victory
Valencia 0-0 Cavaly [4-2 pen]
First Legs
[Dec 5]
Aigle Noir 0-0 FICA
[Dec 6]
Tempête abd Valencia [abandoned at 2-1, Valencia walked off]
Second Legs [Dec 9]
FICA 3-0 Aigle Noir
Valencia o/w Tempête [Valencia forfeited]
Final [Dec 16]
Tempête 2-0 FICA
[Junior Etienne 35, Charles Hérold Junior 73]
NB: between winners Championnat and Super Huit
[Dec 30, stade Sylvio Cator]
Tempête w/o Valencia
NB: Valencia refused to play the match in protest to their disqualification from
the Super Huit tournament
Zone Nord
Participants (8):
AS Petit-Goâve (winners; qualified for promotion playoff)
Racing Club Haïtien (runners-up; qualified for promotion playoff)
AS Aquin
US Dufort
Inter (Grand-Goâve)
Juventus (Cayes)
Police Nationale d’Haïti
Roulado (Source Matelas)
Zone Sud
Participants (8):
AS Saint-Louis du Nord (winners; qualified for promotion playoff)
AS Limonade (runners-up; qualified for promotion playoff)
AS Dessalines
Eclair AC (Gonaïves)
Panthère Noire (Liancourt)
AS Rivartibonitienne
Roulado (La Gonâve)
AS Verrettes
Promotion Playoff
First Legs
[Dec 16]
AS Limonade 1-1 AS Petit-Goâve
[Dec 19]
RC Haïtien 2-0 AS Saint-Louis
Second Legs [Dec 23]
AS Petit-Goâve awd AS Limonade [awarded 3-0, Limonade walked off at 1-0]
AS Saint-Louis 1-0 RC Haïtien
Final [Dec 30, stade Sylvio Cator]
RC Haïtien 1-1 AS Petit-Goâve [5-4 pen]
NB: both finalists promoted
Regular Phase | Championship Playoff | Relegation Playoff
Regular Phase
Final Table:
1.Valencia (Léogâne) 22 10 8 4 26-12 38 Championship Playoff
2.Baltimore SC (Saint-Marc) 22 9 6 7 19-16 33 Championship Playoff
3.Racing Club Haïtien (Port-au-Prince) 22 8 9 5 18-17 33 Championship Playoff
4.AS Petit-Goâve 22 7 10 5 16-15 31 Championship Playoff
5.Aigle Noir AC (Port-au-Prince) 22 8 6 8 23-20 30 Championship Playoff
6.AS Mirebalais 22 7 9 6 20-18 30 Championship Playoff
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
7.Tempête FC (Saint-Marc) 22 6 10 6 15-18 28 Relegation Playoff
8.Cavaly AS (Léogâne) 22 6 9 7 11- 9 27 Relegation Playoff
9.FICA (Cap-Haïtien) 22 6 9 7 15-19 27 Relegation Playoff
10.Don Bosco FC (Pétion-Ville) 22 4 10 8 19-25 22 Relegation Playoff
11.América FC (Cayes) 22 5 8 9 12-17 20 [-3] Relegation Playoff
12.Victory SC (Jacmel) 22 6 6 10 17-25 19 [-5] Relegation Playoff
NB: América 3 points deducted (originally 5 points, but the deduction was reduced
on appeal) for crowd trouble in their match against Valencia in round 13;
Victory 5 points deducted for crowd trouble in their match against Valencia
in round 18
Round 1
[Mar 9]
Don Bosco 0-0 Valencia
[Mar 10]
América 0-0 Racing CH
Baltimore 1-1 Victory
FICA 0-0 Cavaly
Mirebalais 0-0 Tempête
Aigle Noir 2-0 Petit-Goâve
Round 2
[Mar 13]
Valencia 2-1 América
Aigle Noir 2-3 Don Bosco
Petit-Goâve 1-1 Mirebalais
[Mar 14]
Tempête 3-0 FICA
Racing CH 1-0 Victory
Cavaly 0-0 Baltimore
Round 3 [Mar 17]
América 1-0 Cavaly
Victory 2-0 Tempête
Mirebalais 1-0 Aigle Noir
Baltimore 1-0 Valencia
FICA 1-0 Petit-Goâve
Don Bosco 2-3 Racing CH
Round 4
[Mar 23]
América 0-1 Victory
Cavaly 1-2 Don Bosco
[Mar 24]
Racing CH 1-0 Baltimore
Tempête 1-1 Petit-Goâve
Mirebalais 2-1 FICA
[Apr 4]
Aigle Noir 0-0 Valencia
Round 5 [Mar 27]
Valencia 1-1 Tempête
Baltimore 1-0 Aigle Noir
Petit-Goâve 2-0 Racing CH
FICA 1-0 América
Victory 0-1 Cavaly
Don Bosco 0-0 Mirebalais
Round 6
[Mar 31]
Mirebalais 1-0 América
Victory 2-1 Aigle Noir
FICA 1-1 Don Bosco
Cavaly 1-0 Petit-Goâve
Racing CH 0-2 Valencia
[Apr 4]
Tempête 0-2 Baltimore
Round 7 [Apr 7]
Mirebalais 0-0 Cavaly
Petit-Goâve 2-1 Don Bosco
Valencia 1-1 Victory
América 1-1 Baltimore
Racing CH 0-0 FICA
Tempête 1-0 Aigle Noir
Round 8
[Apr 13]
Don Bosco 2-2 Victory
[Apr 14]
Petit-Goâve 1-1 América
Aigle Noir 2-1 Racing CH
FICA 1-1 Valencia
Baltimore 1-0 Mirebalais
Cavaly 0-1 Tempête
Round 9 [Apr 17]
FICA 1-2 Baltimore
Racing CH 0-0 Cavaly
Tempête 1-0 Don Bosco
América 1-1 Aigle Noir
Victory 1-1 Mirebalais
Valencia 2-0 Petit-Goâve
Round 10
[Apr 20]
Don Bosco 0-0 Baltimore
[Apr 21]
Tempête 1-2 América
Petit-Goâve 1-0 Victory
Cavaly 0-1 Valencia
Mirebalais abd Racing CH [abandoned at 1-0 due to rain]
[Apr 25]
Mirebalais 1-1 Racing CH [replay]
[May 8]
Aigle Noir 0-1 FICA
Round 11
[Apr 28]
América 1-0 Don Bosco
Victory 1-0 FICA
Baltimore 1-0 Petit-Goâve
[May 9]
Racing CH 1-0 Tempête
Valencia 3-1 Mirebalais
[May 22]
Aigle Noir 1-0 Cavaly
Round 12
[May 12]
Valencia 2-0 Don Bosco
Victory 2-0 Baltimore
Tempête 2-1 Mirebalais
[May 15]
Cavaly 0-0 FICA
Petit-Goâve 2-1 Aigle Noir
Racing CH 2-1 América
Round 13
[May 19]
Don Bosco 2-2 Aigle Noir
América 1-1 Valencia
Baltimore 1-0 Cavaly
Victory 1-1 Racing CH
Mirebalais 0-0 Petit-Goâve
[May 22]
FICA abd Tempête [abandoned due to bad weather]
[May 23]
FICA 0-0 Tempête [replay]
Round 14
[May 26]
Tempête 1-0 Victory
Valencia 1-0 Baltimore
Cavaly 1-0 América
Petit-Goâve 0-0 FICA
[Jun 5]
Aigle Noir 3-1 Mirebalais
[Jun 6]
Racing CH 1-0 Don Bosco
Round 15
[May 29]
Don Bosco 1-1 Cavaly
Victory 1-0 América
Valencia 0-1 Aigle Noir
Petit-Goâve 0-0 Tempête
Baltimore 1-1 Racing CH
FICA abd Mirebalais [abandoned at 0-0 due to bad weather]
[May 30]
FICA 3-0 Mirebalais [replay]
Round 16
[Jun 2]
América 1-0 FICA
Mirebalais 3-0 Don Bosco
Cavaly 3-0 Victory
Tempête 0-0 Valencia
[Jun 12]
Aigle Noir 2-1 Baltimore
[Jun 13]
Racing CH 1-1 Petit-Goâve
Round 17
[Jun 8]
Aigle Noir 2-0 Victory
[Jun 9]
Valencia 1-0 Racing CH
Petit-Goâve 0-0 Cavaly
Baltimore awd Tempête [awarded 3-0]
Don Bosco 1-0 FICA
[Jun 12]
América 0-0 Mirebalais
Round 18
[Jun 15]
Aigle Noir 1-1 Tempête
[Jun 16]
FICA 1-0 Racing CH
Cavaly 0-0 Mirebalais
Baltimore 0-1 América
Don Bosco 0-0 Petit-Goâve
Victory awd Valencia [awarded 0-3]
Round 19
[Jun 19]
Tempête 0-2 Cavaly
Victory 0-0 Don Bosco
Valencia 5-1 FICA
[Jun 20]
Mirebalais 2-0 Baltimore
América 0-0 Petit-Goâve
Racing CH 1-1 Aigle Noir
Round 20
[Jun 22]
Don Bosco 2-2 Tempête
[Jun 23]
Cavaly 0-1 Racing CH
Mirebalais 2-0 Victory
Petit-Goâve 1-0 Valencia
Aigle Noir 1-0 América
Baltimore 2-2 FICA
Round 21
[Jun 29]
Victory 2-3 Petit-Goâve
[Jun 30]
Valencia 0-0 Cavaly
Baltimore 1-0 Don Bosco
FICA 0-0 Aigle Noir
Racing CH 2-1 Mirebalais
América 0-0 Tempête
Round 22 [Jul 7]
Don Bosco 2-0 América
Cavaly 1-0 Aigle Noir
Petit-Goâve 1-0 Baltimore
Tempête 0-0 Racing CH
FICA 1-0 Victory
Mirebalais 2-0 Valencia
Final Table:
1.Valencia (Léogâne) 22 10 8 4 26-12 38 Championship Playoff
2.Baltimore SC (Saint-Marc) 22 9 6 7 19-16 33 Championship Playoff
3.Racing Club Haïtien (Port-au-Prince) 22 8 9 5 18-17 33 Championship Playoff
4.AS Petit-Goâve 22 7 10 5 16-15 31 Championship Playoff
5.Aigle Noir AC (Port-au-Prince) 22 8 6 8 23-20 30 Championship Playoff
6.AS Mirebalais 22 7 9 6 20-18 30 Championship Playoff
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
7.Tempête FC (Saint-Marc) 22 6 10 6 15-18 28 Relegation Playoff
8.Cavaly AS (Léogâne) 22 6 9 7 11- 9 27 Relegation Playoff
9.FICA (Cap-Haïtien) 22 6 9 7 15-19 27 Relegation Playoff
10.Don Bosco FC (Pétion-Ville) 22 4 10 8 19-25 22 Relegation Playoff
11.América FC (Cayes) 22 5 8 9 12-17 20 [-3] Relegation Playoff
12.Victory SC (Jacmel) 22 6 6 10 17-25 19 [-5] Relegation Playoff
NB: América 3 points deducted (originally 5 points, but the deduction was reduced
on appeal) for crowd trouble in their match against Valencia in round 13;
Victory 5 points deducted for crowd trouble in their match against Valencia
in round 18
Championship Playoff
Final Table:
1.AS Mirebalais 10 6 4 0 15- 4 22 Champions
2.Valencia (Léogâne) 10 6 0 4 15-10 18
3.Racing Club Haïtien (Port-au-Prince) 10 4 4 2 10- 8 16
4.AS Petit-Goâve 10 2 4 4 6-15 10
5.Baltimore SC (Saint-Marc) 10 2 3 5 4- 7 9
6.Aigle Noir AC (Port-au-Prince) 10 1 3 6 9-15 6
Round 1
[Aug 4]
Racing CH 1-0 Baltimore
Mirebalais 2-2 Aigle Noir
[Aug 15]
Petit-Goâve 1-0 Valencia
Round 2 [Aug 11]
Aigle Noir 0-1 Baltimore
Mirebalais 2-1 Petit-Goâve
Valencia 4-0 Racing CH
Round 3 [Aug 18]
Petit-Goâve 1-1 Aigle Noir
Racing CH 1-1 Mirebalais
Baltimore 0-1 Valencia
Round 4
[Aug 24]
Valencia 2-1 Aigle Noir
[Aug 25]
Racing CH 3-0 Petit-Goâve
Baltimore 0-0 Mirebalais
Round 5 [Sep 1]
Aigle Noir 0-1 Racing CH
Petit-Goâve 0-0 Baltimore
Mirebalais 2-0 Valencia
Round 6
[Sep 7]
Aigle Noir 0-3 Mirebalais
[Sep 8]
Valencia 4-0 Petit-Goâve
Baltimore 0-0 Racing CH
Round 7
[Sep 14]
Racing CH 3-0 Valencia
[Sep 15]
Petit-Goâve 0-3 Mirebalais
Baltimore 1-0 Aigle Noir
Round 8
[Sep 29]
Valencia 2-1 Baltimore
Mirebalais 0-0 Racing CH
[Sep 30]
Aigle Noir 1-1 Petit-Goâve
Round 9 [Oct 3]
Aigle Noir 1-2 Valencia
Petit-Goâve 0-0 Racing CH
Mirebalais 1-0 Baltimore
Round 10 [Oct 6]
Racing CH 1-3 Aigle Noir
Baltimore 1-2 Petit-Goâve
Valencia 0-1 Mirebalais
Final Table:
1.AS Mirebalais 10 6 4 0 15- 4 22 Champions
2.Valencia (Léogâne) 10 6 0 4 15-10 18
3.Racing Club Haïtien (Port-au-Prince) 10 4 4 2 10- 8 16
4.AS Petit-Goâve 10 2 4 4 6-15 10
5.Baltimore SC (Saint-Marc) 10 2 3 5 4- 7 9
6.Aigle Noir AC (Port-au-Prince) 10 1 3 6 9-15 6
Relegation Playoff
Final Table:
7.Don Bosco FC (Pétion-Ville) 10 4 3 3 12- 7 15
8.FICA (Cap-Haïtien) 10 4 3 3 10-12 15
9.Tempête FC (Saint-Marc) 10 3 5 2 9- 8 14
10.Victory SC (Jacmel) 10 4 2 4 12-11 14
11.América FC (Cayes) 10 3 3 4 6- 7 12
12.Cavaly AS (Léogâne) 10 3 2 5 4- 8 11
NB: on Dec 22, it was announced that the relegation of América and Cavaly was
revoked and the first level extended to 16 clubs
Round 1 [Aug 4]
FICA 1-0 Cavaly
Victory 1-3 Tempête
América 1-0 Don Bosco
Round 2
[Aug 10]
Don Bosco 0-1 Cavaly
[Aug 11]
Tempête 1-1 FICA
América 2-1 Victory
Round 3 [Aug 18]
Victory 0-2 Don Bosco
FICA 3-2 América
Cavaly 1-0 Tempête
Round 4
[Aug 24]
Tempête 1-1 Don Bosco
[Aug 25]
FICA 1-0 Victory
Cavaly 0-0 América
Round 5
[Aug 31]
Don Bosco 4-0 FICA
[Sep 1]
América 0-0 Tempête
Victory 2-1 Cavaly
Round 6
[Sep 7]
Tempête 1-1 Victory
[Sep 8]
Don Bosco 1-0 América
Cavaly 1-0 FICA
Round 7 [Sep 15]
Victory 1-0 América
Cavaly 0-0 Don Bosco
FICA 1-1 Tempête
Round 8 [Sep 28]
América 0-0 FICA
Don Bosco 1-1 Victory
Tempête 1-0 Cavaly
Round 9 [Oct 2]
Victory 2-0 FICA
Don Bosco 2-0 Tempête
América 1-0 Cavaly
Round 10 [Oct 5]
Cavaly awd Victory [awarded 0-3, Victory refused to play after their
FICA 3-1 Don Bosco players were attacked by home fans, some afterwards
Tempête 1-0 América treated in hospital]
Final Table:
7.Don Bosco FC (Pétion-Ville) 10 4 3 3 12- 7 15
8.FICA (Cap-Haïtien) 10 4 3 3 10-12 15
9.Tempête FC (Saint-Marc) 10 3 5 2 9- 8 14
10.Victory SC (Jacmel) 10 4 2 4 12-11 14
11.América FC (Cayes) 10 3 3 4 6- 7 12
12.Cavaly AS (Léogâne) 10 3 2 5 4- 8 11
NB: on Dec 22, it was announced that the relegation of América and Cavaly was
revoked and the first level extended to 16 clubs
First Legs
[Nov 2]
Don Bosco 2-0 Valencia
[Nov 3]
Baltimore 2-0 Petit-Goâve
Aigle Noir 2-0 Racing CH
FICA 1-1 Mirebalais
Second Legs [Nov 7]
Valencia 1-0 Don Bosco
Racing CH 2-0 Aigle Noir [5-4 pen]
Petit-Goâve 0-0 Baltimore
Mirebalais 2-2 FICA
First Legs [Nov 10]
Don Bosco 1-1 Racing CH
FICA 1-0 Baltimore
Second Legs [Nov 13]
Racing CH 0-0 Don Bosco
Baltimore 2-0 FICA
Final [Nov 17, stade Sylvio Cator]
Racing CH 0-0 Baltimore [4-5 pen]
NB: between champions and winners Super Huit
Final [Nov 24, stade Sylvio Cator]
Mirebalais 1-2 Baltimore
Groupe I
Final Standings:
1.AS Capoise (Cap-Haïtien) 22 37-11 45 Phase Finale
2.Racine FC (Gros-Morne) 22 27-18 44 Phase Finale
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
3.AS Saint-Louis du Nord 37
4.Racing FC (Gonaïves) 36 [*]
5.JSC (Cap-Haïtien) 36
6.Limbé FC 34
7.AS Dessalines 32
8.AS L'Estère 32 Relegated
9.Port-de-Paix FC 30 Relegated
10.US La Jeune (Pignon) 28 Relegated
11.Eclair AC (Gonaïves) 19 Relegated
12.AS Limonade disqualified 0 Relegated
[*] on Dec 22, Racing FC (Gonaïves) were promoted by choice as the top level
was extended to 16 clubs; eventually only AS Limonade were relegated as
second level was extended to 40 clubs
Groupe II
Final Standings:
1.AS Verrettes 22 32-11 42 Phase Finale
2.Police Nationale d'Haïti 22 26-15 42 Phase Finale
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
3.Triomphe (Liancourt) 39
4.Arcahaïe FC 39
5.ASR (Petite Rivière de l'Artibonite) 37
6.Vision AC (Hinche) 36
7.JSR (Petite Rivière de l'Artibonite) 32
8.Roulado (Source Matelas) 28 Relegated
9.Panthère Noire (Liancourt) 25 Relegated
10.Roulado (La Gonâve) 22 Relegated
11.Dynamite AC (Saint-Marc) 21 Relegated
12.AS Maïssade 9 Relegated
NB: eventually only AS Maïssade were relegated as second level was extended to 40 clubs
Groupe III
Final Standings:
1.La Relève (Jérémie) 22 42-19 44 Phase Finale
2.US Dufort 22 22-13 39 Phase Finale
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
3.Violette AC (Port-au-Prince) 37 [*]
4.AS Aquin 37
5.Amateur SC (Cité Soleil) 37
6.Juventus (Les Cayes) 35
7.Eclair FC (Petit-Goâve) 29
8.Inter (Grand-Goâve) 28 Relegated
9.Rangers (Miragoâne) 25 Relegated
10.AS de Carrefour 22 Relegated
11.US Frères (Pétion-Ville) 20 Relegated
12.Barcelone (Carrefour) 7 Relegated
[*] on Dec 22, Violette AC were promoted by choice as the top level was extended
to 16 clubs; eventually no clubs were relegated as second level was extended
to 40 clubs
Phase Finale
Final Table:
1.Racine FC (Gros-Morne) 10 6 2 2 16-12 20 Promoted
2.AS Capoise (Cap-Haïtien) 10 5 4 1 20- 6 19 Promoted
3.La Relève (Jérémie) 10 6 0 4 14-11 18
4.Police Nationale d'Haïti 10 3 1 6 11-14 10
5.AS Verrettes 9 2 2 5 8-16 8
6.US Dufort 9 2 1 6 5-15 7
Round 1
[Oct 13]
Police 1-0 Verrettes
AS Capoise 3-0 La Relève
[Oct 23]
US Dufort 0-0 Racine GM
Round 2 [Oct 20]
US Dufort 2-0 Police
Verrettes 1-1 AS Capoise
Racine GM 2-0 La Relève
Round 3
[Oct 26]
Police 2-3 Racine GM
[Oct 27]
La Relève 3-1 Verrettes
[Oct 28]
AS Capoise 3-0 US Dufort
Round 4
[Nov 2]
AS Capoise 1-1 Police
[Nov 3]
La Relève 1-0 US Dufort
Verrettes abd Racine GM [abandoned at 0-0 due to darkness]
[Nov 4]
Verrettes awd Racine GM [awarded 0-3; remainder of match not played due
to crowd trouble]
Round 5
[Nov 9]
Police 3-0 La Relève
[Nov 10]
US Dufort 2-1 Verrettes
Racine GM 0-0 AS Capoise
Round 6 [Nov 17]
Verrettes 1-0 Police
Racine GM 2-1 US Dufort
La Relève 1-0 AS Capoise
Round 7
[Nov 23]
Police 2-0 US Dufort
[Nov 24]
AS Capoise 2-2 Verrettes
La Relève 3-0 Racine GM
Round 8 [Dec 1]
US Dufort 0-3 AS Capoise
Verrettes 2-1 La Relève
Racine GM 3-1 Police [also reported 2-1]
Round 9 [Dec 8]
Racine GM awd Verrettes [awarded 3-0; abandoned at 1-1]
Police 1-2 AS Capoise
US Dufort awd La Relève [awarded 0-3, Dufort dns]
Round 10 [Dec 15]
La Relève 2-0 Police
Verrettes n/p US Dufort [both Verrettes and Dufort disqualified]
AS Capoise 5-0 Racine GM
Final Table:
1.Racine FC (Gros-Morne) 10 6 2 2 16-12 20 Promoted
2.AS Capoise (Cap-Haïtien) 10 5 4 1 20- 6 19 Promoted
3.La Relève (Jérémie) 10 6 0 4 14-11 18
4.Police Nationale d'Haïti 10 3 1 6 11-14 10
5.AS Verrettes 9 2 2 5 8-16 8
6.US Dufort 9 2 1 6 5-15 7
NB: 68 participants
Third Place Match [Dec 6]
Lionceaux 1-1 Exafoot [4-2 pen]
Final [Dec 6]
Grand-Goâve 1-1 Accolade [3-2 pen]
Promoted: AS Grand-Goâve, Accolade (Fond des Nègres) and Lionceaux (Pernier);
Exafoot (Léogâne) were to remain at 3rd level but were eventually
promoted after all as second level was extended to 40 clubs; the
following clubs also were promoted: Accolade FC (Gros-Morne),
Ouanaminthe FC, Zénith FC (Cap-Haïtien), AS Borel, US Papaye and
Ynion FC (Cité Soleil)
Ouverture | Clôture | Aggregate Table
Tournoi d'Ouverture
Final Table:
1.América FC (Cayes) 10 6 3 1 18- 7 21 Champions
2.Tempête FC (Saint-Marc) 10 4 4 2 12- 8 16
3.Baltimore SC (Saint-Marc) 10 4 4 2 12- 8 16
4.Petit-Goâve FC 10 4 3 3 7- 5 15 [*]
5.Aigle Noir AC (Port-au-Prince) 10 4 2 4 14-11 14
6.Cavaly AS (Léogâne) 10 3 5 2 11- 9 14
7.Don Bosco FC (Pétion-Ville) 10 2 7 1 8- 7 13
8.Racine FC (Gros-Morne) 10 3 4 3 9-18 13
9.AS Mirebalais 10 2 5 3 10- 8 11
10.Racing FC (Gonaïves) 10 1 4 5 4-15 7
11.Violette AC (Port-au-Prince) 10 0 3 7 3-12 3
-.AS Capoise (Cap-Haïtien) excluded
-.FICA (Cap-Haïtien) excluded
-.Racing Club Haïtien (Port-au-Prince) excluded
-.Valencia (Léogâne) excluded
-.Victory SC (Jacmel) excluded
[*] AS Petit-Goâve apparently renamed Petit-Goâve FC
NB: AS Capoise, FICA, Racing Club Haïtien, Valencia and Victory refused to
honour the fixtures, protesting against the inclusing of Cavaly, América,
Violette and Racing FC (Gonaïves), who had been admitted after the end of
the 2013 season although not qualified for the league on merit; the five
rebel clubs were excluded on Mar 27
Round 1
[Feb 21]
Don Bosco 1-1 Cavaly
[Feb 22]
Violette n/p AS Capoise
Baltimore 2-1 Mirebalais
[Feb 23]
FICA n/p Victory
Petit-Goâve 0-0 Tempête
América 1-0 Racing G
Valencia n/p Racing CH
Racine GM 2-1 Aigle Noir
Round 3
[Mar 14]
Don Bosco n/p AS Capoise
[Mar 15]
Racing CH n/p Victory
[Mar 16]
Mirebalais 0-0 Racine GM
Racing G 0-1 Tempête
Petit-Goâve 1-0 Violette
Valencia n/p FICA
Baltimore 0-0 América
Aigle Noir 1-1 Cavaly
Round 2
[Mar 22]
Cavaly 3-0 Racine GM
América 3-1 Petit-Goâve
Aigle Noir 2-0 Violette
[Mar 23]
Tempête 1-1 Baltimore
Racing CH n/p FICA
AS Capoise n/p Racing G
Victory n/p Valencia
[Apr 17]
Mirebalais 1-1 Don Bosco
NB: on Mar 27, the five rebel clubs were excluded from the league
Round 4
[Mar 29]
Don Bosco 1-0 Petit-Goâve
[Mar 30]
Tempête 1-1 Mirebalais
Violette 1-3 Baltimore
Racine GM 1-1 Racing G
América 2-0 Aigle Noir
Cavaly bye
Round 5
[Apr 5]
Violette 0-1 América
[Apr 6]
Petit-Goâve 1-0 Cavaly
Racine GM 1-0 Tempête
Baltimore 2-0 Don Bosco
Mirebalais 4-0 Racing G
Aigle Noir bye
Round 6
[Apr 12]
Cavaly 1-0 Violette
[Apr 13]
Petit-Goâve 0-0 Baltimore
América 2-1 Mirebalais
Racing G 0-0 Don Bosco
Tempête 1-0 Aigle Noir
Racine GM bye
Round 7
[Apr 17]
Baltimore 0-0 Cavaly
Racine GM 0-2 Petit-Goâve
[Apr 19]
Aigle Noir 5-1 Racing G
[Apr 20]
Don Bosco 1-1 Tempête
Violette 0-0 Mirebalais
América bye
Round 8
[Apr 24]
Tempête 3-0 América
[Apr 27]
Racine GM 2-1 Baltimore
Cavaly 1-1 Racing G
Mirebalais 0-0 Aigle Noir
Don Bosco 0-0 Violette
Petit-Goâve bye
Round 9
[May 3]
Cavaly 3-2 Tempête
[May 4]
Aigle Noir 1-3 Don Bosco
América 8-1 Racine GM
Racing G 1-0 Violette
Petit-Goâve 2-0 Mirebalais
Baltimore bye
Round 10
[May 10]
Violette 1-1 Racine GM
[May 11]
Don Bosco 0-0 América
Mirebalais 2-0 Cavaly
Baltimore 2-0 Racing G
Petit-Goâve 0-1 Aigle Noir
Tempête bye
Round 11
[May 15]
Tempête 2-1 Violette
[May 17]
Racing G 0-0 Petit-Goâve
[May 18]
Cavaly 1-1 América
Aigle Noir 3-1 Baltimore
[May 21]
Racine GM 1-1 Don Bosco
Mirebalais bye
Final Table:
1.América FC (Cayes) 10 6 3 1 18- 7 21 Champions
2.Tempête FC (Saint-Marc) 10 4 4 2 12- 8 16
3.Baltimore SC (Saint-Marc) 10 4 4 2 12- 8 16
4.Petit-Goâve FC 10 4 3 3 7- 5 15 [*]
5.Aigle Noir AC (Port-au-Prince) 10 4 2 4 14-11 14
6.Cavaly AS (Léogâne) 10 3 5 2 11- 9 14
7.Don Bosco FC (Pétion-Ville) 10 2 7 1 8- 7 13
8.Racine FC (Gros-Morne) 10 3 4 3 9-18 13
9.AS Mirebalais 10 2 5 3 10- 8 11
10.Racing FC (Gonaïves) 10 1 4 5 4-15 7
11.Violette AC (Port-au-Prince) 10 0 3 7 3-12 3
-.AS Capoise (Cap-Haïtien) excluded
-.FICA (Cap-Haïtien) excluded
-.Racing Club Haïtien (Port-au-Prince) excluded
-.Valencia (Léogâne) excluded
-.Victory SC (Jacmel) excluded
[*] AS Petit-Goâve apparently renamed Petit-Goâve FC
NB: AS Capoise, FICA, Racing Club Haïtien, Valencia and Victory refused to
honour the fixtures, protesting against the inclusing of Cavaly, América,
Violette and Racing FC (Gonaïves), who had been admitted after the end of
the 2013 season although not qualified for the league on merit; the five
rebel clubs were excluded on Mar 27
Tournoi de Clôture
Final Table:
1.Don Bosco FC (Pétion-Ville) 10 6 3 1 17- 5 21 Champions
2.Tempête FC (Saint-Marc) 10 5 4 1 11- 6 19
3.AS Mirebalais 10 5 3 2 15- 8 18
4.Racing FC (Gonaïves) 10 5 1 4 11- 8 16
5.Petit-Goâve FC 10 5 1 4 11-12 16
6.América FC (Cayes) 10 4 3 3 15- 8 15
7.Cavaly AS (Léogâne) 10 4 3 3 12- 9 15
8.Baltimore SC (Saint-Marc) 10 2 3 5 8-15 9
9.Racine FC (Gros-Morne) 10 2 3 5 7-16 9
10.Aigle Noir AC (Port-au-Prince) 10 1 4 5 6-13 7
11.Violette AC (Port-au-Prince) 10 1 2 7 2-15 5
Round 1 [Sep 14]
Cavaly 0-1 Don Bosco
Tempête 0-0 Petit-Goâve
Aigle Noir 1-1 Racine GM
Mirebalais 1-1 Baltimore
Racing G 0-2 América
Violette bye
Round 2
[Sep 20]
Violette 0-1 Aigle Noir
[Sep 21]
Petit-Goâve 1-0 América
Racine GM 2-2 Cavaly
Baltimore 0-1 Tempête
Don Bosco 2-2 Mirebalais
Racing G bye
Round 3 [Sep 28]
Cavaly 0-0 Aigle Noir
Racine GM 1-0 Mirebalais
América 3-0 Baltimore
Tempête 2-1 Racing G
Violette 0-1 Petit-Goâve
Don Bosco bye
Round 4 [Oct 5]
Mirebalais 1-0 Tempête
Baltimore 1-1 Violette
Aigle Noir 1-1 América
Petit-Goâve 1-0 Don Bosco
Racing G awd Racine GM [awarded 3-0; abandoned at 1-0, Racine walked off]
Cavaly bye
Round 5 [Oct 18]
Don Bosco 4-1 Baltimore
Racing G 0-1 Mirebalais
Cavaly 2-0 Petit-Goâve
América 4-0 Violette
Tempête 1-0 Racine GM
Aigle Noir bye
Round 6
[Oct 25]
Don Bosco 1-1 Racing G
[Oct 26]
Mirebalais 2-2 América
[Oct 28]
Aigle Noir 1-3 Tempête
[Oct 30]
Violette 0-1 Cavaly
[Nov 5]
Baltimore 2-1 Petit-Goâve
Racine GM bye
Round 7 [Nov 2]
Cavaly 2-0 Baltimore
Tempête 0-0 Don Bosco
Petit-Goâve 4-2 Racine GM
Mirebalais 4-0 Violette
Racing G 1-0 Aigle Noir
América bye
Round 8
[Nov 8]
Violette 0-2 Don Bosco
[Nov 9]
Racing G 1-0 Cavaly
Aigle Noir 0-1 Mirebalais
Baltimore 2-0 Racine GM
[Nov 19]
América 1-1 Tempête
Petit-Goâve bye
Round 9 [Nov 15]
Violette 1-0 Racing G
Racine GM 1-0 América
Mirebalais 2-0 Petit-Goâve
Tempête 2-2 Cavaly
Don Bosco 3-0 Aigle Noir
Baltimore bye
Round 10 [Nov 23]
Racine GM 0-0 Violette
Cavaly 2-1 Mirebalais
Racing G 1-0 Baltimore
Aigle Noir 1-2 Petit-Goâve
América 0-1 Don Bosco
Tempête bye
Round 11 [Nov 30]
Violette 0-1 Tempête
Petit-Goâve 1-3 Racing G
América 2-1 Cavaly
Baltimore 1-1 Aigle Noir
Don Bosco 3-0 Racine GM
Mirebalais bye
Final Table:
1.Don Bosco FC (Pétion-Ville) 10 6 3 1 17- 5 21 Champions
2.Tempête FC (Saint-Marc) 10 5 4 1 11- 6 19
3.AS Mirebalais 10 5 3 2 15- 8 18
4.Racing FC (Gonaïves) 10 5 1 4 11- 8 16
5.Petit-Goâve FC 10 5 1 4 11-12 16
6.América FC (Cayes) 10 4 3 3 15- 8 15
7.Cavaly AS (Léogâne) 10 4 3 3 12- 9 15
8.Baltimore SC (Saint-Marc) 10 2 3 5 8-15 9
9.Racine FC (Gros-Morne) 10 2 3 5 7-16 9
10.Aigle Noir AC (Port-au-Prince) 10 1 4 5 6-13 7
11.Violette AC (Port-au-Prince) 10 1 2 7 2-15 5
Aggregate Table
1.América FC (Cayes) 20 10 6 4 33-15 36 Super Huit
2.Tempête FC (Saint-Marc) 20 9 8 3 23-14 35 Super Huit
3.Don Bosco FC (Pétion-Ville) 20 8 10 2 25-12 34 Super Huit
4.Petit-Goâve FC 20 9 4 7 18-17 31 Super Huit
5.AS Mirebalais 20 7 8 5 25-16 29 Super Huit
6.Cavaly AS (Léogâne) 20 7 8 5 23-18 29 Super Huit
7.Baltimore SC (Saint-Marc) 20 6 7 7 20-23 25 Super Huit
8.Racing FC (Gonaïves) 20 6 5 9 15-23 23 Super Huit
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
9.Racine FC (Gros-Morne) 20 5 7 8 16-34 22
10.Aigle Noir AC (Port-au-Prince) 20 5 6 9 20-24 21
11.Violette AC (Port-au-Prince) 20 1 5 14 5-27 8
First Legs
[Dec 11]
Baltimore 0-0 Tempête
Cavaly 0-0 Don Bosco
[Dec 12]
Racing G 2-0 América
Mirebalais 7-0 Petit-Goâve
Second Legs [Dec 14]
América 3-0 Racing G
Tempête 3-0 Baltimore
Don Bosco 0-0 Cavaly [4-1 pen]
Petit-Goâve 0-1 Mirebalais
First Legs [Dec 18]
Tempête 1-1 América
Mirebalais 1-0 Don Bosco
Second Legs [Dec 20]
América 2-0 Tempête
Don Bosco 2-1 Mirebalais
Final [Dec 24]
América 2-1 Mirebalais
[Jean Garry Ruben 22, Kentz Germain 79; Cayen Junior François 15og]
NB: between winners Ouverture and Clôture
Final [Dec 7, parc Sainte-Thérése, Pétion-Ville]
Don Bosco 0-0 América [4-1 pen]
Group Phase
Groupe Nord I
Final Standings:
1.Accolade FC (Gros-Morne) 32 Phase Finale
2.Ouanaminthe FC 31 Phase Finale
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
3.Eclair AC (Gonaïves) 31
4.AS Saint-Louis du Nord 29
5.Port-de-Paix FC 28
6.Limbé FC 26
7.AS Dessalines 25
8.AS L'Estère 18
9.JSC (Cap-Haïtien) 14
10.Zénith FC (Cap-Haïtien) 9
Groupe Nord II
1.Panthère Noire (Liancourt) 33 Phase Finale
2.US Lajeune (Pignon) 30 Phase Finale
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
3.AS Borel 30
4.Vision AC (Hinche) 26
5.ASR (Petite Rivière de l'Artibonite) 24
6.Triomphe (Liancourt) 24
7.US Papaye 22
8.AS Verrettes 17
9.JSR (Petite Rivière de l'Artibonite) 17
10.Dynamite AC (Saint-Marc) 16
Groupe Sud I
1.Inter (Grand-Goâve) 34 Phase Finale
2.Juventus (Les Cayes) 33 Phase Finale
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
3.Rangers (Miragoâne) 30
4.AS Grand-Goâve 29
5.AS Aquin 28
6.Eclair FC (Petit-Goâve) 25
7.Accolade (Fond des Nègres) 23
8.US Dufort 23
9.Exafoot (Léogâne) 20
10.La Relève (Jérémie) 4
Groupe Sud II
1.Police Nationale d'Haïti 47 Phase Finale
2.Roulado (La Gonâve) 36 Phase Finale
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
3.Amateur SC (Cité Soleil) 29
4.Ynion FC (Cité Soleil) 27
5.Lionceaux (Pernier) 23
6.Roulado (Source Matelas) 22
7.Barcelone (Carrefour) 21
8.Arcahaïe FC 18
9.AS de Carrefour 12
10.US Frères (Pétion-Ville) 2
Phase Finale
First Legs
[Dec 13]
Juventus 1-2 PNH
Roulado 2-0 Inter GG
[Dec 14]
Lajeune 1-0 Accolade
Ouanaminthe 3-1 Panthère Noire
Second Legs
[Dec 16]
PNH 0-0 Juventus
Inter GG 1-0 Roulado
[Dec 17]
Accolade 0-1 Lajeune
Panthère Noire awd Ouanaminthe [awarded 0-3; abandoned at 0-0 in 75', Panthère Noire walked off]
NB: four semifinalists (Ouanaminthe FC, US Lajeune (Pignon), Police Nationale d'Haïti
and Roulado (La Gonâve)) and best quarterfinal losers (Inter de Grand Goâve) promoted
Semifinals [Dec 19]
Roulado 0-2 PNH
Lajeune 2-3 Ouanaminthe
Final [Dec 21]
PNH 1-0 Ouanaminthe
[Luckson Mathéus 8pen]
NB: Ouanaminthe FC were founded 2011 as "9 Capitaines", were later renamed "Les Capitaines" before
changing name in April 2014 to Ouanaminthe FC on recommendation of the FHF
Ouverture | Clôture | Aggregate Table
Tournoi d'Ouverture
NB: four of the five rebel clubs (AS Capoise, FICA, Racing Club Haïtien and Valencia)
returned to the league while Victory refused to register
Regular Stage | Playoff
Ouverture Regular Stage
Final Table:
1.Don Bosco FC (Pétion-Ville) 19 12 2 5 29-15 38 Qualified
2.América FC (Cayes) 19 11 2 6 24-13 35 Qualified
3.Aigle Noir AC (Port-au-Prince) 19 9 6 4 25-13 33 Qualified
4.Racing Club Haïtien (Port-au-Prince) 19 10 7 2 24-10 32 [-5] Qualified
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -
5.AS Capoise (Cap-Haïtien) 19 9 7 3 20- 7 29 [-5]
6.Baltimore SC (Saint-Marc) 19 8 5 6 14-13 29
7.Cavaly AS (Léogâne) 19 8 4 7 26-16 28
8.AS Mirebalais 19 8 4 7 20-23 28
9.Inter (Grand-Goâve) 19 8 4 7 17-21 28
10.FICA (Cap-Haïtien) 19 9 5 5 21-13 27 [-5]
11.Tempête FC (Saint-Marc) 19 7 5 7 19-20 26
12.Petit-Goâve FC 19 7 5 7 13-15 26
13.Racing FC (Gonaïves) 19 6 7 6 13-16 25
14.Ouanaminthe FC 19 7 1 11 21-26 22
15.Violette AC (Port-au-Prince) 19 5 5 9 13-19 20
16.US Lajeune (Pignon) 19 4 8 7 12-18 20
17.Roulado (La Gonâve) 19 4 8 7 14-23 20
18.Valencia (Léogâne) 19 6 2 11 15-23 15 [-5]
19.Police Nationale d'Haïti 19 3 2 14 14-29 11
20.Racine FC (Gros-Morne) 19 1 7 11 9-30 10
NB: AS Capoise, FICA, Racing Club Haïtien and Valencia 5 points deducted
Round 1
[Feb 28]
PNH 2-1 Aigle Noir
[Mar 1]
Ouanaminthe 2-1 Roulado
Racing G 1-0 Racine GM
Don Bosco 3-2 Cavaly
Racing CH 2-0 América
FICA 1-1 Baltimore
Tempête 1-0 Violette
[Mar 4]
Petit-Goâve 0-0 AS Capoise
[Mar 5]
Lajeune 2-2 Mirebalais
Valencia 0-1 Inter GG
Round 2
[Mar 7]
Violette 3-1 PNH
[Mar 8]
Inter GG 3-1 Tempête
Aigle Noir 2-0 Racing G
Baltimore 1-0 Ouanaminthe
AS Capoise 0-0 Racing CH
América 2-1 Don Bosco
Roulado 1-1 Valencia
Racine GM 0-0 FICA
Cavaly 0-0 Lajeune
Mirebalais 1-0 Petit-Goâve
Round 3
[Mar 13]
Don Bosco 1-0 Baltimore
[Mar 14]
Racing CH 0-0 Racine GM
Racing G 0-0 AS Capoise
[Mar 15]
PNH 0-2 América
Lajeune 1-0 Inter GG
Tempête 0-0 Aigle Noir
Valencia 2-0 Violette
Ouanaminthe 3-6 Cavaly
Petit-Goâve 1-0 Roulado
FICA 1-1 Mirebalais
Round 4
[Mar 21]
Violette 1-2 Racing CH
América 0-1 FICA
Cavaly 2-0 PNH
Inter GG 0-0 Racing G
Roulado 0-2 Don Bosco
[Mar 22]
Aigle Noir 4-0 Lajeune
AS Capoise 1-0 Tempête
Baltimore 1-0 Valencia
Mirebalais 2-1 Ouanaminthe
[May 7]
Racine GM 0-2 Petit-Goâve
Round 5
[Mar 25]
América 2-0 Violette
Petit-Goâve 0-2 Cavaly
Valencia 2-1 Mirebalais
Don Bosco 2-1 AS Capoise
Lajeune 1-0 Racing G
Racing CH 1-0 Roulado
[Mar 26]
Ouanaminthe 2-0 Aigle Noir
FICA 1-0 Inter GG
Tempête 2-1 Racine GM
PNH 1-2 Baltimore
Round 6
[Mar 28]
Cavaly 1-0 AS Capoise
Violette 0-0 Roulado
[Mar 29]
Racing G 0-0 Tempête
FICA 0-0 Lajeune
Baltimore 1-0 América
PNH 3-0 Valencia
Racine GM 1-0 Ouanaminthe
Mirebalais awd Racing CH [awarded 0-3, stadium not prepared]
[Mar 31]
Aigle Noir 1-1 Don Bosco
[May 31]
Inter GG 1-1 Petit-Goâve
Round 7
[Apr 2]
Baltimore 1-0 Violette
[Apr 4]
Tempête 3-1 PNH
Don Bosco 1-0 Racine GM
Valencia 0-0 Racing G
[Apr 5]
Petit-Goâve 0-0 FICA
AS Capoise 4-0 Inter GG
Roulado 1-2 Mirebalais
Racing CH 0-0 Aigle Noir
Ouanaminthe 1-0 Lajeune
América 1-0 Cavaly
Round 8
[Apr 8]
Racine GM 0-0 Baltimore
Lajeune 1-0 Valencia
Cavaly 3-0 Roulado
Ouanaminthe 0-1 Violette
Tempête 2-0 Petit-Goâve
Aigle Noir 2-1 América
Racing G 0-0 Racing CH
Mirebalais abd AS Capoise [abandoned at 0-0 due to power cut]
[Apr 9]
Mirebalais 0-1 AS Capoise
PNH 0-1 Inter GG
[May 28]
FICA 2-0 Don Bosco
Round 9
[Apr 11]
Racing CH 1-0 Lajeune
[Apr 12]
AS Capoise 1-0 FICA
Baltimore 0-1 Tempête
Petit-Goâve 1-0 PNH
América 2-0 Ouanaminthe
Violette 0-0 Mirebalais
Roulado 0-0 Aigle Noir
Valencia awd Cavaly [awarded 0-3, match not played]
[May 28]
Inter GG 2-1 Racine GM
[May 31]
Don Bosco 4-1 Racing G
Round 10
[Apr 18]
Cavaly 0-1 Violette
Aigle Noir 3-0 Inter GG
[Apr 19]
FICA 2-1 Racing CH
Tempête 1-0 Valencia
Mirebalais 2-1 Baltimore
Racine GM 0-0 AS Capoise
Racing G 2-1 PNH
[May 7]
Ouanaminthe 1-2 Don Bosco
[May 28]
Lajeune 1-0 Petit-Goâve
[May 31]
Roulado 0-0 América
Round 11
[Apr 24]
Baltimore 1-0 Cavaly
Racing CH 2-0 Petit-Goâve
[Apr 25]
PNH 2-1 Lajeune
[Apr 26]
AS Capoise 4-0 Roulado
Valencia 2-1 Ouanaminthe
Racing G 1-0 FICA
Violette 2-1 Aigle Noir
Don Bosco 0-1 Tempête
Mirebalais 2-0 Racine GM
[May 7]
Inter GG 1-2 América
Round 12
[Apr 28]
Racing CH 0-0 Inter GG
[Apr 29]
Petit-Goâve 1-1 Racing G
Cavaly 4-1 Racine GM
Lajeune 2-2 Tempête
Roulado 1-1 Baltimore
América 3-2 Mirebalais
Violette 1-0 Don Bosco
[Apr 30]
Ouanaminthe 1-2 AS Capoise
Aigle Noir 1-0 Valencia
Round 13
[May 3]
Lajeune 0-1 América
Inter GG 1-0 Violette
Valencia 0-2 Racing CH
Mirebalais 0-0 Don Bosco
Aigle Noir 0-2 Petit-Goâve
Racing G 1-0 Cavaly
Tempête awd FICA [awarded 0-3; abandoned at 0-0 in 72' due to attack
AS Capoise 1-1 Baltimore on referee]
[May 4]
Racine GM 1-2 Roulado
PNH 0-1 Ouanaminthe
Round 14
[May 12]
Don Bosco 4-0 Inter GG
[May 13]
Racing CH 2-0 PNH
[May 14]
Ouanaminthe 2-1 Tempête
Cavaly 1-0 Mirebalais
Roulado 2-1 Lajeune
Petit-Goâve 2-0 Valencia
América 3-0 Racine GM
Violette 0-1 AS Capoise
Baltimore 1-0 Racing G
FICA 2-3 Aigle Noir
Round 16 [May 17]
Racine GM 1-1 PNH
Mirebalais 1-0 Tempête
Cavaly 1-1 Racing CH
Roulado 1-1 Inter GG
América 2-0 Petit-Goâve
Ouanaminthe 2-1 Racing G
Baltimore 0-0 Lajeune
Don Bosco 2-0 Valencia
Violette 1-2 FICA
AS Capoise 0-0 Aigle Noir
Round 15
[May 20]
AS Capoise 1-0 América
Aigle Noir 0-0 Cavaly
Inter GG 2-1 Ouanaminthe
[May 21]
Racine GM 2-2 Violette
Valencia 2-1 FICA
Petit-Goâve 1-0 Baltimore
Racing G 2-2 Roulado
PNH 0-1 Mirebalais
[May 31]
Tempête 2-3 Racing CH
[Jun 3]
Lajeune 0-1 Don Bosco
Round 17
[May 23]
Tempête 1-1 América
PNH 1-1 Roulado
[May 24]
Inter GG 1-0 Cavaly
Valencia 1-0 AS Capoise
Lajeune 1-1 Racine GM
Racing G 2-0 Violette
FICA 2-1 Ouanaminthe
Racing CH 3-1 Baltimore
[May 25]
Aigle Noir 4-1 Mirebalais
[Jun 11]
Petit-Goâve 2-1 Don Bosco
Round 18
[Jun 7]
Cavaly 1-1 Tempête
Roulado 1-0 FICA
Racine GM n/p Aigle Noir [not played due to colour clash]
Ouanaminthe 2-0 Petit-Goâve
Mirebalais 2-0 Racing G
América 2-0 Valencia
AS Capoise 3-1 PNH
Don Bosco 3-1 Racing CH
Baltimore 1-0 Inter GG
Violette 1-1 Lajeune
[Jun 18]
Racine GM 0-2 Aigle Noir
Round 19
[Jun 12]
Racing CH 0-0 Ouanaminthe
[Jun 13]
Lajeune 0-0 AS Capoise
PNH 0-1 Don Bosco
[Jun 14]
Valencia 5-0 Racine GM
Petit-Goâve 0-0 Violette
Aigle Noir 1-0 Baltimore
FICA 2-0 Cavaly
Racing G 1-0 América
Tempête 0-1 Roulado
[Jun 18]
Inter GG awd Mirebalais [awarded 3-0, Mirebalais dns]
Final Table:
1.Don Bosco FC (Pétion-Ville) 19 12 2 5 29-15 38 Qualified
2.América FC (Cayes) 19 11 2 6 24-13 35 Qualified
3.Aigle Noir AC (Port-au-Prince) 19 9 6 4 25-13 33 Qualified
4.Racing Club Haïtien (Port-au-Prince) 19 10 7 2 24-10 32 [-5] Qualified
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -
5.AS Capoise (Cap-Haïtien) 19 9 7 3 20- 7 29 [-5]
6.Baltimore SC (Saint-Marc) 19 8 5 6 14-13 29
7.Cavaly AS (Léogâne) 19 8 4 7 26-16 28
8.AS Mirebalais 19 8 4 7 20-23 28
9.Inter (Grand-Goâve) 19 8 4 7 17-21 28
10.FICA (Cap-Haïtien) 19 9 5 5 21-13 27 [-5]
11.Tempête FC (Saint-Marc) 19 7 5 7 19-20 26
12.Petit-Goâve FC 19 7 5 7 13-15 26
13.Racing FC (Gonaïves) 19 6 7 6 13-16 25
14.Ouanaminthe FC 19 7 1 11 21-26 22
15.Violette AC (Port-au-Prince) 19 5 5 9 13-19 20
16.US Lajeune (Pignon) 19 4 8 7 12-18 20
17.Roulado (La Gonâve) 19 4 8 7 14-23 20
18.Valencia (Léogâne) 19 6 2 11 15-23 15 [-5]
19.Police Nationale d'Haïti 19 3 2 14 14-29 11
20.Racine FC (Gros-Morne) 19 1 7 11 9-30 10
NB: AS Capoise, FICA, Racing Club Haïtien and Valencia 5 points deducted
Ouverture Playoff
First Legs
[Jun 22]
Aigle Noir 3-3 América
[Jun 23]
Racing CH 0-3 Don Bosco
Second Legs [Jun 28]
América 2-0 Aigle Noir
Don Bosco 1-0 Racing CH
First Leg [Jul 2]
América 0-1 Don Bosco
[Junior Delva 62]
Second Leg [Jul 5]
Don Bosco 1-0 América
[Kerlins Georges]
Tournoi de Clôture
Regular Stage | Playoff
Clôture Regular Stage
Final Table:
1.FICA (Cap-Haïtien) 19 11 5 3 29-15 38 Qualified
2.Violette AC (Port-au-Prince) 19 11 5 3 25-15 38 Qualified
3.Baltimore SC (Saint-Marc) 19 11 3 5 20-10 36 Qualified
4.Don Bosco FC (Pétion-Ville) 19 9 6 4 28-12 33 Qualified
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -
5.Cavaly AS (Léogâne) 19 8 8 3 19-10 32
6.AS Capoise (Cap-Haïtien) 19 9 5 5 22-17 32
7.Racing Club Haïtien (Port-au-Prince) 19 7 9 3 23-18 30
8.Valencia (Léogâne) 19 8 3 8 23-17 27
9.Ouanaminthe FC 19 8 1 10 18-23 25
10.América FC (Cayes) 19 7 3 9 23-23 24
11.Aigle Noir AC (Port-au-Prince) 19 5 8 6 22-15 23
12.Roulado (La Gonâve) 19 5 8 6 15-21 23
13.AS Mirebalais 19 5 7 7 13-14 22
14.Police Nationale d'Haïti 19 5 7 7 13-19 22
15.Racine FC (Gros-Morne) 19 6 4 9 12-29 22
16.Racing FC (Gonaïves) 19 6 3 10 17-27 21
17.Inter (Grand-Goâve) 19 4 7 8 11-13 19
18.Petit-Goâve FC 19 5 4 10 11-22 19
19.Tempête FC (Saint-Marc) 19 4 6 9 12-24 18
20.US Lajeune (Pignon) 19 3 4 12 11-23 13
Round 1
[Sep 19]
Aigle Noir 1-0 PNH
[Sep 20]
Roulado 3-1 Ouanaminthe
Racine GM 0-0 Racing G
Cavaly 0-0 Don Bosco
Inter GG 0-0 Valencia
América 3-0 Racing CH
Baltimore 0-0 FICA
AS Capoise 3-2 Petit-Goâve
Violette 1-0 Tempête
[Sep 23]
Mirebalais 2-1 Lajeune
Round 2
[Sep 26]
PNH 1-0 Violette
[Sep 27]
Lajeune 0-0 Cavaly
Petit-Goâve 0-1 Mirebalais
Racing G 0-0 Aigle Noir
Valencia 4-0 Roulado
Ouanaminthe 0-1 Baltimore
Don Bosco 2-1 América
Tempête 0-0 Inter GG
Racing CH 2-2 AS Capoise
FICA 3-0 Racine GM
Round 3
[Sep 30]
América 1-1 PNH
Violette 1-1 Valencia
Racine GM 0-1 Racing CH
Roulado 1-0 Petit-Goâve
[Oct 1]
Mirebalais 1-0 FICA
Baltimore 1-3 Don Bosco
Cavaly 1-0 Ouanaminthe
Inter GG 3-2 Lajeune
Aigle Noir 3-1 Tempête
AS Capoise 2-1 Racing G
Round 4
[Oct 3]
Racing CH 2-1 Violette
[Oct 4]
Petit-Goâve 2-0 Racine GM
Valencia 1-0 Baltimore
PNH 0-1 Cavaly
Racing G 1-0 Inter GG
Ouanaminthe 1-0 Mirebalais
Lajeune 1-2 Aigle Noir
FICA 3-1 América
Don Bosco 4-1 Roulado
Tempête 1-1 AS Capoise
Round 5
[Oct 10]
Cavaly 0-0 Petit-Goâve
Aigle Noir 3-0 Ouanaminthe
[Oct 11]
Mirebalais 1-0 Valencia
Inter GG 1-2 FICA
Roulado 0-0 Racing CH
Racing G 1-0 Lajeune
AS Capoise 0-0 Don Bosco
Violette 2-1 América
Baltimore 1-0 PNH
[Oct 29]
Racine GM 1-1 Tempête
Round 6
[Oct 14]
Roulado 0-0 Violette
Valencia 3-1 PNH
Lajeune 0-1 FICA
Ouanaminthe 2-0 Racine GM
AS Capoise 2-0 Cavaly
Tempête 2-0 Racing G
[Oct 15]
Petit-Goâve 1-0 Inter GG
Don Bosco 0-0 Aigle Noir
América 0-1 Baltimore
[Oct 28]
Racing CH 0-0 Mirebalais
Round 7
[Oct 18]
Inter GG 0-1 AS Capoise
Lajeune 2-0 Ouanaminthe
Cavaly 2-0 América
Mirebalais 1-1 Roulado
Racine GM 1-0 Don Bosco
Racing G 1-2 Valencia
FICA 0-0 Petit-Goâve
PNH 2-0 Tempête
[Oct 29]
Violette 1-0 Baltimore
[Nov 19]
Aigle Noir 1-2 Racing CH
Round 8
[Oct 22]
Inter GG 0-0 PNH
[Oct 23]
América 1-1 Aigle Noir
AS Capoise 2-0 Mirebalais
Baltimore 4-0 Racine GM
Don Bosco 2-2 FICA
Roulado 1-1 Cavaly
Valencia 0-1 Lajeune
[Nov 18]
Violette 2-1 Ouanaminthe
[Nov 19]
Petit-Goâve 0-0 Tempête
[Nov 22]
Racing CH 3-2 Racing G
Round 9
[Oct 31]
PNH 1-0 Petit-Goâve
[Nov 1]
Mirebalais 0-0 Violette
Lajeune 1-1 Racing CH
Ouanaminthe 2-1 América
FICA 1-0 AS Capoise
Aigle Noir 0-0 Roulado
Cavaly 1-0 Valencia
Racing G 1-2 Don Bosco
Racine GM 1-1 Inter GG
[Nov 22]
Tempête 0-2 Baltimore
Round 10
[Nov 4]
PNH 2-0 Racing G
Violette 1-0 Cavaly
Valencia 3-0 Tempête
Petit-Goâve 1-0 Lajeune
AS Capoise 2-0 Racine GM
[Nov 5]
Racing CH 4-0 FICA
Inter GG 1-0 Aigle Noir
América 4-0 Roulado
Don Bosco 3-0 Ouanaminthe
Baltimore 1-0 Mirebalais
Round 11
[Nov 8]
Ouanaminthe 4-0 Valencia
Cavaly 2-1 Baltimore
Lajeune 1-0 PNH
Roulado 3-1 AS Capoise
Aigle Noir 1-1 Violette
Tempête 1-0 Don Bosco
Petit-Goâve 0-0 Racing CH
América 1-0 Inter GG
[Nov 22]
Racine GM 1-0 Mirebalais
[Dec 3]
FICA 3-1 Racing G
Round 12
[Nov 11]
Inter GG 1-1 Racing CH
Tempête 1-1 Lajeune
AS Capoise 1-0 Ouanaminthe
[Nov 12]
Racine GM 1-0 Cavaly
Mirebalais 1-1 América
Baltimore 1-0 Roulado
Racing G awd Petit-Goâve [awarded 3-0; abandoned, Petit-Goâve attacked referee]
[Nov 22]
Valencia 1-1 Aigle Noir
Don Bosco 0-0 Violette
Round 13
[Nov 15]
Racing CH 1-0 Valencia
Cavaly 5-0 Racing G
Petit-Goâve 2-0 Aigle Noir
Ouanaminthe 2-2 PNH
Baltimore 0-0 AS Capoise
Roulado 1-0 Racine GM
América 2-0 Lajeune
Don Bosco 1-0 Mirebalais
FICA 4-0 Tempête
[Dec 3]
Violette 1-0 Inter GG
Round 14
[Nov 25]
Inter GG awd Don Bosco [awarded 3-0; abandoned at 0-0, Don Bosco walked off]
PNH 0-0 Racing CH
AS Capoise 1-2 Violette
Valencia 3-0 Petit-Goâve
Racine GM awd América [awarded 3-0; abandoned at 0-0 in 43', América walked off]
Lajeune 0-0 Roulado
[Nov 26]
Tempête 2-0 Ouanaminthe
Mirebalais 1-1 Cavaly
Racing G 1-0 Baltimore
Aigle Noir 1-2 FICA
Round 15
[Nov 28]
Violette 4-1 Racine GM
[Nov 29]
Ouanaminthe 1-0 Inter GG
Cavaly 1-0 Aigle Noir
América 2-0 AS Capoise
FICA 2-0 Valencia
Baltimore 2-0 Petit-Goâve
Roulado 2-2 Racing G
Mirebalais 5-1 PNH
Don Bosco 4-0 Lajeune
Racing CH 2-1 Tempête
Round 16
[Dec 5]
Racing CH 2-3 Cavaly
[Dec 6]
Inter GG 1-0 Roulado
PNH 1-1 Racine GM
Petit-Goâve 1-0 América
Valencia 1-0 Don Bosco
Tempête 2-0 Mirebalais
Lajeune 0-1 Baltimore
Racing G 1-0 Ouanaminthe
FICA 4-2 Violette
Aigle Noir 0-0 AS Capoise
Round 17
[Dec 10]
AS Capoise 2-1 Valencia
Racine GM 1-0 Lajeune
Mirebalais 0-0 Aigle Noir
Baltimore 1-1 Racing CH
Cavaly 0-0 Inter GG
Roulado 0-0 PNH
Violette 2-0 Racing G
Don Bosco 4-0 Petit-Goâve
América 2-0 Tempête
[Dec 13]
Ouanaminthe 1-0 FICA
Round 18 [Dec 17]
Lajeune 0-1 Violette
PNH 1-0 AS Capoise
Racing CH 0-0 Don Bosco
Tempête 0-0 Cavaly
FICA 1-0 Roulado
Inter GG 0-1 Baltimore
Petit-Goâve 0-1 Ouanaminthe
Racing G 1-0 Mirebalais
Aigle Noir 7-0 Racine GM
Valencia 3-0 América
Round 19 [Dec 20]
América 2-1 Racing G
AS Capoise 2-1 Lajeune
Baltimore 2-1 Aigle Noir
Cavaly 1-1 FICA
Don Bosco 3-0 PNH
Mirebalais 0-0 Inter GG
Ouanaminthe 2-1 Racing CH
Racine GM 1-0 Valencia
Roulado 2-0 Tempête
Violette 3-2 Petit-Goâve
Final Table:
1.FICA (Cap-Haïtien) 19 11 5 3 29-15 38 Qualified
2.Violette AC (Port-au-Prince) 19 11 5 3 25-15 38 Qualified
3.Baltimore SC (Saint-Marc) 19 11 3 5 20-10 36 Qualified
4.Don Bosco FC (Pétion-Ville) 19 9 6 4 28-12 33 Qualified
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -
5.Cavaly AS (Léogâne) 19 8 8 3 19-10 32
6.AS Capoise (Cap-Haïtien) 19 9 5 5 22-17 32
7.Racing Club Haïtien (Port-au-Prince) 19 7 9 3 23-18 30
8.Valencia (Léogâne) 19 8 3 8 23-17 27
9.Ouanaminthe FC 19 8 1 10 18-23 25
10.América FC (Cayes) 19 7 3 9 23-23 24
11.Aigle Noir AC (Port-au-Prince) 19 5 8 6 22-15 23
12.Roulado (La Gonâve) 19 5 8 6 15-21 23
13.AS Mirebalais 19 5 7 7 13-14 22
14.Police Nationale d'Haïti 19 5 7 7 13-19 22
15.Racine FC (Gros-Morne) 19 6 4 9 12-29 22
16.Racing FC (Gonaïves) 19 6 3 10 17-27 21
17.Inter (Grand-Goâve) 19 4 7 8 11-13 19
18.Petit-Goâve FC 19 5 4 10 11-22 19
19.Tempête FC (Saint-Marc) 19 4 6 9 12-24 18
20.US Lajeune (Pignon) 19 3 4 12 11-23 13
Clôture Playoff
First Legs [Dec 24]
Don Bosco 0-1 FICA
Baltimore 2-0 Violette
Second Legs [Dec 27]
FICA 2-1 Don Bosco
Violette 1-1 Baltimore
First Leg [Dec 31]
Baltimore 0-1 FICA
[Kedjong Colas 53]
Second Leg [Jan 3]
FICA 1-0 Baltimore
[Vaniel Sirin "Vava" 77]
Aggregate Table
1.Don Bosco FC (Pétion-Ville) 38 21 8 9 57-27 71 Super 8
2.FICA (Cap-Haïtien) 38 20 10 8 50-28 65 [-5] Super 8
3.Baltimore SC (Saint-Marc) 38 19 8 11 34-23 65 Super 8
4.Racing Club Haïtien (Port-au-Prince) 38 17 16 5 47-28 62 [-5] Super 8
5.AS Capoise (Cap-Haïtien) 38 18 12 8 42-24 61 [-5] Super 8
6.Cavaly AS (Léogâne) 38 16 12 10 45-26 60 Super 8
7.América FC (Cayes) 38 18 5 15 47-36 59 Super 8
8.Violette AC (Port-au-Prince) 38 16 10 12 38-34 58 Super 8
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -
9.Aigle Noir AC (Port-au-Prince) 38 14 14 10 47-28 56
10.AS Mirebalais 38 13 11 14 33-37 50
11.Inter (Grand-Goâve) 38 12 11 15 28-34 47
12.Ouanaminthe FC 38 15 2 21 39-49 47
13.Racing FC (Gonaïves) 38 12 10 16 30-43 46
14.Petit-Goâve FC 38 12 9 17 24-37 45
15.Tempête FC (Saint-Marc) 38 11 11 16 31-44 44
16.Roulado (La Gonâve) 38 9 16 13 29-44 43
17.Valencia (Léogâne) 38 14 5 19 38-40 42 [-5] Relegated
18.Police Nationale d'Haïti 38 8 9 21 27-48 33 Relegated
19.US Lajeune (Pignon) 38 7 12 19 23-41 33 Relegated
20.Racine FC (Gros-Morne) 38 7 11 20 21-59 32 Relegated
Promoted: Réal du Cap, Juventus des Cayes
NB: the Super 8 tournament (aka Coupe Digicel) eventually was cancelled
NB: between winners Ouverture and Clôture
Final [Jan 21, 2016, Parc Saint Victor]
FICA 1-1 Don Bosco [4-3 pen]
Ouverture | Clôture | Aggregate Table
Tournoi d'Ouverture
Regular Stage | Playoff
Ouverture Regular Stage
Final Table:
1.Racing FC (Gonaïves) 17 10 6 1 25-12 36 Qualified
2.Don Bosco FC (Pétion-Ville) 17 10 5 2 20- 6 35 Qualified
3.FICA (Cap-Haïtien) 17 8 6 3 19- 9 30 Qualified
4.Cavaly AS (Léogâne) 17 9 3 5 17-15 30 Qualified
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -
5.AS Mirebalais 17 8 3 6 12- 9 27
6.Ouanaminthe FC 17 8 2 7 17-14 26
7.AS Capoise (Cap-Haïtien) 17 6 7 4 14-12 25
8.Petit-Goâve FC 17 6 7 4 14-14 25
9.Tempête FC (Saint-Marc) 17 6 6 5 12-14 24
10.Real Hope Football Acad. (Cap-Haïtien) 17 5 8 4 12-11 23
11.Racing Club Haïtien (Port-au-Prince) 17 5 6 6 18-18 21
12.Baltimore SC (Saint-Marc) 17 5 6 6 11-12 21
13.Juventus (Cayes) 17 5 4 8 17-16 19
14.Roulado (La Gonâve) 17 4 5 8 15-21 17
15.América FC (Cayes) 17 5 1 11 8-16 16
16.Aigle Noir AC (Port-au-Prince) 17 2 8 7 10-18 14
17.Inter (Grand-Goâve) 17 2 7 8 4-15 13
18.Violette AC (Port-au-Prince) 17 0 8 9 3-16 8
Round 1
[Feb 21]
Roulado 4-1 Aigle Noir
Juventus 0-0 Violette
Cavaly 1-0 Tempête
Mirebalais 0-0 AS Capoise
Inter GG 0-0 Racing G
Don Bosco 1-0 Ouanaminthe
FICA 0-2 Real Hope
Baltimore 1-1 Petit-Goâve
[Apr 14]
Racing CH 1-0 América
Round 2
[Feb 27]
Violette 0-0 Cavaly
AS Capoise 1-0 Roulado
[Feb 28]
Petit-Goâve 2-0 Racing CH
Racing G 1-0 Mirebalais
Ouanaminthe 2-0 Juventus
[Mar 2]
Tempête 0-0 FICA
Real Hope 0-0 Baltimore
[Mar 16]
América 0-0 Inter GG
Aigle Noir 0-0 Don Bosco
Round 3
[Mar 5]
Cavaly 0-1 Ouanaminthe
[Mar 6]
Inter GG 0-0 Petit-Goâve
Juventus 1-1 Aigle Noir
Roulado awd Racing G [awarded 0-3; abandoned at 0-0 in 87' due to pitch
Don Bosco 1-0 AS Capoise invasion by home support]
Tempête 3-1 Real Hope
FICA 4-0 Violette
Racing CH 1-0 Baltimore
[Apr 28]
Mirebalais 1-0 América
Round 4
[Mar 9]
Aigle Noir 0-2 Cavaly
Racing G 1-0 Don Bosco
AS Capoise 1-0 Juventus
Petit-Goâve 1-0 Mirebalais
Baltimore 1-0 Inter GG
[Mar 10]
Violette 0-0 Tempête
Ouanaminthe 0-2 FICA
Real Hope 1-1 Racing CH
[May 4]
América 2-0 Roulado
Round 5 [Mar 13]
FICA 1-1 Aigle Noir
Don Bosco 2-1 América
Violette 0-1 Real Hope
Inter GG 0-0 Racing CH
Cavaly 1-1 AS Capoise
Tempête 2-2 Ouanaminthe
Mirebalais 0-1 Baltimore
Juventus 2-1 Racing G
Roulado 0-1 Petit-Goâve
Round 6
[Mar 19]
Real Hope 0-0 Inter GG
Racing CH 1-0 Mirebalais
[Mar 20]
Petit-Goâve 0-0 Don Bosco
América 1-0 Juventus
Aigle Noir 0-1 Tempête
Baltimore 1-0 Roulado
Racing G 2-1 Cavaly
AS Capoise 0-0 FICA
Ouanaminthe 1-0 Violette
Round 7
[Mar 26]
Cavaly 1-0 América
Juventus 2-0 Petit-Goâve
Roulado 0-0 Racing CH
[Mar 27]
Tempête 1-0 AS Capoise
Don Bosco 2-1 Baltimore
Ouanaminthe 0-1 Real Hope
Violette 0-0 Aigle Noir
Mirebalais 1-0 Inter GG
FICA 0-0 Racing G
Round 8
[Mar 30]
Real Hope 0-2 Mirebalais
Aigle Noir 0-1 Ouanaminthe
[Mar 31]
Petit-Goâve 3-1 Cavaly
Racing G 1-0 Tempête
Baltimore 1-1 Juventus
AS Capoise 1-0 Violette
América 0-1 FICA
Inter GG awd Roulado [awarded 0-3; abandoned at 1-1]
Racing CH 0-0 Don Bosco
Round 9
[Apr 2]
Aigle Noir 0-0 Real Hope
[Apr 3]
Tempête 1-0 América
Juventus 3-1 Racing CH
Cavaly 1-0 Baltimore
FICA 3-0 Petit-Goâve
Don Bosco 2-0 Inter GG
Roulado 0-0 Mirebalais
Violette 0-0 Racing G
Ouanaminthe 0-1 AS Capoise
Round 10
[Apr 6]
Mirebalais 0-0 Don Bosco
Inter GG 2-0 Juventus
Petit-Goâve 1-1 Tempête
Racing G 4-2 Ouanaminthe
América 2-1 Violette
Real Hope 1-1 Roulado
Racing CH 1-2 Cavaly
Baltimore 1-0 FICA
[Apr 7]
AS Capoise 2-1 Aigle Noir
Round 11
[Apr 9]
Violette 0-0 Petit-Goâve
FICA 3-1 Racing CH
[Apr 10]
Juventus 3-0 Mirebalais
Tempête 1-0 Baltimore
Ouanaminthe 1-0 América
AS Capoise 0-0 Real Hope
Cavaly 1-0 Inter GG
Aigle Noir 1-1 Racing G
Don Bosco 4-1 Roulado
Round 12
[Apr 16]
FICA 2-0 Mirebalais
Aigle Noir 2-0 Petit-Goâve
[Apr 17]
Ouanaminthe 0-0 Baltimore
Racing G 1-1 Real Hope
Juventus 0-1 Don Bosco
Violette 1-1 Racing CH
Cavaly 3-2 Roulado
Tempête 2-0 Inter GG
AS Capoise 2-0 América
Round 13
[Apr 21]
Racing G 3-2 AS Capoise
Roulado 2-1 Juventus
Baltimore 1-0 Violette
[May 4]
Racing CH 4-0 Tempête
Real Hope 0-1 Don Bosco
[May 5]
Petit-Goâve 1-0 Ouanaminthe
Mirebalais 1-0 Cavaly
Inter GG 0-1 FICA
[May 12]
América 1-0 Aigle Noir
Round 14 [Apr 24]
Mirebalais 2-0 Tempête
Petit-Goâve 0-0 AS Capoise
Roulado 1-1 FICA
Inter GG 1-0 Violette
Baltimore 0-1 Aigle Noir
América 0-1 Racing G
Racing CH 1-2 Ouanaminthe
Real Hope 1-0 Juventus
Don Bosco 3-0 Cavaly
Round 15
[Apr 30]
Aigle Noir 2-2 Racing CH
[May 1]
AS Capoise 1-1 Baltimore
Tempête 0-0 Roulado
América 0-2 Real Hope
Cavaly 2-1 Juventus
Ouanaminthe 3-0 Inter GG
Violette 0-2 Mirebalais
Racing G 3-1 Petit-Goâve
[May 12]
FICA 1-0 Don Bosco
Round 17
[May 7]
Violette 1-1 Don Bosco
AS Capoise 1-1 Inter GG
[May 8]
Racing G 1-0 Racing CH
Ouanaminthe 2-0 Roulado
Real Hope 1-1 Petit-Goâve
Aigle Noir 0-2 Mirebalais
Tempête 0-0 Juventus
FICA 0-0 Cavaly
[May 18]
América 1-0 Baltimore
Round 16 [May 15]
Juventus 3-0 FICA
Baltimore 2-2 Racing G
Mirebalais 1-0 Ouanaminthe
Don Bosco 2-0 Tempête
Petit-Goâve 2-0 América
Cavaly 1-0 Real Hope
Inter GG 0-0 Aigle Noir
Roulado 1-0 Violette
Racing CH 3-1 AS Capoise
Final Table:
1.Racing FC (Gonaïves) 17 10 6 1 25-12 36 Qualified
2.Don Bosco FC (Pétion-Ville) 17 10 5 2 20- 6 35 Qualified
3.FICA (Cap-Haïtien) 17 8 6 3 19- 9 30 Qualified
4.Cavaly AS (Léogâne) 17 9 3 5 17-15 30 Qualified
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -
5.AS Mirebalais 17 8 3 6 12- 9 27
6.Ouanaminthe FC 17 8 2 7 17-14 26
7.AS Capoise (Cap-Haïtien) 17 6 7 4 14-12 25
8.Petit-Goâve FC 17 6 7 4 14-14 25
9.Tempête FC (Saint-Marc) 17 6 6 5 12-14 24
10.Real Hope Football Acad. (Cap-Haïtien) 17 5 8 4 12-11 23
11.Racing Club Haïtien (Port-au-Prince) 17 5 6 6 18-18 21
12.Baltimore SC (Saint-Marc) 17 5 6 6 11-12 21
13.Juventus (Cayes) 17 5 4 8 17-16 19
14.Roulado (La Gonâve) 17 4 5 8 15-21 17
15.América FC (Cayes) 17 5 1 11 8-16 16
16.Aigle Noir AC (Port-au-Prince) 17 2 8 7 10-18 14
17.Inter (Grand-Goâve) 17 2 7 8 4-15 13
18.Violette AC (Port-au-Prince) 17 0 8 9 3-16 8
Ouverture Playoff
First Legs [May 19]
Cavaly 0-0 Racing G
FICA 2-0 Don Bosco
Second Legs [May 22]
Racing G 1-0 Cavaly [aet]
Don Bosco 0-2 FICA
First Leg [May 26]
FICA 0-0 Racing G
Second Leg [May 29]
Racing G 1-0 FICA
Tournoi de Clôture
Regular Stage | Playoff
Clôture Regular Stage
Final Table:
1.FICA (Cap-Haïtien) 17 7 8 2 20- 8 29 Qualified
2.Ouanaminthe FC 17 7 8 2 19-12 29 Qualified
3.Real Hope Football Acad. (Cap-Haïtien) 17 7 6 4 21-13 27 Qualified
4.AS Capoise (Cap-Haïtien) 17 8 3 6 11-11 27 Qualified
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -
5.América FC (Cayes) 17 6 7 4 13- 7 25
6.Inter (Grand-Goâve) 17 7 3 7 15-17 24
7.Aigle Noir AC (Port-au-Prince) 17 4 11 2 14- 9 23
8.Violette AC (Port-au-Prince) 17 4 9 4 14-12 21
9.Baltimore SC (Saint-Marc) 17 4 9 4 12-12 21
10.Racing FC (Gonaïves) 17 4 9 4 11-13 21
11.Petit-Goâve FC 17 6 3 8 10-17 21
12.AS Mirebalais 17 5 5 7 11-11 20
13.Juventus (Cayes) 17 5 5 7 25-27 20
14.Don Bosco FC (Pétion-Ville) 17 4 8 5 12-15 20
15.Roulado (La Gonâve) 17 5 5 7 13-17 20
16.Cavaly AS (Léogâne) 17 5 4 8 13-19 19
17.Racing Club Haïtien (Port-au-Prince) 17 4 6 7 16-18 18
18.Tempête FC (Saint-Marc) 17 3 7 7 8-20 16
Round 1
[Aug 13]
AS Capoise 1-0 Mirebalais
Violette 1-1 Juventus
[Aug 14]
Aigle Noir 1-0 Roulado
Tempête 1-0 Cavaly
Racing G 0-0 Inter GG
Ouanaminthe 2-0 Don Bosco
Real Hope 0-0 FICA
Petit-Goâve 1-0 Baltimore
América 1-1 Racing CH
Round 2
[Aug 21]
Racing CH 0-1 Petit-Goâve
FICA 0-0 Tempête
Don Bosco 1-2 Aigle Noir
Inter GG 0-0 América
Roulado 1-0 AS Capoise
Cavaly 2-0 Violette
Juventus 1-1 Ouanaminthe
Baltimore 1-0 Real Hope
[Sep 15]
Mirebalais 1-0 Racing G
Round 3
[Aug 27]
Aigle Noir 1-1 Juventus
Real Hope 0-0 Tempête
[Aug 28]
Petit-Goâve 1-0 Inter GG
Baltimore 0-0 Racing CH
Ouanaminthe 2-1 Cavaly
Racing G 1-0 Roulado
Violette 1-2 FICA
AS Capoise 1-0 Don Bosco
[Oct 26]
América 1-0 Mirebalais
Round 4
[Sep 3]
Tempête 1-1 Violette
[Sep 4]
Inter GG 0-0 Baltimore
Cavaly 1-1 Aigle Noir
Roulado 1-0 América
Juventus 1-0 AS Capoise
Mirebalais 0-0 Petit-Goâve
Don Bosco 2-1 Racing G
Racing CH 2-3 Real Hope
FICA 0-0 Ouanaminthe
Round 5
[Sep 10]
Racing CH 2-0 Inter GG
Real Hope 2-1 Violette
Baltimore 0-0 Mirebalais
[Sep 11]
Ouanaminthe 4-1 Tempête
Aigle Noir 1-1 FICA
AS Capoise 2-1 Cavaly
América 0-0 Don Bosco
Petit-Goâve 1-1 Roulado
[Nov 2]
Racing G 1-1 Juventus
Round 6
[Sep 17]
Tempête 1-1 Aigle Noir
[Sep 18]
Roulado 1-1 Baltimore
Don Bosco 2-1 Petit-Goâve
Inter GG 2-1 Real Hope
Violette 1-1 Ouanaminthe
FICA 0-1 AS Capoise
Juventus 2-3 América
Cavaly 0-1 Racing G
Mirebalais 3-0 Racing CH
Round 7
[Sep 24]
AS Capoise 1-0 Tempête
Racing CH 3-0 Roulado
[Sep 25]
Inter GG 3-1 Mirebalais
Racing G 1-1 FICA
Aigle Noir 0-0 Violette
Real Hope 1-1 Ouanaminthe
América 0-1 Cavaly
Petit-Goâve 2-0 Juventus
[Oct 9]
Baltimore 3-2 Don Bosco
Round 8
[Sep 28]
Ouanaminthe 1-1 Aigle Noir
Cavaly 2-0 Petit-Goâve
Violette 1-0 AS Capoise
FICA 0-0 América
Mirebalais 0-1 Real Hope
[Sep 29]
Juventus 2-1 Baltimore
Tempête 0-0 Racing G
Roulado awd Inter GG [awarded 3-0, Inter forfeited]
[Oct 26]
Don Bosco 1-1 Racing CH
Round 9
[Oct 1]
Real Hope 0-0 Aigle Noir
[Oct 2]
Racing CH 4-1 Juventus
Baltimore 2-0 Cavaly
Inter GG 2-0 Don Bosco
Racing G 0-0 Violette
Mirebalais 0-0 Roulado
AS Capoise 0-0 Ouanaminthe
América 1-0 Tempête
Petit-Goâve 1-0 FICA
Round 10
[Oct 16]
Tempête 2-0 Petit-Goâve
Ouanaminthe 1-0 Racing G
Roulado 1-1 Real Hope
FICA 3-1 Baltimore
Aigle Noir abd AS Capoise [abandoned at 0-1 in 58' due to rain]
[Oct 17]
Aigle Noir 0-0 AS Capoise [replay]
[Oct 19]
Juventus 1-0 Inter GG
[Oct 20]
Violette 1-0 América
[Nov 2]
Cavaly 2-0 Racing CH
[Nov 16]
Don Bosco 0-0 Mirebalais
Round 11
[Oct 23]
Mirebalais 2-0 Juventus
Racing G 1-0 Aigle Noir
Petit-Goâve 0-0 Violette
Racing CH 0-1 FICA
Baltimore 0-1 Tempête
Inter GG awd Cavaly [awarded 3-0; abandoned at 1-1, Cavaly walked off]
[Nov 2]
Real Hope 0-1 AS Capoise
Roulado 0-1 Don Bosco
América 1-0 Ouanaminthe
Round 12
[Oct 30]
Mirebalais 0-1 FICA
Real Hope 4-1 Racing G
Don Bosco 2-1 Juventus
Inter GG 1-0 Tempête
Roulado 1-0 Cavaly
Racing CH 1-1 Violette
América 3-0 AS Capoise
Baltimore 1-1 Ouanaminthe
[Nov 16]
Petit-Goâve awd Aigle Noir [awarded 0-3; abandoned at 0-0 due to crowd trouble]
Round 13
[Nov 5]
Aigle Noir 0-0 América
[Nov 6]
Cavaly 1-0 Mirebalais
Juventus 1-0 Roulado
Tempête 0-0 Racing CH
Ouanaminthe 1-0 Petit-Goâve
Don Bosco 0-0 Real Hope
[Nov 7]
Violette 0-0 Baltimore
[Nov 16]
AS Capoise 1-1 Racing G
[Nov 17]
FICA 4-0 Inter GG
Round 14
[Nov 12]
AS Capoise 2-1 Petit-Goâve
[Nov 13]
Racing G 0-0 América
Aigle Noir 0-0 Baltimore
FICA 3-0 Roulado
Tempête 0-1 Mirebalais
Cavaly 1-1 Don Bosco
Juventus 2-3 Real Hope
Violette 2-0 Inter GG
Ouanaminthe 2-0 Racing CH
Round 15
[Nov 27]
Petit-Goâve 0-1 Racing G
Mirebalais 2-1 Violette
Juventus 1-1 Cavaly
Inter GG awd Ouanaminthe [awarded 3-0; abandoned at 1-0]
Don Bosco 0-0 FICA
Roulado awd Tempête [awarded 3-0; abandoned at 1-0]
Racing CH 1-0 Aigle Noir
Baltimore 1-0 AS Capoise
[Dec 7]
Real Hope 1-0 América
Round 16
[Dec 3]
FICA 4-2 Juventus
[Dec 4]
AS Capoise 1-0 Racing CH
Aigle Noir 2-0 Inter GG
Violette 3-0 Roulado
Ouanaminthe 1-0 Mirebalais
Real Hope 4-0 Cavaly
Racing G 1-1 Baltimore
Tempête 0-0 Don Bosco
América 3-0 Petit-Goâve
Round 17 [Dec 11]
Don Bosco 0-0 Violette
Inter GG 1-0 AS Capoise
Racing CH 1-1 Racing G
Roulado 1-1 Ouanaminthe
Petit-Goâve 1-0 Real Hope
Mirebalais 1-1 Aigle Noir
Juventus 7-1 Tempête
Cavaly 0-0 FICA
Baltimore 0-0 América
Final Table:
1.FICA (Cap-Haïtien) 17 7 8 2 20- 8 29 Qualified
2.Ouanaminthe FC 17 7 8 2 19-12 29 Qualified
3.Real Hope Football Acad. (Cap-Haïtien) 17 7 6 4 21-13 27 Qualified
4.AS Capoise (Cap-Haïtien) 17 8 3 6 11-11 27 Qualified
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -
5.América FC (Cayes) 17 6 7 4 13- 7 25
6.Inter (Grand-Goâve) 17 7 3 7 15-17 24
7.Aigle Noir AC (Port-au-Prince) 17 4 11 2 14- 9 23
8.Violette AC (Port-au-Prince) 17 4 9 4 14-12 21
9.Baltimore SC (Saint-Marc) 17 4 9 4 12-12 21
10.Racing FC (Gonaïves) 17 4 9 4 11-13 21
11.Petit-Goâve FC 17 6 3 8 10-17 21
12.AS Mirebalais 17 5 5 7 11-11 20
13.Juventus (Cayes) 17 5 5 7 25-27 20
14.Don Bosco FC (Pétion-Ville) 17 4 8 5 12-15 20
15.Roulado (La Gonâve) 17 5 5 7 13-17 20
16.Cavaly AS (Léogâne) 17 5 4 8 13-19 19
17.Racing Club Haïtien (Port-au-Prince) 17 4 6 7 16-18 18
18.Tempête FC (Saint-Marc) 17 3 7 7 8-20 16
Clôture Playoff
First Legs
[Dec 14]
AS Capoise 0-0 FICA
[Dec 15]
Real Hope 3-1 Ouanaminthe
Second Legs [Dec 18]
FICA 1-0 AS Capoise [aet]
Ouanaminthe 1-3 Real Hope
First Leg [Dec 21, Parc Saint-Victor, Cap-Haïtien]
Real Hope 0-0 FICA
Second Leg [Dec 24, Parc Saint-Victor, Cap-Haïtien]
FICA 2-0 Real Hope
Aggregate Table
1.FICA (Cap-Haïtien) 34 15 14 5 39-17 59
2.Racing FC (Gonaïves) 34 14 15 5 36-25 57
3.Don Bosco FC (Pétion-Ville) 34 14 13 7 32-21 55
4.Ouanaminthe FC 34 15 10 9 36-26 55
5.AS Capoise (Cap-Haïtien) 34 14 10 10 25-23 52
6.Real Hope Football Acad. (Cap-Haïtien) 34 12 14 8 33-24 50 [P]
7.Cavaly AS (Léogâne) 34 14 7 13 30-34 49
8.AS Mirebalais 34 13 8 13 23-20 47
9.Petit-Goâve FC 34 12 10 12 24-31 46
10.Baltimore SC (Saint-Marc) 34 9 15 10 23-24 42
11.América FC (Cayes) 34 11 8 15 21-23 41
12.Tempête FC (Saint-Marc) 34 9 13 12 20-34 40
13.Juventus (Cayes) 34 10 9 15 42-43 39 [P]
14.Racing Club Haïtien (Port-au-Prince) 34 9 12 13 34-36 39
15.Aigle Noir AC (Port-au-Prince) 34 6 19 9 24-27 37 Relegated
16.Roulado (La Gonâve) 34 9 10 15 28-38 37 Relegated
17.Inter (Grand-Goâve) 34 9 10 15 19-32 37 Relegated
18.Violette AC (Port-au-Prince) 34 4 17 13 17-28 29 Relegated
NB: no Super 8 tournament was organised this year
Promoted: Eclair AC (Gonaïves) and AS Sud-Est (Jacmel)
Ouverture | Clôture | Aggregate Table
Tournoi d'Ouverture
Regular Stage | Playoff
Ouverture Regular Stage
Final Table:
1.Real Hope Football Acad. (Cap-Haïtien) 15 8 4 3 16- 8 28 Qualified
2.Racing FC (Gonaïves) 15 8 4 3 17-11 28 Qualified
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
3.AS Sud-Est (Jacmel) 15 6 7 2 15- 8 25 Qualified
4.FICA (Cap-Haïtien) 15 6 6 3 11- 7 24 Qualified
5.AS Mirebalais 15 6 6 3 11- 8 24 Qualified
6.Racing Club Haïtien (Port-au-Prince) 15 5 6 4 15-12 21 Qualified
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
7.Tempête FC (Saint-Marc) 15 5 6 4 16-15 21
8.Juventus (Cayes) 15 5 5 5 14-16 20
9.Petit-Goâve FC 15 6 2 7 9-14 20
10.Ouanaminthe FC 15 5 4 6 14-13 19
11.Baltimore SC (Saint-Marc) 15 4 7 4 10-10 19
12.Don Bosco FC (Pétion-Ville) 15 4 4 7 18-17 16
13.Cavaly AS (Léogâne) 15 4 4 7 13-17 16
14.América FC (Cayes) 15 4 4 7 11-18 16
15.Eclair AC (Gonaïves) 15 3 4 8 10-19 13
16.AS Capoise (Cap-Haïtien) 15 3 3 9 8-15 12
Round 1
[Mar 4]
AS Capoise 1-0 Eclair
[Mar 5]
Real Hope 2-1 Racing CH
ASSE 1-1 América
Juventus 3-2 FICA
Cavaly 3-1 Ouanaminthe
Tempête 0-0 Mirebalais
[Mar 8]
Don Bosco 2-1 Petit-Goâve
[Mar 9]
Racing G 2-1 Baltimore
Round 2 [Mar 12]
América 1-2 Juventus
Eclair 1-1 Tempête
Ouanaminthe 1-1 Racing G
Mirebalais 1-0 Real Hope
Petit-Goâve 1-0 AS Capoise
Racing CH 1-1 ASSE
Baltimore 0-0 Cavaly
FICA 1-0 Don Bosco
Round 3
[Mar 18]
Cavaly 0-1 Petit-Goâve
Real Hope 2-0 América
[Mar 19]
Tempête 0-3 ASSE
Don Bosco 1-1 Mirebalais
Ouanaminthe 1-0 Baltimore
Juventus 0-1 Eclair
AS Capoise 1-0 Racing CH
Racing G 0-1 FICA
Round 4
[Mar 22]
AS Capoise 0-0 Racing G
ASSE 1-1 Real Hope
[Mar 23]
Mirebalais 1-0 Cavaly
América 2-1 Don Bosco
Eclair 1-0 Ouanaminthe
FICA 0-0 Petit-Goâve
[Mar 29]
Racing CH 1-1 Baltimore
Tempête 1-1 Juventus
Round 5
[Mar 26]
Juventus 1-1 Don Bosco
Racing G 4-1 Cavaly
Mirebalais 2-0 Eclair
ASSE 1-0 AS Capoise
Petit-Goâve 2-1 Ouanaminthe
Racing CH 1-1 América
Real Hope 1-0 FICA
[May 21]
Baltimore 1-1 Tempête
Round 6
[Apr 1]
Cavaly 2-0 Juventus
[Apr 2]
América 2-1 AS Capoise
Ouanaminthe 4-0 Real Hope
FICA 0-0 Mirebalais
Don Bosco 3-0 Racing G
Tempête 2-1 Racing CH
Eclair 2-2 ASSE
[Apr 4]
Petit-Goâve 0-1 Baltimore
Round 7
[Apr 8]
AS Capoise 1-2 Tempête
Eclair 1-2 Cavaly
[Apr 9]
ASSE 1-0 Petit-Goâve
Juventus 1-0 Ouanaminthe
Mirebalais 1-0 América
Racing CH 1-1 Racing G
Real Hope 1-0 Don Bosco
Baltimore 0-0 FICA
Round 8
[Apr 13]
Racing G 3-1 Mirebalais
Baltimore 2-1 Juventus
[Apr 16]
Petit-Goâve 0-0 Racing CH
Cavaly 0-1 ASSE
América 1-0 Tempête
Ouanaminthe 1-0 FICA
Don Bosco 5-1 Eclair
Real Hope 2-0 AS Capoise
Round 9
[Apr 22]
ASSE 0-0 Racing G
Eclair 2-0 América
FICA 1-0 Cavaly
[Apr 23]
AS Capoise 1-0 Don Bosco
Racing CH 1-0 Ouanaminthe
Tempête 0-1 Real Hope
Mirebalais 0-0 Baltimore
[May 21]
Juventus 1-0 Petit-Goâve
Round 10
[Apr 26]
Racing G 1-0 Real Hope
Petit-Goâve 1-0 Eclair
FICA abd Racing CH [abandoned at 3-1 at half-time due to rain]
Juventus 0-0 ASSE
Baltimore awd América [awarded 3-0, América dns]
[Apr 27]
Cavaly 1-0 AS Capoise
Ouanaminthe 1-0 Mirebalais
Don Bosco 1-2 Tempête
[May 24]
FICA 1-0 Racing CH [replay]
Round 11
[Apr 29]
Real Hope 0-0 Juventus
[Apr 30]
ASSE 2-1 Don Bosco
América 0-1 Racing G
Eclair 0-0 Baltimore
Racing CH 1-1 Cavaly
AS Capoise 0-1 FICA
Tempête 2-1 Ouanaminthe
Mirebalais 1-0 Petit-Goâve
Round 12
[May 7]
Juventus 1-1 Mirebalais
Cavaly 0-0 Real Hope
Petit-Goâve 1-0 América
Ouanaminthe 1-0 ASSE
Racing G abd Tempête [abandoned at 0-0 at half-time due to heavy rain]
FICA 3-1 Eclair
Don Bosco 0-3 Racing CH
Baltimore 1-0 AS Capoise
[May 25]
Racing G 1-0 Tempête [replay]
Round 13
[May 13]
Real Hope 2-0 Baltimore
Don Bosco 2-0 Cavaly
[May 14]
América 1-1 FICA
ASSE 0-1 Mirebalais
Tempête 3-0 Petit-Goâve
AS Capoise 1-1 Ouanaminthe
Racing CH 2-1 Juventus
[May 21]
Eclair 0-1 Racing G
Round 14 [May 28]
Mirebalais 0-1 Racing CH
Juventus 2-1 AS Capoise
Cavaly 2-2 Tempête
Ouanaminthe 0-0 América
Eclair 0-0 Real Hope
Petit-Goâve 2-0 Racing G
Baltimore 0-0 Don Bosco
Round 15 [Jun 4]
América 2-1 Cavaly
Racing CH 1-0 Eclair
Don Bosco 1-1 Ouanaminthe
Racing G 2-0 Juventus
ASSE 2-0 Baltimore
Real Hope 4-0 Petit-Goâve
Tempête 0-0 FICA
AS Capoise 1-1 Mirebalais
Final Table:
1.Real Hope Football Acad. (Cap-Haïtien) 15 8 4 3 16- 8 28 Qualified
2.Racing FC (Gonaïves) 15 8 4 3 17-11 28 Qualified
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
3.AS Sud-Est (Jacmel) 15 6 7 2 15- 8 25 Qualified
4.FICA (Cap-Haïtien) 15 6 6 3 11- 7 24 Qualified
5.AS Mirebalais 15 6 6 3 11- 8 24 Qualified
6.Racing Club Haïtien (Port-au-Prince) 15 5 6 4 15-12 21 Qualified
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
7.Tempête FC (Saint-Marc) 15 5 6 4 16-15 21
8.Juventus (Cayes) 15 5 5 5 14-16 20
9.Petit-Goâve FC 15 6 2 7 9-14 20
10.Ouanaminthe FC 15 5 4 6 14-13 19
11.Baltimore SC (Saint-Marc) 15 4 7 4 10-10 19
12.Don Bosco FC (Pétion-Ville) 15 4 4 7 18-17 16
13.Cavaly AS (Léogâne) 15 4 4 7 13-17 16
14.América FC (Cayes) 15 4 4 7 11-18 16
15.Eclair AC (Gonaïves) 15 3 4 8 10-19 13
16.AS Capoise (Cap-Haïtien) 15 3 3 9 8-15 12
Ouverture Playoff
First Legs [Jun 7]
Mirebalais 1-2 FICA
Racing CH 0-2 ASSE
Second Legs [Jun 11]
FICA 2-1 Mirebalais
ASSE 1-0 Racing CH
First Legs [Jun 14]
ASSE 1-0 Racing G
FICA 1-1 Real Hope
Second Legs [Jun 18]
Racing G 1-0 ASSE [aet, 8-7 pen]
Real Hope 0-0 FICA
First Leg [Jun 21]
Racing G 2-1 Real Hope
Second Leg [Jun 25]
Real Hope 1-0 Racing G
NB: Real Hope Football Academy (Cap-Haïtien) Ouverture champions
Tournoi de Clôture
Regular Stage | Playoff
Clôture Regular Stage
1.AS Mirebalais 15 9 4 2 28-10 31 Qualified
2.Don Bosco FC (Pétion-Ville) 15 8 5 2 18- 7 29 Qualified
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
3.Real Hope Football Acad. (Cap-Haïtien) 15 7 6 2 15- 8 27 Qualified
4.Racing FC (Gonaïves) 14 7 3 4 15- 7 24 Qualified
5.FICA (Cap-Haïtien) 15 5 9 1 10- 6 24 Qualified
6.AS Capoise (Cap-Haïtien) 15 6 4 5 16-17 22 Qualified
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
7.Eclair AC (Gonaïves) 15 5 5 5 15-13 20
8.Baltimore SC (Saint-Marc) 15 5 5 5 10- 9 20
9.Cavaly AS (Léogâne) 15 4 6 5 13-14 18
10.Racing Club Haïtien (Port-au-Prince) 15 4 5 6 7-12 17
11.Petit-Goâve FC 15 4 4 7 12-13 16
12.Tempête FC (Saint-Marc) 15 3 7 5 10-13 16
13.Ouanaminthe FC 15 4 4 7 12-18 16
14.América FC (Cayes) 15 4 4 7 14-22 16
15.AS Sud-Est (Jacmel) 15 3 3 9 7-21 12
16.Juventus (Cayes) 14 2 4 8 5-17 10
Round 1 [Sep 13]
Eclair 3-0 AS Capoise
América 1-0 ASSE
FICA 1-0 Juventus
Ouanaminthe 0-0 Cavaly
Mirebalais 1-0 Tempête
Petit-Goâve 0-0 Don Bosco
Baltimore 1-0 Racing G
Racing CH 0-0 Real Hope
Round 2
[Sep 16]
AS Capoise 3-0 Petit-Goâve
[Sep 17]
Juventus 1-0 América
Tempête 1-0 Eclair
Racing G 2-0 Ouanaminthe
Real Hope 1-0 Mirebalais
ASSE 1-1 Racing CH
Cavaly 2-2 Baltimore
Don Bosco 0-0 FICA
Round 3
[Sep 24]
América 1-3 Real Hope
ASSE 0-0 Tempête
Baltimore 1-0 Ouanaminthe
Eclair 2-1 Juventus
FICA 1-1 Racing G
Mirebalais 1-0 Don Bosco
Racing CH 0-0 AS Capoise
[Nov 2]
Petit-Goâve 0-0 Cavaly
Round 4
[Sep 30]
Petit-Goâve 1-1 FICA
[Oct 1]
Baltimore 0-1 Racing CH
Cavaly 1-1 Mirebalais
Don Bosco 0-0 América
Juventus 1-1 Tempête
Ouanaminthe 1-0 Eclair
Racing G 1-0 AS Capoise
Real Hope 1-0 ASSE
Round 5
[Oct 7]
AS Capoise 1-0 ASSE
[Oct 8]
América 1-0 Racing CH
Cavaly 0-2 Racing G
Don Bosco 3-0 Juventus
FICA 1-0 Real Hope
Ouanaminthe 2-1 Petit-Goâve
Tempête 1-0 Baltimore
[Nov 2]
Eclair 0-3 Mirebalais
Round 6
[Oct 11]
AS Capoise 3-0 América
ASSE 0-1 Eclair
Juventus 2-1 Cavaly
Racing CH 2-1 Tempête
Racing G 1-0 Don Bosco
[Oct 12]
Baltimore 1-0 Petit-Goâve
Mirebalais 1-1 FICA
Real Hope 0-0 Ouanaminthe
Round 7
[Oct 15]
América 2-2 Mirebalais
Cavaly 1-0 Eclair
Don Bosco 2-1 Real Hope
FICA 1-0 Baltimore
Ouanaminthe 2-0 Juventus
Petit-Goâve 2-0 ASSE
Racing G 0-1 Racing CH
Tempête 3-1 AS Capoise
Round 8
[Oct 21]
FICA 2-1 Ouanaminthe
Racing CH 1-0 Petit-Goâve
[Oct 22]
AS Capoise 1-1 Real Hope
ASSE 1-0 Cavaly
Eclair 0-1 Don Bosco
Juventus 0-0 Baltimore
Mirebalais 2-1 Racing G
Tempête 2-2 América
Round 9
[Oct 25]
Don Bosco 3-1 AS Capoise
Ouanaminthe 1-0 Racing CH
Petit-Goâve 2-0 Juventus
Racing G 3-0 ASSE
Real Hope 1-0 Tempête
[Oct 26]
América 2-2 Eclair
Baltimore 0-0 Mirebalais
Cavaly 1-0 FICA
Round 10
[Oct 28]
Real Hope 0-0 Racing G
[Oct 29]
AS Capoise 1-0 Cavaly
ASSE 1-0 Juventus
Eclair 0-0 Petit-Goâve
Mirebalais 3-0 Ouanaminthe
Racing CH 0-0 FICA
Tempête 0-1 Don Bosco
[Nov 1]
América 0-1 Baltimore
Round 11
[Nov 5]
Baltimore 0-0 Eclair
Cavaly 3-1 Racing CH
Don Bosco 2-0 ASSE
FICA 0-0 AS Capoise
Juventus 0-0 Real Hope
Ouanaminthe 1-1 Tempête
Petit-Goâve 2-0 Mirebalais
Racing G 2-0 América
Round 12
[Nov 8]
ASSE 1-0 Ouanaminthe
Eclair 0-0 FICA
Real Hope 2-0 Cavaly
[Nov 9]
América 2-1 Petit-Goâve
Mirebalais 3-0 Juventus
Racing CH 0-1 Don Bosco
Tempête 0-0 Racing G
AS Capoise abd Baltimore [abandoned at 1-0 in 75']
[Nov 10]
AS Capoise 1-0 Baltimore [remaining 15']
Round 13
[Nov 12]
Baltimore 0-1 Real Hope
Cavaly 1-1 Don Bosco
FICA 1-0 América
Juventus 0-0 Racing CH
Mirebalais 5-1 ASSE
Ouanaminthe 2-2 AS Capoise
Racing G 0-2 Eclair
[Nov 19]
Petit-Goâve awd Tempête [awarded 3-0; abandoned at 2-0 in 70']
Round 14 [Nov 23]
Racing CH 0-2 Mirebalais
AS Capoise 1-0 Juventus
Tempête 0-0 Cavaly
América 2-1 Ouanaminthe
Real Hope 3-3 Eclair
Racing G 2-0 Petit-Goâve
Don Bosco 1-1 Baltimore
Round 15 [Nov 26]
Cavaly 3-1 América
Eclair 2-0 Racing CH
Ouanaminthe 1-3 Don Bosco
Juventus n/p Racing G [Racing dns due to transport problems]
Baltimore 3-1 ASSE
Petit-Goâve 0-1 Real Hope
FICA 0-0 Tempête
Mirebalais 4-1 AS Capoise
1.AS Mirebalais 15 9 4 2 28-10 31 Qualified
2.Don Bosco FC (Pétion-Ville) 15 8 5 2 18- 7 29 Qualified
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
3.Real Hope Football Acad. (Cap-Haïtien) 15 7 6 2 15- 8 27 Qualified
4.Racing FC (Gonaïves) 14 7 3 4 15- 7 24 Qualified
5.FICA (Cap-Haïtien) 15 5 9 1 10- 6 24 Qualified
6.AS Capoise (Cap-Haïtien) 15 6 4 5 16-17 22 Qualified
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
7.Eclair AC (Gonaïves) 15 5 5 5 15-13 20
8.Baltimore SC (Saint-Marc) 15 5 5 5 10- 9 20
9.Cavaly AS (Léogâne) 15 4 6 5 13-14 18
10.Racing Club Haïtien (Port-au-Prince) 15 4 5 6 7-12 17
11.Petit-Goâve FC 15 4 4 7 12-13 16
12.Tempête FC (Saint-Marc) 15 3 7 5 10-13 16
13.Ouanaminthe FC 15 4 4 7 12-18 16
14.América FC (Cayes) 15 4 4 7 14-22 16
15.AS Sud-Est (Jacmel) 15 3 3 9 7-21 12
16.Juventus (Cayes) 14 2 4 8 5-17 10
Clôture Playoff
First Legs
[Nov 29]
AS Capoise 0-0 Real Hope
[Nov 30]
FICA 1-1 Racing G
Second Legs [Dec 3]
Real Hope 0-1 AS Capoise
Racing G 2-1 FICA
First Legs [Dec 7]
Racing G 1-0 Mirebalais
AS Capoise 1-0 Don Bosco
Second Legs [Dec 10]
Mirebalais 1-0 Racing G [abandoned at 1-0 in injury time due to attack on referee;
Don Bosco 1-2 AS Capoise result allowed to stand]
Playoff [Dec 17, stade Sylvio Cator, Port-au-Prince]
Racing G 2-0 Mirebalais
First Leg [Dec 21, Parc Résigné, Milot]
AS Capoise 1-0 Racing G
Second Leg [Dec 24, Parc Miguel Saint Jean, Gonaïves]
Racing G 1-3 AS Capoise
Aggregate Table
1.AS Mirebalais 30 15 10 5 39-18 55
2.Real Hope Football Acad. (Cap-Haïtien) 30 15 10 5 31-16 55
3.Racing FC (Gonaïves) 29 15 7 7 32-18 52 [Cl]
4.FICA (Cap-Haïtien) 30 11 15 4 21-13 48 [Ap]
5.Don Bosco FC (Pétion-Ville) 30 12 9 9 36-24 45
6.Baltimore SC (Saint-Marc) 30 9 12 9 20-19 39
7.Racing Club Haïtien (Port-au-Prince) 30 9 11 10 22-24 38
8.Tempête FC (Saint-Marc) 30 8 13 9 26-28 37
9.AS Sud-Est (Jacmel) 30 9 10 11 22-29 37 [P]
10.Petit-Goâve FC 30 10 6 14 21-27 36
11.Ouanaminthe FC 30 9 8 13 26-31 35
12.Cavaly AS (Léogâne) 30 8 10 12 26-31 34
13.AS Capoise (Cap-Haïtien) 30 9 7 14 24-32 34
14.Eclair AC (Gonaïves) 30 8 9 13 25-32 33 [P] Relegated
15.América FC (Cayes) 30 8 8 14 25-40 32 Relegated
16.Juventus (Cayes) 29 7 9 13 19-33 30 Relegated
Promoted: Arcahaie FC, Valencia (Léogâne), Cosmopolites SC (Delmas)
Ouverture | Clôture | Aggregate Table
Tournoi d'Ouverture
Regular Stage | Playoff
Ouverture Regular Stage
Final Table:
1.AS Capoise (Cap-Haïtien) 15 10 4 1 24-10 34 Qualified
2.AS Mirebalais 15 7 6 2 19- 6 27 Qualified
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
3.Tempête FC (Saint-Marc) 15 6 6 3 16-10 24 Qualified
4.Don Bosco FC (Pétion-Ville) 15 5 7 3 18-14 22 Qualified
5.Baltimore SC (Saint-Marc) 15 6 4 5 10-13 22 Qualified
6.Real Hope Football Acad. (Cap-Haïtien) 15 5 6 4 12-10 21 Qualified
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
7.FICA (Cap-Haïtien) 15 5 5 5 14-14 20
8.Cavaly AS (Léogâne) 15 5 4 6 15-14 19
9.Ouanaminthe FC 15 4 7 4 11-13 19
10.Valencia (Léogâne) 15 5 4 6 10-17 19
11.Racing Club Haïtien (Port-au-Prince) 15 4 6 5 12-11 18
12.Petit-Goâve FC 15 3 7 5 10-16 16
13.Arcahaie FC 15 4 4 7 9-16 16
14.Racing FC (Gonaïves) 15 2 8 5 13-14 14
15.Cosmopolites SC (Delmas) 15 4 2 9 13-19 14
16.AS Sud-Est (Jacmel) 15 4 2 9 12-21 14
Round 1
[Feb 17]
Real Hope 1-1 Petit-Goâve
[Feb 18]
Ouanaminthe 1-1 Arcahaie
Racing G 0-3 Cosmopolites
Tempête 2-1 Valencia
ASSE 0-1 Baltimore
Don Bosco 2-2 FICA
Cavaly 1-1 Racing CH
AS Capoise 0-3 Mirebalais
Round 2
[Feb 24]
Racing CH 1-1 Ouanaminthe
[Feb 25]
Mirebalais abd ASSE [abandoned at 2-0 at half-time due to rain]
Petit-Goâve 1-2 AS Capoise
Valencia 1-0 Don Bosco
Arcahaie 0-0 Racing G
Cosmopolites 2-1 Real Hope
FICA 0-0 Tempête
Baltimore 2-1 Cavaly
[Feb 26]
Mirebalais awd ASSE [awarded 3-0, ASSE dns for second half]
Round 3
[Mar 3]
AS Capoise 1-0 Cavaly
[Mar 4]
Valencia 1-0 FICA
Ouanaminthe 0-0 Petit-Goâve
ASSE 1-0 Racing CH
Racing G 1-2 Mirebalais
Tempête 1-0 Cosmopolites
Real Hope 0-0 Baltimore
Don Bosco 1-2 Arcahaie
Round 4
[Mar 7]
Real Hope 0-0 Don Bosco
[Mar 8]
Cavaly 2-1 ASSE
Arcahaie 0-1 Cosmopolites
Petit-Goâve 0-0 Valencia
Mirebalais 0-0 Tempête
Racing CH 0-0 Racing G
AS Capoise 0-0 Ouanaminthe
Baltimore 1-2 FICA
Round 5 [Mar 11]
Cavaly 1-0 Real Hope
Mirebalais 1-1 Petit-Goâve
Ouanaminthe 0-0 Racing G
ASSE 0-1 Arcahaie
Cosmopolites 0-0 Valencia
Baltimore 1-0 Racing CH
FICA 0-1 AS Capoise
Don Bosco 3-0 Tempête
Round 6
[Mar 17]
Cosmopolites 1-2 FICA
Racing G awd Don Bosco [awarded 3-0; abandoned in 16']
[Mar 18]
Arcahaie 0-2 Mirebalais
Valencia 1-0 ASSE
Petit-Goâve 1-0 Cavaly
Racing CH 0-1 Real Hope
AS Capoise 2-0 Baltimore
Tempête 2-2 Ouanaminthe
Round 7
[Mar 24]
Cavaly 3-0 Cosmopolites
FICA 3-0 Arcahaie
[Mar 25]
ASSE 1-1 Racing G
Petit-Goâve 0-0 Tempête
Ouanaminthe 2-1 Valencia
Mirebalais 1-0 Racing CH
Baltimore 0-0 Don Bosco
Real Hope 1-3 AS Capoise
Round 8
[Mar 28]
Racing G 5-0 Petit-Goâve
ASSE 1-1 Real Hope
Racing CH 2-2 AS Capoise
[Mar 29]
Valencia 2-1 Arcahaie
FICA 0-1 Ouanaminthe
Cosmopolites 0-1 Baltimore
Don Bosco 2-1 Mirebalais
Tempête 2-1 Cavaly
Round 9
[Mar 31]
Real Hope 1-0 Racing G
[Apr 1]
Mirebalais 2-0 FICA
Ouanaminthe 0-1 Cosmopolites
Petit-Goâve 0-2 Racing CH
Arcahaie 1-1 Tempête
Cavaly 1-4 Don Bosco
Baltimore 0-2 Valencia
AS Capoise 2-0 ASSE
Round 10
[Apr 7]
Racing G 0-0 AS Capoise
[Apr 8]
Ouanaminthe 1-0 Cavaly
Arcahaie 1-0 Baltimore
Valencia 0-0 Mirebalais
Cosmopolites 0-1 Petit-Goâve
Don Bosco 1-0 ASSE
Tempête 1-0 Real Hope
FICA 1-0 Racing CH
Round 11
[Apr 14]
AS Capoise 4-0 Valencia
Petit-Goâve 2-2 FICA
[Apr 15]
Mirebalais 1-1 Cosmopolites
ASSE 4-1 Ouanaminthe
Cavaly 1-1 Racing G
Real Hope 2-0 Arcahaie
Racing CH 1-1 Don Bosco
Baltimore 0-0 Tempête
Round 12 [Apr 22]
Racing G 1-1 Baltimore
Ouanaminthe 1-0 Mirebalais
Arcahaie 1-0 Petit-Goâve
Valencia awd Cavaly [awarded 0-3; abandoned at 0-3 in 90+1' due to pitch invasion]
Tempête 4-0 ASSE
Cosmopolites 0-1 Racing CH
FICA 1-1 Real Hope
Don Bosco 1-1 AS Capoise
Round 13
[Apr 25]
Real Hope 2-0 Valencia
Baltimore 1-0 Ouanaminthe
[Apr 26]
Racing G awd Tempête [awarded 0-3; abandoned at 0-0 in injury time due to crowd trouble]
Petit-Goâve 0-0 Don Bosco
Cavaly 0-0 Mirebalais
AS Capoise 4-2 Cosmopolites
Racing CH 1-1 Arcahaie
Round 14 [Apr 29]
Mirebalais 3-0 Baltimore
Cosmopolites 1-2 Don Bosco
Petit-Goâve 2-0 ASSE
Arcahaie 0-1 Cavaly
Ouanaminthe 0-1 Real Hope
FICA 1-0 Racing G
Tempête 0-1 AS Capoise
Valencia 0-2 Racing CH
Round 15
[May 5]
Racing G 1-1 Valencia
Real Hope 0-0 Mirebalais
[May 6]
Racing CH 1-0 Tempête
Don Bosco 1-1 Ouanaminthe
Baltimore 2-1 Petit-Goâve
Cavaly 0-0 FICA
AS Capoise 1-0 Arcahaie
ASSE 2-1 Cosmopolites
Final Table:
1.AS Capoise (Cap-Haïtien) 15 10 4 1 24-10 34 Qualified
2.AS Mirebalais 15 7 6 2 19- 6 27 Qualified
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
3.Tempête FC (Saint-Marc) 15 6 6 3 16-10 24 Qualified
4.Don Bosco FC (Pétion-Ville) 15 5 7 3 18-14 22 Qualified
5.Baltimore SC (Saint-Marc) 15 6 4 5 10-13 22 Qualified
6.Real Hope Football Acad. (Cap-Haïtien) 15 5 6 4 12-10 21 Qualified
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
7.FICA (Cap-Haïtien) 15 5 5 5 14-14 20
8.Cavaly AS (Léogâne) 15 5 4 6 15-14 19
9.Ouanaminthe FC 15 4 7 4 11-13 19
10.Valencia (Léogâne) 15 5 4 6 10-17 19
11.Racing Club Haïtien (Port-au-Prince) 15 4 6 5 12-11 18
12.Petit-Goâve FC 15 3 7 5 10-16 16
13.Arcahaie FC 15 4 4 7 9-16 16
14.Racing FC (Gonaïves) 15 2 8 5 13-14 14
15.Cosmopolites SC (Delmas) 15 4 2 9 13-19 14
16.AS Sud-Est (Jacmel) 15 4 2 9 12-21 14
Ouverture Playoff
First Legs
[May 9]
Real Hope 2-1 Tempête
[May 10]
Baltimore 1-0 Don Bosco
Second Legs [May 13]
Tempête 2-0 Real Hope
Don Bosco 0-0 Baltimore
First Legs
[May 16]
Baltimore 0-0 AS Capoise
[May 17]
Tempête 1-1 Mirebalais
Second Legs [May 20]
AS Capoise 1-0 Baltimore
Mirebalais 2-0 Tempête
First Leg [May 24]
Mirebalais 0-0 AS Capoise
Second Leg [May 27]
AS Capoise 1-0 Mirebalais
[Djoulès Valcourt 49]
Tournoi de Clôture
Regular Stage | Playoff
Clôture Regular Stage
Final Table:
1.Arcahaie FC 15 11 2 2 16- 6 35 Qualified
2.Tempête FC (Saint-Marc) 15 6 6 3 12- 7 24 Qualified
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
3.Don Bosco FC (Pétion-Ville) 15 7 3 5 20-18 24 Qualified
4.FICA (Cap-Haïtien) 15 7 2 6 20-13 23 Qualified
5.Real Hope Football Acad. (Cap-Haïtien) 15 6 5 4 17-11 23 Qualified
6.Baltimore SC (Saint-Marc) 15 7 1 7 11-11 22 Qualified
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
7.Cosmopolites SC (Delmas) 15 6 4 5 11-19 22
8.Ouanaminthe FC 15 5 6 4 10- 8 21
9.AS Mirebalais 15 6 3 6 11-12 21
10.Racing Club Haïtien (Port-au-Prince) 15 5 5 5 16-12 20
11.Cavaly AS (Léogâne) 15 5 5 5 16-14 20
12.Racing FC (Gonaïves) 15 6 1 8 13-11 19
13.AS Capoise (Cap-Haïtien) 15 5 3 7 12-16 18
14.AS Sud-Est (Jacmel) 15 5 3 7 16-22 18
15.Valencia (Léogâne) 15 3 4 8 7-17 13
16.Petit-Goâve FC 15 2 3 10 6-17 9
Round 1
[Sep 1]
Cosmopolites 1-0 Racing G
[Sep 2]
Baltimore 1-0 ASSE
Mirebalais 1-0 AS Capoise
FICA 2-1 Don Bosco
Arcahaie 1-0 Ouanaminthe
Valencia 0-0 Tempête
Racing CH 0-0 Cavaly
[Sep 4]
Petit-Goâve 0-0 Real Hope
Round 2
[Sep 8]
Don Bosco 2-1 Valencia
AS Capoise 2-0 Petit-Goâve
[Sep 9]
ASSE 1-0 Mirebalais
Real Hope 6-1 Cosmopolites
Racing G 0-1 Arcahaie
Ouanaminthe 0-0 Racing CH
Cavaly 1-0 Baltimore
Tempête 2-1 FICA
Round 3
[Sep 15]
Racing CH 2-1 ASSE
[Sep 16]
Petit-Goâve 0-1 Ouanaminthe
Arcahaie 2-0 Don Bosco
Mirebalais 2-0 Racing G
FICA 2-1 Valencia
Cavaly 3-0 AS Capoise
Cosmopolites 1-0 Tempête
Baltimore 0-1 Real Hope
Round 4
[Sep 19]
ASSE 2-1 Cavaly
Don Bosco 1-1 Real Hope
[Sep 20]
Cosmopolites 1-0 Arcahaie
Valencia awd Petit-Goâve [awarded 0-3; abandoned at 0-1 in 72' due to crowd trouble]
Tempête 1-0 Mirebalais
Racing G abd Racing CH [abandoned at half-time due to insufficient security]
Ouanaminthe 2-1 AS Capoise
FICA 1-0 Baltimore
[Nov 1]
Racing G 1-0 Racing CH [replay]
Round 5
[Sep 22]
Real Hope 2-2 Cavaly
[Sep 23]
Petit-Goâve 1-1 Mirebalais
Racing G 2-0 Ouanaminthe
Arcahaie 2-1 ASSE
Valencia 0-1 Cosmopolites
Racing CH 1-0 Baltimore
AS Capoise 3-1 FICA
Tempête abd Don Bosco [abandoned at 0-0 in 15' due to heavy rain]
[Oct 31]
Tempête 0-0 Don Bosco [replay]
Round 6
[Sep 29]
FICA 0-1 Cosmopolites
[Sep 30]
Cavaly 1-0 Petit-Goâve
Ouanaminthe 0-0 Tempête
Real Hope 0-0 Racing CH
Baltimore 0-1 AS Capoise
Don Bosco 2-1 Racing G
[Nov 1]
Mirebalais 0-1 Arcahaie
ASSE 2-0 Valencia
Round 7
[Oct 6]
Cosmopolites 0-0 Cavaly
[Oct 7]
Valencia 1-1 Ouanaminthe
Racing G 2-0 ASSE
Arcahaie 0-0 FICA
Racing CH 0-1 Mirebalais
Tempête 1-0 Petit-Goâve
Don Bosco 2-0 Baltimore
AS Capoise 1-0 Real Hope
Round 8
[Oct 10]
Petit-Goâve 1-0 Racing G
AS Capoise 2-1 Racing CH
[Oct 11]
Mirebalais 2-1 Don Bosco
Baltimore 4-2 Cosmopolites
Real Hope 2-0 ASSE
Ouanaminthe 1-0 FICA
Arcahaie 1-0 Valencia
Cavaly 1-1 Tempête
Round 9
[Oct 14]
Cosmopolites 1-1 Ouanaminthe
Valencia abd Baltimore [abandoned at halt-time due to crowd trouble]
Racing G 2-0 Real Hope
ASSE 1-1 AS Capoise
Tempête 0-1 Arcahaie
Don Bosco 4-3 Cavaly
FICA 3-0 Mirebalais
[Oct 18]
Racing CH 3-1 Petit-Goâve
[Nov 8]
Valencia 0-1 Baltimore [replay]
Round 10
[Oct 20]
Real Hope 1-0 Tempête
[Oct 21]
Petit-Goâve 0-1 Cosmopolites
ASSE 3-2 Don Bosco
Cavaly 1-0 Ouanaminthe
Mirebalais 0-0 Valencia
AS Capoise 0-0 Racing G
Racing CH 2-1 FICA
Baltimore 1-0 Arcahaie
Round 11 [Oct 28]
Valencia 1-0 AS Capoise
Ouanaminthe 2-0 ASSE
Racing G 0-1 Cavaly
Arcahaie 2-1 Real Hope
Tempête 2-1 Baltimore
Don Bosco 2-0 Racing CH
FICA 2-0 Petit-Goâve
Cosmopolites 0-1 Mirebalais
Round 12
[Nov 3]
AS Capoise 1-2 Don Bosco
[Nov 4]
Petit-Goâve 0-1 Arcahaie
Cavaly 0-1 Valencia
Mirebalais 0-0 Ouanaminthe
ASSE 1-1 Tempête
Racing CH 5-0 Cosmopolites
Baltimore 1-0 Racing G
Real Hope 0-0 FICA
Round 13 [Nov 11]
Mirebalais 2-1 Cavaly
Valencia 1-0 Real Hope
Cosmopolites 0-0 AS Capoise
Arcahaie 2-1 Racing CH
Tempête 1-0 Racing G
Ouanaminthe 0-0 Baltimore
Don Bosco 0-0 Petit-Goâve
Round 14
[Nov 16]
Real Hope 1-0 Ouanaminthe
ASSE 3-0 Petit-Goâve
AS Capoise awd Tempête [awarded 0-3; abandoned at 0-0 in second half]
Cavaly 1-1 Arcahaie
Racing G 2-1 FICA
Don Bosco 1-0 Cosmopolites
Racing CH 1-1 Valencia
[Nov 22]
Baltimore 1-0 Mirebalais
Round 15
[Dec 2]
Valencia n/p Racing G [Racing refused to play, claiming their players
Mirebalais 1-2 Real Hope had been attacked]
Tempête 0-0 Racing CH
Ouanaminthe 2-0 Don Bosco
Petit-Goâve 0-1 Baltimore
FICA 1-0 Cavaly
Arcahaie 1-0 AS Capoise
Cosmopolites 1-1 ASSE
[Dec 11]
Valencia awd Racing G [awarded 0-3; refixtured at Port-au-Prince, Valencia dns]
Final Table:
1.Arcahaie FC 15 11 2 2 16- 6 35 Qualified
2.Tempête FC (Saint-Marc) 15 6 6 3 12- 7 24 Qualified
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
3.Don Bosco FC (Pétion-Ville) 15 7 3 5 20-18 24 Qualified
4.FICA (Cap-Haïtien) 15 7 2 6 20-13 23 Qualified
5.Real Hope Football Acad. (Cap-Haïtien) 15 6 5 4 17-11 23 Qualified
6.Baltimore SC (Saint-Marc) 15 7 1 7 11-11 22 Qualified
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
7.Cosmopolites SC (Delmas) 15 6 4 5 11-19 22
8.Ouanaminthe FC 15 5 6 4 10- 8 21
9.AS Mirebalais 15 6 3 6 11-12 21
10.Racing Club Haïtien (Port-au-Prince) 15 5 5 5 16-12 20
11.Cavaly AS (Léogâne) 15 5 5 5 16-14 20
12.Racing FC (Gonaïves) 15 6 1 8 13-11 19
13.AS Capoise (Cap-Haïtien) 15 5 3 7 12-16 18
14.AS Sud-Est (Jacmel) 15 5 3 7 16-22 18
15.Valencia (Léogâne) 15 3 4 8 7-17 13
16.Petit-Goâve FC 15 2 3 10 6-17 9
Clôture Playoff
First Legs [Dec 6]
Real Hope 1-0 FICA
Baltimore 1-1 Don Bosco
Second Legs [Dec 9]
FICA 1-2 Real Hope [aet]
Don Bosco 1-1 Baltimore [aet, 4-3 pen]
First Legs
[Dec 13, Parc Saint Victor, Cap-Haïtien]
Real Hope 0-2 Arcahaie
[Dec 13, Parc Sainte Thérèse, Pétion-Ville]
Don Bosco 0-0 Tempête
Second Legs
[Dec 16, Parc National du Drapeau, Arcahaie]
Arcahaie 1-0 Real Hope
[Dec 16, Parc Levelt, Saint-Marc]
Tempête 1-1 Don Bosco
First Leg [Dec 20, Parc Sainte Thérèse, Pétion-Ville]
Don Bosco 0-0 Arcahaie
Second Leg [Dec 23, Parc National du Drapeau, Arcahaie]
Arcahaie 0-0 Don Bosco [aet, 5-5 pen; abandoned due to darkness]
Playoff [Dec 27, Parc Levelt, Saint-Marc]
Arcahaie 1-2 Don Bosco
[Samuel Desroche 54; Canès Jean Charles 67, Naël Wellofsky Elysée 88]
Aggregate Table
1.AS Capoise (Cap-Haïtien) 30 15 7 8 36-26 52
2.Arcahaie FC 30 15 6 9 25-22 51 [P]
3.AS Mirebalais 30 13 9 8 30-18 48
4.Tempête FC (Saint-Marc) 30 12 12 6 28-17 48
5.Don Bosco FC (Pétion-Ville) 30 12 10 8 38-32 46
6.Real Hope Football Acad. (Cap-Haïtien) 30 11 11 8 29-21 44
7.Baltimore SC (Saint-Marc) 30 13 5 12 21-24 44
8.FICA (Cap-Haïtien) 30 12 7 11 34-27 43
9.Ouanaminthe FC 30 9 13 8 21-21 40
10.Cavaly AS (Léogâne) 30 10 9 11 31-28 39
11.Racing Club Haïtien (Port-au-Prince) 30 9 11 10 28-23 38
12.Cosmopolites SC (Delmas) 30 10 6 14 24-38 36 [P]
13.Racing FC (Gonaïves) 30 8 9 13 26-25 33
14.AS Sud-Est (Jacmel) 30 9 5 16 28-43 32 Relegated
15.Valencia (Léogâne) 30 8 8 14 17-34 32 [P] Relegated
16.Petit-Goâve FC 30 5 10 15 16-33 25 Relegated
Promoted: Violette Athlétic Club, Triomphe FC de Liancourt, América des Cayes
NB: between winners Ouverture and Clôture
[Dec 30, Parc Saint-Victor, Cap-Haïtien]
AS Capoise 1-0 Don Bosco
[Marc Robenson Beldor 81]
Phase Finale
[Dec 26, final Zône Nord, Parc Levelt, Saint-Marc]
Triomphe 0-0 Accolade GM [aet, 4-3 pen]
[Dec 27, final Zône Sud, Stade Sylvio Cator, Port-au-Prince]
Violette 2-0 América
Third Place Match [Dec 31, Stade Sylvio Cator, Port-au-Prince]
América 4-0 Accolade GM
NB: América des Cayes promoted
Final [Dec 31, Stade Sylvio Cator, Port-au-Prince]
Violette 2-0 Triomphe
[Peterson Junior Joseph 60, 74]
NB: both finalists promoted
Ouverture | Clôture
Tournoi d'Ouverture
Regular Stage | Playoff
Ouverture Regular Stage
Final Table:
1.Real Hope Football Acad. (Cap-Haïtien) 15 9 4 2 14- 7 31 Qualified
2.AS Capoise (Cap-Haïtien) 15 7 7 1 19- 6 28 Qualified
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
3.Arcahaie FC 15 6 6 3 15- 8 24 Qualified
4.Tempête FC (Saint-Marc) 15 7 3 5 14- 9 24 Qualified
5.Don Bosco FC (Pétion-Ville) 15 6 5 4 22-14 23 Qualified
6.Racing FC (Gonaïves) 15 6 5 4 13-13 23 Qualified
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
7.América (Cayes) 15 5 6 4 11-11 21
8.Baltimore SC (Saint-Marc) 15 4 8 3 11-10 20
9.Violette AC (Port-au-Prince) 15 2 13 0 13- 8 19
10.Triomphe FC (Liancourt) 15 4 5 6 10-14 17
11.AS Mirebalais 15 4 5 6 13-18 17
12.Ouanaminthe FC 15 3 6 6 14-16 15
13.Racing Club Haïtien (Port-au-Prince) 15 3 5 7 13-18 14
14.FICA (Cap-Haïtien) 15 2 8 5 11-17 14
15.Cavaly AS (Léogâne) 15 3 4 8 12-23 13
16.Cosmopolites SC (Delmas) 15 2 4 9 6-19 10
NB: round 1 postponed and played after round 12
Round 2
[Mar 2]
Violette 0-0 Cosmopolites
Mirebalais 1-0 Triomphe
Don Bosco 5-1 FICA
AS Capoise 0-0 Baltimore
Ouanaminthe 1-2 Real Hope
Tempête awd Racing CH [awarded 3-0, Racing CH dns]
[Mar 27]
Racing G 2-0 América
Cavaly awd Arcahaie [awarded 0-3; abandoned at 1-1 in second half due to protests]
Round 3
[Mar 9]
AS Capoise 1-1 Violette
Racing CH 1-0 FICA
[Mar 10]
América 2-0 Don Bosco
Arcahaie 1-0 Mirebalais
Cosmopolites 0-1 Cavaly
Real Hope 1-0 Tempête
Baltimore 1-0 Ouanaminthe
[Apr 25]
Triomphe 1-3 Racing G
Round 4
[Mar 13]
FICA 1-1 Cosmopolites
Don Bosco 2-0 Ouanaminthe
[Mar 14]
Racing G 0-0 Arcahaie
Mirebalais awd AS Capoise [awarded 0-3; abandoned at 1-1 in 60']
Cavaly 0-4 Violette
Racing CH 1-1 Baltimore
Real Hope 1-0 América
Tempête 1-0 Triomphe
Round 5
[Mar 17]
Ouanaminthe 0-0 AS Capoise
Arcahaie 1-1 Baltimore
Racing G 2-1 Cavaly
América 0-0 Mirebalais
FICA 1-1 Real Hope
Violette 1-1 Racing CH
Tempête 1-1 Don Bosco
[Mar 18]
Cosmopolites 0-1 Triomphe
Round 6
[Mar 20]
Racing CH 0-1 Real Hope
[Mar 23]
Triomphe 0-0 América
Mirebalais 1-1 FICA
Cavaly 3-0 Tempête
Ouanaminthe 2-1 Arcahaie
Baltimore 0-0 Violette
Don Bosco 2-0 Racing G
AS Capoise 4-0 Cosmopolites
Round 7
[Mar 30]
FICA 2-0 Cavaly
[Mar 31]
Arcahaie 0-1 Triomphe
América 2-0 Racing CH
Racing G 0-1 Mirebalais
Real Hope 0-2 AS Capoise
Violette 0-0 Ouanaminthe
Tempête 1-0 Cosmopolites
Don Bosco 3-1 Baltimore
Round 8
[Apr 3]
Cavaly 0-0 Racing CH
América 2-1 FICA
Violette 1-1 Arcahaie
Baltimore 0-0 Real Hope
[Apr 4]
Triomphe 1-0 Don Bosco
Ouanaminthe 4-1 Mirebalais
Cosmopolites 1-1 Racing G
AS Capoise 1-0 Tempête
Round 9
[Apr 6]
Real Hope 1-0 Cavaly
[Apr 7]
Racing G 2-1 Ouanaminthe
Mirebalais 1-1 Violette
Arcahaie 1-0 Cosmopolites
FICA 0-1 Baltimore
Racing CH 4-1 Triomphe
Tempête 0-0 América
Don Bosco 0-0 AS Capoise
Round 10
[Apr 13]
Violette 1-1 Racing G
[Apr 14]
Mirebalais 1-2 Don Bosco
Ouanaminthe 0-0 Tempête
Arcahaie 1-0 Racing CH
Triomphe 1-2 FICA
Cosmopolites 0-1 Real Hope
AS Capoise 3-1 Cavaly
Baltimore 2-0 América
Round 11
[Apr 20]
Cavaly 2-2 Mirebalais
FICA 1-1 Violette
[Apr 21]
Racing G 0-0 AS Capoise
América 1-0 Ouanaminthe
Racing CH 0-1 Cosmopolites
Real Hope 0-0 Triomphe
Don Bosco 0-0 Arcahaie
[Apr 24]
Tempête 1-0 Baltimore
Round 12
[Apr 27]
Violette 1-1 Don Bosco
[Apr 28]
Mirebalais 1-0 Tempête
Triomphe 2-0 Cavaly
Arcahaie 2-0 Real Hope
AS Capoise 0-0 FICA
Cosmopolites 0-0 América
Baltimore 0-1 Racing G
[Apr 29]
Ouanaminthe 2-1 Racing CH
Round 1
[May 1]
Triomphe 0-0 Violette
Cosmopolites 3-2 Ouanaminthe
Real Hope 2-0 Racing G
Baltimore 1-1 Mirebalais
[May 2]
América 2-1 Cavaly
Arcahaie 2-0 AS Capoise
Racing CH 2-2 Don Bosco
FICA 0-2 Tempête
Round 13
[May 4]
Real Hope 1-1 Violette
[May 5]
América 1-1 Arcahaie
Cavaly 1-1 Baltimore
Triomphe 0-1 AS Capoise
FICA 1-1 Ouanaminthe
Racing CH 2-1 Mirebalais
Don Bosco 3-0 Cosmopolites
Tempête 3-0 Racing G
Round 14
[Apr 24]
Don Bosco 0-2 Real Hope
[Apr 25]
AS Capoise 3-1 América
[May 12]
Ouanaminthe 0-0 Cavaly
Arcahaie 0-0 FICA
Racing G 1-0 Racing CH
Mirebalais 2-0 Cosmopolites
Violette 1-0 Tempête
Baltimore 1-1 Triomphe
Round 15
[May 8]
Real Hope 1-0 Mirebalais
Racing CH 1-1 AS Capoise
[May 18]
América 0-0 Violette
[May 19]
Cavaly 2-1 Don Bosco
FICA 0-0 Racing G
Triomphe 1-1 Ouanaminthe
Cosmopolites 0-1 Baltimore
Tempête 2-1 Arcahaie
Final Table:
1.Real Hope Football Acad. (Cap-Haïtien) 15 9 4 2 14- 7 31 Qualified
2.AS Capoise (Cap-Haïtien) 15 7 7 1 19- 6 28 Qualified
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
3.Arcahaie FC 15 6 6 3 15- 8 24 Qualified
4.Tempête FC (Saint-Marc) 15 7 3 5 14- 9 24 Qualified
5.Don Bosco FC (Pétion-Ville) 15 6 5 4 22-14 23 Qualified
6.Racing FC (Gonaïves) 15 6 5 4 13-13 23 Qualified
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
7.América (Cayes) 15 5 6 4 11-11 21
8.Baltimore SC (Saint-Marc) 15 4 8 3 11-10 20
9.Violette AC (Port-au-Prince) 15 2 13 0 13- 8 19
10.Triomphe FC (Liancourt) 15 4 5 6 10-14 17
11.AS Mirebalais 15 4 5 6 13-18 17
12.Ouanaminthe FC 15 3 6 6 14-16 15
13.Racing Club Haïtien (Port-au-Prince) 15 3 5 7 13-18 14
14.FICA (Cap-Haïtien) 15 2 8 5 11-17 14
15.Cavaly AS (Léogâne) 15 3 4 8 12-23 13
16.Cosmopolites SC (Delmas) 15 2 4 9 6-19 10
Ouverture Playoff
First Legs
[May 23]
Racing G 0-0 Arcahaie
Don Bosco abd Tempête [abandoned at 0-0 at half-time due to rain]
[May 24]
Don Bosco 0-0 Tempête [replay]
Second Legs
[May 26]
Tempête 2-1 Don Bosco
[May 27]
Arcahaie 1-0 Racing G
First Legs
[May 29]
Tempête 1-1 Real Hope
[May 30]
Arcahaie 1-0 AS Capoise
Second Legs
[Jun 1]
Real Hope 1-1 Tempête [aet, 6-5 pen]
[Jun 2]
AS Capoise 2-1 Arcahaie
First Leg [Jun 6]
Arcahaie 1-0 Real Hope
Second Leg [Jun 9]
Real Hope 1-1 Arcahaie
Tournoi de Clôture
Regular Stage | Playoff
Clôture Regular Stage
NB: no matches were played after Sep 22 due to civil unrest; the
Clôture season was officially abandoned on Dec 18; there will
be no promotion or relegation.
Table at abandonment:
1.Don Bosco FC (Pétion-Ville) 4 4 0 0 8- 3 12
2.Cavaly AS (Léogâne) 5 3 1 1 9- 3 10
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
3.Tempête FC (Saint-Marc) 4 3 1 0 6- 2 10
4.Violette AC (Port-au-Prince) 4 3 0 1 4- 2 9
5.Baltimore SC (Saint-Marc) 5 2 3 0 2- 0 9
6.AS Capoise (Cap-Haïtien) 5 2 2 1 4- 2 8
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
7.Ouanaminthe FC 5 2 2 1 5- 4 8
8.Triomphe FC (Liancourt) 5 2 1 2 3- 3 7
9.AS Mirebalais 5 1 3 1 3- 1 6
10.América (Cayes) 5 2 0 3 8-11 6
11.FICA (Cap-Haïtien) 5 1 2 2 4- 5 5
12.Arcahaie FC 5 0 4 1 1- 3 4
13.Racing FC (Gonaïves) 5 1 1 3 3- 9 4
14.Cosmopolites SC (Delmas) 5 1 0 4 3- 7 3
15.Real Hope Football Acad. (Cap-Haïtien) 5 0 2 3 1- 4 2
16.Racing Club Haïtien (Port-au-Prince) 4 0 0 4 1- 6 0
Round 1
[Aug 24]
Mirebalais 0-1 Baltimore
[Aug 25]
Violette 1-0 Triomphe
Ouanaminthe 2-1 Cosmopolites
Racing G 1-0 Real Hope
Cavaly 4-1 América
AS Capoise 3-1 Arcahaie
Don Bosco 1-0 Racing CH
Tempête 1-1 FICA
Round 2
[Aug 31]
Real Hope 0-0 Ouanaminthe
Tempête 3-1 Racing CH
[Sep 1]
América 6-2 Racing G
Triomphe 0-0 Mirebalais
Arcahaie 0-0 Cavaly
Cosmopolites 0-1 Violette
FICA 1-2 Don Bosco
Baltimore 0-0 AS Capoise
Round 3
[Sep 6]
Violette 0-1 AS Capoise
[Sep 8]
Cavaly 2-0 Cosmopolites
Ouanaminthe 0-0 Baltimore
Racing G 0-1 Triomphe
Mirebalais 0-0 Arcahaie
Don Bosco 2-0 América
FICA 1-0 Racing CH
Tempête 1-0 Real Hope
Round 4
[Sep 14]
Cosmopolites 1-0 FICA
[Sep 15]
Triomphe 0-1 Tempête
Ouanaminthe 2-3 Don Bosco
Arcahaie 0-0 Racing G
América 1-0 Real Hope
Violette 2-1 Cavaly
AS Capoise 0-0 Mirebalais
Baltimore 1-0 Racing CH
Round 5
[Sep 21]
AS Capoise 0-1 Ouanaminthe
[Sep 22]
Cavaly 2-0 Racing G
Triomphe 2-1 Cosmopolites
Mirebalais 3-0 América
Real Hope 1-1 FICA
Baltimore 0-0 Arcahaie
Don Bosco - Tempête
Racing CH - Violette
NB: no matches were played after Sep 22 due to civil unrest; the
Clôture season was officially abandoned on Dec 18; there will
be no promotion or relegation.
Table at abandonment:
1.Don Bosco FC (Pétion-Ville) 4 4 0 0 8- 3 12
2.Cavaly AS (Léogâne) 5 3 1 1 9- 3 10
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
3.Tempête FC (Saint-Marc) 4 3 1 0 6- 2 10
4.Violette AC (Port-au-Prince) 4 3 0 1 4- 2 9
5.Baltimore SC (Saint-Marc) 5 2 3 0 2- 0 9
6.AS Capoise (Cap-Haïtien) 5 2 2 1 4- 2 8
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
7.Ouanaminthe FC 5 2 2 1 5- 4 8
8.Triomphe FC (Liancourt) 5 2 1 2 3- 3 7
9.AS Mirebalais 5 1 3 1 3- 1 6
10.América (Cayes) 5 2 0 3 8-11 6
11.FICA (Cap-Haïtien) 5 1 2 2 4- 5 5
12.Arcahaie FC 5 0 4 1 1- 3 4
13.Racing FC (Gonaïves) 5 1 1 3 3- 9 4
14.Cosmopolites SC (Delmas) 5 1 0 4 3- 7 3
15.Real Hope Football Acad. (Cap-Haïtien) 5 0 2 3 1- 4 2
16.Racing Club Haïtien (Port-au-Prince) 4 0 0 4 1- 6 0
Clôture Playoff
NB: cancelled.
NB: season finished in 2020 due to civil unrest.
Promotion Playoff
NB: played in four groups of four; group winners qualify for semifinals;
the two finalists are promoted
Group Stage
Round 1
[Jan 15, 2020]
Olympic 1-0 ASSL
Eclair 1-3 USR
Victoria 0-0 Juventus
Aigle Noir 3-1 ASGG
[Jan 16, 2020]
Lascahobas 0-0 Limbé
Athlétic 1-1 Pont Sondé
Petit-Goave 1-4 Roulado
USCAR 0-0 Inter
Round 2
[Jan 18, 2020]
Eclair 1-1 ASSL
USR 1-0 Olympic
Juventus 1-0 ASGG
Aigle Noir 2-1 Victoria
[Jan 19, 2020]
Athlétic 1-0 Limbé
Lascahobas 0-0 Pont Sondé
USCAR 0-1 Roulado
Petit-Goave 0-1 Inter
Round 3
[Jan 22, 2020]
Eclair 2-2 Olympic
Juventus 1-0 Aigle Noir
Victoria 3-2 ASGG
[Jan 23, 2020]
Pont Sondé 3-1 Limbé
Lascahobas 1-0 Athlétic
Inter 0-1 Roulado
Petit-Goave 3-1 USCAR
Final Tables:
Groupe A
1.US Rivartibonitienne 3 2 0 1 4- 6 6 Qualified
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
2.AS Saint-Louis du Nord 3 1 1 1 6- 2 4
3.Olympic SC (Cabaret) 3 1 1 1 3- 3 4
4.Eclair AC (Gonaïves) 3 0 2 1 4- 6 2
Groupe B
1.US Pont Sondé 3 1 2 0 4- 2 5 Qualified
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
2.Lascahobas FC 3 1 2 0 1- 0 5
3.Athlétic FC du Nord-Ouest (Pt.-de-Paix) 3 1 1 1 2- 2 4
4.Limbé FC 3 0 1 2 1- 4 1
Groupe C
1.Juventus FC (Cayes) 3 2 1 0 2- 0 7 Qualified
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
2.Aigle Noir AC (Port-au-Prince) 3 2 0 1 5- 3 6
3.Victoria FC (Jacmel) 3 1 1 1 4- 4 4
4.AS Grand-Goâve (Grand-Goâve) 3 0 0 3 3- 7 0
Groupe D
1.Roulado FC (La Gonâve) 3 3 0 0 6- 1 9 Qualified
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
2.Inter (Grand-Goâve) 3 1 1 1 1- 1 4
3.AS Petit-Goave (Petit-Goave) 3 1 0 2 4- 6 3
4.USCAR (Carrefour) 3 0 1 2 1- 4 1
Semifinals [Jan 26, 2020]
Juventus 1-1 Roulado [3-2 pen]
USR 0-0 Pont Sondé [3-2 pen]
Final [Jan 30, 2020; Parc Levelt, Saint-Marc]
Juventus 1-1 USR [5-4 pen]
NB: both finalists promoted
NB: season finished in 2020 due to civil unrest.
1/8 Finals
[Feb 6]
FC Toro 1-0 AS Truitier
Depoze FC 1-1 Milan FC [4-3 pen]
Classique FC 0-1 AS Limonade
Roche-à-Bateau 0-2 Solution FC
Leg AZ 0-0 Expert [5-4 pen]
[Feb 7]
JSM Mirebalais 0-0 EPJA [4-3 pen]
Stars 509 5-0 UST de Cayes Jacmel
Expérimenté FC 1-1 AS St-Michel [4-3 pen]
[Feb 9]
Solution FC 2-2 Depoze FC [4-3 pen]
[Feb 10]
AS Limonade 2-0 Expérimenté FC
Leg AZ 2-1 JSM Mirebalais
Stars 509 1-1 FC Toro [3-1 pen]
Semifinals [Feb 13]
AS Limonade 2-0 Leg AZ
Stars 509 1-0 Depoze FC
Final [Feb 15, stade Sylvio Cator, Port-au-Prince]
Stars 509 4-0 AS Limonade
Promoted: Stars 509 (Croix-des-Bouquets), AS Limonade,
Depoze FC (Leogane), Leg AZ (Croix-des-Bouquets)
Ouverture | Clôture
Tournoi d'Ouverture
Regular Stage | Playoff
Ouverture Regular Stage
Table at abandonment:
1.Baltimore SC (Saint-Marc) 4 3 1 0 5- 0 10
2.Cavaly AS (Léogâne) 4 3 1 0 7- 3 10
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
3.Don Bosco FC (Pétion-Ville) 4 2 1 1 6- 2 7
4.AS Capoise (Cap-Haïtien) 4 2 0 2 4- 2 6
5.Real Hope Football Acad. (Cap-Haïtien) 4 2 0 2 4- 3 6
6.Triomphe FC (Liancourt) 4 2 0 2 4- 3 6
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
7.US Rivartibonitienne 4 2 0 2 2- 2 6
8.FICA (Cap-Haïtien) 4 2 0 2 2- 3 6
9.Juventus FC (Cayes) 4 1 2 1 3- 3 5
10.Violette AC (Port-au-Prince) 4 1 2 1 3- 3 5
11.Arcahaie FC 4 1 2 1 2- 3 5
12.Cosmopolites SC (Delmas) 4 1 2 1 2- 3 5
13.AS Mirebalais 4 1 2 1 1- 2 5
14.América FC (Cayes) 4 1 1 2 3- 4 4
15.Ouanaminthe FC 4 1 1 2 1- 4 4
16.Racing FC (Gonaïves) 4 1 1 2 1- 5 4
17.Racing Club Haïtien (Port-au-Prince) 4 1 0 3 1- 3 3
18.Tempête FC (Saint-Marc) 4 1 0 3 2- 5 3
Round 1
[Feb 29]
Cosmopolites 0-2 Cavaly
[Mar 1]
Triomphe 0-1 Real Hope
Ouanaminthe 1-0 AS Capoise
América 0-1 Tempête
Violette 1-2 Juventus
Arcahaie 0-0 Mirebalais
Don Bosco 4-0 Racing G
FICA 1-0 Racing CH
Baltimore 1-0 USR
Round 2
[Mar 7]
Cavaly 1-0 FICA
Real Hope 0-1 Violette
[Mar 8]
Racing G 1-0 Ouanaminthe
AS Capoise 2-0 Arcahaie
Juventus 0-1 Baltimore
Mirebalais 0-0 Cosmopolites
Racing CH 0-1 América
USR 1-0 Don Bosco
Tempête 0-2 Triomphe
Round 3
[Mar 14]
Racing CH 1-0 Tempête
[Mar 15]
Arcahaie 1-0 Racing G
Triomphe 2-0 Mirebalais
América 2-2 Cavaly
Ouanaminthe 0-0 Juventus
Cosmopolites 2-1 Real Hope
Don Bosco 1-0 AS Capoise
Baltimore 0-0 Violette
Round 4
[Mar 18]
Racing G 0-0 Cosmopolites
AS Capoise 2-0 Triomphe
[Mar 19]
Mirebalais 1-0 Racing CH
Juventus 1-1 Don Bosco
Cavaly 2-1 Tempête
USR 1-0 América
Violette 1-1 Arcahaie
Real Hope 2-0 FICA
Baltimore 3-0 Ouanaminthe
NB: league suspended as of Mar 20 due to Covid-19 pandemic and abandoned
on Jul 2
Table at abandonment:
1.Baltimore SC (Saint-Marc) 4 3 1 0 5- 0 10
2.Cavaly AS (Léogâne) 4 3 1 0 7- 3 10
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
3.Don Bosco FC (Pétion-Ville) 4 2 1 1 6- 2 7
4.AS Capoise (Cap-Haïtien) 4 2 0 2 4- 2 6
5.Real Hope Football Acad. (Cap-Haïtien) 4 2 0 2 4- 3 6
6.Triomphe FC (Liancourt) 4 2 0 2 4- 3 6
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
7.US Rivartibonitienne 4 2 0 2 2- 2 6
8.FICA (Cap-Haïtien) 4 2 0 2 2- 3 6
9.Juventus FC (Cayes) 4 1 2 1 3- 3 5
10.Violette AC (Port-au-Prince) 4 1 2 1 3- 3 5
11.Arcahaie FC 4 1 2 1 2- 3 5
12.Cosmopolites SC (Delmas) 4 1 2 1 2- 3 5
13.AS Mirebalais 4 1 2 1 1- 2 5
14.América FC (Cayes) 4 1 1 2 3- 4 4
15.Ouanaminthe FC 4 1 1 2 1- 4 4
16.Racing FC (Gonaïves) 4 1 1 2 1- 5 4
17.Racing Club Haïtien (Port-au-Prince) 4 1 0 3 1- 3 3
18.Tempête FC (Saint-Marc) 4 1 0 3 2- 5 3
Ouverture Playoff
NB: cancelled due to Covid-19 pandemic
Tournoi de Clôture
NB: cancelled due to transition to fall-spring rhythm for 2020/21 season
Ouverture | Clôture
Tournoi d'Ouverture 2020/21
Regular Stage | Playoff
Ouverture Regular Stage
Final Table:
1.Arcahaie FC 17 9 3 5 20-10 30 Qualified
2.Baltimore SC (Saint-Marc) 17 8 6 3 12- 5 30 Qualified
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
3.Triomphe FC (Liancourt) 17 9 3 5 17-15 30 Qualified
4.AS Capoise (Cap-Haïtien) 17 7 6 4 16-12 27 Qualified
5.Racing Club Haïtien (Port-au-Prince) 17 8 3 6 17-14 27 Qualified
6.Violette AC (Port-au-Prince) 17 5 10 2 18-13 25 Qualified
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
7.Cavaly AS (Léogâne) 17 7 4 6 16-14 25
8.América FC (Cayes) 17 7 4 6 16-15 25
9.Real Hope Football Acad. (Cap-Haïtien) 17 6 5 6 21-15 23
10.Tempête FC (Saint-Marc) 17 6 4 7 18-15 22
11.Juventus FC (Cayes) 17 6 4 7 12-16 22
12.US Rivartibonitienne 17 5 5 7 15-22 20
13.Don Bosco FC (Pétion-Ville) 17 4 7 6 20-21 19
14.Ouanaminthe FC 17 4 6 7 11-18 18
15.Cosmopolites SC (Delmas) 17 4 6 7 13-23 18
16.FICA (Cap-Haïtien) 17 2 11 4 17-16 17
17.Racing FC (Gonaïves) 17 3 7 7 12-18 15 [-1]
18.AS Mirebalais 17 2 8 7 10-19 14
NB: Racing FC 1 point deducted for fielding suspended player in round 7
Round 1
[Sep 5]
Racing CH 2-0 Arcahaie
[Sep 6]
Cavaly 0-0 Ouanaminthe
Mirebalais 1-1 Real Hope
América 2-0 Baltimore
USR 1-0 Juventus
Racing G 1-1 Triomphe
AS Capoise 1-1 Violette
Tempête 0-0 FICA
Cosmopolites 1-1 Don Bosco
Round 2
[Sep 12]
Don Bosco 0-1 América
FICA 0-0 Cosmopolites
[Sep 13]
Arcahaie 1-0 Racing G
Ouanaminthe 1-0 Racing CH
Juventus 1-0 Tempête
Triomphe 2-0 USR
Violette 3-1 Mirebalais
Real Hope 0-1 Cavaly
Baltimore 0-0 AS Capoise
Round 3
[Sep 19]
USR 0-1 Violette
Cosmopolites 0-2 Real Hope
[Sep 20]
Cavaly 1-0 Don Bosco
Mirebalais 0-0 Baltimore
América 0-1 AS Capoise
Racing G 1-0 Ouanaminthe
Racing CH 1-0 Triomphe
FICA 0-0 Juventus
Tempête 0-1 Arcahaie
Round 4
[Sep 26]
Real Hope 1-1 Racing G
[Sep 27]
Arcahaie 3-0 Juventus
Triomphe 2-1 Tempête
América 1-0 Mirebalais
Ouanaminthe 0-0 FICA
Violette 1-1 Cosmopolites
AS Capoise 0-0 Cavaly
Don Bosco 3-2 Racing CH
Baltimore 2-0 USR
Round 5
[Oct 3]
Cosmopolites 0-0 Baltimore
[Oct 4]
USR 2-1 Arcahaie
Cavaly 2-0 América
Juventus awd Ouanaminthe [awarded 3-0; not played due to colour clash]
Racing G 1-2 Don Bosco
Mirebalais 1-3 AS Capoise
Racing CH 1-1 Violette
Tempête 2-1 Real Hope
FICA 5-0 Triomphe
Round 6
[Oct 7]
AS Capoise 1-1 USR
Arcahaie 0-0 FICA
[Oct 8]
América 2-1 Cosmopolites
Baltimore 1-0 Cavaly
Don Bosco 3-0 Mirebalais
Triomphe 2-0 Juventus
Violette 0-0 Racing G
Ouanaminthe 1-1 Tempête
Real Hope 3-0 Racing CH
Round 7
[Oct 11]
Racing G 1-1 Baltimore [Racing 1 point deducted for fielding suspended
Mirebalais 3-1 Cavaly player; match not awarded to Baltimore for
USR 1-0 Ouanaminthe "failure to respect procedures"]
Juventus 1-1 Don Bosco
Arcahaie 2-0 Triomphe
Racing CH 1-0 América
Tempête 1-2 Violette
FICA 1-1 Real Hope
[Oct 12]
Cosmopolites 1-1 AS Capoise
Round 8
[Oct 17]
AS Capoise 1-0 Racing G
[Oct 18]
Violette 1-1 FICA
Ouanaminthe 2-1 Triomphe
Cavaly 2-0 Cosmopolites
Mirebalais 0-1 Racing CH
Baltimore 0-0 Tempête
Don Bosco 4-2 USR
Real Hope 2-0 Juventus
[Nov 15]
América 2-1 Arcahaie
Round 9
[Oct 24]
Cosmopolites 1-0 Mirebalais
[Oct 25]
Racing G 2-1 América
Racing CH 0-0 Cavaly
Triomphe 1-0 Violette
USR 1-2 Real Hope
FICA 0-1 AS Capoise
[Nov 12]
Arcahaie 1-0 Ouanaminthe
[Nov 15]
Tempête 2-1 Don Bosco
[Dec 3]
Juventus 0-1 Baltimore
Round 10
[Oct 31]
Violette 3-1 Ouanaminthe
Real Hope 2-0 Arcahaie
[Nov 1]
América 1-2 Juventus
Cavaly 3-0 Racing G
Mirebalais 1-1 USR
Baltimore 0-1 Triomphe
AS Capoise 1-0 Tempête
Don Bosco 1-1 FICA
[Nov 15]
Cosmopolites 1-2 Racing CH
Round 11
[Nov 4]
Racing CH 2-1 AS Capoise
Triomphe 1-0 Real Hope
Racing G 3-0 Cosmopolites
USR 0-0 América
[Nov 5]
Ouanaminthe 0-0 Don Bosco
Juventus 0-0 Mirebalais
FICA 0-1 Baltimore
Tempête 2-0 Cavaly
[Nov 19]
Arcahaie 1-1 Violette
Round 12
[Nov 8]
Violette 0-0 Juventus
Cosmopolites 3-2 USR
Mirebalais 0-0 Racing G
Cavaly 2-1 FICA
Real Hope 3-1 Ouanaminthe
Don Bosco 1-1 Triomphe
Baltimore 1-0 Racing CH
[Nov 9]
AS Capoise 0-1 Arcahaie
[Nov 26]
América 0-1 Tempête
Round 13
[Nov 22]
Racing CH 0-0 Racing G
Triomphe 2-0 Mirebalais
Ouanaminthe 1-0 Baltimore
Arcahaie 1-0 Don Bosco
Tempête 1-2 Cosmopolites
[Nov 23]
Real Hope 0-1 Violette
[Nov 25]
Juventus 2-1 AS Capoise
[Nov 26]
USR 1-0 Cavaly
[Dec 10]
FICA 2-2 América
Round 14
[Nov 28]
Racing CH 3-1 FICA
[Nov 29]
Cosmopolites 1-0 Juventus
Mirebalais 0-0 Tempête
América 1-0 Triomphe
Racing G 0-0 USR
Don Bosco 2-2 Real Hope
AS Capoise 1-1 Ouanaminthe
Baltimore 1-0 Violette
[Dec 10]
Cavaly 0-3 Arcahaie
Round 15
[Dec 5]
FICA 1-1 Mirebalais
[Dec 6]
Violette 1-1 Don Bosco
Juventus 1-3 Cavaly
Triomphe 2-1 AS Capoise
USR 1-0 Racing CH
Ouanaminthe 2-1 Cosmopolites
Arcahaie 0-0 Baltimore
Tempête 4-1 Racing G
Real Hope 1-1 América
Round 16
[Dec 12]
Cosmopolites 0-0 Triomphe
[Dec 13]
Racing CH 2-0 Tempête
Mirebalais 1-0 Arcahaie
América 1-0 Ouanaminthe
Racing G 0-1 Juventus
Cavaly 1-1 Violette
AS Capoise 1-0 Don Bosco
Baltimore 1-0 Real Hope
Round 17
[Dec 19]
FICA 2-1 Racing G
[Dec 20]
Arcahaie 4-0 Cosmopolites
Don Bosco 0-3 Baltimore
Juventus 1-0 Racing CH
Ouanaminthe 1-1 Mirebalais
Real Hope 0-1 AS Capoise
Triomphe 1-0 Cavaly
Violette 1-1 América
Tempête 3-0 USR
Final Table:
1.Arcahaie FC 17 9 3 5 20-10 30 Qualified
2.Baltimore SC (Saint-Marc) 17 8 6 3 12- 5 30 Qualified
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
3.Triomphe FC (Liancourt) 17 9 3 5 17-15 30 Qualified
4.AS Capoise (Cap-Haïtien) 17 7 6 4 16-12 27 Qualified
5.Racing Club Haïtien (Port-au-Prince) 17 8 3 6 17-14 27 Qualified
6.Violette AC (Port-au-Prince) 17 5 10 2 18-13 25 Qualified
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
7.Cavaly AS (Léogâne) 17 7 4 6 16-14 25
8.América FC (Cayes) 17 7 4 6 16-15 25
9.Real Hope Football Acad. (Cap-Haïtien) 17 6 5 6 21-15 23
10.Tempête FC (Saint-Marc) 17 6 4 7 18-15 22
11.Juventus FC (Cayes) 17 6 4 7 12-16 22
12.US Rivartibonitienne 17 5 5 7 15-22 20
13.Don Bosco FC (Pétion-Ville) 17 4 7 6 20-21 19
14.Ouanaminthe FC 17 4 6 7 11-18 18
15.Cosmopolites SC (Delmas) 17 4 6 7 13-23 18
16.FICA (Cap-Haïtien) 17 2 11 4 17-16 17
17.Racing FC (Gonaïves) 17 3 7 7 12-18 15 [-1]
18.AS Mirebalais 17 2 8 7 10-19 14
NB: Racing FC 1 point deducted for fielding suspended player in round 7
Ouverture Playoff
Round 1
First Legs [Dec 23]
Violette 3-0 Triomphe
Racing CH 2-3 AS Capoise
Second Legs [Dec 27]
Triomphe 2-1 Violette
AS Capoise 1-1 Racing CH
First Legs [Dec 30]
Violette 1-0 Baltimore
AS Capoise 0-0 Arcahaie
Second Legs [Jan 3]
Arcahaie 0-0 AS Capoise [2-0 pen]
Baltimore 0-1 Violette
First Leg [Jan 6]
Violette 2-1 Arcahaie
Second Leg [Jan 10]
Arcahaie abd Violette [abandoned at 1-1 in 28' due to crowd trouble;
awarded 0-3 on Jan 15 but that decision was
revoked on Feb 6 and a replay ordered]
Second Leg Replay [Feb 24, Mirebalais (neutral venue, behind closed doors)]
Arcahaie 0-1 Violette
Tournoi de Clôture 2021
Regular Stage | Playoff
Clôture Regular Stage
1.Don Bosco FC (Pétion-Ville) 8 4 4 0 14- 5 16
2.AS Mirebalais 9 3 6 0 8- 5 15
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
3.Ouanaminthe FC 9 4 3 2 8- 6 15
4.US Rivartibonitienne 9 3 5 1 7- 6 14
5.Arcahaie FC 6 3 3 0 7- 1 12
6.Cavaly AS (Léogâne) 6 3 3 0 9- 4 12
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
7.FICA (Cap-Haïtien) 9 3 3 3 5- 4 12
8.Tempête FC (Saint-Marc) 8 3 3 2 7- 8 12
9.AS Capoise (Cap-Haïtien) 9 3 2 4 6- 5 11
10.Triomphe FC (Liancourt) 8 2 4 2 8- 6 10
11.Real Hope Football Acad. (Cap-Haïtien) 9 3 1 5 10-11 10
12.Violette AC (Port-au-Prince) 9 2 4 3 7- 8 10
13.Racing FC (Gonaïves) 9 2 4 3 4- 7 10
14.América FC (Cayes) 7 2 2 3 7- 7 8
15.Juventus FC (Cayes) 8 2 2 4 5- 8 8
16.Baltimore SC (Saint-Marc) 8 1 3 4 6- 9 6
17.Racing Club Haïtien (Port-au-Prince) 8 1 3 4 8-16 6
18.Cosmopolites SC (Delmas) 7 1 1 5 3-13 4
Round 1
[Apr 4]
Triomphe 0-0 Racing G
Ouanaminthe 0-0 Cavaly
FICA 0-0 Tempête
[May 19]
Violette 1-0 AS Capoise
Real Hope 0-1 Mirebalais
[May 20]
Baltimore 3-1 América
Juventus 1-2 USR
Arcahaie - Racing CH
Don Bosco - Cosmopolites
Round 2
[Apr 17]
Cosmopolites 0-3 FICA
[Apr 18]
Racing CH 0-2 Ouanaminthe
AS Capoise 1-0 Baltimore
América 1-1 Don Bosco
Racing G 0-2 Arcahaie
USR 1-1 Triomphe
Tempête 0-0 Juventus
Cavaly 2-1 Real Hope
Mirebalais 0-0 Violette
Round 3
[Apr 24]
Real Hope 3-0 Cosmopolites
Baltimore 1-1 Mirebalais
[Apr 25]
Triomphe 3-0 Racing CH
Juventus 1-0 FICA
Ouanaminthe 0-0 Racing G
Violette 0-0 USR
Don Bosco 1-1 Cavaly
Arcahaie n/p Tempête
AS Capoise 2-0 América
Round 4
[May 1]
Racing CH 0-4 Don Bosco
[May 2]
Mirebalais 1-0 América
Racing G 0-0 Real Hope
Cavaly 1-0 AS Capoise
USR 1-0 Baltimore
Juventus 0-1 Arcahaie
Cosmopolites 0-2 Violette
Tempête 1-0 Triomphe
FICA 0-1 Ouanaminthe
Round 5
[May 8]
Real Hope 2-0 Tempête
Arcahaie 0-0 USR
[May 9]
Ouanaminthe 2-0 Juventus
Triomphe 0-1 FICA
Don Bosco 1-0 Racing G
Violette 2-2 Racing CH
Baltimore 1-2 Cosmopolites
AS Capoise 0-1 Mirebalais
América - Cavaly
Round 6
[May 6]
Mirebalais 1-1 Don Bosco
[May 12]
USR 1-1 AS Capoise
Cosmopolites 0-1 América
[May 13]
Racing G 2-0 Violette
Racing CH 4-0 Real Hope
FICA 0-0 Arcahaie
Tempête 2-0 Ouanaminthe
Cavaly - Baltimore
Juventus - Triomphe
Round 7
[Apr 28]
Cavaly 1-1 Mirebalais
Don Bosco 2-1 Juventus
[May 15]
AS Capoise 2-0 Cosmopolites
[May 16]
Ouanaminthe 2-0 USR
Triomphe 1-1 Arcahaie
América 0-0 Racing CH
Violette 1-2 Tempête
Baltimore 0-2 Racing G
Real Hope 2-0 FICA
Round 8
[May 23]
Juventus 2-1 Real Hope
Racing G 0-0 AS Capoise
Triomphe 1-1 Ouanaminthe
Racing CH 1-1 Mirebalais
FICA 0-0 Violette
Tempête 1-1 Baltimore
[May 26]
USR 0-0 Don Bosco
Arcahaie - América
Cosmopolites - Cavaly
Round 9
[May 29]
Real Hope 1-2 USR
[May 30]
Mirebalais 1-1 Cosmopolites
América 4-0 Racing G
Cavaly 4-1 Racing CH
Ouanaminthe 0-3 Arcahaie
Don Bosco 4-1 Tempête
Violette 1-2 Triomphe
AS Capoise 0-1 FICA
Baltimore 0-0 Juventus
1.Don Bosco FC (Pétion-Ville) 8 4 4 0 14- 5 16
2.AS Mirebalais 9 3 6 0 8- 5 15
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
3.Ouanaminthe FC 9 4 3 2 8- 6 15
4.US Rivartibonitienne 9 3 5 1 7- 6 14
5.Arcahaie FC 6 3 3 0 7- 1 12
6.Cavaly AS (Léogâne) 6 3 3 0 9- 4 12
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
7.FICA (Cap-Haïtien) 9 3 3 3 5- 4 12
8.Tempête FC (Saint-Marc) 8 3 3 2 7- 8 12
9.AS Capoise (Cap-Haïtien) 9 3 2 4 6- 5 11
10.Triomphe FC (Liancourt) 8 2 4 2 8- 6 10
11.Real Hope Football Acad. (Cap-Haïtien) 9 3 1 5 10-11 10
12.Violette AC (Port-au-Prince) 9 2 4 3 7- 8 10
13.Racing FC (Gonaïves) 9 2 4 3 4- 7 10
14.América FC (Cayes) 7 2 2 3 7- 7 8
15.Juventus FC (Cayes) 8 2 2 4 5- 8 8
16.Baltimore SC (Saint-Marc) 8 1 3 4 6- 9 6
17.Racing Club Haïtien (Port-au-Prince) 8 1 3 4 8-16 6
18.Cosmopolites SC (Delmas) 7 1 1 5 3-13 4
Clôture Playoff
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